In a move to “respect diverse religious beliefs”, Norwood Primary School in Eastleigh has ditched its Easter service and bonnet parade for “Refugee Week” celebrations. The Mailhas the details.
The announcement has been blasted as “disgraceful” and “shambolic” in online comments, with some fearing that Christmas celebrations will be cancelled next.
Norwood Primary School in Eastleigh, Hampshire, sent a letter to parents and carers informing them that neither their Easter Bonnet Parade nor their Easter Service will be held this year.
Headteacher Stephanie Mander, who wrote the letter, explained that this is because of the state school’s “respect for diversity” and its aim to “create a more inclusive atmosphere”.
She said that respect for diverse religious beliefs represented within the school was the reason behind the decision.
“By not holding specific religious celebrations, we aim to create a more inclusive atmosphere that honours and respects the beliefs of all our children and their families,” she said.
Norwood Primary School is a mixed primary school for pupils aged between 3 and 11, and it has no religious affiliation.
Responding to the news online, one person asked: “Is Miss Mander preparing to cancel Christmas as well?” …
Miss Mander said that the school plans to celebrate Refugee Week in June.
She added: “We understand that this change may be disappointing for some, especially those who have cherished these traditions over the years.
“However, we believe that this decision aligns with our values of inclusivity and respect for diversity.” …
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3 days ago
I’m glad this story has gained so much traction, as it’s being featured in various papers plus many high profile Twitter accounts are resharing it. The more attention and push back against this ridiculous and farcical decision the better.
If you were honestly so conscious about ‘inclusivity’ why would you go to the extent of scrapping something which has been a British tradition since forever? We even did Easter bonnets in the 80s when I was at school. Surely an “inclusive atmosphere” would involve including and celebrating ALL the relevant religious festivals of pupils, not cancelling any. This is pure censorship. So this is a lame and nonsensical reason.
Also, what the heck is an “accredited School of Sanctuary”, when it’s at home?
“The Schools of Sanctuary Network is a broad and welcoming community of schools, Local Leads and community groups across the UK with a shared vision: that our schools should be places of safety, belonging and kindness for all, especially those seeking safety.”
So are they admitting their school is not safe now? Why would any school think they need to do this, but I suspect it’s just another sop to rejecting our long Christian heritage, the faith that underpins our whole society. We do so at our peril, which is already coming to fruition.
The Easter Bonnet Parade is an event which has for many, many centuries encouraged – nay, required! – verbal abuse, physical violence, intolerance of all forms, visceral hatred, unashamed racism, far right extremism and Literally Hitler. It is quite incomprehensible (at least to me) how it has lasted so long.
So, Miss Mander (along with all pillars of society up and down the land) is under a moral obligation to cancel it. She is a brave and principled woman to be the first. Aside from this, her school would stand zero chance of being able to win the accreditation as a School of Sanctuary had she not taken this heroic step.
Please allow me to disagree slightly Mogs. All religious festivals which are not Judeo-Christian must be cancelled, there has been far too much pandering to the heathen brigades.
Well I’m just curious how many Muslim kids there even are in this school. Is it one of them where there’s like six kids then the entire school changes it’s age-old traditions and bends over for Islam? But if they’re aspiring to be one of these so-called ‘Schools of Sanctuary’ then there’s probably a fair few, at a guess. Meanwhile, they’re also coming for the boozers. It’s one thing for churches to be converted due to lack of attendance but pubs??
”A former popular pub could be converted into a mosque. Plans for the former Glen Pub emerged earlier this year, with developers saying there was “no interest” in retaining the site as a pub.
The ex-boozer, in Eyres Monsell’s Hillsborough Road, could become a place of worship if the plan from the Eyres Monsell Community Foundation is approved. The foundation claims the mosque is needed as they often struggle to find ample space for special annual prayers, observances and celebrations.
In planning documents submitted to Leicester City Council, the foundation says the place of worship plan has been made as there was “no substantive interest” in retaining The Glen as a pub. It claimed the site was “suffering from a long-term, terminal decline from which it will not recover” due to “demographic changes in the local community”.
Personally I have had enough of freakin’ rag’eads making the weather in what was once my beautiful country subsequently destroyed by the Marxist uniparty.
My point of view is anarchic. We each do what we wish and what we must, and I hold no allegiance to someone’s definition of the political shape on a map that is supposed to be “my country”.
My recent ancestors (including my parents who live still) were from areas of the world defined variously over time by various different clubs of powerful people as England, United Kingdom, Great Britain, Denmark, Norway, Austro-Hungarian Empire, Yorkshire, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Bohemia, Czechia. Likewise for my wife; Poland, Piast Dynasty, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth… You get the idea.
I currently live in France with my wife and two children.
I propose that what you value as “your country” is really “your ancestors”. They aren’t the same thing. One is theoretical, the other is real.
Drop their labels, they serve only your masters. Or, as one man once said, “Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel.”
It would not surprise me in the least if this school is far from alone in going down this road and we hear about more and more as Easter approaches, in a similar way to when Christmas was coming and there was lots of reports of cancellations of various celebrations and time-honoured traditions. It’s an appalling and shameful sign of the times, though, if this sort of thing gains momentum. Honestly, it’s like ‘they’ won’t be happy until there’s no links to Christianity and all British traditions that have been with us forever have been eradicated.
With this particular story I’d be interested to know what went on behind the scenes and how many teaching staff were on board with this decision. Very sad and shameful affair, though. And yet I’m reading about more and more ‘prayer rooms’ cropping up in schools and Muslim kids not being required to sit through RE classes. They’re coming for the schools like they came for the churches.
Make of this what you will, regarding a ‘School of Sanctuary’.. And I agree with this Muslim;
”Concerns were also raised by those living in Eastleigh.
For Hugo Pasha, decisions like this create “hate and resentment” among communities.
Commenting on the Daily Echo Facebook page, Hugo said: “I say this as a Muslim, we live in a multicultural society, actions like this are what causes resentment, division and negativity between people from different groups of faith.
“It does nothing to help inclusivity if it leaves any religious customs out.”
”This head is working towards being accredited as a ‘School of Sanctuary.’
‘City of Sanctuary began in 2005 in Sheffield, South Yorkshire. Founded by Craig Bennett and Inderjit Bhogal.
In 2007, Sheffield became the UK’s first City of Sanctuary. A growing network of more than 1200 primary and secondary schools, nurseries and 6th forms all committed to creating a culture of welcome, understanding and belonging for those forced to flee’ Driven by teachers, school staff, parents & governors, this network supports thousands of children and young people, building a culture of kindness and compassion.’
This network is denying new children the chance to embrace this fun day in their newly adopted country, at the expense of British children.
The idea of new immigrants surely should be inclusivity. IMO This idea promotes segregation, ‘treating children differently because of race or religion.’
Schools can embrace different ethnic traditions throughout the school year, so everyone is included regardless of race or religion. Cohesiveness is the quality of forming a united whole for Everyone.”
I can’t say that I know a lot of Muslims but the ones I have worked with were generally very reasonable people.
They were happy to come to the company Christmas meal.
I think it is probably only the shrill gay boys and girls in the student union swp who actually think Easter and Christmas should be cancelled, I am prepared absolutely to believe that parents of all religious persuasion are happy for their kids to enjoy these happy occasions.
So ‘in the spirit of inclusivity’ we’ll EXCLUDE Christians & core Christian festivals! Got it.
Jabby Mcstiff
3 days ago
Easter in the northern hemisphere is a celebration way older and deeper than Christianity. To cancel it is to invite disaster. Completely out of accordance with the energy of the progression of the year. It has been disappearing for several decades in this country. I remember as a child women having pancake races on Shrove Tuesday. I didn’t see any women this year taking part. He doesn’t leave you it is you that left Him.
Jabby Mcstiff
3 days ago
They weren’t here in 1980 and yet you spaffed it all up against the wall. And now in troubled times you have no faith to protect you. Maybe you will learn something from this and you will try to follow the true path at a late hour. In most cases this is unlikely because they rotted you from within between 1980 and 1987. Maybe you have the old magic and maybe you don’t. There were strong corrosive forces that destroyed most of your reserve energy.
Jabby Mcstiff
3 days ago
This time of year represents the path of Christ if you have any spiritual feeling. Every day has a distinct feel and this is more important than what you might do today. Make a few hundred quid on a job. Honestly you blame Him and you blame circumstance and culture and yet you have shown the divine nothing but contempt. Believe me it will be reciprocated.
Jabby Mcstiff
3 days ago
You destroyed your beautiful culture. You sold your birthright for a mess of pottage. This was forty years ago. You have nothing left save your eyes to cry with.
Jabby Mcstiff
3 days ago
Doesn’t bother me taking on black or brown gangs but the point is that you people have nothing worth saving. You people seem to desire that your children and grandchildren suffer. I like to think that everyone is happy. You older people have messed up big time, not just in terms of capture of assets but even in terms of people suffering you to live. They want you out of the way.
Jabby Mcstiff
3 days ago
I try to stress filial piety but believe me they have very nasty intentions for you. I wouldn’t take an arrogant position in our time.
Jabby Mcstiff
3 days ago
I am not someone who feels the need to engage in combat. For God’s sake you have messed your children up so much with your own rapacious greed. To the point where I would expect them to flay the flesh from your bones. So make of it what you will I have no interest in taking part in sick arguments.
Another nail in the coffin that buries the traditions and cultures of our downtrodden ancestral lands in order to be subservient to the beliefs and traditions of the ‘minorities’. Sick to the back teeth with it all.
How many “minorties” objected to – or were even consulted about – Easter activities?This looks like another example of getting offended on behalf of somebody else (almost as if it was dsigned to foment resentment of minorities).
2 days ago
Well then Miss Mander and the rest of the school should not be taking Easter as a holiday, likewise Christmas. Who the heck does she think she is? this woman is putting her personal choices and ideology over and above those of the rest.
Pete Sutton
2 days ago
It would be interesting to know whether any of these “other religions” claimed to feel disrespected by Easter observances. “Not in our name” would be the likely response.
Gezza England
2 days ago
For Refugee Week they will be going out on the nearest river in dinghies.
To join in with the discussion please make a donation to The Daily Sceptic.
Profanity and abuse will be removed and may lead to a permanent ban.
I’m glad this story has gained so much traction, as it’s being featured in various papers plus many high profile Twitter accounts are resharing it. The more attention and push back against this ridiculous and farcical decision the better.
If you were honestly so conscious about ‘inclusivity’ why would you go to the extent of scrapping something which has been a British tradition since forever? We even did Easter bonnets in the 80s when I was at school. Surely an “inclusive atmosphere” would involve including and celebrating ALL the relevant religious festivals of pupils, not cancelling any. This is pure censorship. So this is a lame and nonsensical reason.
Also, what the heck is an “accredited School of Sanctuary”, when it’s at home?
A search online will reveal what this accreditation means.
“The Schools of Sanctuary Network is a broad and welcoming community of schools, Local Leads and community groups across the UK with a shared vision: that our schools should be places of safety, belonging and kindness for all, especially those seeking safety.”
So are they admitting their school is not safe now? Why would any school think they need to do this, but I suspect it’s just another sop to rejecting our long Christian heritage, the faith that underpins our whole society. We do so at our peril, which is already coming to fruition.
The Easter Bonnet Parade is an event which has for many, many centuries encouraged – nay, required! – verbal abuse, physical violence, intolerance of all forms, visceral hatred, unashamed racism, far right extremism and Literally Hitler. It is quite incomprehensible (at least to me) how it has lasted so long.
So, Miss Mander (along with all pillars of society up and down the land) is under a moral obligation to cancel it. She is a brave and principled woman to be the first. Aside from this, her school would stand zero chance of being able to win the accreditation as a School of Sanctuary had she not taken this heroic step.
Obviously. Duh!
Here’s a photo of the courageous, intellectual colossus, Ms Stephanie Mander:
Excellent work M A k
Give her a uniform and she could be running a branch of the police.
I would also add that The Schools of Sanctuary Network will undoubtedly be employing a few dozen in highly paid non jobs.
Please allow me to disagree slightly Mogs. All religious festivals which are not Judeo-Christian must be cancelled, there has been far too much pandering to the heathen brigades.
Well I’m just curious how many Muslim kids there even are in this school. Is it one of them where there’s like six kids then the entire school changes it’s age-old traditions and bends over for Islam? But if they’re aspiring to be one of these so-called ‘Schools of Sanctuary’ then there’s probably a fair few, at a guess. Meanwhile, they’re also coming for the boozers. It’s one thing for churches to be converted due to lack of attendance but pubs??
”A former popular pub could be converted into a mosque. Plans for the former Glen Pub emerged earlier this year, with developers saying there was “no interest” in retaining the site as a pub.
The ex-boozer, in Eyres Monsell’s Hillsborough Road, could become a place of worship if the plan from the Eyres Monsell Community Foundation is approved. The foundation claims the mosque is needed as they often struggle to find ample space for special annual prayers, observances and celebrations.
In planning documents submitted to Leicester City Council, the foundation says the place of worship plan has been made as there was “no substantive interest” in retaining The Glen as a pub. It claimed the site was “suffering from a long-term, terminal decline from which it will not recover” due to “demographic changes in the local community”.
That’s all we damn well need, a load of rag heads wailing in British pubs. As insults go it doesn’t get much more brutal.
Personally I have had enough of freakin’ rag’eads making the weather in what was once my beautiful country subsequently destroyed by the Marxist uniparty.
I try not to care but fail every time.
I do get the jist of what you write, Jack the dog, but a question, genuinely asked of you:
How is/was it “your country”?
It is the country made by my ancestors in which I grew up.
I assume you are also English and so it is your country also.
It seems to me there is a concerted effort to destroy every aspect of that country.
Perhaps you hold a different point of view?
My point of view is anarchic. We each do what we wish and what we must, and I hold no allegiance to someone’s definition of the political shape on a map that is supposed to be “my country”.
My recent ancestors (including my parents who live still) were from areas of the world defined variously over time by various different clubs of powerful people as England, United Kingdom, Great Britain, Denmark, Norway, Austro-Hungarian Empire, Yorkshire, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Bohemia, Czechia. Likewise for my wife; Poland, Piast Dynasty, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth… You get the idea.
I currently live in France with my wife and two children.
I propose that what you value as “your country” is really “your ancestors”. They aren’t the same thing. One is theoretical, the other is real.
Drop their labels, they serve only your masters. Or, as one man once said, “Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel.”
“We believe this decision aligns with our values of inclusivity and respect for diversity.”
In other words, Refugee Week is the right sort of diversity and Easter is the wrong sort of inclusivity.
Just as for all too many teachers, it seems nowadays girls are the right sort of inclusivity and boys are the wrong sort of diversity.
Go figure, Education Minister Phillistine.
It would not surprise me in the least if this school is far from alone in going down this road and we hear about more and more as Easter approaches, in a similar way to when Christmas was coming and there was lots of reports of cancellations of various celebrations and time-honoured traditions. It’s an appalling and shameful sign of the times, though, if this sort of thing gains momentum. Honestly, it’s like ‘they’ won’t be happy until there’s no links to Christianity and all British traditions that have been with us forever have been eradicated.
With this particular story I’d be interested to know what went on behind the scenes and how many teaching staff were on board with this decision. Very sad and shameful affair, though. And yet I’m reading about more and more ‘prayer rooms’ cropping up in schools and Muslim kids not being required to sit through RE classes. They’re coming for the schools like they came for the churches.
Easter cancelled. Christmas. Crosses. Churches. Liturgical books burnt.
Mosques erected. Mein Koran pushed into children’s hands.
Not hard to see where it is going.
My first thoughts were… who is pushing this teacher’s buttons?
I’m surprised Miss Mander hasn’t invited a drag queen to the school yet. To demonstrate her commitment to diversity, of course.
Make of this what you will, regarding a ‘School of Sanctuary’.. And I agree with this Muslim;
”Concerns were also raised by those living in Eastleigh.
For Hugo Pasha, decisions like this create “hate and resentment” among communities.
Commenting on the Daily Echo Facebook page, Hugo said: “I say this as a Muslim, we live in a multicultural society, actions like this are what causes resentment, division and negativity between people from different groups of faith.
“It does nothing to help inclusivity if it leaves any religious customs out.”
”This head is working towards being accredited as a ‘School of Sanctuary.’
‘City of Sanctuary began in 2005 in Sheffield, South Yorkshire. Founded by Craig Bennett and Inderjit Bhogal.
In 2007, Sheffield became the UK’s first City of Sanctuary.
A growing network of more than 1200 primary and secondary schools, nurseries and 6th forms all committed to creating a culture of welcome, understanding and belonging for those forced to flee’
Driven by teachers, school staff, parents & governors, this network supports thousands of children and young people, building a culture of kindness and compassion.’
This network is denying new children the chance to embrace this fun day in their newly adopted country, at the expense of British children.
The idea of new immigrants surely should be inclusivity.
IMO This idea promotes segregation, ‘treating children differently because of race or religion.’
Schools can embrace different ethnic traditions throughout the school year, so everyone is included regardless of race or religion.
Cohesiveness is the quality of forming a united whole for Everyone.”
I can’t say that I know a lot of Muslims but the ones I have worked with were generally very reasonable people.
They were happy to come to the company Christmas meal.
Heartening, and entirely plausible.
I think it is probably only the shrill gay boys and girls in the student union swp who actually think Easter and Christmas should be cancelled, I am prepared absolutely to believe that parents of all religious persuasion are happy for their kids to enjoy these happy occasions.
All the local drag queens are fully booked.
So ‘in the spirit of inclusivity’ we’ll EXCLUDE Christians & core Christian festivals! Got it.
Easter in the northern hemisphere is a celebration way older and deeper than Christianity. To cancel it is to invite disaster. Completely out of accordance with the energy of the progression of the year. It has been disappearing for several decades in this country. I remember as a child women having pancake races on Shrove Tuesday. I didn’t see any women this year taking part. He doesn’t leave you it is you that left Him.
They weren’t here in 1980 and yet you spaffed it all up against the wall. And now in troubled times you have no faith to protect you. Maybe you will learn something from this and you will try to follow the true path at a late hour. In most cases this is unlikely because they rotted you from within between 1980 and 1987. Maybe you have the old magic and maybe you don’t. There were strong corrosive forces that destroyed most of your reserve energy.
This time of year represents the path of Christ if you have any spiritual feeling. Every day has a distinct feel and this is more important than what you might do today. Make a few hundred quid on a job. Honestly you blame Him and you blame circumstance and culture and yet you have shown the divine nothing but contempt. Believe me it will be reciprocated.
You destroyed your beautiful culture. You sold your birthright for a mess of pottage. This was forty years ago. You have nothing left save your eyes to cry with.
Doesn’t bother me taking on black or brown gangs but the point is that you people have nothing worth saving. You people seem to desire that your children and grandchildren suffer. I like to think that everyone is happy. You older people have messed up big time, not just in terms of capture of assets but even in terms of people suffering you to live. They want you out of the way.
I try to stress filial piety but believe me they have very nasty intentions for you. I wouldn’t take an arrogant position in our time.
I am not someone who feels the need to engage in combat. For God’s sake you have messed your children up so much with your own rapacious greed. To the point where I would expect them to flay the flesh from your bones. So make of it what you will I have no interest in taking part in sick arguments.
“However, we believe that this decision aligns with our values of inclusivity and respect for diversity.” …
Whose values? The values of Ms Mander?
Be nice to the minorities again.
Another nail in the coffin that buries the traditions and cultures of our downtrodden ancestral lands in order to be subservient to the beliefs and traditions of the ‘minorities’. Sick to the back teeth with it all.
How many “minorties” objected to – or were even consulted about – Easter activities?This looks like another example of getting offended on behalf of somebody else (almost as if it was dsigned to foment resentment of minorities).
Well then Miss Mander and the rest of the school should not be taking Easter as a holiday, likewise Christmas. Who the heck does she think she is? this woman is putting her personal choices and ideology over and above those of the rest.
It would be interesting to know whether any of these “other religions” claimed to feel disrespected by Easter observances. “Not in our name” would be the likely response.
For Refugee Week they will be going out on the nearest river in dinghies.