News Round-Up
6 January 2025
Musk Says Farage “Doesn’t Have What It Takes” to Lead Reform
5 January 2025
Why are the mainstream media suddenly desperate to spuriously link climate change to unrelated woke issues like transgenderism? 'Intersectionality' is to blame for the insanity, says Steven Tucker.
All summer long there were "so great rains, that produced greater floods than in the memory of man", wrote John Locke in 1673. The 17th century was full of exactly the same climate catastrophising we hear today.
"CO2 is not a bad gas," says Prof Valentina Zharkova, "the world actually needs more." The climate is instead driven by the Sun, argues the Astrophysicist. "Expect the next 30 years to get colder."
The Earth is about two thirds of a degree centigrade warmer than 50 years ago, but rather than a cause panic, we should be grateful for the lives this saves and the benefits it brings, says Richard Burcik.
A group of senior Swiss women has succeeded in getting the ECHR to declare that addressing climate change is a human right. Yet the Swiss are living longer than ever, even as the summers gently warm, says Ben Pile.
The ECHR's discovery of a human right to be protected from climate change is the culmination of decades of overreach in what human rights law requires at the expense of democracy, says Dr David McGrogan.
If you weren’t already gibbering in your boots at the prospect of devastating climate change, it's time to think again. Apparently, the movement of water from the 'melting icecaps' is slowing the rotation of the Earth.
Climate Change: The Movie, the new film by Martin Durkin, should be shown at every school in the country to disabuse anxious young people of the idea that we're in the midst of a 'climate emergency'.
The ozone hole scare of the 1980s and the banning of CFCs was the template for the subsequent alarm promoting Net Zero. Yet the ozone hole is now back as large as ever, even after a 35-year CFC ban.
It's not just Earth that is at risk from carbon dioxide emissions, it seems. Meet the scientists who worry about the impact climate change will have on alien life.
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