The shocking police doorstepping of Telegraph columnist Allison Pearson last week has rightly sparked grave concern about the parlous state of freedom of speech in Britain. For a tweet she posted last year, Pearson is under investigation for “stirring up racial hatred” under the Public Order Act 1986, which regular readers will know can carry penalties of years behind bars. In a period when pro-Gaza marches were flooding the capital every Saturday, Pearson reposted a video showing two south Asian-looking men holding a green and red flag on a British street next to a group of police officers. “How dare they,” she wrote. “Invited to pose for a photo with lovely peaceful British Friends of Israel on Saturday police refused. Look at this lot smiling with the Jew haters.”
It has struck me that many of the free speech advocates to criticise the authoritarian investigation into Pearson this week have done so on what one might call empirically minded lines. Where is the evidence, for instance, that any disorder did actually result from Pearson’s post? One prominent human rights lawyer, arguing in the Telegraph that Pearson did not deserve a visit from the police, has said that an investigation should only have proceeded “if damage has demonstrably been done during the time [the tweet] was up”. Assessing whether or not the tweet ought to have merited such a heavy-handed response, Pearson and her lawyers have looked carefully at the wording and concluded that it does not meet the “threshold” for criminality.
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By ‘climate events’ I assume she means weather. 100% certainty I’d have thought.
Well I’m on the side of the farmers, I don’t think Starmer has the constitution to reconsider, on the contrary I think he’s more likely to go all Trudeau on them…. This might get very interesting…
Surely the farmers will be allowed to continue protesting if they rebrand themselves “Farmers for Palestine”? The police wouldn’t dare interfere then.
Nice one. Or Stinking Rebellion?
There is a very real risk, he will…his controllers cannot allow the project to fail, which was why Turdeau was so very nasty.
The government doesn’t value independent farmers. To be honest, they probably need all that land for solar panels, wind farms and battery banks to achieve their silly zero carbon power supply network dream. Or to build on. They’ve got to find somewhere for their new prisons and illegal immigrant holiday camps…
Or for big Argi to buy up all the land and mass produce all the grasshoppers, mealworm and other forced food that we all will be required to eat in the near future! (Except the elites of course)
I buy mealworms but only for the Blackbirds & the Starlings.
This is not just about inheritance tax… there is talk of banning Muck Spreading, while jacking up the price of Fertiliser….this attack is as mad as the Dutch one was…which means it is coming from the WEF goons. The Farmers will likely get no help from Starmer , as he is under orders…they will have to wait till the next election and we the people better make sure we sling them out forever.
And we the people had better make sure to ABOLISH MANDATORY FIVE YEAR GOVERNMENTS, like the Soviet “Five Year Plans”.
Bring back the VOTES OF NO CONFIDENCE that allowed the people to turf out governments that violated the democratic will of the people.
Stopping muck spreading is something the farmers can do to cause the water companies a massive problem with their sewage sludge.
No coverage on the BBC News, as expected……..disgraceful. They have their heads in the sand [or up some other dark place…]
I sent a TXT to Five Live along the same lines this morning, I said they might start to notice when there’s food shortages.
It was reported on BBC Radio 4’s Six O’Clock News. I don’t know about BBC television news, I don’t watch it.
Once a group of people gets together and realises the unassailibility of their power then there is nothing the state can do to stop them, especially in a demoralised country that begs for anything other than the status quo. A mass movement behind farmers means a swift end to corrupt entrenched power. They are so high on their own supply that they can’t even see this as a threat and therein lies their downfall.
If only it were so simple… Dominic Frisby explains why there won’t be a Revolution..
The right to bear arms in the UK would be my first UK ammendment
So here we have both sides of the coin being controlled by the same narrative.
1- “Farmers Threaten to Bring Britain to a Standstill” is the kind of headline that provokes a knee-jerk response from readers. I will leave you to decide but whichever side of the argument you stand on, you can see that very same narrative being seeded in a negative light over time at the following links
This is not unusual for Will Jones, the narrative is designed to portray ‘The Farmers’ as some sort of out of control nefarious mob. Similar headlines will run in the tabloids tomorrow, riling up the nation against those damn farmers
2 – What was actually said
You don’t have to look too far to see how recent events (somewhat manufactured in my humble opinion) are an attempt to engineer support for the State leading to those involved being labelled ‘extremists’ –
Feels like a setup to me and it’s a shame Mr Jones has stayed true to form on peddling a state narrative. Hegelian Dialectic in play
Nonsense! Will Jones is just reporting on an article in The Telegraph, which quite rightly shows that farmers are angry enough to take effective action, just like the French farmers so often do.
There is nothing wrong with that.
Nigel Farage gets the crucial point: that it will be much more effective for the farmers to launch coordinated tractor protests ALL OVER THE COUNTRY, instead of just focusing on London.
“Attending the protest, Nigel Farage, the Reform U.K. leader, encouraged farmers to keep campaigning across the country.
He told the Telegraph: “In the 100 rural constituencies Labour now holds, they have to keep up this pressure. IT HAS TO BE PERSISTENT IN EVERY MARKET TOWN.”
The farmers should stop the foreign food imports next.
Cause some serious damage, get some big hitters reigned against the lefties. The lefties are actually quite weak people if pressurised, just a bunch of over-promoted school teachers and librarians – like Cameron and May
I’m sure they could get one of those waste tanker slurry jets to pump excrement over the fence into N0 10. Then stop by the BBC Broadcasting House similar to what the Dutch farmers did with their captured media. Give them something to clean up.
Yes, that’s a good idea — the Leftists do love their foreign food imports.
Every region. Maybe you don’t like South Wales because it is full of smack heads. They got that way for a reason. They were seriouslly hard-working bastards before. You pick them all up even the lowest. As a country there would be a huge morale boost. And with good leadership we could move onto brighter things. Don’t let these sad tossers try to convince you that there is no way back. Many things become possible with the right application of mind.
I think SStarmer & Reeves needs a bit of this treatment from farmers!
The big question being why the useless leader of the opposition went with immigration for which she has an appalling back story rather than farming
Do you mean the Nigerian Birth Tourist?
Just heard Farage discussing this on his show. The female guest called Labour liars to which Nigel replied with “strong words”…..She should’ve replied with something like….Just for fairness the Tories have been lying about immigration for years!
It’s just time everyone took to the streets and smashed this rotten WEF governance from LGBT ,BLM ,Climate change
Lets make them all net zero
I am with them, and happy to suffer a little if they start restricting supplies. Labour communists are just the most vile people. The blue socialists (toeies) weren’t much better.
How is it that all the parties have adopted socialists policy directions? I fecking despise them all. Communists of different colours.
The farmers need to keep the public onside. That means not disrupting Christmas and delaying their blockades until the New Year.
Then come down hard and not let up.
Yup….Play the long game.