Toby Young was given his peerage for the wrong reason. He deserved elevation to the Lords for his creation of Lockdown Sceptics (as the Daily Sceptic was first known) alone. It was a beacon of sanity in a time when the entire world went mad, one of the few forums where dispassionate discussion about the virus could take place. As an early contributor to the site, I was particularly interested to read His Lordship’s speech commemorating the fifth anniversary of the imposition of lockdown. He cites three reasons why the government of the day committed the most humiliating “interference in personal liberty in the history of these islands” (as Lord Sumption put the matter): first, the desire to curry favour with the metropolitan elite; second, the desire to be seen to be doing something; third, the sheer joy of exercising power. These are all correct, but they miss three much more fundamental reasons.
The single most important reason for lockdown was fear. Both the vast majority of the public and politicians were deathly afraid. There was a collective micturition of such overwhelming volume that it would have taken genuine, principled and courageous leadership to resist. Alas, no such leadership existed on the front bench of the government of the day. The clergy, who might have stepped up to the plate, were as fear-struck as anyone. As a result, a sort of cowering mob rule took hold.
The second fundamental reason for lockdown was the fact that ‘combatting the virus’ was, for a lot of people, tremendous fun. It gave people a purpose in life that they had never enjoyed before. So many today work in pointless and therefore deeply unsatisfactory jobs. How many people have the satisfaction of seeing their handiwork produce anything worthwhile – anything to uplift the spirit, to ornament or beautify or vivify the world? Pitifully few. Here, suddenly, was a cause around which the entire population could unite, a cause that only the stupidest would resist and only the truly evil would deny. This was the blitz but without the bombs. How marvellous it was to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with neighbours one hadn’t spoken to for years to bang saucepans on a Wednesday evening to propitiate the gods of our wonderful self-sacrificing NHS. One thinks of the peoples of the Himalayas who, in times gone by – and perhaps even today in a few of the remotest areas – doing the same thing, beating their pans and wailing at every eclipse of sun or moon.
All this and not to mention a plethora of secondary benefits – the cruel delight so many took in spying on, disapproving of and – best of all – reporting on one’s neighbours; the intense satisfaction so many took in the prevention of joy. No pub rowdiness, no larking in the schoolroom (remember when we were young how we used to have to keep silent in lessons: young people today just have no idea how to behave), none of your lounging around in parks or on the beach, no toddlers splashing around in puddles, no children running around and shouting. And the joy of masking! How safe it made us feel! How pleasing not to have to smile at anyone. The delightful thought that the full force of the law could be deployed against any of those worthless individuals who dared to resist.
The third reason for lockdown that Toby misses is that it was all for free. It provided the Holy Grail of contemporary conceptions of the Good Life. It was free in different but related senses. On the one hand, the government in its munificence tore up the economic rule book to run the largest bar tab in the history of the universe. But perhaps even more importantly, the whole exercise was entirely free of moral cost. This was not mere virtue signalling, this was actual virtue (supposedly) but with no actual effort required. It was ‘virtuous’ (but not hard) to stay at home. It was ‘virtuous’ (but not difficult) to stay two metres apart. It was ‘virtuous’ (but frankly a joy) to be paid for doing nothing much: no pesky children to teach, no discipline to maintain in the classroom, only the conscientious who might turn up online. Bliss!
In all this, what we see in the lockdown mania that swept the world is a contemporary expression of what theologians used to call enthusiasm – a word that literally means the possession of people by a divine spirit. In a religious setting, enthusiasm refers generally to groups of people who claim the special favour of a god who speaks to them directly through ecstasy.
Lockdown, it seems to me, had quite a religious character to it. This was the state attempting to fulfil a spiritual need – that need being reassurance in the face of anxiety. A people without either faith or (in its absence) calm and measured leadership would inevitably look to its secularised tutelary deity – the state – for guidance, protection and salvation. It is no surprise, then, that so many, sensing the state’s ultimate impotence, should have cried out for more and harder humiliation.
Alexander Norman is the author of Captain de Havilland’s Moth, Abacus, £25.
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“It was ‘virtuous’ (but not hard) to stay at home. It was ‘virtuous’ (but not difficult) to stay two metres apart. It was ‘virtuous’ (but frankly a joy) to be paid for doing nothing much: no pesky children to teach, no discipline to maintain in the classroom, only the conscientious who might turn up online. Bliss!”
Speak for yourself. It was the opposite of bliss for anyone who smelled a rat.
Or stuck in small apartments with no garden. Remember those Lockdown love story adverts with everyone chatting on zoom like Turkeys voting for Christmas.
..when we ran ‘Love in a Covid Climate‘ as a sideline on the site! Also ‘Postcards from around the World’, and some light-hearted competition about songs or music, the name of which escapes me, but I think it was won by Queen?
Ah yes, postcards from around the world was great.
I spoke to an estate agent recently, who told me that post covid, there was a surge in house purchases, as flat dwellers rushed to buy properties with gardens. Apparently the experiences of lockdown had scarred them, and they didn’t want to be caught out again.
Yes but that’s his point. For the rich and idle, or even reasonably well off and in well paid employment it was great. For cowards and weaklings in positions of authority it was positively wonderful. He didn’t say it was good in general. It was clearly a total disaster in general.
Perhaps that’s what he meant. I am not too bright; it was all a bit subtle for me.
Good job you’re not being subtle yourself, then.
It was a winning game for some and losing game for many. For me, I was a winner financially (and also getting some work life balance back, eventually) but a loser in that I couldn’t believe that most people seemed to value being ‘safe’ and believe the powers that be would not act in their best interests. Also the fake virtue and ultimately selfish pursuits of compliance. Hard to forgive, even now.
There’s a stray “not” in your post: you surely mean that “most people seemed to…believe that the powers that be would act in their best interests.”
Lockdown was different things to different people, in my view.
To some it was the chance to exert power over other.
To some it was sheer torture (like myself)
And I agree with the author that for many it was liberation from work and the daily grind and the chance to watch movies and do hobbies while pretending to do something for the common good.
This last group I consider almost as hideous and repulsive as the power hungry architects of it all.
Yes I would agree with that.
I still don’t understand the title of the article.
I am glad you said that – perhaps just to show how smart he is with 3 more reasons – but the author is right though. For me, the frustration of writing a very lengthy email to my Tory MP on the second day of Lockdown, 5 years ago, laying out what would happen and then having the dubious satisfaction of my wife saying to all and sundry that most of what I said did happen.
I refused to wear a mask and a ‘look’ was usually enough to stop some pseudo Commissar from challenging me as my wife says that I am threatening – what, after 57 years of marriage! My point is that everyone seemed to be fearful of questioning the ridiculous debacle of petty rules and the appalling damage with closing schools and the supine acceptance of the moronic utterances that came from the ‘3 stooges’ each evening
As a footnote, I threw the TV on the 2nd day of Lockdown and have just celebrated 5 years of never using it again!
My letter was a bit later but all proved correct. Last year I wrote and asked my MP what he thought of my “advice” now. Still waiting for a reply!
My MP, Mrs Safe & Effective Ruth Cadbury, is still chanting the same mantra even as we speak. I saw through it from the start, never wore a mask, used hand sanitiser, got jabbed, reported a neighbour, took a PCR test. The entire episode was torture throughout and it will take generations to recover financially but I guess that was the whole point, to simultaneously wreck the economy and test the population’s readiness for authoritarianism. Very depressing how many capitulated. I’d had 50 years of practice at rejecting main stream “medicine” so I had a head start in seeing through the BS. Even now, in the smoking ruins of Reform, there are still people clinging to the wreckage and thinking Nigel will save us all from the Great Reset. You will own nothing and be happy unless Trump pulls it all apart or something else turns up like a phoenix rising from the ashes
He’s describing those who swallowed the whole caboodle, hook line and sinker, not the resistance. And it’s just fact that for vast numbers (excluding, obviously, supermarket staff, plus delivery drivers, plus workers providing our energy etc. etc.) lockdown was a doddle.
Not sure about a doddle, but yes I suppose a lot of people I know didn’t seem to mind too much, at least to start with.
But it must have been infuriating for Morrisons’ staff handing out 10% discounts on shopping for not only “saintly” NHS staff (in between practicing their little dance routines), but much worse to teachers who were watching Netflix at home rather than teaching kids (who, like the teachers themselves, were at zero risk!)
Corporates fell over each other trying to out virtue signal the competition
I can’t see any connection between the title of this piece and the content. Perhaps I am missing something. The title refers to TY being given his peerage, but the article just talks about some speech TY gave about lockdowns. I don’t see the connection.
I am assuming because he was not made a Lord for resisting the Covid PsyOp. I can’t see that happening any more than Ministers (apart from maybe some that you could count on one hand) looking into the Medazolam deaths.
The article makes no comment that I can see on why the author thinks he was made a Lord (not sure how the author would know that) nor on what the “correct” reason was for him to be made a Lord.
FWIW I suspect he was made a Lord for his work with the FSU, Free Schools and his general support and advocacy for “conservative” causes. I doubt that it had much to do with Lockdown Sceptics.
Tad off topic here. I don’t normally read too much into polls but this is slightly concerning. I think the whole Rupert Lowe controversy is beginning to show. Reform were at 27% just the other day. They’re going to have to pull something out the bag at some point;
Serves them right, they’re just another cheek of the multicheeked arse that is British politics. We need a new party.
They are between the two cheeks of the same arse so that makes Nigel an ………
You may be right; shame.
Mark Steyn was on similar lines regarding Farage today
Yes indeed
That poll always shows them leading. However, they have not progressed, and now they’ve have produced a “Refugees welcome here” candidate for Runcorn.
It staggers me that Labour retains so much support.
Mogs, it’s no good clinging to the wreckage of Reform. Farage has shown he’s positioned himself between the two cheeks of the same ars* so that makes him an a*seh*le as far as I’m concerned. Nigel will do what Nigel always does: lead people up the garden path and leave them outside the door with the boot scraper. I’ve resigned from both my branch where I was Treasurer and from the party where I was a subscriber. Still don’t have answers about where the money has gone but I guess sooner or later Reform UK 2025 Ltd will have to file accounts with Companies House or the directors will be struck off
Wasn’t his dad a lord as well. That must count for something – surely. But maybe it was for his work at the spectator etc. Who knows?
Yes, his dad was a Labour peer and yes I expect his journalism was part of it
I genuinely think discovering Lockdown Sceptic & London Calling saved my sanity. I will be forever grateful to Toby.
Don’t forget the Dellingpole.
Or Brendan O’Neil and Neil Oliver and Jeffrey Tucker at Brownstone and the crew with Del Bigtree on the High wire. I learned so much from these people and today the latter is still exposing the lies surrounding the Pharma industry and the Climate change grifters.
All real journalists, not the mealy mouthed secretaries posing as such working for the MSM and BBC
Not sure about Brendan O’Neil, he asked in 2021 something along the lines of….Are we being too tolerant of the unvaccinated. They didn’t go full blown Piers Morgan but with that remark, flirted with the establishment. When we chose bodily autonomy, they ‘othered’ us and I can’t forget that so easy.
I stopped donating to Spiked! when Fraser Myers attacked the unvaccinated, Piers Morgan-style. There’s never been an admission that he was wrong, let alone an apology. They’ve not had a penny off me ever since.
Don’t also forget the genuine medical experts (some of whom lost their ability to practice) who pointed out what was going wrong, emphasising that well evidenced practice was being defenestrated and that masks, lockdowns, closing schools, cutting the bottom of school doors etc was all utterly lunatic.
Think of the Great Barrington Declaration, think of Kendrick, Heneghan and Jefferson and many others and the foul treatment they were served up with. And still are, especially by Dame Hallett and her shit for brains KCs in her phoney “Inquiry”.
Think of the BBC and other MSM swine who urged people not to consider taking Ivermectin, one of the safest antivirals ever developed, calling it “horse dewormer”.
Think of Lord Sumption, brave enough to point out the evil that Boris and his craven chums were doing.
And Dr David Cartland who has sacrificed so much
Since LS and LC, as far as I’m concerned, Tobes can do no wrong and all is good.
I even bought his funny book.
me too, thank you toby and all here
Not knowing it existed certainly exacerbated my mental health decline during that period of authoritarian hysteria-induced bafflement and isolation. When I browsed through articles afterwards it made me cry to know that there had been so many other people who weren’t trying to placate the vengeful gods who had sent this terrible plague(!).
Anne, I really feel for you. I was baffled as to what was going on at the start because I could see it was all BS but connecting with other like minded souls through the internet, through the Vax Control Group, through LS & Toby, I felt I’d found my tribe. C G Jung said that only 20% of the population is awake and wants to know what’s really going on. A very depressing 80% just want to bury their heads in the sand, stick their fingers in their ears and say la la la I’m not listening
Same here. And for all the like-minded people who posted comments and links below the line. Those links took me to Mike Yeadon; Prof Bhakdi and a great many others.
Me too Nick
Maybe the populace were scared – some were probably but nobody I knew – but the “experts” and politicians were not. They were partying and shagging their mistresses, testing their eyesight.
I agree that people thought it was fun to unite behind something, but that was just useful idiots enabling those who were manipulating them for various evil ends, the exact nature of which will probably always remain unclear but I think we have some reasonable ideas about – power and money, faux collectivism on steroids.
There was a theory in the anniversary article about Cummins driving to test his eyes as it were, being paranoid about Hospitals in London being overwhelmed therefore he made an excuse to drive up north. Maybe he was one of the genuine hysterical hypochondria, unlike those that just went shagging around.
Cummings is a lying coward. He certainly looked very much afraid when he was filmed fleeing from Downing St 10. But after he had had “COVID”, that is, tested positive and then, negative again without anything serious happening to him (or anybody in his vicinity), he obviously wasn’t afraid about COVID anymore, especially knowing that he had now naturally gained immunity against it (this was before naturally gained immunity was denigrated to further covxxing).
Agree. I didn’t see Midazolam Matt looking scared at all until the moment when Rishi side swiped him
I actually think it’s insane that intelligent people would want to vote for a party whose leader was responsible for the tsunami of crimes against humanity that ensued back in March 2020. It is totally and utterly illogical because I’d bet any money that they’d try it again at some point if they felt confident the majority would fall in line once more, but the truth is too many see through the scam now and they’d never be able to get away with it. All leaders that were enforcing these inhumane and hugely damaging measures which had zero justification or supporting evidence-base on the general public at the time ( and the many, many vocal supporters in opposition parties and elsewhere ) are psychopaths. Prove me wrong;
”5 Years On: We Can’t Let Them Ever Repeat Lockdowns.
Five years ago today, Boris Johnson went on TV and announced “lockdowns”.
We cannot allow the sheer destruction that unleashed to ever happen again:
NHS waiting lists going from 4.2m before lockdowns to 7.5m now.
Nearly 100,000 excess deaths involving cardiovascular disease in the UK since lockdowns.
Up to 740,000 urgent referrals for suspected cancer missed in the UK.
Excess deaths: from 2022 onwards, a sustained increase in non-COVID excess deaths – with some months showing 10% – 15% more deaths than expected.
Depression and anxiety with NHS data showing a 30% rise in antidepressant prescriptions between 2020-2023, and an increase in suicidal behaviour.
Surging obesity leading to a host of health problems.
Since lockdowns, an extra 740,000 children are now missing at least 10% of school, and an additional 100,000+ children are missing half of their school time.
Reckless money printing, leading to inflation, reducing the purchasing power of the pound in your pocket by almost 25% since 2020.
The biggest transfer of wealth from ordinary people to a tiny class of the super-rich in history – the world’s billionaires getting richer by $3.9 trillion.
500,000 UK small businesses lost since 2020.
3.8m people denied furlough while being banned from working.
40,000 experienced care workers forced from their livelihoods by an immoral mandate.
Delays in the education and social development of children and young people.
The lonely deaths and unattended funerals.
The distress of the elderly locked up in care homes, isolated at home, or victims of ‘end of life’ protocols.
The vaccine-injured and bereaved now living with the consequences.
The ordinary people given ruinous fines for “breaking rules”.
£920bn added to the national debt, to be paid by us, our children and their children.
What was disastrous in the UK was downright catastrophic in poorer parts of the world:
Disruptions in nutrition programs leading to over 100,000 additional child deaths in 2020.
Disruptions in tuberculosis treatment in 2020 alone causing an additional 500,000 deaths worldwide.
Interruptions in malaria treatments contributed to hundreds of thousands of excess deaths.
500 million people pushed into poverty worldwide, with 97 million people in the developing world pushed into extreme poverty in 2020 alone.”
‘…but the truth is that too many would see through the scam now and they’d never be able to get away with it…’
Net zero is pronbably already a more damaging scam than Covid lockdowns were, yet the juggernaut rumbles on, led by a Marxist who is very much ‘getting away with it’
Hardly comparable. If people have lived through one pretend ‘deadly virus pandemic’ then the scales fell from their eyes ( or they just got severely injured by the death jabs they never needed ) then they’re bound to be wise to the next faux-pandemic. It’s hardly likely to have anywhere near the same fear factor and ‘scare the pants off people’, as was integral to the masses behaving with bovine-like obedience first time around.
Anyway, what you doing meddling with my posts again? Did I have a wayward apostrophe or grammatically incorrect punctuation mark, or something….?
I agree it’s not comparable. Net Zero is a more subtle scam.
Cause and effect conflation? Net Zero will be much more damaging than lockdowns, and just like lockdowns, it arises from lies which not enough people challenge or resist
Yes I totally agree with you – I just think a “deadly pandemic – it will kill us all!!!” is hard to get away with for an extended period because people do actually eventually notice that not enough people are dying. The predicted catastrophe from Net Zero is further away so easier to fudge the issue.
The good thing is that the world isn’t falling for it. Ok, the UK and Germany are leading with their chins, but the USA and just about everywhere East of Belgrade and south of Cyprus don’t give a flying …..
I opened your Comment in the back end of the IT system so I could cut and paste the quote, that’s the only reason it shows up as being moderated. This time ..
Minor point – it was Thursday nights with the clapping. Our little cul-de-sac moved to coming out with a glass of wine for a chat, which we still do 5 years later.
I didn’t discover Lockdown Sceptics until well into 2021. I did however slug it out incognito on a scientific platform frequented previously…
…Scroll past the article and down to the third comment, “London Calling,” by Edward R Murrow III. Bit of a period piece, I suppose.
Overwhelming number of lockdown true believers on the site – at the time, felt like going off into online No-Man’s Land at night. Remnants of the forces of Major Phillips and the mysterious Colonel Marko still there in significant numbers, but the forward observation post and dugout are long gone.
wonderful, just read your terrific and terrifically written comment . by the now famous Edward R Murrow III.
Here is a classic slippery-slope in action
Good spot.
Always to be kept in mind here: None of these people wants to ban smoking Marihuana, they typically want it legalized instead. And that’s despite the chemical outcomes of burning one kind of plant can’t be much different from the chemical outcomes of burning another kind of plant.
Excellent point.
I do not believe the Politicians and the Elites like Neil Ferguson, the Whitehall civil servants were at all in fear, if they were how come they were caught out on numerous occasions putting the masks on for the cameras, then taking them off when they thought the cameras were off. The sneaky shagging by Ferguson and Hancock, and of course the little get togethers, the Party’s where no masks, no distancing because they knew there was nothing to be afraid of. In reality all they were afraid of was being the one to let the cat out of the bag that this was really the flu, it was not dangerous to the majority, but it was all a theatrical sham to see if world leaders and their puppet masters could start a great World Reset take over.
The only fear was that perpetrated by these bast—- on the idiotic and the gullible in order to achieve their own aims, and the sickening thing is these pieces of sh1t are still in position or have gone on to greater things with their paymasters.
I think some were scared initially. I think some had been told by ‘Intelligence’ that it was a lab-made bug and very deadly. They then discovered that it pretty much only killed old and frail people just like most other bugs. They didn’t want to say ‘Oops silly us. Go back to normal.’ so they kept the lockdown rules in place but treated them (and us) with the contempt they felt was deserved.
After that they were in fear only of getting rumbled
It still is their greatest fear, hence the sham ‘Covid Enquiry’.
I hope they are worried though most of their folly and evil has been in plain sight and nobody much seems to care so maybe they figure they have got away with it
But maybe Fauci with get his comeuppance because those Biden pardons were apparently not known to him and done by AUTOPEN, so in the hands of a judge.
More hope in the US than here, for sure
Surely by now, all those who were fined for sitting on a park bench etc (nothing) should have their fines rescinded. Some on here say it was all guidance and the trick was to get private firms to enforce distancing, masks etc; how then, when private Gyms defied the orders the council & plod was there to close the premises down. Either way it was pseudoscience and they should have their money back.
On this basis the great majority of the population are gullible idiots. Interesting viewpoint.
Worth remembering the same Neil “Professor Pantsdown” Ferguson’s only recorded truthful statement.
After considering the CCP’s treatment of their plebs and noting that this sort of treatment of plebs was easy under a Commuist dictatorship, he and his Imperial College scum chums considered what was then happening in Lombardy (after many flights from Wuhan had landed) and pointed out, in Ferguson’s words:- “WE REALISED WE COULD GET AWAY WITH IT”.
No, no! At least two metres apart!
Did we actually expect him to be given a peerage for been a right pain in the bum (quite rightly) from those driving the narrative? I always wondered if they gave him a peerage in some vain attempt to control him.
I think it was in spite of rather than because of his opposition to lockdowns. He’s a member of the Conservative Party, has usually been positive about Badenoch who nominated him, and supports mainstream conservative positions on most things.
Yes, they loved their position of authority. It gave them an excuse to lord it over everyone with no repercussions. And the arrogance with which they now deny they did anything wrong is the final kick in the face to the hoi polloi. Why isn’t there a public inquiry into the abuse of power by the politicians, the police and public health panjandrums who organised this collapse of what has now become broken Britain? They are responsible, and they are accountable and if not them, then who? Some DS readers will be aware of The People’s Covid Inquiry chaired by Michael Mansfield KC. I’ve only briefly looked at the website so I can’t comment as to whether it pulls its punches or not, but since it has had little mainstream media coverage I guess not. Lord Young needs to champion a Royal Commission or something that is truly independent of vested interests. The establishment can’t be relied on to mark its own homework.
How, in this country, does anyone get to achieve “something that is truly independent of vested interests”? Not satire, genuine question.
Difficult I grant you. Usually, honourable people declare their conflicts of interest before participating in any kind of public duty.
“… the vast majority of the … politicians were deathly afraid.”
Rubbish. They were not afraid. I met very few people who were afraid.
However, I agree with the author’s reasons 2 and 3.
I agree with all three of Toby’s reasons.
Me too – agree with all your comments.
People were afraid if anything of seeming like granny killers, or not being able to travel.
Yes you are quite right about travel. There were those, like me, who whilst refusing masks, distancing etc. in general, and arguing furiously online and in person against the lockdowns, acquiesced in vaccination, and also observed associated restrictions in certain limited circumstances, because of the practical reality that otherwise freedom just to attend domestic events, as well as to travel, would have been denied.
As I said to a fellow member of the resistance, after a live recording of the anti-lockdown podcast Planet Normal back in 2022, as soon as I heard Michael Gove declare publicly in 2021 that the government were not in the business of imposing anything describable as a vaccine passport regime I immediately knew that if I was to be able to resume eg.following my football team in person at live matches, then I had no option but to get vaccinated. And I was right to reach that instant conclusion, as my experience as a football fan rapidly showed eg. unvaccinated fellow fans, including those with tickets, were refused entry to Premier League grounds in the resumed 2020-21 season. Attending the Champions League final in 2021 (in Portugal – but you couldn’t get there without proof of vaccination) was denied to the unvaccinated, and ludicrously the maximum crowd was set at 16,000.
It was an appalling time if you weren’t living under sane regimes like Sweden’s.
I went to Sweden in October 2020, as soon as re-entry restrictions were lifted. It was marvellous.
I will always remember a young couple we know, discussing all this long after the even – I explained we’d not been vaccinated and their immediate reaction wasn’t “Oh gosh you old people risked dying from the this deadly disease, how could you?” It was “Oh, well, how did you travel”? Answer was we just waited it out and only travelled to places that required no test, mask or vaccine.
The Lockdowns were implemented because the Globalists decreed that they would be … so that The Great Reset could be fast-tracked following the disgraceful “peasants” in the UK voting for Brexit and the red-necks in the USA voting for Trump and disrupting their slower “frog-boiling” plans.
Debbie Lerman marshals impressive evidence that lockdowns (and possibly the whole scam from inventing the virus to vaccinating the world) were impemented at the behest of the US military.
Oh! Conspiracy Theorist!
It is notable that neither Alexander Norman nor Toby in his speech pointed out that major motives, likely the main reason our “Beloved Leaders” went down this path was to enormously enrich themselves and their close chums, whilst also selling the pale, stale, male Brits down the river and exercise control over the plebs.
They also had the full and remunitive support of Gates, Soros, Schwab, Collins, Fauci, Farrar and all the rest who had been planning this all along.
It seemed to meet at the time, that the imposed measures reflected what an immature society we had become. Zero death was not an option and we had faced similar threats before without this hysteria.
The single most reason for lockdowns all over the World is that the ‘Covid’ was changed from a health issue to a military issue – hence the jettisoning of the original Pandemic Preparedness Strategy, the changing advice about masks, not panicking, etc. Trump signed off on Warp Speed, the U.K. had Rescript and Broadshare.
For more details see both articles:
Sooper article! Unless it’s a joke, don’t think “Question Everything” is a sensible command (apart from anything else, it’s rather obviously self-cancelling) but the three reasons
Alexander Norman gives for being against Lockdown are more in its spirit than Toby Young’s own.
Lord Lord Toby Young. Sceptics, a life line during lockdown hysteria and The Free Speech Union, both towering achievements. Double honours.
I don’t remember how I came across Lockdown Sceptic but thank goodness I did as it proved to me that I wasn’t the one going mad!
In those heady days they would even accept an article from members, though this seems to no longer happen and restrictedto comments section. I assume because of the time required for editing such offerings.
These are good observations but for me and probably many on Lockdown Skeptic, it was the destruction and damage being done to peoples lives. Over 25% of small businesses failed never to return many people’s lifes work. The obvious corruption within government spending. The incredible damages that were being done are well recorded in these newsletters. It was no joke and is probably one of the largest crimes against humanity ever perpetrated.
Toby’s work with the Free Speech Union is becoming more important every day our current government is in power with the objective of destroying our free speech. I agree the additional work he has done with Lockdown /Daily Sceptic justified his rise to the Lords, but as the Sceptic has criticised both previous and current government actions, neither government would allow for it on that basis. I suppose in a way that devalues the benefit of being a Lord, but either way Toby is a thoroughly “good egg” and deserved it. Long may he continue his good work.