Back during my now long-vanished and pleasingly non-woke schooldays, a kindly Geography supply teacher once told my class how to infallibly remember the difference between stalagmites – which reach upwards from a cave floor – and stalactites – which reach downwards from a cave roof.
“Imagine the cave is a woman, lads,” he said, very possibly in the voice of the late Bernard Manning. “If the tights come down, you might get up!” Say that in front of an Ofsted inspector these days, and you would be immediately struck off by the Teaching Regulation Agency. To be fair, though, none of us ever did actually forget the difference between stalagmites and stalactites again after that.
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Is the West becoming institutionally and secularly retarded? Are we as a collective a group of morons and idiots? Is the collective’s water, air, food, poisoned by fluoride and other elements, which has rendered us a mentally ill confused mess of nenards (it is a word).
Science is just a collection of fakery and word salads; the nonsense of gender fascism, Queer/Tran fascism, Relativity, ‘Evolution’, ‘space travel’, ‘virology’, ‘climate change’ etc. We are as a species, a collective of morons and nenards. We call stupid science, immorality moral, war as peace, and corrupt, idiotic, mentally ill retards as scientists, ‘experts’, or ‘activists’, earnestly saving humanity from whatever b.s. they can vomit up.
Hang on a minute, please. I empathise with your rant, but take solace in the long view.
The basics and wonders of the modern world (electricity, running water, personal and public transport, oxygen cylinders, digital devices, and of course the Sceptic website…) depend on 360 years of robust physical science, going all the way back to the foundational Boyle’s, Hooke’s and Newton’s Laws of gases, elasticity and motion, respectively, all formulated in that wondrous decade of the 1660s.
Most of what we take for granted by the hand of nature and man proves day in day out that nigh on four centuries of basic physical science is true. You are however right that the modern age is too up itself in falling hook, line and sinker for contemporary science that’s yet to fully stand the test of time.
All put in context for the life sciences by a paper published in 2005, entitled “Why Most Published Research Findings Are False”:
Even so, in among all the debatables will be the nuggets, gems and verities of the future. For all we know, just like Einstein, Bohr, Heisenberg and other great minds of a century ago, a handful of clever folk could already have the first inklings of the next great quantum leap in science.
It’s been a long wait since the observer became part of the experiment back in the 1920s. Now as then, just a matter of time for the rest of us to catch up and take the world forward.
But we don’t need to worry about “science”. It is “Official Science “we need to worry about. It is the Politicised Science that is the problem. This is when Politicians use science and wheel out scientists and experts in support of their Political Agenda and then try to silence all the science that doesn’t support their Agenda.
We call 15 years in jail —-“Life”. Human beings are deceiving themselves. They lie to themselves. The cheat on themselves. They impoverish themselves. —–Or as George Carlin put it “The Planet is fine, it is the people that are f..ked”
I might as well admit that I learned the difference between stalagmites and stalactites as a child from one of the Famous Five books. In fact, I would go further and say that Enid Blyton’s literary oeuvre is a tribute to the genious and clarity of the English language. Perhaps we could crowdfund to send a copy of her collected works to Professor Yusoff.
I learned that stalagmites grow up from the ground, and stalactites come down from the ceiling, so I obviously had puritanical geography teachers compared to Tucker’s. Though my mnemonic seems less convoluted to me…
But I’m beginning dimly to understand how the phenomenon itself is symptomatic of geological injustice, black stalagmites having to accept whatever drips of calcium the white stalactites allow to fall on them. I see it all so clearly now. Or did I somehow miss out the bacterial causes?
Enid Blyton’s trick was that stalactites hold tight to the roof and stalagmites might grow up to meet them one day.
This is what i was taught too, although I was never aware that it came from Enid Blyton.
2 easy ways. Tits hang down so that is it sorted. If you speak French then you have Monter – to climb – and Tomber – to fall.
Unsure who to feel more sorry for, this woman who clearly has mental health problems, or the students paying large sums of money to be ‘taught’ by her.
Mankind has always had its share of bizarre cults and many of the leaders of bizarre cults made a living from that. Thinks start to become problematic when institutions supposedly dedicated to science and learning end up hosting such bizarre cults at the expense of actual science and learning.
There’s no reason to feel sorry for this woman who’s doubtlessly making a good living from publishing her theories or for students who seek to imitate her. We should rather feel sorry for ourselves because this is going to be forced onto us by a deluded leading class composed of other former “new age travellers” and their children in spirit.
Blancophobia is a terrible affliction.
And she’s obsessed with sex.
Pass the straitjacket.
It’s hard to avoid the conclusion that this madness is simply the result of the misallocation of resources. If there was market discipline in academia then this woman wouldn’t even be employed there. She’d be filling in potholes or clearing grass verges of garbage. As it is, we have a wholly managed (by nut cases) resource allocation system in the universities which diverts funds to complete madness away from useful activities. Socialism or socialist practices not only result in poverty, oppression and death but also have a sprinkling of madness along the way.
Any state-driven structures will eventually lead to the diversion of funds to madness, simply because funding is divorced from the test of value or utility.
Thanks to the author of this piece for showing what unmitigated drivel is being published out of QM university. It makes me acutely aware of the madness that has been allowed to flourish unchecked in our ‘academic system’.
”Are things like metamorphic rocks transgender?”
Possibly. But igneous rocks are really HOT and sedimentary rocks take it lying down.
I pity the poor undergraduate who signed up for this bollocks.
Here is proof positive that the decline in Education standards which took off during the expansion of tertiary institutions during Blair’s time in office , has resulted in Stupid people reaching positions of influence for which they would not have been considered in the 1970’s and 80’s . It is proof of the adage that More is Less !
The problem for me is I struggle to read even the, I am sure, excellent summary of this woman’s work, let alone contemplate reading the original version. No doubt Kathryn Yusoff would use the as evidence of why she is so much more intelligent than me, rather than my ability to keep my attention span going through so much rubbish.
It’s definitely her not you. What a load of nonsense.
Geology (my degree subject) is the study of Earth’s history, primarily as evidenced through its rocks.
One of the first things you learn is the names of the geologic eras (Palaeozoic, Mesozoic, ..) and periods (Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, …). This is Geology 101.
You then learn that these divisions are essentially a chronology of changes in the Earth’s climate, evidenced via the fossil record.
As we’ve understood for over a hundred years, Earth’s climate is driven by changes in solar and planetary dynamics, in interaction with atmospheric, surface, and deeper processes which we can observe.
None of these climate changes were the result of human activity.
Given this, it’s no surprise that geologists are amongst the most sceptical of the anthropogenic global warming arguments.
This is why it’s essential to undermine the subject through promotion of the type of nonsensical garbage as spouted by Professor Yusoff.
This project is driven by the Malthusians who want to destroy science altogether, because in their view it’s scientific progress which has allowed humans to flourish and come to dominate the planet, and in their doomsday scenarios, based as ever on spurious modelling, bring about the planet’s destruction, a process which can only be rectified by bringing the human population down to about 2 billion.
That’s the basis of the UN and its tentacle organisations. It’s a reboot of eugenics.
The really interesting thing would be to expose the processes by which this individual secured her (?) academic position.
My father was a physicist who spent his earlier career studying crystals and the quantum physics of what was going on inside them. He later moved on to semiconductors where he co-developed a computer method for statistically simulating the motion of charge carriers, that is AFAIK still used today. He was and still is highly skeptical of man-made climate change and surprisingly most of his colleagues are too.
It’s just that they are never asked. Quite in contrast to social science professors who apparently have a far better understanding of the physics.
It’s beyond bonkers.
Anyone who believes there is such a thing as the ‘anthropocene’ has me lost straight away.
The Retardocene is a more accurate description of where we are heading today in using a device from around the 4th Century to power our grids.
But was the bacteria black and gay?
The next pandemic is probably being reversed engineered or developed by some unnatural process in a lab in America or wherever else American can send its half developed chemical warfare products to. Then it will be “accidentally” released into the world so the nutters that develop these things can find out how effective they are and the despicable pharmaceutical companies given advanced notice of what will be released can make billions from their ineffective products lauded and forced upon us by governments claiming growth based on the pharmaceutical companies profits.