“WHO FUNDS YOU?!” is the question the staff of Right-wing think tanks get asked whenever they appear on BBC Newsnight or similar.
People who work for organisations based at Tufton Street or nearby (for instance, the Institute of Economic Affairs) are almost guaranteed to have the words put to them, always in an accusative manner, as if Vladimir Putin had poured money into their coffers.
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Naked manipulation – misdirection of policy.
Talk about ferkin milking it.
Coming up, your new PhD:
How to differentiate between government lies and propoganda. Is their any difference?
Prospective students with academic qualifications are advised not to apply.
Applications will be considered however from students holding qualifications in non-materialised, sub capital, democratic subject bases which are wholly holistic.
Students holding male, white, Christian, heterosexual status would have an undermining impact on our intended demographic cohort and are advised in the first instance not to apply.
The clue is in being “self-funded”.
Unless your supplies of research income are inexhaustible, you would then be likely to tailor your findings in the direction of attracting some in the future.
Enough said – though there might still be some brave stand-outs.
Ahh, the ‘climate science,’ model.
Got it.
‘Self-funded’ can include those with foreign scholarships, you know British Council Fellowships, other fellowships.
I wonder if they would accept someone funded by Ron de Santis or the Heartland Institute?!
Not that would be interesting … I suspect not.
Well that should have been “Now that would be interesting”.
‘Terrorist propaganda: scaring a witless public into abject obedience during a pseudo-epidemic’.
Self funded hey
. I’m looking for someone to remodel my garden at their expense. Upon completion I will award the lucky person a worthless piece of paper.
They should call it what it is: COERCIVE CONTROL
May as well study serial killing techniques and application … because that is all they did: kill lots of people by their lies.
Ha ha! I think everyone that regularly comments on this site already has that qualification!
Fat lot of good it is going to do us though! (In NWO)
We’ll be the equivalent of witches, or trolls under the bridge!
As far as my family is concerned I already fall into that category!