After 30 years, a daytime life drawing class at Hampstead Community Centre has been told to either cover up its models or relocate. The Times has the story.
Tony Swann, who runs the daytime class, said he had been told by the trust running Hampstead Community Centre in North London that there were safeguarding concerns.
Hilary Curtis, a 63 year-old life model, said: “The fact they said we could stay if we switched to using clothed models makes it seem very clear to me that it is prudishness.”
Swann added: “The class has been running for 30 years and in that time no children have been outraged, no parents have been outraged.”
He said that an early morning toddler’s group had “cleared out by the time I turn up” and the drawing class ended long before an after-school club at 3.30pm.
“It just seems a morality thing,” he said. “It strikes me as almost like the Taliban coming in saying you can’t run a class. I wasn’t aware that it was a dangerous thing to be doing.”
Curtis said: “Capturing the human form presents a unique challenge. Throughout the history of western art it has been the core discipline for professional artists who want to challenge themselves. It hones observational skills and hand-to-eye co-ordination, while people pursuing it for leisure find it an incredibly rewarding and absorbing activity.”
She said that one of the core stated aims of the trust running the community centre was to “support activity for older people to combat social isolation” and yet “most of the people who attend that class are clearly retired people”. …
Guy Wingate, a trustee of the community centre, confirmed there had been “safeguarding concerns” which for confidentiality and data protection reasons he could not share.
Worth reading in full.
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Jesus Christ when I was a small child in the 1980s you would go into a public toilet and a dirty old man would either stroke himself in front of you or invite you to join him for fun times. As young boys we used to share stories about nasty perverts whether they be teachers or random strangers. Sometimes they got hold of you and did nasty things but I wouldn’t give it up for the world. This was a part of the danger landscape that made childhood so interesting. Yes we are surrounded by sick perverts and that doesn’t change no matter how old you are.
When I was a young man, when using a “convenience” in Machester, a kid of about 11 approached me and offered to hold it for me. Being a naive young man it took me a few seconds to work out what was happening, after which I declined the offer.
Yet these same people are no doubt quite happy to gurgle and clap along to a drag show for primary school children as they encourage them to stuff notes into their G ropes.
Yes and after absuing their children in the NoPridePervert Parade, they will pull them into the tranny clinic to be castrated and pronounce the new pronouns to be factual.
A high % of parents are morons. See Corona support for more info.
And it’s not so easy for Arthur who thinks he’s Martha to carry off the delusion and pretence naked.
Sometimes I read something that literally makes my jaw drop at the absurdity of it – this is one such thing,!
30 years it’s been running, for crying out loud, but only now there seems to be a problem!
Somebody’s had a whinge to the trust, haven’t they? Wonder who that can be…

I think, being London, the community has bigger things to worry about than people drawing naked models in an art class.
Much more worrying that sensible people of responsible age should do as they please than that recent immigrants or transgender men pretending to be women.
The latter are applauded by the elites.
For god’s sake we are a tree-worshipping culture at the deepest level. Of course you are going to come across high strangeness in these islands. I remember walking to university lectures and an aristocratic resident of a local retreat used to be standing there in the morning with his cock in one hand and a a toilet brush in another and completely naked and gibbering. Just think about how much you would actually lose if you tried to remove this from your culture. I could give countless examples.
Buts it’s OK for peido men in drag to read sexual content stories to under 10s ?
This sh!t makes my fu@king blood boil!!
The essence of the paedo thing is essentially the relinquishment of any sense of guardianship or futurity because you sit fat and bloated as your grandchildren struggle to live. That is the subtext. Children have no future so why not just use them up for sexual purposes. Poisoned material relations writ large and built on an edifice with hundreds of years of backing. That is what most of it is. Acting out the shafting of future generations because of your psychopathic greed. Maybe you will damage them enough so that they will no longer be a threat.
The lunatics have well and truly taken over the asylum.
The asylum has been re-purposed as an Intersectionally Positive Community Centre.
There are “safeguarding concerns” but for “data protection reasons”, I cannot tell you what they are?
How are people supposed to remain safeguarded (WTF?) when they’re not allowed to know the rules for this?
Perhaps there have been some security videos that the “art class” is not aware of.
The New Puritans – Andrew Doyle is correct.
Not sure if this particular past time has been going on for quite so long ( is it another ‘sport’ that the British invented?
) but speaking of nudity, it is very funny. I’m just well impressed with his confidence, his moves and the fact he kept his socks on.
*sound on*
I still think Erica Roe is the original and best. Where is she now?
That was an event. I was there when it happened.
May I be a lone voice in supporting that decision to cover up the nude models?
That art class is just encouraging exhibitionism, voyeurism and pornography.
The exhibitionist nude model Curtis sneered that it was “very clear to me that it is prudishness”. Class leader Swann sneered that ““It just seems a morality thing.”
A very interesting word, that: “Prude” comes from Old French “prude”, “prode”, “preude”, “which however is attested only in a laudatory sense, “good, virtuous, modest,” a feminine form of the adjective preux.”
What’s wrong with that?
People need to realise that Sex is a Soul Trap, and the obsession with the naked human form, in all its ages, is part of that Soul Trap.
Have you ever challenged yourself to draw what you see, Heretic?
in which case, the statues of the ancient Greeks and the Romans celebrating the ideal body form, the renaissance art of the old masters such as Raphael, Rubens, Titian and hundreds of others, Velasquez through to the preraphaelites of the 19th century and the impressionist works of Manet are just examples of “exhibitionism, voyeurism and pornography”?
You really are lacking in any sort of intellectual rigour. But we knew it anyway.
Actually, yes, they are. But you are wrong to include the Pre-Raphaelites, because they did not paint nudes, as far as I am aware. I think there are only a few examples.
Your final two sentences are risible.
Not all were pornography, but some most definitely were.
Yes. You are the lone voice.
Gosh, I think I’ll burst into snowflake tears and rush to find a “safe space” with a security blanket.
Yes, it’s all you’re fit for.
With the lone brain cell.
Strange mix of puritanism, unreason and state-sanctioned hypocrisy in the air.
Maybe ’twas always ‘twever thus. The no-frills, no-fun, no-Christmas 1650’s said to have been chucked in the bin by the Restoration of 1660. Not for nothing was Cromwell’s body dug up for public mockery.
Let’s see what’s afoot in five years’ time.
If an alien were studying the world’s present day societies and civilisations, and had to pick which country only a century or so ago had the world’s biggest empire, they wouldn’t pick this country. They’d look at the absence of political courage and lack of societal steel, and laugh at the thought.
I’m curious to know why the person who gave me a down vote did so. Not that I give a monkey’s about up or down votes – to obsess about them is moronic – but I would like to know what I said that they disagree with…
Probably an Heretic.
Your English is incorrect. It is “a” Heretic, because the “h” is aspirated, not “an”, which is only used when the “h” is silent.
For example, you don’t say “an holiday”, or “an hot day”, or “an heat pump”, or “an history lesson”, or “an hero”, or “an highway”, because the “h” is aspirated.
Use your lone brain cell next time.
For some reason, reading of this makes me feel mildly hysterical and not in a good way. Is there no end to the absurdity? It seems to me this stuff is all a distraction from things that really matter. While in London briefly before Christmas it occurred to me that it would be perfectly possible for an invader to take over the country while the population looked at their phones. Or perhaps it’s already happened.
The thing that really matters is your soul.
Reminds me of the BBC April Fool’s Day programme, Campaign to Clothe Naked Animals.
Of course it isn’t April, but we do have the fools.
When I was a teenager in the 1980s we had an art teacher at school who ran an “art club”, basically a group of pupils who he hand picked and would be allowed to come in after hours for extra-curricular art lessons. A couple of times he brought in a very attractive female model who would pose nude. Of course for us young boys at the cusp of puberty it was all very exciting. I don’t think she was of legal age and we definitely weren’t. I bet that wouldn’t be allowed today.