News Round-Up
6 January 2025
Musk Says Farage “Doesn’t Have What It Takes” to Lead Reform
5 January 2025
Watch a Government Minister admit to Dan Hannan that the Covid vaccines did not prevent transmission, prompting Hannan to ask: "So why the hell did we force them on to young people? Why did we insist on vaccine passports?"
"I’m not a Covid conspiracy theorist. I was right." Allison Pearson defends her pandemic record against detractors who still haven't noticed that sceptics got it right and conformists were consistently wrong.
Colds, flu and Covid are mainly spread through the air and not by sharing cups and getting close to one another, World Health Organisation experts have suggested in a new report.
The Government has been caught shamefully playing hardball with the victims of Covid vaccine injuries, refusing to settle payouts despite devastating harms, as legal bills mount.
The Australian state's tyrannical control over bodily autonomy during an 'emergency' was confirmed today by the Supreme Court as it dismissed a vaccine mandate challenge brought against the West Australian Police.
A new study from the Czech Republic confirms that Covid vaccines have around zero efficacy against death, with any apparent effect an illusion due to biases in the data, says epidemiologist Prof Eyal Shahar.
AstraZeneca has admitted in court for the first time that its Covid jab can cause a deadly blood clotting side effect, paving the way for payouts (footed by the taxpayer) of up to £20m.
Government advisers now falsely claim never to have supported pandemic fear messaging. Nonsense, says Laura Dodsworth, who kept the receipts and sets the record straight.
Serious problems remain in the new draft amendments to the WHO International Health Regulations, say Dr. David Bell and Dr. Thi Thuy Van Dinh as they provide a full annotated guide.
Children who started school during the pandemic will have worse exam results well into the next decade after losing six crucial months of learning, a new report from the London School of Economics has found.
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