Some rapes are committed by the right kind of person. Some rapes are committed by the wrong kind of person. Allegations of the former sort you hear about all the time, as with the alleged crimes of liberal media hate-figures like Andrew Tate, Donald Trump and various members of the Roman Catholic Church. Allegations of the latter sort you almost never hear about, as with the alleged crimes of Pierre-Alain Cottineau, a man of whose existence most readers will be blissfully unaware.
To be honest, given the rather sickening nature of some of the things he is said to have done, I wish I had never heard of this particular individual either. According to recent investigation by the French newspaper Le Parisien, the 32-year-old Cottineau was a member of a paedophile ring operating in Brittany, who subjected extremely young children and babies to extreme acts of rape and torture.
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“Give me a child until he is seven and I will show you the man.”
Modern education is all about indoctrination and effectively embedding the future dystopia.
This won’t end well.
Indeed. That is one thing that St. Ignatius of Loyola and Vladimir Lenin both could agree upon. The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.
It is happening all over the western world, but most certainly in Scotland. Teaching children “what to think” rather “how to think” is part of the “indoctrination” that you speak of.—– Imagine if a 13 year old were to ask a question in school like “How much CO2 is in the atmosphere, and how much of it comes from human activity and what evidence is there that it is causing or will cause dangerous changes to the climate”?———————- First of all the teacher would be totally aghast, and then almost certainly not be able to properly answer that question. The teacher would resort to the Argument from Authority, and likely claim that “All scientists say it is true and therefore who are we to disagree”? ——-So, kids are to be instructed in “Official Science” rather than “Science”.——- And ofcourse no 13-year-old would have the wherewithal to challenge that teacher with “Please Miss, but science is not decided by a show of hands from government funded data adjusters” or all hell would break loose. The fact that Liberal progressives attempt to indoctrinate does not surprise me, but what does surprise me is that parents do not kick up a stink on all manner of woke issues being passed off as education and ultimate truth.
Well I’m sure they’ll be embracing the nonsensical censorship of kids’ favourite books in Scottish schools, as per the Roald Dahl travesty. I hadn’t given much thought to whether the books will continue to be translated into foreign languages using the new woketard version or if countries outside of the UK will be up in arms about all of these changes. This Dutch publisher is none too happy and even Salman Rushdie has complained;
”British publisher Puffin has made the changes so that “everyone can enjoy Dahl’s books.” For example, the character Augustus Gloop in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is no longer called “fat” but “huge,” the Oompa Loompas in the same book are not “little men” but “little people,” and in the book The Creeps, the main female character is no longer describes as “ugly.”
The director of De Fontein admits in Trouw that there are clichés and exaggerations in Dahl’s books. “But that’s where his humor lies. Children recognize them, and they make children think about right and wrong. That also makes them timeless. If you take all that away, it loses its power.”
the character Augustus Gloop in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is no longer called “fat” but “huge
Erasure of small fat people! Somebody sue them!
I wonder when Little Red Riding Hood will be re-written …. with the Big Bad Wolf re-written to become the Large, Misunderstood, Victim of Discrimination?
We have ‘anti racism’ training tomorrow at work so I guess I will find out if it’s the same in England.
You are guilty!
Send ’em down!
Oh dear. Looks like South Park might be next to get the Harry and Meghan Treatment;
”Royal commentator Neil Sean has stated the couple’s legal team is now watching the series closely for any more attacks.
Sean said: “According to sources close to the ex-royals, it appears that, like so many things with Meghan and Harry, this may have legal ramifications attached.
“Their legal team are casting an eye over the episode to see what is wrong, and what could be turned into something more sinister.”
However, Fox News have stated it has not yet been confirmed whether legal action will be taken or not.”
Harry and Meghan really have some paper-thin skins, it seems! They can’t seem to take even a tiny fraction of what they dish out.
Everyone is equal, but some are more equal than others.
Well done SNP. You have successfully trashed what was the best educational system in the UK and you don’t even recognise the damage done in your name.
God help us.
I doubt if State “Education” in England is much better.
Go private if you can afford it, or Home School, or emigrate …… if you don’t want your children turned into brain-dead, indoctrinated drones.