“Terrifying” guidance issued by a Scottish watchdog says that girls in care should share rooms with boys who self-ID as female. The Mail has the details.
In the latest development of Scotland’s single-sex scandal, the Care Inspectorate says looked-after transgender children “should not be made to use the toilet or bedroom of their sex assigned at birth”.
The edict adds that trans youngsters should be able to “share a room with other young people who share their gender identity”. …
Helen Joyce, Director of Advocacy at human rights charity Sex Matters, called the guidance “a terrifying failure of the state’s duty to protect some of Scotland’s most vulnerable young people”. …
Research from the University of Stirling in 2019 showed that in Scotland, the majority of children who have been removed from their parents have endured maltreatment or neglect.
According to the Cass Review published last year, there is a high presentation of children who have had adverse childhood experiences and those who are “looked after” among the transgender population.
In light of those findings, the Care Inspectorate published updated guidance for care workers and accommodation providers in May 2024.
It said it supports schools guidance issued by the Scottish Government which states that a transgender youngster should not be made to use the toilet or bedroom of their biological sex.
It states that “if a transgender young person wants to share a room with other young people who share their gender identity, they should be able to do so as long as the rights of, and risks to, all those involved are considered and respected”.
In a move which critics believe displays a chilling lack of understanding of equalities legislation, it goes on to say: “The provision of gendered facilities such as toilets is social convention. There is no law in Scotland about this.”
Worth reading in full.
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Argh another language bee in my bonnet!
Sex is not ‘assigned at birth’. Rarely, RARELY, there is a confusion with genital presentation but your sex is NOT ‘assigned’, you’re either BORN male or female.
Beat me to it.
That is one of those insane constructions whose only useful purpose is to advise one that one is reading a piece of moral horseshit written by an intellectual and moral pygmy.
Indeed. It’s determined by God or Fate at conception as I understand it.
What could possibly go wrong. It likely already has.
sex assigned at birth
How does this work in madleft clown-world? Do the midwives have a box of penises (blue, presumably) and another both of vaginas (pink, presumably)? Do they then pick a penis or vagina at random, and “assign” them to new-born infants?
How did the madleft get itself into the situation where it supports female erasure?
It’s a logical consequence of the peverted-christian theory behind this which decrees that humans are not animals and thus, have no innate properties whatsoever.
No end in sight to state-sponsored perversion, degeneracy and facilitation of sex-crimes.
It is what I would expect from a country where the men traditionally wear skirts.
It should also be understood that the kilt is an immensely useful piece of outdoor clothing. Warm yet ventilated enough to prevent sweat and moisture build up, and very versatile.
Plus they’re a hit with the ladies, they love guessing what’s underneath…
Fake Girls Threaten Real Girls
Fake shit threatens real stuff.
That’s the 21st century for you.
So basically the Scottish state will be complicit in the sexual abuse of vulnerable girls.
Just like Rotherham police was also complicit in the sexual abuse of vulnerable girls.
And the general population still believes that the state is there to protect them!
Well, there has been an exodus of members from the SNP of late, and many Nationalists are now dead against them and their insane views.
Sadly, there are still far too many whose knowledge of the SNP starts and ends at the fact it has “Scottish National” in the name, and vote for them on that basis alone.
Toilets and similar facilities are not gendered but segregated by sex which is – as the Care Inspectorate has aptly observed – a social convention in our society which its members voluntarily created for themselves. So, what’s the Care Inspectorate’s mandate for dismantling this against the will of the people who created it? They really believe the state ought to extend itself into private toilet facilities and mandate that these must not be used as their owners intended them to be used?
I went to the daily mail article and they have wiped out all comments, so afraid of the Trans Terrorists. Despite being open for opinions.
“It said it supports schools guidance issued by the Scottish Government”
Enough said .