News Round-Up
10 January 2025
Britain “Came Within Whisker of Blackouts” Yesterday
9 January 2025
by Will Jones
Labour’s War Against the Past
9 January 2025
The BBC's new multimillion pound Verify unit is paying an army of fact-checkers to root out 'misinformation'. The BBC should start with its own deluge of factually-dubious claims about the 'climate emergency'.
The Thwaites 'Doomsday' Glacier is exhibit A in the case for climate panic. Yet according to new scientific findings, the ice around it is up to eight times thicker than it was 8,000 years ago.
The Guardian recently reported that 'climate disinformation' was rife on GB News, by which it meant that journalists and broadcasters are asking questions about Net Zero instead of swallowing the green propaganda whole.
The Washington Post recently reported that climate change has raised the risk of flight turbulence. In fact, the number of accidents or injuries per flight due to turbulence has fallen dramatically in the last 30 years.
According to a recent poll, more than 50% teens think the world will end in their lifetimes. Fourteen year-old Jack Watson thinks he knows why: no lesson is complete without a dose of climate alarmism, including French!
The data shows that see levels have been falling in Scandinavia for over 100 years. Yet the IPCC has somehow managed to conjure up a model showing it rising. The Daily Sceptic's Chris Morrison investigates.
The climate alarmists are sounding their annual warning about global temperatures breaching the 1.5°C threshold ‘within five years’. Chris Morrison, the Daily Sceptic's Environment Editor, is not convinced.
The credibility of the IPCC has been dealt a damaging blow with new research showing that 42% of its climate scenarios rely on extreme rises in future temperature that even it believes are of "low likelihood".
Scientists are discovering more about the role undersea volcanoes play in driving global temperatures, but the media don't want to know.
"No one is safe until everyone is safe", "global health is local health" – the slogans merging pandemic and climate 'emergencies' to justify reinforcing globalist power structures are cropping up everywhere.
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