It is silly season for the Conservative Party. We now read articles about what is going to come from the Right side of politics, whether the Tories can benefit from the global Right turn? Out of power, they can be irresponsible, consult think tanks, lick wounds, exchange tweets with Reform: they have the luxury of having suffered the best sort of landslide election, the one where the result is not even slightly convincing.
Let me summarise. Turnout was around 60%. I approximate. 34% of the popular vote got Labour over 60% of the Commons. (The Tories got fewer seats in the Commons in 2019 with 44% of the popular vote.) 24% of the popular vote got the Conservatives under 20% of the Commons. 12% of the vote got the Liberals less than 2% of the Commons. 14% of the vote got Reform less than 1% of the Commons (five seats out of 650). I do not mention all this to advocate proportional representation: for I think that would make politics muddy and untransparent as well as what it already is, mostly after-effects, symbolic victories and defeats, and much confusion.
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