Baroness Falkner, the Chair of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, has written a hard-hitting comment piece for the Sunday Times urging the Government to set up a proper national inquiry into the rape gangs. Here’s how it begins.
For two weeks the government said no to calls for a public inquiry into the grooming scandal. Now it is trying to deflect criticism by setting out its “next steps”. They are not enough.
What Yvette Cooper, the home secretary, is promising is better data, a limited general audit (the multitasked Baroness Casey of Blackstock has been asked to defer her social care review to prioritise this), five local inquiries (out of a possible 50), a review of “cold” cases plus a few other technical measures. All this, she tells us, will uncover the truth and provide justice where things have gone wrong.
Truth, Cooper implies, has been in short supply in the past two decades while children have been raped and abused, and “despite all the inquiries, no one listened and nothing was done”. She doesn’t seem very curious as to why, which is what a wider statutory inquiry should try to answer.
Maybe she would be more curious if she experienced my deep shame every time the “Asian” grooming scandals are mentioned. I’m a first-generation female migrant from Pakistan who naturalised as a British citizen. I’m a secular Muslim and I’ve grown up, lived and worked in Muslim-majority countries, so I am well versed in the cultural and religious mores of those countries.
It is obvious that there are regressive attitudes towards women, especially non-Muslim white girls, in parts of the south Asian diaspora in the UK. But why does it appear that Pakistanis, or a subset of Pakistani men, are so overrepresented in the gang rape outrages? Is it the clash between the respectability demanded by their community and the temptations of the night-time economy in a sexualised western culture? What about the role of sometimes dysfunctional marriages with spouses from Pakistan, still accounting for half of all male Pakistani marriages? Or the baradari clan system that encourages a closing of ranks?
Yes, of course, if you look at sexual abuse in general, white British people will form the majority of abusers. But focusing specifically on the exploitative gang abuse, there does appear to be a distinctive Pakistani problem, more than among other south Asian Muslims. Maybe, as some still insist, their role has been exaggerated. Either way, we need the facts, cold and hard, from an authoritative statutory inquiry that will bring some kind of national reckoning in the way we have had with other scandals — Grenfell Tower, the Post Office, contaminated blood. It need not last as long as some of those nor prevent the immediate implementation of some of Cooper’s plans.
We need an understanding of the cultural patterns, as Cooper concedes, not to demonise a whole community but to hold the pathology of a subset up to the light and ensure it never happens again. It would also provide the platform for a proper repudiation of the crimes by the Pakistani community itself. For a community so concerned about “honour” and “shame”, it is dismaying to note that there does not seem to have been a loud, community-wide disavowal of these crimes, nor a shunning of those released from prison (some far too early).
And what of the collective failure of the public authorities? The anti-white racism shown towards the victims was mirrored by a kind of hands-off racism shown towards the offenders: “That’s what they do, don’t they? Everyone knows about it, so there’s nothing to see here.”
The “warped ideas of community relations”, as the prime minister describes it, the acceptance of parallel lives and community self-policing and the acquiescence in the weaponisation of racism and victimhood — that too is a cultural pathology, a bastard child of well-meaning anti-racism, that needs to be held up to the light and banished from our institutions.
Liberal, multiethnic societies are a permanent balancing act between accommodating difference and embracing common norms. What to do when some groups become too inward-looking and stray too far from the common norms? This too is, at least indirectly, unavoidable territory for a statutory inquiry and something that Labour has not been afraid to tackle in the past. Gordon Brown tried to define British values, Tony Blair looked at social cohesion through the lens of Muslim extremism and both brought weight to the national conversation. Labour needs to rediscover that burning concern for national integration even at the risk of further alienating its Muslim voter base.
Worth reading in full.
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“…Grenfell Tower, the Post Office, contaminated blood…”
Lockdowns, untested unnecessary injections…
Hate speech, heat pumps, green actions, fact checking. Underlying it all, the judiciary knows best.
Abolishment of agricultural property relief for farmers, hiking national insurance, VAT on private education, early release of violent offenders, scrapping Higher Education Freedom of Speech bill, the “Children’s Wellbeing” and Schools bill (which should be re-worded the “State’s Over-Regulation of All Lower Education bill”, and which, by the way, was claimed as the main obstacle to a new rape gang inquiry), the scrapping of winter fuel allowance, the appointment of DEI officers all over the country on a £70,000 salary… take your pick!
“Yes, of course, if you look at sexual abuse in general, white British people will form the majority of abusers.”
In which case we have one hell of a firkin problem!
The numbers of girls who have been victims of the Pakistani Rape Gangs over the years has been estimated at up to one million so the author is expecting us to believe that white British men are guilty of rapes in excess of this number. Absolute crap.
I am reasonably well informed on this subject via my political associations so I know more than most about what is going on and hundreds not thousands of white British men have never been mentioned as being involved in these depravities. The author is categorically wrong in making this assertion.
Exactly. The author is trying to distract attention from the fact that
GANG RAPE was almost UNKNOWN IN THE WEST, before the invasion of Muslims.
The Brits gave to the Indian Subcontinentals railways, roads, bridges, hospitals, schools, universities and countless other marvellous inventions by Ethnic Europeans inspired by the creative energy of Almighty God, to say nothing of TEA, and anti-malarial QUININE in the form of ENGLISH TONIC WATER.
The Indian Subcontinental Muslims gave the West
You won’t get away with saying that on X. —-The so called Free Speech Social Media Platform
I think she is trying to say that white British are 83% of the population, and as such, if there was parity between the offending rates of both white British and Pakistani, then you would expect more white British to make up the majority. The problem with this is that white British offending rates appear to be significantly lower, especially in rape gangs. She tap dances around that a little, I accept.
I do welcome the discussion though and Baroness Faulkners bold interjection, even if you don’t fully agree with her points. This whole subject has been closed for so long for discussion, that starting to see some honesty and truth leaking out, ought to be welcomed by all. She would not have written these words, and they would not have been published three months ago, imo. Only honest discussion can start to bring about the end of this disgusting plague on young girls.
“Liberal, multiethnic societies are a permanent balancing act between accommodating difference and embracing common norms.”
This may be the logic adopted by Ms Falkener but for increasing numbers of patriotic, white British this mode of thinking is simply wokery.
There is no “balancing” required. There is no “accomodating” required. Those from an immigrant background who cannot accede to the requirements to subsume their immigrant status to the will of the owners of these lands, the white British, do not belong here and must leave, voluntarily or otherwise.
Correct. We should not have to change the way OUR society operates in order to accommodate them.
Had this been clamped down on immediately and those Pakistani people arrested and given long sentences, this could have been nipped in the bud. It wasn’t, and that makes those not nipping it in the bud complicit in the grooming and rape.
The Pakistani Muslim woman, now a Baroness, wrote:
“Labour needs to rediscover that burning concern for national integration even at the risk of further alienating its Muslim voter base.”
But if you ask the Indigenous Ethnic Europeans, whose ancestors have lived in these islands for more than a thousand years, and built them into one of the greatest nations on earth, about that statement, they would say:
“No! We never had a burning concern for national integration of millions of Third World people, often from hostile, alien cultures inimical to our own, transported into the British Isles WITHOUT OUR CONSENT, and IN VIOLATION OF OUR DEMOCRATIC WILL.”
“And the whole idea of British People worrying about a MUSLIM VOTER BASE is an outrage, because NOBODY EVER VOTED for it.”
Quite frankly this is a dreadful half-hearted apologia by a Pakistani woman seeking to do what all establishment types are currently seeking ie to draw a veil over one of the most heinous crimes ever committed in the modern world.
There is only one way to resolve this disgrace and that is…
Prosecute, prosecute, prosecute.
Firstly, we round up the senior politicians, councillors and social workers and put them in court. Within six months the whole sorry tale will be in the open. Secondly, the trials of the enablers assistants and finally the deportations. No point providing bed and board for the Pakistani abusers just ship ’em out.
The good that may come from this is a massive clearout.
We should also reinforce good behaviour through the benefit system in order for the silenced decent Pakistanis to start turning in the bad ones.
“The Silenced Decent Pakistanis” deserve even more Welfare Benefits from British Taxpayers, you say ????
Are you perhaps writing a new work of fiction?
“Baroness Falkner, the Chair of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, has written a hard-hitting comment piece for the Sunday Times urging the Government to set up a proper national inquiry into the rape gangs.”
No she bloody well hasn’t Toby! See the first five comments below.
“What to do when some groups become too inward-looking and stray too far from the common norms?”
Admit that mass immigration of people from alien cultures has been a terrible idea and must be immediately stopped indefinitely and ideally reversed as far as possible.
““There is a Pakistani Problem…”
Just figured this out, you parasitic guangocrat?
And what a Far/Extreme/Hard* Right thing to say. (*Choose adjective of choice.)
What I don’t understand is this: where are the supposed “community leaders”, so revered by the police, the BBC and all public bodies now? Why don’t they stand up against the abuse of children? Why don’t they stand up in front of their communities and state, clearly, categorically and unambiguously that they condemn these acts and the people who commit these atrocities?
If raping non-Muslim children is against the teachings of the Quran, why don’t they state this categorically?
If it is acceptable by the Quran, how are we supposed to live together and get along with these people? Surely, I have the right to disassociate myself entirely and completely with anybody who thinks this kind of vile child abuse is acceptable?
Raping children, regardless of religion or gender, is acceptable by the Koran.
David Atherton on X: “In Afghanistan young boys are sold by their families to more affluent men. In a practice called “bacha bazi” meaning “boy play”, they dance for the men & afterwards they are raped.” / X
The reason sodomy is almost universally practiced in Islam, despite all their loud denials, is that ONLY THE VICTIMS are considered “guilty” of “tempting the innocent rapists”.
Only the victims of sodomite rape can be thrown off high buildings, according to Islamic tenets.
The same reasoning justifies the rape of all women, Muslim or otherwise.
And men. And animals, such as goats.
THE VICTIMS are the only ones considered “guilty”. The rapists are considered “innocent”. Sodomite Rape is used for both boys and girls so that the girls can still be sold/ married off to old men as “virgins”.
There are even specialty “honeymoon hotels” far out in the desert lands, built like fortresses, where the child brides are taken by their elderly new “husbands” on a luxury honeymoon that turns into a rape and perversion nightmare for the child, whose screams go unheard, except by the staff.
And sometimes mass weddings:
That is horrifying if it represents what I think it does (that is NOT fathers and their daughters!)
“how are we supposed to live together and get along with these people?”
We can’t and this is something that the people of this country will have to accept and furthermore accept that there is nothing racist in believing as such. Very simply we have an oil and water situation and the fact is the two don’t mix. I don’t want to mix with people who do not share my love of Britain and British people and certainly not muslims who do not belong here.
They are too frightened to stand up as they would be killed. This is what we are all scared of that a few radicals can cause a massive amount of harm. The only way you can deal with this is to ship them out and close the borders.
Maybe this is info already out there but do we even know who owned the children’s homes and who the staff were where it was observed that Pakistani men were boldly rocking up to groom/collect the girls that were staying in these premises? I had no idea these children’s homes were so lucrative, but for sure they’re going to be a prime target for sick paedophile perverts to prey on the youngsters who live there;
”Some of England’s biggest privately-run children’s homes have raked in more than £95million in profit in the past three years, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.
The firms, which have been draining millions from the budgets of cash-strapped councils, include outfits controlled by private equity firms, as well as the daughter of a former City stockbroker linked to fraud.
Data from regulator Ofsted shows private firms dominate the sector, with 83 per cent of children’s homes under their ownership. The draw is that the industry is lucrative.
Last year, a report by news website This House revealed that the average cost of placing a child in care was £281,000 a year, five times that of keeping an adult in prison.
It followed a 2023 report from the Local Government Association that showed some councils were paying as much as £63,000 a week to keep a single child in care.
The largest operator by far is CareTech, a Hertfordshire-based outfit that owns 200 children’s homes – 10 per cent of the total.
It is controlled by its founders, brothers Farouq and Haroon Sheikh, who led an £870million buyout of the business in 2022, removing it from the London Stock Exchange. Farouq is an avid Labour Party donor, having given thousands of pounds to support the campaigns of London Mayor Sadiq Khan.”
Everywhere I look where there’s sleaze and corruption I see Labour;
”Labour MP Jas Athwal has faced fresh calls to resign after an investigation found that he is the landlord for a children’s home with “serious failures”.
An investigation published by The Londoner on Sunday (27 September) found that the private children’s home reportedly had several issues, including a child going “missing” from the home, furniture in “poor condition” and a child reportedly being “stabbed” in the property. ”
Thanks Mogs. Much appreciated.

The issue of the victims in grooming gangs scandal being in care is not widely understood enough. I was a local authority social worker from 1980-2000 When I started the local authorities ran all the home care agencies, children’s and old people’s homes but they were all put out to the private sector under the banner of choice for the client. I used to inspect these homes too and standards were very variable. All massively lucrative businesses. Now few councils run care homes and the market has completely taken over.
The other issue is that obviously the youngsters are in care because of family breakdown, abuse and chaotic lifestyles exacerbated by the fact they are moved constantly too from foster placements. One girl I worked with absconded from each and every place we tried and she ended up in a secure unit. She was lured into prostitution and her father was part of the problem. If you are emotionally damaged you are very hard to help. Ripe pickings for the groomers! Men were often hanging around outside in the evenings. My beef is with the weak minded social workers and people like Nazi Afzal ( former chief crown prosecutor) who initially tried to whitewash the rape gangs quoting a home office circular stating that the girls had “ made an informed choice about their sexual behaviour and that police officers should not get involved”…Paul Embery called Afzal out in a recent Substack post for this misinformation as it turns out to have been untrue and yet Afzal has not been hounded by the media. Paul suggests if ‘it had been a white working class person rather than a top Asian prosecutor’ things might have been different. Exactly! Layers of bad practice. Afzal was on the BBC Sunday programme very recently and was only mildly rebuked for his part in the whole. This country is so corrupt not sure sure we will ever get change …
Migrant medics are also over-represented in being reported for sex assaults on patients in hospitals. This article is a few years old but I can’t imagine the stats looking drastically different today;
”Foreign-trained doctors commit six in ten cases of sexual misconduct with patients, even though they make up only a third of NHS medics, shock new figures reveal.
They accounted for 23 of 38 proven incidents in the past three years, according to figures obtained by The Mail on Sunday. Allegations include indecent behaviour, sexual assault and even rape.
The alarming statistics have emerged just as the NHS has introduced targets to reduce the numbers of black and ethnic minority staff – almost two-thirds of whom trained abroad – being hauled before disciplinary hearings.”
Kishwer Khan, born in Pakistan to Muslim parents, married Robert Faulkner and was given her peerage title of “Baroness Faulkner of Margravine” by Tony Blair. Does that mean that her English husband has the title of “Baron Faulkner”, or is it only his Pakistani Muslim wife that was ennobled? I don’t understand about these things.
She was then somehow chosen as head of the UK Equality and Human Rights Commission by Tory Amber Rudd under Boris Johnson.
Pakistan, Pakistan, Pakistan, again & again & again, given high office in the United Kingdom. Muslim, Muslim, Muslim.
An interesting article from Spiked. What it does confirm is that there are sufficient high-ranking grifters for whom there is more than sufficient evidence to put them in court. Senior police, care workers, councillors and definitely the respective local MP’s. And Andy Burnham is a certain contender.
And is it true that Labour are fast-tracking ‘asylum seekers’ so that they’re able to vote, similar to what the Demtards were doing in the U.S, and that Labour intend to scrap voter I.D? So they’re just basically importing voters aren’t they?
All correct Mogs.
Firkin unbelievable.
This article is wrong on so many levels.
if Pakistani immigrants or indeed any other immigrants cannot assimilate themselves into our culture they should be repatriated at once.
no one in this country voted for multiculturalism and the death of their own culture, safety and security and that of their children.
if we are too cowardly to protect our own young, we deserve everything we get.
this meal mouthed apology for something totally unacceptable is insulting.
There certainly is but there are also many other issues with a few of the other incoming cultures. South Asian cultures are largely ‘relationship’ based, where cronyism, nepotism, discrimination, and blatant xenophobia are rife. Try working there for a while to observe this in abundance. This cultural trait, combined with the ‘protected characteristic’ legalities, creates a huge arbitrage opportunity to the disadvantage of people from ‘the entire rest of the world’. One way to solve this would be to ‘diversify’ any (much reduced) immigration that is required and allocate proportionally more of it to East Asia, SE Asia, South and Central America, Europe, North America. At present, far too much of it comes from South Asia and this is no accident.
Of course, the night time economy etc etc. No mention of the “I” word, as usual.
To quote another piece of deflection by Tim Stanley in the Telegraph (to the best of my recollection) “Where in the Koran does it command the rape and brutalisation of young white girls?”
Of course it doesn’t. Matter settled in his mind. But it does teach contempt for females and infidels. Sorry girls, you are doubly qualified and you can’t expect any help from weaselly journos, quangocrats or public servants with a duty of care.
And, by the way, what is a “secular Muslim”? I doubt that Allah will accept any such category when the time comes.
Abusers will abuse if they are allowed to abuse.
The Establishment allowed the Pakistani abusers to abuse for decades.
Punishing the abusers is only part of the solution. The members of the Establishment (Ministers, MPs, Senior Police Officers, Councillors/Council Employees etc) ALL need to be exposed and, where there is sufficient evidence, charged with Malfeasance in Public Office.
And that’s why we won’t get Justice. Because very large numbers of powerful people in the Establishment were complicit in covering up the abuse and the abusers.
None of that will ever happen. —That is why the “Establishment” are called the “Establishment”. —-They are able to continue “Establishing”. A diabolical disgrace that we can do NOTHING about. They would rather lock those who complain up.
I know a few people who have had their X accounts suspended for posting comments on this issue. The so-called Champion of Free Speech at X gives them no chance to delete their posts, no warning about posting “offensive” posts in future—NOTHING. —Some of these people have been on X Premium for many years and they are simply cut loose. I appreciate that people cannot go on social media cursing and swearing, but at least they should be given a warning and another chance. Even the MailOnline will do that. —Elon Musk needs to stop just ditching people who pay good money to post on his site and who should at least be give a warning. The irritating thing is that all of this “suspending” gets done by automation and AI
An example of the problem is Sadiq Kahns response to being asked if London had a raping gang problem
These more fundamental contributions by Aayan Hirsi Ali are very revealing, telling us how we got here and why it (to me) seems to be too late for us to do anything about it:
The second one is part of the DT’s Planet Normal podcast series and the relevant bit starts about 34:50 in.
This subject is not being discussed honestly. Pakistani culture is institutionally misogynistic. The attitude is precisely that of the sex maniac to whom women are either sacred virgins or whores from hell.
This deranged dichotomy is not unique to Islam. You get the same thing in the roman catholic priesthood. You get the same thing in Sikh culture in Northern India.
The abysmal British Pakistanis involved in gang-raping white girls would murder their own daughters for promiscuity or even for dating a white boy. And their communities, including the women, would uphold and support them. It is the same pent-up murderous hate of women being expressed in either case.
My roommate in Coventry in 1976 was a Sikh called Surrinder. He was born in the Punjab but was now an English lad with a suntan and a beard. One day a report on the local TV news said the dismembered body of a girl had been found in a binliner in Walsall. ‘Oh, God,’ he exclaimed. ‘I know what’s happened there.’
‘You don’t understand,’ he said. ‘She disgraced her family. You whites are not really a family.’
What have we done allowing this madness to establish here?
These are just symptoms, Allan. Listen to the podcasts listed above.