An NHS hospital is being sued after it hauled a popular nurse over the coals for calling a six-foot transgender paedophile “Mr” – despite him lunging at her and calling her a “n*****”. The Mail has the story.
Like all good nurses, Jennifer Melle projects a mixture of benevolence and calm authority. Patients greet her warmly as she glides around St Helier Hospital in Carshalton, Surrey, dispensing smiles and soothing words. For as long as she can remember, nursing was her chosen profession. As a schoolgirl newly arrived from Uganda, she was told by her father that Britain was a place where she could fulfil her dreams.
Taking nothing for granted, she worked hard, gratefully seizing every opportunity. Now aged 40 and a mother of three, she is universally liked and respected.
Not once in her 12-year career has she received a complaint.
That, at least, was the case until one day last year when a burly 6ft-plus convicted paedophile, shackled to two prison escorts, shuffled into Ms Melle’s ward and loudly complained about a urinary problem.
Legal reasons prevent Patient X’s identification, though why this person, who was jailed for grooming young boys, is afforded such protection will doubtless confound many. Not least because that night, in a fit of rage, Patient X screamed racist abuse at Ms Melle – calling her the N-word three times.
She says: “It was terrifying. I’d never been called that word before. And I thought I was going to be attacked.” At one point Patient X lunged towards her, straining against chains.
“The whole thing – the terrible racial abuse, the aggression, which all happened in front of patients and staff – left me traumatised. And I was only trying to help.”
It is what happened next, though, that truly beggars belief. One might imagine that on hearing that one of its black employees was on the receiving end of possibly the most insulting and inflammatory slur in the English language, the diversity-obsessed NHS would back her to the hilt. Instead, her bosses decided she was in the wrong.
In the eyes of Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals Trust, the greater sin was that Ms Melle had referred to Patient X – who was born male but now identifies as a woman – as “mister” and “he” during a phone call with a doctor [about the removal of a catheter]. It was this which prompted Patient X’s aggressive outburst.
Afterwards, Ms Melle was investigated and disciplined and, having been labelled a potential risk to the public, now fears losing her job. She wonders what happened to the “England of fair play” of which her father once spoke.
After being given a final warning by the trust, she received a letter from the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) last month saying it was investigating concerns about her fitness to practise because she “referred to a patient in a manner inconsistent with their gender identity”.
Yet it is one of the ironies of this case that Patient X had exploited gender identity by posing as a teenage girl online to incite under age boys to perform sex acts.
Ms Melle says: “I was put at risk, but I am being treated like a criminal. Sadly, if you put your head above the parapet and speak truthfully on these issues in the NHS, the risk is that you will be knocked down, punished severely and demoted. The message to me during the investigation was that I should put up with extreme racism and deny biological reality and my deeply held Christian beliefs for the sake of inclusivity.”
Culture wars’ excesses abound and to some extent we have grown inured to them. But Ms Melle’s experience, say campaigners, is “on a whole new disturbing level”. Last night there were demands for urgent government intervention.
In an unprecedented legal action, meanwhile, Ms Melle is suing the hospital trust for harassment, discrimination and human rights breaches. It is, of course, a case in which the NHS once again risks being accused of sacrificing common sense on the altar of gender ideology, and follows that of eight nurses from Darlington who took their trust to court after being forced to share a changing room with a biological man who identifies as a woman.
There is also the ongoing case of the nurse suspended after complaining about a trans medic using her female changing room. Sandie Peggie was put under a disciplinary investigation for a year by bosses at Victoria Hospital, in Kirkcaldy, Fife, after she objected to sharing the facility with Dr Beth Upton.
Worth reading in full.
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Good for her
Appalling. I hope she sues them.
She should’ve knocked him out. If someone behaves with such malice towards you then you don’t really have any choice regardless of any professional code of conduct. And it is the way with these bullies that once you put them in their place physically their bravado immediately ceases. They might even start following you around like a lapdog.
Reality Derangement Syndrome runs strong and deep in modern Western bureaucracies. This is because such bureaucracies have long since given up serving the public, and now fundamentally serve themselves. This manifests itself in endless campaigns which are designed to multiply and strengthen the ideological controls on those staff members who still have the view that they should be serving the public. This case is a classic example.
Reality derangement syndrome also runs deep in the people who – after 142 years – still cannot get over the fact that a proper civil service was created in the USA to end presidential nepotism and who bring up this stale topic everywhere and at every opportunity, just without ever mentioning while they’re really pissed off about this: It took their government ‘opportunities’ away.
I don’t understand what you’re trying to say.
If you want something meta, it would be: I’m meanwhile quite tired of the endless repetition of this self-serving boilerplate text of the so-called US libertarians, especially as I also know they copied this almost literally from the communists. Minus the clumsier wording and the English language, your comment could have been written by Kurt Tucholsky in the 1920s¹ and meant to apply to the “much too right-wing” German authorities which survived the communist bonfire of German monarchies in 1918 (wrongly regarded as victory in a war in Anglo-Saxon history).
¹ Quoting from memory: Unsere Aufgabe war, gegenüber übergeordneten Behörden zu buckeln, nach untergeordneten Behörden zu treten und mit gleichrangigen Behörden Kompetenzstreitigkeiten auszufechten.
Our job was to bow to the demands of superior authorities, kick the butts of subordinate authorities and engage in turf wars with authorities at the same organizational level. Or: This is because such bureaucracies have long since given up serving the public, and now fundamentally serve themselves
in your words.
This isn’t even criticism as it’s totally generic and just communicates that the author certainly doesn’t know what the authorities in question (“bureaucracies”) are actually doing. But as he’s certainly politically opposed to it, because they’re just the wrong kind of guys, it doesn’t matter that much to him.
Just stark raving bonkers, but it’s the NHS and it’s a flaming laughing stock. Check this out;
”Last month the NHS ran a 150 minute staff conference on ‘LGBT+ activism and social change’, which focused on the ‘power of pronouns’. Dozens of NHS managers attended. It was dominated by this man talking about how terrible colleagues are if they don’t say ‘trans women are women”’
Trying to intimidate a woman in this way is pretty unhinged but absolutely typical male behaviour. So, what’s next wrt “public institutions” in this beautiful country? The CPS refusing to investigate a rape case because the rapist couldn’t have done it as he chose to identify as female afterwards?
Good for her, more power to her elbow.
Such appalling oafish behaviour has no place in any society and must be called out and punished always.
Hospitals are plastered with notices about treating their staff with respect… but obviously not for in-house disrespect.
I’m thinking that discussing catheterising a person with a penis requires the need to point out that they are male, because otherwise if you use a female catheter it won’t be long enough to work properly and will probably be very painful to insert.
On the other hand, perhaps that’s exactly what the deranged prisoner should have had done to them by way of pointing out that their ‘gender’ derangement is not going to help them one little bit.
My thoughts exactly.
This is where biological reality is essential.
He even came from a men’s prison, as if further proof were needed that he is in fact a man.
And are we really to believe that all of the prison staff are required to use female pronouns and indulge this sick perv’s fantasy when speaking to him or they too risk facing disciplinary action? Not likely. Only in an organisation as far gone and beyond redemption as the abysmal woketastic NHS could something as ludicrous as this happen. They’ve plenty of form, after all.
And this lady being a Christian is neither here nor there. It should not form part of her defense, because nobody, regardless of religion, should be obligated to lie and deny biological fact under duress due to threat of job loss. So she should get the same fair and just outcome that somebody who is non-religious is entitled to.
Not ‘them‘, him; not ‘their‘, his. You’re just reinforcing this insane nonsense.
Absolutely right.
Where is the human rights lawyer standing up for her being abused for her colour, or the management or her Union. Disgusting.
I hope she wins her case. A brave woman who has faith. God bless her.
With every event like this, I think to myself,
“Things cannot possibly get any more crazy.”
And then that day ends, and another starts, and I find myself reading about yet another event, and I think to myself,
“Things cannot possibly get any more crazy.”
And then that day ends, and another starts, and I find myself reading about yet another event, and I think to myself,
“Things cannot possibly get any more crazy.”
And then…
Was the catheter down a penis, and to paraphrase Germaine Greer does the patient get blood in its pants every month.
If I was her, I’d resign, get a job in the private sector, and the sue the NHS for constructive dismissal
Who in” the NHS” is responsible. Health is based on science so where is there a place for this aberration.
What people aren’t focusing on enough are the malignant game playing arseholes behind these decisions. They are a menace to everyone and be they managers, doctors or nurses, neither ‘health’ nor ‘care’ feature anywhere on their agenda.
These people need to be identified, singled out and told “here’s a bin liner of your possessions, here’s the door, now fuck off. You’re banned from healthcare for life.”
Hear, hear!
Jennifer Melle, the NHS does not deserve a brilliant nurse like you. Is there not one outstanding lawyer in this godforsaken country willing to represent this woman in a court of law. One who will give her an award for her years of hard work and compassion. If not, I am very sorry Jennifer you have been put under the spot light by your own incompetent government. The people in office are a disgrace.
A massive question for the entire intersectionality movement.
Which Woke attribute trumps another!
In this case its crystal clear, a caring benevolent female nurse, just doing her job professionally, has been abused, and physically threatened by a dangerous pedophile.
Anyone in the NHS who thinks differently does not deserve a job in the NHS, or anywhere else to be honest.
Sounds like a case for the Free Speech Union.
The NHS becomes more unpleasant as each day goes by. It has become a very nasty organisation, totally unfit for purpose. Badly in need of a brutal clear out of anyone who is pretending that a man can become a woman. No redundancy pay or pension. Jail if necessary for gross misconduct and incompetence.