From time-to-time, various architects of the mess we are in come to some kind of nuclear power epiphany. This diversion via some Atomic Road to Damascus occurs because the road to the Net Zero Utopia turns out to be much longer, much more winding, and far more littered with obstacles than green lobbyists and wonks had imagined. Indeed, as a number of greens including George Monbiot and Mark Lynas discovered way back in the 2000s, it is the green movement itself that has been the greatest barrier to zero-carbon power. To an observer and critic of green ideology, the sight of eco-comrades realising that they are each the fetter that prevents the realisation of the others’ dreams ought to be amusing. But this green-on-green violence affects us all, and no destination that they choose, including nuclear power, will take us to a better place.
The latest bunch to join this denomination of eco-protestants hail from no less a place than the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change (TBI). In a report published this week, authors described as “the experts” argue either that there should be a nuclear renaissance or that it is already happening – it’s not clear which.
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