News Round-Up
19 March 2025
Trump and Putin Agree 30-Day Ukraine Partial Ceasefire
18 March 2025
by Will Jones
Sensational new discoveries arising from long-forgotten early aerial photographs indicate that ice has remained stable and even grown slightly since the 1930s over a 2,000 km stretch of East Antarctica.
Last year UN chief Antonio Guterres visited Samoa and filmed a deserted house that he claimed was abandoned due to climate change. In fact it was the tsunami. This is not the first time Guterres has misinformed the public.
The BBC has run a story claiming UK spring temperatures are up 1.8°C. It's alarmist agitprop straight from a Green Blob press release and it doesn't check out when you look at the facts, says Chris Morrison.
Theresa May's ex-Chief of Staff Lord Barwell has been issuing implied threats against the Daily Sceptic over our climate coverage. It says it all about elite derangement as Net Zero faces a humiliating global collapse.
Eight billion humans living on the Earth breathe out two pounds of CO2 every day, yet Net Zero fanatics have long argued that this gas of all planetary life is a pollutant. Chris Morrison sets the record straight.
The EPA has asked the US Government to declassify CO2 as a dangerous pollutant. Net Zero is dead, says Chris Morrison – but the diehards live on, helped by vast amounts of Chinese coal.
Ignore the alarmist media, says Chris Morrison: wildfires across southern Europe fell for the second year in succession and are running below average. In fact, 2024 was the 10th lowest year since 1980.
Sensational new findings published in Nature reveal that wildfires are occurring at less than a quarter of their historic rate. This blows the politicised wildfire climate change scam out of the water, says Chris Morrison.
Evidence continues to grow that onshore wind turbines are causing heavy ecological carnage, with increasing concern focused on the removal of a vast tonnage of insect life, says Chris Morrison.
Sensational new scientific findings point to the Hunga Tonga eruption as the prime suspect in the recent spike in global temperatures. No wonder you haven't heard about this in the mainstream media, says Chris Morrison.
After a science paper in Nature found the Gulf Stream isn't getting weaker, the BBC couldn't allow such a reassuring fact to stand. When will the media let the truth get through, asks Chris Morrison.
Solar farms are an ecological disaster. Birds frequently fly into them, mistaking them for water, while electrocution and incineration are common. But you won't hear about this in the mainstream media, says Chris Morrison.
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