What is the Asylum System For?
11 March 2025
Employers Are Afraid to Obey the Law
11 March 2025
How Political Theorists Let Us Down During COVID-19
11 March 2025
The war for our dinner plate and the war on our children's minds are one and the same, says Laura Dodsworth. From mealworm powder in bread to terrifying and indoctrinating children, the climate scare is behind it all.
Sea levels could rise over six feet by 2100, the Daily Mail declared in a headline this week. It's the latest pseudoscientific fearmongering being fed to journalists by activist academics, says Chris Morrison.
Climate hobgoblins have been long in the making whereas Covid ones crawled out of nowhere. But both put corrupted science in the service of tyrannical politics. Now, at last, the hobgoblins are fading, says Tilak Doshi.
Shrinking islands, vanishing polar bears, collapsing coral reefs – the media loves a good climate scare story. There's just one problem, says Bjorn Lomborg: all of these have turned out to be false.
Health authorities have been ramping up the fear over 'Bird Flu' as WHO reports the 'first death' in Mexico. But the Mexican Health Secretary disagrees, pointing out the man had died from "kidney and respiratory failure".
Government advisers now falsely claim never to have supported pandemic fear messaging. Nonsense, says Laura Dodsworth, who kept the receipts and sets the record straight.
We all remember the harrowing "Look them in the eyes" messaging campaign, aimed at terrifying the populace into compliance with Covid restrictions. Now, Dr. Gary Sidley exposes the people behind it.
The planet should be ready for a disease "even deadlier" than Covid, the WHO has warned. Even deadlier than 0.2% fatality rate? Goodness. Fortunately, we have the WHO to lock us in our homes till the vaccines are ready.
The Government's use of psychological techniques to increase fear to boost compliance with pandemic measures destroyed the public's ability to consent to vaccines, the Chairman of the UK Council for Psychotherapy has said.
Matt Hancock's calls to “frighten the pants off everyone" and "deploy the new variant" are new lows in the already incredibly sordid tale that is the Lockdown Files.
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