Is Facebook Really Committed to Free Speech?
10 January 2025
The Significance of Jordan Peterson
10 January 2025
The modern state keeps messing up in its blunt, oppressive, one-size-fits-all solutions to the problems it imagines society faces because it is run by people with a narrow, bureaucratic vision of life, says Eugyppius.
The WHO's proposed Pandemic Treaty and new regulations will hand it unprecedented powers to declare pandemics, lockdowns and vaccination mandates, with the force of international law, leading experts have told MPs.
Lockdowns have been blamed for a sharp rise in teenage girls in the UK developing eating disorders and self-harming since 2020. Who could have guessed that enforced isolation isn't good for young people's mental health.
Sweden, having famously refused to follow the world in imposing lockdowns and mask mandates in 2020, had the best Covid pandemic record in Europe, a new analysis by the BBC shows.
Government "groupthink" meant it only planned for an influenza pandemic that would "inevitably spread like wildfire" and failed to see that early quarantine would have stopped Covid in its tracks, Jeremy Hunt said today.
Ex-Chancellor George Osborne surprised many at the Covid Inquiry today by coming out as a lockdown sceptic while ex-Chief Medical Officer Sally Davies said "awful" lockdowns had "damaged a generation".
Finally skewered by his enemies, Boris's real failure was to have squandered an 80-seat Conservative majority on Covid authoritarianism and green socialism, leaving even his supporters disenchanted.
MPs can work themselves into a lather of indignation when Mr. Brexit is caught overseeing a hypocritical workplace, but where's the outrage over the lockdowns themselves and the surge in unexplained excess deaths?
A new peer-reviewed study notes that deaths in Germany and Japan were largely normal in 2020 but climbed to very high levels in 2021 and 2022 and suggests the Covid vaccines may be to blame.
Whatever your views of Boris Johnson, ejecting from Parliament the man responsible for the Government's current majority is a victory for the Blob that stains our democracy.
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