German “Citizens Council” Calls for Criminalisation of Disinformation
19 September 2024
by Robert Kogon
Trump’s Dead Cat Bounce
18 September 2024
Another vaccine tyrant has repented. Retiring New South Wales Premier Dominic Perrottet has said forcing people to take the ineffective Covid vaccines was "wrong". It's all too little too late, says Alexandra Marshall.
BBC 'Disinformation Correspondent' Marianna Spring worries about Russian spies, trolls, bots and Brexiteers. But most of all she worries "real people" will be "emboldened" to talk about politics online.
The U.S. Government has mandated the use of preferred pronouns in every workplace in America in a clampdown on 'discrimination' against transgender people under the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Even customers must comply.
The Australian state's tyrannical control over bodily autonomy during an 'emergency' was confirmed today by the Supreme Court as it dismissed a vaccine mandate challenge brought against the West Australian Police.
Things are changing fast in Hong Kong. The slippery slope to tyranny has recently proved to be both steep and very slippery since the betrayal by the Chinese Government of its promise to keep the territory free.
'Elderly couple told they had to sell home to house asylum seekers' is a headline tailor-made for the anxieties of 2024. And while the actual story was not so blood-boiling, it still shows our property rights are in peril.
Covid totalitarianism is akin to Nazi totalitarianism, says C J Hopkins, "and even should the German state imprison me for saying this I will continue to do so". Read his powerful statement to the judge who acquitted him.
The anarchy at Pimlico Academy during the BLM hysteria in 2020 contrasts with Katharine Birbalsingh's success in imposing iron discipline and shows the other pole to which multicultural society tends, says Steven Tucker.
Once a tyrant, always a tyrant and those people who during Covid used power cruelly are starting to make a resurgence. The latest is a call to withhold child benefit from those who don't vaccinate their children.
'Public health' has always been the handmaiden of tyranny, casting a veil of 'hygiene' over abhorrent practices like eugenics and genocide, says Dr David Bell. The public must take back control from the 'experts'.
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