US Vice President J.D. Vance has slammed European leaders for “criminalising” free speech, opening the immigration floodgates and brutally clamping down on dissent in his landmark address to the Munich Security Conference. The Mail has more.
Vice President J.D. Vance took his culture war to Europe on Friday, warning that its greatest threat came not from China or Russia but from within as he delivered a blistering attack on what he said was the continent’s retreat from its traditional values.
Vance said free speech and democratic institutions were being eroded in an address to the Munich Security Conference.
He accused European politicians of forcing people to shut down social media accounts and urged leaders to do more to stem illegal immigration.
Vance reserved particular scorn for America’s closest ally, and the case of a British man arrested after praying near an abortion clinic.
“Europe faces many challenges, but the crisis this continent faces right now, the crisis I believe we all face together, is one of our own making,” he said.
“If you’re running in fear of your own voters, there is nothing America can do for you, nor, for that matter, is there anything that you can do for the American people who elected me and elected President Trump.”
If his audience of European VIPs had expected Vance to discuss the future of the war in Ukraine, outlining Donald Trump’s peace plan, they were in for a shock.
Some shifted in their seats as he attacked European politicians head on.
He accused European Union officials of “cancelling elections and asked whether ‘we’re holding ourselves to an appropriately higher standard'”.
“There is a new sheriff in town,” he said referring to President Donald Trump. “We may disagree with your views but we will fight to defend your right to offer it in the public square.”
The hall was packed to hear Vance speak. Audience members sat on the stairs or stood three deep in the aisles, sending temperatures soaring even before Vance turned up the heat.
He cited the example of a British man, Adam Smith-Connor, who was arrested after he refused to leave a safe zone around an abortion clinic designed to protect vulnerable women.
Vance claimed it was an attack on the “basic liberties of religious Britons” that “criminalises prayer”.
“British law enforcement spotted him and demanded to know what he was praying for,” said Vance.
“Adam replied simply, it was on behalf of the unborn son that his former girlfriend had aborted years before.”
He accused European leaders of echoing communist language by acting against “disinformation” and “misinformation”.
And he hammered Trump’s longstanding demand that European nations spend more on their own defence.
“While the Trump administration is very concerned with European security and believes that we can come to a reasonable settlement between Russia and Ukraine, and we also believe that it’s important in the coming years for Europe to step up in a big way,” he said.
“The biggest threat to Europe isn’t external — it’s internal. A retreat from its own fundamental values, values shared with the US.”
He delivered his speech at a moment of world peril, as the established world order is in danger of crumbling under Putin’s assault on Ukraine.
Worth reading in full.
The Telegraph notes that Vance criticised Europe over mass migration and a lack of defence spending, condemning the UK for betraying Brexit voters by opening “the floodgates to millions of unvetted immigrants”.
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Thank you, Vice President Vance. Richly deserved reprimand for Europe’s misgovernments, discabinets and maladministrations.
Emperors’ wardrobes squirming across the continent.
More please. Send not to know for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee.
The Trump administration are more pro-British than the actual British government. Absolutely shameful, with many EU countries not being much better. Doesn’t the UK now spend more on state benefits than it does on defense? Matt Goodwin has put together a list ( not exhaustive ) of projects the government are funding abroad. Here’s just a couple of examples;
”Here, as just a starter, are ten projects that hardworking, tax-paying British people are funding overseas while their own country and people continue to decline;
Don’t worry about empowering our collapsing public sector institutions and fraying communities here in Britain. Why? Because the British state is too busy sending your money to improving the ‘viability, legitimacy and inclusion of governance and service delivery, protecting and supporting civic space, and empowering women in Palestine’. Empowering women in Palestine? Good luck with that. What about empowering the hundreds of thousands of women and girls here in Britain who were assaulted by the rape gangs and now deserve a full national inquiry (one, apparently, we cannot afford).
Total Budget: £35,499,984
Another generously funded programme will, I quote, ‘transform the lives of millions of LGBT+ people around the world by reducing violence and discrimination against the LGBT+ community and by improving access to services and legislative reform’. I have no idea what any of that means but it’s clear this involves transferring money from British taxpayers to ‘grassroots LGBT+ organisations’. This is very clearly yet another Diversity, Equality and Inclusion (DEI) initiative with no stated goal or expected outcome beyond the very vague ‘inclusion and diversity’. How about we suspend this programme for a while and use the enormous budget to instead pay for 113,000 winter fuel payments for British pensioners —just a thought?
Total Budget: £34,000,000”
How does the LGBT+ work, does it buy bigger and faster lifts, for high rise buildings, so they can can throw larger numbers, more quickly off.
Fabulous speech.
This is the kind of thing that should be played at school assemblies across the country followed by a discussion on the dignity of the common man, the value of democracy and what it means to stand up for what is of value.
To misquote from the Godfather
Trump and America have Vance, Look what we got.
The DT sold its soul long ago. Leave it in the gutter where it belongs.
Better to watch the speech here.
It’s touching that “Europe” is afraid Russia might invade.
Russia has oil, coal, gas, mineral resources aplenty – Europe has none. Russia has an efficient, functioning agricultural sector, Europe’s is so inefficient it requires massive subsidy to prevent collapse, Europe’s technology sector is stranded in the 1970s, innovation can bear no fruit, creativity is strangled at birth in red-tape, Europe’s industry and economy is in decline, Russia now has an effective, battle hardened military, Europe couldn’t win a fight with a troop of Boy Scouts, Europe is invaded by millions of deadbeats, losers and terrorists from Middle-East and African shit-holes.
Why exactly would Russia spend treasure and blood invading Europe?
Donald Rumsfeld called it “Old Europe” – it’s now Dead Europe, just waiting for rigor mortis to set in – sadly the UK is about the same, and thanks to Herr Starmwurstführer’s effort we shall be shackled to its rotting corpse.
It was sarc – I hope.
And Von Der Leyen had the audacity to talk of tyrants watching what we’re doing when discussing Ukraine. No sense of irony for her.
The Queen of the German Empire’s Rona fascism, made more wealthy with all the kickbacks and money laundering.
Yes it is rather ‘audacious’ of the little witch and tyrant.
No one elected this witch, she was imposed.
Evil, deformed, corrupt, janus-faced, fascist, would be my words of choice.
She’s just aching to carry on the family tradition.
Sweet. Bring it, Vance. We need this. Very sweet.
Listen to this response to Vance’s speech by the German Defense Minister. It’s exactly what you’d expect, plus a predictable slur for the AfD as being ”extremists”. Nobody does denial and projection like the Leftards;
”German Defence Minister Boris Pistorius condemned Vice President Vance’s speech, for pointing out obvious truths about how unwanted mass migration is destroying Europe.
He gets a round of applause from politicians.
They don’t give a damn about us.”
They will be singing a different tune when Trump tariffs and other “financial” costs land on their desk. Trump has a heavy load to lift. The globalists (taking over the eu and britain and the USA) won’t give up easily. Watch carefully Rutte’s, Von der leyen’s, macron and Starmer’s and the USA democratic party’s next steps. They have been slapped down, by the new sheriff in town, but it will require close watch.
Vance seems to be wonderfully sound, and an excellent speaker.
Way to go, big fella!
I look forward to his election as POTUS in just under four years time.
He sounds like the best VP for generations. Well done DJT for choosing him.
A great choice by DJT. If you don’t want to catch a bullet, choose a VP that the deep state would want even less.
Our next president. Donald Trump and his advisors picked a winner!
The rise in knife crime numbers is is interesting and astonishing. Honestly if you don’t stop thjis concentration soon then you are looking at people reverting to nasty ways. Brits are pretty good at that so take heart. The Roman veneer gets lifted very quickly and baudy houses and crapping in the street will come again It used to be said that the reason that Britain took India was because only the Brits could cope with the smell of it. It is just something in the British character for better or worse.
Some cities are often like that, especially on a Saturday night.
Freedom of speech has never existed in the post-war German pseudo-state and Vance ought to know that. After all, denazification was a big undertaking by one of Trumps predecessors in office and after more than half a century of unchecked mission creep, the German political establishment now badly tries to manufacture a pretext for denazifying the main opposition party (AfD) out of existence.
Hence, Mr President, tear down this wall!
As Michael Gorbachev once said,
“The most puzzling development in politics during the last decade is the apparent determination of Western European leaders to re-create the Soviet Union in Western Europe.”
… and then to maintain Russia as the big bogey-man, which it never was.
It was based on very simple short term reasoning from 2020. That the UK was looking at zero growth but by introducing several million cheap labourers that figure could grow to one percent. It really was that cheap and nasty.
He gets it. Trump gets it. How can our own leaders excuse their failures? No, don’t tell me, it’s a secret.
JD is more in touch with the people in Europe than their own leaders are. That speech was to the people, not the leaders. Trump/Vance/Musk are encouraging the populist uprising across the continent.
The sad news is that you are surplus to requirments. In fact it is worse than that in that they have blown all of your pension money. Sorry duckie we spent it on prossies and coke. There really is nothing left in the fund. And so it follows that any entity responsible for adminstering these funds disappears. Maybe the cheques still come in the post but you can’t but a loaf of bread with them. They really are setting you up for something truly nasty you can feel it and they have no choice.
Also please stop using this word ‘Briton’. It is clumsy and inapposite. This was a particular tribe it doesn’t refer to English people in general. It is just a lazy prats way out.
For the record I would like to state that
I completely agree with J.D. Vance.
Testing the water are we!
Carbon Passports and Social Credit Scores – Is This the Future of Climate Control
OT, Major council win for reform in Wales, red wall seat falls by massive loss for Labour!
The stats are overwhelming, Labour heartland? Give reform a chance, this is tumultuous for British politics and, the last ‘Huzzah’s’ for The place we were born and bred
(Or get Labcontory party,.. again!)
Two Tier has lost 32 seats since a handful of people voted Labour in.
But, Mr Vance, have you checked out California recently? What happens in America never stays in America.
So much of all of this nonsense kicked off in the U.S.
How much pressure did Biden put on Johnson to cave on lockdowns?
Anyway, good luck!
It needed to be said and it is not as though British and European politicians have never indulged in off topic preaching.
More Bateman cartoon moments required.
What a speech. I couldn’t believe my ears when he came on GB News today. He ridiculed the laws in this country over abortion clinics. In your private home, in private, if you are in an exclusion zone and think abortion is wrong you have committed a crime. What kind of mental retards came up with something so fascist and at the same time totally ridiculous.
I watched it yesterday …. and the anti-democratic, authoritarians in the audience squirming as he explained the basics of democracy and free speech, and why they are so important.
Trump and his team are doing a marvellous job; let’s hope, post-Trump, we get 8 years of President Vance.
The biggest threat to Europe isn’t external — it’s internal. A retreat from its own fundamental values, values shared with the US.”
Got it in one, JD
A speech for the ages.
He lifted a rock, and watched as the insects rushed for the dark. Great speech.
I was never so proud to be an America, as I was yesterday listening to our VP JD Vance. In His Munich speech to military and national heads of state, he simply told it the way it is. God bless our president and vice-president and god bless the USA.
I thought he was brilliant, and where was not here Kier?
They don’t like it up ‘em.
The squealing is loud. The German idiot-in-charge insists freedom of speech is paramount in Europe, but what J D Vance said is unacceptable. Free to say only what is acceptable.