Some rapes are committed by the right kind of person. Some rapes are committed by the wrong kind of person. Allegations of the former sort you hear about all the time, as with the alleged crimes of liberal media hate-figures like Andrew Tate, Donald Trump and various members of the Roman Catholic Church. Allegations of the latter sort you almost never hear about, as with the alleged crimes of Pierre-Alain Cottineau, a man of whose existence most readers will be blissfully unaware.
To be honest, given the rather sickening nature of some of the things he is said to have done, I wish I had never heard of this particular individual either. According to recent investigation by the French newspaper Le Parisien, the 32-year-old Cottineau was a member of a paedophile ring operating in Brittany, who subjected extremely young children and babies to extreme acts of rape and torture.
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Underlying glib credos – The Left is right, the Right is wrong; Black is right, White is wrong.
What morally-sickening twerps the chattering classes often are.
It is easy to spot the trend but how is that approach controlled across the wider media? It’s like an editor of editors?
Media groupthink?
Clearly but so little breaking of ranks suggests something else. Advertising control?
Hate not hope. There’s almost no advertising on DS because some gatekeeper body that people use as a vetting agency has effectively blacklisted them. There were some articles about this I think last year or year before.
This sort of bias does not even surprise me.
The left-leaning media consistently covered up all sorts of atrocities. This has been going on for at least a century. Large sections of the leftist intellectuals sang praises of the Soviet Union back in the 1930’s extolling its virtues as the workers’ paradise while hundreds of thousands of Soviet citizens were summarily executed or worked to death in forced labour camps.
Likewise, the “protected characteristics” of certain groups of people automatically guarantee that their crimes will be covered up: we don’t want to be accused of racism, homophobia or islamophobia, do we?
We have to accept: there is systemic, legally enforced bias in the system. The media will filter what is newsworthy and they dictate the narrative. The legal system protects certain groups and punishes others. You have to be extremely blind not to see this.
When did you last hear any criticism of mass migration in the mainstream media?
Or of Islam? Or the inherent violence of certain black sub-cultures?
Likewise, the “protected characteristics” of certain groups of people automatically guarantee that their crimes will be covered up
Very good point.
From Jimmy Saville, to Hew Edwards, from Epstein to the Rape Torture gangs, to the crew and the man shown up top, non of the Elite institutions or for that matter the MSM, have any real focus on Pedophilia, and if they do happen to cover a story it will be replaced the next day by a distraction, this is especially noticable on the organised Rape Torture gangs.
Could it be that these organisations don’t really see a problem with children being used for
forced sexual activity?, in fact it would seem that through from the teaching of extreme practices to young children, and you are not really the biological sex you were born as, here lets change it, as is being taught in schools, through to Government funding of trans organisations involving children, that our Elite are fairly relaxed about the situation.
I have said in the past and I believe it is on its way, that rather like the push for the Government sponsored killing bill, we are being in my opinion softened up to accept Adult child sex relations as something perfectly normal, in fact it should be encouraged as part of a childs development. Watch and see I give it 5 years.
Entirely possible.
It is undeniable how certain things have been normalized over the years.
Besides, I have to say this, unpleasant as some members of the alphabet community may find it: historically there was always a connection between homosexuality and child sexual abuse. This fact has been suppressed over the last 50 years due to the strong and vocal alphabet focus groups but nonetheless there is a correlation.
We also have to ask the question: what is the motivation behind the “drag queens in schools” initiatives, if not to soften up the ground for further changes.
Certainly the whole toxic gender ideology agenda is a literal gift for all predators out there, who will always prey on the most vulnerable in society. All of this being made possible by adults of both sexes, who are all complicit in these atrocious crimes, as far as I’m concerned;
“I was just a confused bisexual 16 year old. I ended up being groomed by a 40 year old transwoman who convinced me I made a ‘cute boy.’
I have constant suicide ideation, and I just want this nightmare to end.”
”A prominent gay politician who was arrested for possession and distribution of child pornography last fall has committed suicide after having admitted to the charges. Mikkel Eskil Mikkelsen, a former member of the Sámi Parliament, was arrested in November for acquiring images of children being sexually assaulted, and had led the Norwegian Sametinget’s work on gender identity reform.”