Migrants will be housed in hotels for years to come at a cost of £5.5 millions a day, the Treasury has admitted, as figures show there are 8,000 more asylum seekers living in hotels than when Keir Starmer pledged during the election campaign to “end asylum hotels”. The Times has the story.
Migrants will be housed in hotels and other temporary accommodation for years to come, the Treasury has admitted as it ordered the Home Office to find cheaper providers and to prevent private companies “profiteering” from the small boats crisis.
Treasury advisers tasked with finding annual savings of £4 billion targeted Home Office spending on migrant hotels in an audit launched earlier this month.
A Treasury document setting out its plan said that “global instability” made it inevitable that illegal migrants would continue to come to the UK so demand for temporary accommodation for them would endure, especially as there were “other pressures on housing supply”.
However, it said that the Government’s commitment to build 1.5 million homes in England by 2029 would help to reduce the use of hotels for asylum seekers.
The document, published by the Treasury’s new Office for Value for Money (OVfM), says companies contracted to find hotels for migrants have “made record profits in recent years, leading to accusations of profiteering”.
It pointed to research by the Institute for Public Policy Research which found that the cost to UK taxpayers of each asylum seeker had increased from £17,000 to £41,000 between 2020 and 2024.
There are 8,000 more asylum seekers living in hotels than when Sir Keir Starmer pledged during the election campaign in June last year to “end asylum hotels, saving the taxpayer billions of pounds”.
The National Audit Office found that putting a migrant in a hotel cost £145 per night, compared with £14 for dispersal accommodation — large houses, bedsits and flats across different local authorities.
More than 38,000 migrants are in hotels, costing the Home Office £5.5 million a day. A further 65,707 migrants are in dispersal accommodation.
Worth reading in full.
In the Spectator, Andrew Tettenborn highlights the emergence of an anti-ECHR contingent among Labour MPs (spurred by frustrations at the difficulty in removing foreign criminals) to suggest that “we may be seeing the beginning of the end for Britain’s ECHR membership”:
It may take a long time. But ECHRexit, like Brexit once did, looks not only increasingly respectable, but likely to be ultimately successful.
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Look at this footage. Outrageous. The UK is El Dorado, with zero deterrents. Quite the contrary;
”This report from GB News’ @markwhiteTV
will do nothing to quell conspiracy theories on Channel migrants. A notorious Afghani went through 11 countries to get a £145 a night hotel room in Britain.
At Le Touquet a French police boat does nothing to stop the migrants leaving.”
Excluding today, approx 1400 migrants in 5 days;
Not only four billion-a-year of taxpayers’ money, but also local communities saddled for years with hundreds of young male migrants with ample scope to get up to no good:
In this instance, the local council brick wall remains, “There is no information to suggest that the accommodating asylum seekers will lead to increases in crime or anti-social behaviour.”
Try telling that to the migrant crime statistics the state does its best to conceal.
Anecdotally no one wants to go out in the evenings any more down here living on the high road down from the commandeered hotel due to increase in petty burglary & general thieving.
Yes of course we’re going to have to accommodate these arrivals. What else does anyone suggest we do? Now that millions are here in the UK what options do we have?
I was told years ago in Hull that roughly a third of the incomers settle & may or may not integrate/join the workforce a third disappear & a third move round the country. We can’t as a country ship millions out – too many here, too late to do anything about it now, too fraught with difficulty & little political appetite. I genuinely can’t get my head around it.
But I would start to insist that learning the English language is compulsory, criminal behaviour will mean deportation & all those who arrive have to do something even if it is litter picking up or sweeping the road (someone else suggested this too). Just keeping young (mostly) men doing nothing is a recipe for disaster & such a waste of human potential (& fertile group for dissatisfaction).
Why shouldn’t they be told to pay back all the money spent to accommodate them, give them phones, health checks etc. etc.? Lawyers should be able to draw up agreements unfortunately same lawyers are quite happy to undermine this country.
”Please ask yourself how fake Asylum Seekers obtain State of the Art GPS Sat Nav, Military Comms, luxury clothes & high powered boat before coming to Britain.
This is well funded, highly organised & all by design military operation.”
Try enforcing that…….
There’s no practical reason why we cannot deport most of the illegals and any legals who have committed a felony. It’s lack of political will and public support that is the problem.
Look at these clowns holding a demo against Reform;
They can bloody well take them in and pay for them with their own money
They’ll always have some excuse to hide behind why they couldn’t possibly house an ‘irregular migrant’ or such – but expect everyone else should bend over backwards!
Hear, hear!
There’s plenty of this sort of footage circulating online about the state of the hotels that they live in, or specifically the outside of the premises. Somebody did a mega thread on Twitter and it was very revealing, but I can’t remember now who posted it in order to find it again. They actually defecate outside in the grounds, throw their trash from the windows etc, they seemingly don’t have to lift a finger themselves. It’s like a big ‘two-fingered salute’ to the hosts! Gross.
Yes, I know I mentioned previously about how they should all have to get out and do some sort of manual labour/community service-type work, in order to earn their handouts because, as you say, having them loaf about with no structure really is a recipe for disaster, plus it’s good for them. I’m sure many actually are willing to get stuck in and not sit idle. Well, I saw a vid the other day at the Wethersfield RAF base in Essex where 26 minibus trips were filmed, taking the men back and forth on trips to the town centre, where they apparently go and many make nuisances of themselves there as well. Play stations, gym equipment, yoga lessons, bus trips to places…it’s mental. They should be doing something to earn their keep, not being treat like flipping guests of honour, FGS;
”One of my followers @Truthhurts101UK
visits illegal migrant hotels exposing the abuse of our taxes & good will.
Here the residents throw their rubbish out of their well heated bedroom windows.
The security guards are indifferent to the disrespect.”
NO! Listen to Rupert Lowe’s courageous denunciation of all those like ReformLibLabCon who just wring their hands and say that nothing can be done because there are already too many here.
Rupert Lowe says IT CAN BE DONE, and he will, if given half a chance, just like the Americans are doing now.
£145 per night means £4350 per month. That’s an insane amount of money for housing a single person.
For comparison: I’m renting a living room/ bedroom/ bath/ open plan kitchen flat for £1050 per month. I should really sublet to the government as I could offer them a real bargain deal and live handily off that without having to work at all.
Someone’s must be completely crazy here if that’s considered sensible use of public funds.
I would be interested in your opinion of this report about the beautiful homes for 12,000 people gifted to the German government by the UK government in 2013, which could have been used to house German families, or even Fake Refugees, but were just left to rot:
The eerie British ghost town that’s been totally abandoned | World | News | Express.co.uk
“Frozen in time for over a decade, an entire town – comprising dozens of huge four-bedroomed houses as well as a barrack-like apartment block, sports facilities and even a petrol station – is being reclaimed by nature.”
“Built by the British government at the height of the Cold War, JHQ Rheindahlen housed up to 12,000 British servicemen and their families from 1952 until 2013. But it’s not in the UK – it’s in Germany.”
There are abandoned military facilities all over Germany and most of them are left to rot¹. This here is technically a suburb of Mönchen-Gladbach (about 5½ miles from town centre), meaning, it’s part of a heavily urbanized area (Ruhrgebiet) and the 12,000 people who used to be living there are probably simply not there anymore.
¹ I was born in Simmern/ Hunsrück which is – for German standards – a sparsely populated (110 people/km², less than half of the national average) rural area and even there, one couldn’t move 12 miles in any direction without passing several large military sites.
Sort-of stupid wording. I meant to express that there are probably no other 12,000 people who could use the housing which was left behind.
Thanks for clarifying that. I was asking because I’d read a couple of years ago about German pensioners being turfed out of their retirement flats to make room for Fake Refugees (The Muslim Army), and one German single dad and his two teenage boys were also turfed out of their flat to make room for The Muslim Army. I’d read that this was happening more and more in Germany, even to Germans who had lived in their social housing properties for decades.
I assumed that Germany must have a housing crisis similar to Britain’s, after ex-East German Communist Stasi Angela Kasner Merkel had devoted her whole political career to destroying the German People by importing The Muslim Army to replace them.
It sort-of has and at least, I’ve also read these stories in German. But the former JHQ Rheindahlen is essentially a small town of its own and it’s probably not viable to maintain it unless it’s actually occupied. Which means by the time the British left, about 10,000 people would have needed to be ready to move there. But this could only have been 10,000 people who were already living somewhere else at that time. And if so, why would they suddenly move to an abandoned British military base?
As I already wrote, facilities like this exist all over Germany. Some are being used for housing or other purposes, typically something like band rehearsal rooms or ‘noisy’ small businesses in an area were nobody minds that. But most are just surplus to requirements in fairly remote locations and left to decay.
I disagree. It wouldn’t be necessary for 10,000 people to suddenly move into those homes for 12,000 people all at once in a mad stampede!
There must be plenty of German families crammed into small flats or run-down houses in German cities who would love the chance to raise their kids in such a peaceful small town, with nice comfortable houses and generous gardens, schools close by, all the infrastructure such as electricity, water, streets, street lighting, everything up and ready to go. Those houses look better than some of the military accommodation in Britain, and surely German families wouldn’t turn them down, especially if they were offered at a very low price or rent, subsidised as social housing.
I think the real reason the German government just left such beautiful, useful gifts to rot is the Evil Green Globalist Rewilding Plan, to herd everyone into big “Smart Cities” where the population can be more easily controlled, and the countryside is “rewilded” for the Elites to use as privileged recreation areas. And Vast Elite Hunting Grounds, like in the good old days of Lords & Serfs, as depicted in that movie “The Hunger Games”.
The Great Replacement cannot be denied any longer ! It’s a definite policy by all parties now including Reform !
The only party talking about mass deportations is UKIP. Maybe Rupert Lowe should join, lol;
You are spot on!!!
Just look at that photo at the top of this article— it tells the entire story, because that overloaded dinghy is NOT SEAWORTHY ENOUGH TO CROSS THE CHANNEL.
None of them would ever make it to Britain on such overloaded craft by themselves.
The only reason they succeed is that OUR TREASONOUS RNLI and others travel all the way across the Channel to COLLECT THEM OFF THE COAST OF FRANCE.
It is our own RNLI and other Border Patrol craft committing these treasonous acts who should be arrested for HUMAN TRAFFICKING.
The dinghy only has to last long enough to get away from French waters and then the Illegal Immigrant Taxi Service – sometimes called the RNLI – will pick them up.
Yes, you are right, but don’t French territorial waters extend 12 nautical miles out to sea? Just look at that photo above. I do not believe it can travel even a mile overloaded like that.
It has been a day to watch reruns of Two Tier Kier breaking his promise made in Parliament to end the use of hotels for the freeloading criminals. And what a surprise – we have to build all over our Green Belt to house the immigrants. A seasoned observer reckons that far from kitting up to go to fight the Russians we should be preparing for a civil war about five years away with no prizes for guessing who it will be against.
I think we should kit out Starmer & Co. to go fight the Russians and put Rupert Lowe in charge of saving the UK.
And put out an International Arrest Warrant for Amy Pope, Director General of the UN International Organization for Migration, for ILLEGAL HUMAN TRAFFICKING, furtively diverting western payments to the UN in order to BUY THE DINGHIES and all other supplies and provide them to CRIMINAL HUMAN TRAFFICKERS, as evidenced by the clothing and equipment the dinghy mob have with the UN IOM logo on them (see Dave Atherton).
She should be arrested and tried at the Hague for CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.
You’re right.
If this Government wanted to stop the invasion, it could and would.
It doesn’t want to; just like the last one didn’t.
If you want the invasion to stop, you have to (hold your nose if necessary) and vote for the only Party which WANTS to stop it and stands a chance of breaking the Westminster Uni-Party, which doesn’t want to.
Why again, are they not sent home?
I have yet to see an explanation of why we have to provide accommodation for migrants and certainly no more than basic accommodation. Surely our largesse is a draw .
Exactly. France does not give them benefits or housing.
Nowhere else but in the UK do they get a LIFETIME of free housing, healthcare, schools and benefits for themselves and their unlimited family members later brought in, without ever having contributed a penny. Their elderly parents & grandparents even get full UK state pensions, no questions asked.
They get more than that in Germany and without having to pay UK prices (which are insanely high for German standards). Green party politicians have in the past floated the idea of turning all immigrants who’ve been living in Germany for six months or more into German citizens (with full voting rights) because of “democracy”. This idea went under quickly after a public outcry but, as the German saying goes, Aufgeschoben ist nicht aufgehoben (postponed for now is not the same as abandoned).
Wow! The so-called “Green” parties have proven to be a real menace to civilisation, everywhere in the West.
I think they should all be ducked in the village pond, as in the good old days. Here’s the surviving Canterbury Ducking Stool:
The punishment of immersion in the middle ages, used for fraudulent bakers, historical engraving, 1888 (photo by: bildagentur-online/uig via getty images)
All migrants, asylum seekers, should be charged, billed, for all taxpayer money spent on them.
Nothing should be free for them.
They say the best ideas are the simplest, as yours clearly illustrates.
I wish you were the Prime Minister, instead of the treasonous shower we’ve had to endure all these years! I would most certainly vote for you, even if you are a Genetically Modified Organism!
Instead of Hotels for years to come, how about this astonishing news from Across the Pond?
Trump Admin Ends Taxpayer-Funded Housing For Illegal Immigrants
“We’re here signing a partnership to ensure that the wasteful misappropriations that have been going to assist the illegal aliens in our country will no longer go to assist them, but instead to assist the American people”