Come, Ethical Bombs…
10 March 2025
by Ben Pile
Mark Steyn Has the Last Laugh
9 March 2025
by Tilak Doshi
How did managing an 'asymptomatic disease' become the focus of Government policy when, according to a senior research scientist, the concept makes so little sense?
A new Oxford study claims to show the vaccines working. But a closer look reveals some strange features, plus a confirmation of the troubling post-jab infection spike, leaving us with more questions than answers.
Many people struggle to accept that lockdowns don't have any impact on Covid outbreaks. After all, isn't it obvious that keeping people apart stops the spread? Here are seven peer-reviewed studies that say no, it's not.
Norman Fenton, Martin Neil and Scott Mclachlan, computer scientists at Queen Mary, have done an analysis of how many asymptomatic people there are with COVID-19. Their conclusion: not one in three, but one in 19.
Why does Wikipedia's COVID-19 page claim 14% of infections are "severe" and 5% are "critical"? Worse, why does the US CDC say the same? Why aren't they following the up-to-date data, which puts global IFR at 0.15%?
by Oliver May New variants are of no concern. There is no need to cancel summer holidays. Millions vaccinated, coupled with immunity from millions of prior infections means we can surf on the crest of the third wave, rather than being remotely concerned about it. In fact, the UK should open now. And vaccine passports, certificates, or whatever name they are being given, will do nothing to improve the health of the population – all headlines we have read and heard over the past week or so. Except, we haven’t. We have heard and read the opposite. And we are instilled with fear from TV and radio adverts, complete with ‘that scary voice’ all too eager to give listeners nightmares, be it your impressionable primary-school-aged daughter, or a frail older lady now terrified into wearing a mask outside while waiting for a bus with no one within a 50-metre radius. But the reality is that the above headlines could have been written – and all based on science. Jayanta Bhattacharya is a Professor of Medicine at Stanford University and one of the co-authors of the Great Barrington Declaration, the report that called for the focused protection of the vulnerable and no lockdowns, signed by almost 14,000 medical and public health scientists, nearly 42,000 medical practitioners and close to 765,000 concerned ...
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