Any electrician knows that Lego bricks are genderless, not ‘heteronormative’, because each can ‘mate’ with any other. But it seems members of the Science Museum’s Gender and Sexuality Network are ignorant of this. Perhaps they should study for an electrical qualification, suggests Baroness Nicholson of Winterbourne in a letter to the museum’s Director, posted on X. “It may avoid further such curatorial calumnies and supplement their skillset with something useful.”
Here’s the hilarious letter in full.
Dear Sir Ian
According to an article in the Times, your ‘Stories of Queer Communities, Experiences and Identities’ tour says that Lego reinforces heteronormativity because, “The top of the brick with sticking out pins is male, the bottom of the brick with holes to receive the pins is female, and the process of the two sides being put together is called mating.”
Lego bricks are, however, hermaphroditic. Their mating surfaces have simultaneous male and female aspects, with complementary matching parts each containing both protrusions and indentations. Such mating surfaces are mounted into identical fittings which can freely mate with any other, without regard for gender. Apprentice electricians know such connections to be ‘genderless’. What could possibly be queerer?
Perhaps you could arrange for the members of the Science Museum’s Gender and Sexuality Network to pursue a City and Guilds Technical Certificate in Electrical Installation. It may avoid further such curatorial calumnies and supplement their skillset with something useful.
Baroness Nicholson of Winterbourne

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Tuesday Morning Sopwith Rd & Harvest Ride Warfield Bracknell
Big Pharma – Big Money – Big Lies
“Court gives Gazans right to settle in UK” – Palestinian migrants have been granted the right to live in the UK after applying through a scheme meant for Ukrainian refugees, says the Telegraph.
Government of the people by the human rights lawyers for the migrants.
Betrayal of a millenium of invasions kept at bay from 1066 onwards, all the way through to 1940, by the Edwards and the Henrys, Drake, Nelson, Wellington, a couple of Churchills, and diverse Armies, Royal Navies and Air Forces of the past.
Time for a man with a metaphorical sharp axe to rid us of these betrayers of the British people, masquerading as human rights barristers under cover of the European Court.
The Kommissars in fancy-dress wigs Must Fall.
Not wanted here, thank you very much.
It is betrayal on steroids, but nothing should come as a surprise any more with the Uniparty running the show. The government should be using common sense, as with Trump. These people should be going to culturally appropriate countries, which would be the neighbouring Muslim lands over there. And if they don’t accept them withdraw aid, as per Trump. But Britain, and most of Europe, has been in the slo-mo process of committing cultural suicide via ‘suicidal empathy’ for years now. We also see the proof with these ridiculous reasons why illegals and migrant criminals can’t be deported. The reasons given would be laughable if it weren’t so serious. Do you really need more radicalised hostile jihadis, terror threats, rapes and stabbings in British society? More strain on resources and services, native British young people even less likely to get on the property ladder? The government and judiciary hate the British citizens. That’s about the size of it. But those of us who are clued up knew this for some time now;
I suspect hen’s teeth are easier to come by than a judge or human rights lawyer who is a patriot. Migrants get more rights than citizens, their needs taking priority over the indigenous folk who have paid into the system for many years;
”Before the election, Labour, Lib Dem, Green, and SNP MPs held a debate to advocate for a Palestinian refugee programme in the UK.
Then-shadow Immigration Minister Stephen Kinnock confirmed Labour had one planned.
Turns out they don’t need to.
A family of six seeking to flee Gaza have been granted family reunification visas to join their brother in the UK, after leftist judge Hugo Benedict Norton-Taylor ruled that the Home Office’s rejection of their application breached Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights.
Norton-Taylor said the “extreme and life threatening” circumstances of the family outweigh the “public interest” of immigration restrictions.
(Why Palestinians are protected by the European Convention is a contradiction they don’t care about…)
They applied using the Ukraine scheme’s form in January 2024 — meaning anyone from Gaza or any warzone in the world with a tenuous link to Britain (via prior migration) can come here using “human rights” law.
Reminder: the vast majority of Palestinians support Hamas, who hate Britain just as much as Israel, for religious and imperial reasons.
Britain’s judges, civil servants, and politicians are actively increasing the likelihood of terror attacks by importing people who hate us.
It’s not compassionate to those of us with nowhere else to go as things get worse, who have to pay for all this.”
Same judge. I wonder how many paedos he’s also allowed to walk. It wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest. These treacherous activist judges need to be given the heave ho. If you murder someone or commit another type of serious crime you should be entitled to precisely zero human rights. Jail time then kicked out of the country;
”A REFUGEE who murdered his wife and lied he was bisexual to stay in Britain dodged deportation under Europe’s human rights laws.
He was jailed for a minimum of 12 years in 2008 and the Home Office wants to send him back to Bangladesh on his release.
But an immigration tribunal ruled it would breach rules set by the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, France.
Judge Hugo Norton-Taylor accepted the 40-year-old killer — who can only be named as EH — lied about his sexuality, by claiming to be bisexual.
He told a court hearing the deportation appeal: “This aspect of the appellant’s case is an untruthful embellishment.”
But the judge sided with the murderer’s case not to be deported.
He said: “The appellant is a refugee whose removal from the United Kingdom would violate Article 3.
“He therefore succeeds in his appeal on these grounds.
“It remains the case he is a foreign national offender whose deportation is in the public interest.
“However, as result of my conclusions, deportation cannot be effected.”
Same judge. A rapist was allowed to stay in Britain because his human rights trumped that of his victims and those of the wider public, to whom he remains a danger. I’ll stop here because I think I could go on and on and there’s only so many hours in a day. But how many more judges could we run background checks on and see the extent of their betrayal to the British public? It’s sickening, to be honest, because it just demonstrates there is no real justice, the judicial system working very much in favour of the illegal/criminal migrants ( and their offspring ) who shouldn’t even be here in the first place. Anglophobic British judges. Whatever next?? The below contradictory summing up says it all;
”In their judgment, Upper Tribunal judges Hugo Norton-Taylor and Tom Wilding accepted that Ahmadi ‘represents a danger to the community of the United Kingdom [and] there remains a very strong public interest in deportation’ but ruled that ‘recent events in Afghanistan’ meant sending him back would breach his human rights.”
But how many more judges could we run background checks on and see the extent of their betrayal to the British public?
A worthwhile exercise I think. These people sicken me.
We need to start exporting these treasonous judges.
This is him, here. His father wrote for the Guardian and going by his Twitter posts is very much an anti-Israel terrorist-supporter. So the traitorous apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, seemingly;
Government of the people by the human rights lawyers for the migrants.
Sadly, that’s about right.
Chagos case judge is ex-China official who backed Russian invasion of Ukraine
‘In 2019, as vice-president of the ICJ, Xue Hanqin ruled that the UK should give islands to Mauritius ‘as rapidly as possible’’
Russia, China wish Britain harm.
But there is a difference.
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has ended the ‘Long Peace’ in Europe and destroyed the post-Cold War security architecture in Europe. Putin represents a direct, existential threat to European security and has made no secret of that fact.
China, on the other hand, has benefited from Western Capitalist Democracy.
Britain is, so far, at a relatively (2018 one civilian UK death in Salisbury, several injured by enough Novichok to kill thousands) ‘cold’ war with Russia.
Britain’s defence policy does not yet reflect that fact but should, as a matter of urgency. A defence budget of 5% of GDP is required, paid for by reforms to Whitehall and the public sector, abandoning nut zero.
And this country’s approach to China should be revised to acknowledge the security threat that it represents.
The first step would be to cancel the Chagos deal forthwith and withdraw from the ICJ in protest.
Ukraine may be Russian one day, says Trump as he hints at rare earths deal
Ukraine is Russia, Kyivan Rus, and has been since the 9th century.
Putin controls what is essentially the rump of the USSR
President Trump in fact said:
‘They may make a deal, they may not make a deal. They may be Russian someday, or they may not be Russian someday’
Difficult to argue with that. Ukraine would have combined with a federal, democratic, liberal and rules based capitalist Russia in a heartbeat.
That could happen but not for a very long time now.
Until then, this is the plan:
The administration of the newly elected U.S. President is now realising that the Kremlin is not a structure capable of constructive dialogue based on trust. Moscow resembles Byzantium in its dying days.
Diplomatic methods are ineffective, and verbal agreements are not accepted. The only way to influence the situation is through a show of economic and military force.
‘….to achieve peace, it is necessary to convince Putin that he has been defeated on the political and economic fronts, and that a military victory is impossible.’
Lt Gen (Retd.) Keith Kellogg Jr. 10 Feb. 2025
Meanwhile, west of the Ukrainian conflict, this is what is going on…..
“Writers are our artillery; they clear the path for our infantry and clear the minds where needed.” (Kruschev) openly states that for the Soviets, culture is a weapon.
‘When Khrushchev essentially introduced the idea of cultural diplomacy in the early 1950s, he stated directly “Okay, both sides have nuclear weapons, now we will not obviously fight physically, we will fight on the cultural front.”‘
‘While the Russian Federation aggressively continues to occupy all possible fields, I constantly emphasize to my colleagues in the West that if there is no Ukrainian presence, studies, and culture somewhere, the “good Russians” will immediately take over. They work very aggressively and skillfully at this, both the Russian state and Russian emigration. They’ve always understood this, at least since the 19th century, through the 20th century, and now they are investing colossal sums in culture, seeing results. Even though they started a brutally genocidal aggression, they still manage to explain something to someone, and a part of Western intellectuals may accept this.’
‘Russia continues to pursue a policy of cultural colonization. In fact, even regarding the current Russian-Ukrainian war, historian Timothy Snyder, for example, explicitly states that it is a colonial war. Ukraine remains in the optics of Russian political elites and a significant part of Russian society as something akin to a colony.’
Neo-colonialism is on the march, not just in the Chagos Islands but in a city close to you.
Who pays for all those marches (except the ones with tractors, obviously) in central London in support of ‘Gaza’? What is ‘The Peoples Forum’? Follow the money.
‘No man is an island,
Entire of itself.
Each is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manor of thine own
Or of thine friend’s were.
Each man’s death diminishes me,
For I am involved in mankind.
Therefore, send not to know
For whom the bell tolls,
It tolls for thee.’
John Donne
Donne and Hemingway, a literary partnership made in heaven.
“Starmer EU split as UK ‘won’t retaliate’ on Trump’s 25% steel tariffs”
Correct me if I’m wrong, but haven’t successive UK governments allowed the once-thriving UK steel industry to be sold off to Billionaires from India and China? So it is only they who will be affected by these steel tariffs, isn’t it?