In a move to “respect diverse religious beliefs”, Norwood Primary School in Eastleigh has ditched its Easter service and bonnet parade for “Refugee Week” celebrations. The Mailhas the details.
The announcement has been blasted as “disgraceful” and “shambolic” in online comments, with some fearing that Christmas celebrations will be cancelled next.
Norwood Primary School in Eastleigh, Hampshire, sent a letter to parents and carers informing them that neither their Easter Bonnet Parade nor their Easter Service will be held this year.
Headteacher Stephanie Mander, who wrote the letter, explained that this is because of the state school’s “respect for diversity” and its aim to “create a more inclusive atmosphere”.
She said that respect for diverse religious beliefs represented within the school was the reason behind the decision.
“By not holding specific religious celebrations, we aim to create a more inclusive atmosphere that honours and respects the beliefs of all our children and their families,” she said.
Norwood Primary School is a mixed primary school for pupils aged between 3 and 11, and it has no religious affiliation.
Responding to the news online, one person asked: “Is Miss Mander preparing to cancel Christmas as well?” …
Miss Mander said that the school plans to celebrate Refugee Week in June.
She added: “We understand that this change may be disappointing for some, especially those who have cherished these traditions over the years.
“However, we believe that this decision aligns with our values of inclusivity and respect for diversity.” …
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