Here is one telling of the events of early August. Victims of terror violence in Britain were used to being handled in a certain way. This was ‘Controlled Spontaneity’: a choreographed spectacle of compulsory togetherness, activated whenever a tragedy of this kind occurred.
The objective of Controlled Spontaneity is to create enough display, theatre, and, above all, noise to displace any natural feelings of grief or reflection among the victims. The crashing cymbals of brothers Liam and Noel Gallagher, the ‘chicken burgers’ of James Corden. Huge bodies of people are immediately dropped at the scene of the crime to crowd out the bereaved. After the London Bridge attack of 2017 “a hundred imams” were dispatched with speed to the borough of Southwark.
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interesting paper on the potential for vaccine induced disease enhancement
“The urgency engendered by the pandemic has resulted in acceleration of the clinical vaccine development process from 5–10 years to 12–18 months”
“The possible risk of vaccine-induced disease enhancement for epidemic coronaviruses has been brought to light during preclinical studies with SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV vaccine candidates. It is reasonable to suspect that the same could apply to SARS-CoV-2 ”
” On the human safety side, however, collection of safety outcomes, particularly longer-term outcomes related to SARS-CoV-2 exposure, may be less complete at dossier submission than is typically present under normal circumstances”
Nice find. It says this at the end which is yet another screaming admission of guilt that there is a reasonably high chance they have just created an epidemic of enhanced disease with these Covid19 injections:
“In the current COVID-19 pandemic context, the potential benefits of a safe and efficacious vaccine are evident. A vaccine would be instrumental to protect at-risk populations, curb the epidemic and, should it be protective against not-yet-known coronaviruses, dramatically improve preparedness for future outbreaks, reducing their human and economic footprint. However, if a coronavirus vaccine was to exacerbate disease upon subsequent infection, it would have disastrous consequences, as recently exemplified by the public anxiety caused by a dengue vaccine increasing the risk of severe disease in seronegative individuals [65,66]. The presence (or even the suspicion) of vaccine-mediated disease enhancement (if it were to happen) would erode confidence in a coronavirus vaccine, and perhaps vaccines in general. Vaccine confidence is necessary to guarantee high uptake and maintain adequate cov-erage required to preserve herd immunity and/or curb epidemics. This is particularly true in high-risk situations, and a break in vaccine trust before or during a pandemic would be regrettable [65]. Both infectious diseases of epidemic potential (such as a global influenza pandemic, Ebola or other high-threat patho-gens) and vaccine hesitancy have been flagged by the WHO as major threats to global health in 2019 [67].
In the midst of the current COVID-19 pandemic, developing a vaccine as soon as possible is a clear imperative. But it is also a balancing act between what we know and what we do not know, and efforts should focus on generating necessary informa-tion without imposing unacceptable delays on the development process. Despite the unprecedented global humanitarian crisis, safety and scientific rigor cannot not be sacrificed to speed. We must be mindful of the risk raised by animal studies of other SARS- CoV and MERS-CoV vaccines and apply these learnings to the development of a safe and effective vaccine against SARS-CoV-2.”
Is this the second wave that Bill and Melinda were smirking about in this now infamous clip?
Bill&Melinda Gates can’t wait: “Humanity will learn its lesson during the second wave”
Global depopulation by vaccines as per Gates’ recommendation
That would sadly be my take on it too.
Rock and a hard place for us, with evil like Gates still on the planet.
What’s a safety outcome? Does it mean you didn’t die?
Another Oh dear report:
The last 2 paragraphs:
Hands up who wants to be the next Israel?
1/ Hello, my name is Gal, I am an Israeli citizen, and I want to convey this urgent message to the world: Contrary to what you are told, Israel has not “returned to normal” in any way >>
2/ Moreover, despite the desire to create a setting as if there was a full and normal routine here – the Israeli Ministry of Health JUST RECOMMENDED TODAY TO EXTENT THE DECLARATION OF A “STATE OF EMERGENCY” in Israel >>
3/ to which is the foundation for coercion, violation of basic rights, severe discrimination under a “green mark (pass)”, prolonged closure (Of about 5 months overall) and a lot of undemocratic and not “routine” restrictions. >
4/ If the situation in Israel had “returned to routine thanks to the astounding success of vaccines” then the “state of emergency” would not have continued.
5/ In fact, since the beginning of the “vaccination project” there has been only more intimidation and in many ways – even though the closure has been lifted, much more coercion.
6/We live under increasing coercion, discrimination, marking and division into two civil societies-according to the “green mark (pass)”. Basic activities such as work, education, health and recreation – have become a luxury for only vaccinated people. And even then – temporary
7/ Only some places allow the presentation of a negative test to COVID- every 72 hours (!)-the approval output sometimes puts out an output of all the medical tests you have done, recently it was announced that citizens who chosen to do so will have to pay for the tests.
8/Yesterday, at the same time as the false publication that “all restrictions have been removed from the education systems” – the Minister of Education announced that parents would be allowed to enter their children’s school or kindergarten area, only by presenting a “GP” >>
A green pass will be required as well for attending graduation parties or trips and more.
9/ We believe (myself as a lawyer and many Mor like me) – that this announcement probably has no legal basis, and it is not under authority – but the State of Israel is no longer a law-abiding democracy.
10/ The directive has already been implemented and the legal system does not provide an effective solution to stop this conduct. There is no functioning Government, or Knesset and there are no parliamentary committees to stop it. We were abducted to the dictatorship >>
11/ My message is simple: either the vaccine is effective – and then all the limitations have to disappear from our lives. Or it is ineffective – and there is no justification for the limitations that depend on it (green mark) anyway. There is no both ways.
12/ Since we are now in a country that operates unprecedented coercive measures – you will not hear this message in the official media. Please help us pass it on to the citizens
13/ Lastly, I believe that Israel is the “pilot” that should serve as an example and *justification* for the whole world. If they convince the general public that there is “success” here, it will be done all over the world and then it will get worse for all of us.
That Jews – Jews!! – should be the ones to persecute, ghettoise and humiliate a minority, identifying them as dirty plague carriers bent on destroying decent society … where on earth could they have got the idea from?
If I we’re Jewish I’d feel even sicker than I do. The idea that my fellows were acting like those who had once persecuted mw so badly…
That Dr Mengele was quite a nice man really
makes you wonder what has been exported back to the UK from the recent “fact finding” mission and how long it will take to hit us
This is how tyranny creeps up on people, whether it be the intention of the psychopath or simply unempathetic greed that drives policy. We give away a little freedom, a little at time, in the hope of clawing it back some time in the future but it doesn’t work like that. As I sit here in Northern Italy – my home of 20 years – it is with a heavy heart and a tear in my eye that I think back of those who came before me, my father and his father who were subjected to so much tyranny to leave us with the hard-won freedom we have today…my son who is to be the benefactor of what we do today…
A parent should wish that they leave for their children a better world. This is not better. This is immoral. It is EVIL.
Beneficiary, not benefactor.
“Victim” would be a better word than either.
You’re absolutely right… beneficiary
My daughter is 15. She’s the only one in her class that had the second HPV vaccination (it was due last summer). So there’s 14 girls waiting for cervical cancer at some point in the future.
She won’t be having this one until she’s old enough to sign her own consent form.
Do you mean she isn’t vaccinated? Or she’s the only one who wasn’t double vaccinated but even you as a massive vaccination advocate won’t be letting her have the COVID vaccine?
Regardless of your views on vaccination generally, I think avoiding vaccinating your children for COVID is wise.
She’s fully vaccinated against HPV. It’s a double jab given (currently to girls only) routinely while at school. When my daughter’s second jab fell due, it was during the first school shutdown. We had a letter asking for her to come for her second jab. When she went back I had her ask her class who else had had their second; she said only her.
Since all the covid jabs use a technology that has issues around fertility; there is now way I would recommend her having one until she’s done with having children.
My daughter is 17 has not had her second HPV jab. I wish I had read more into it before giving consent for the first one. (She is otherwise fully vaccinated)
“She’s fully vaccinated against HPV.”
Is she planning on sleeping around a lot then?
Whoever down-voted my comment probably needs to think a little bit more deeply……..
Condom’s (or abstinence) = very low risk of contracting HPV, or any STIs.
HPV vaccine + unprotected sexual activity = risk of contracting STIs.
Is that simple enough for you?
There are several strains of HPV, not all covered by the vaccination. Smear tests are still required.
Something that troubles me.. if everyone is vaccinated, what will that mean for blood transfusions? I mean how does that work? What if you’re vaccinated but ok, then you give blood to someone and that sets off a clotting incident, because you have spike proteins in your blood, and they are vaccinated, and it kicks off a cytokine storm?
Hadn’t we better stop short of vaccinating children to avoid this alone? So we have a healthy pool of future blood donors?
Also, you cannot justify vaccinating healthy children against something that barely affects them to protect either the healthcare system or indeed the economy. It surely won’t pass the lightest scrutiny. Because if we disable a generation of children, there’s going to be no one left to either work and pay taxes, or indeed care for the suck and vulnerable.
I know it’s tempting to think it’s a conspiracy but isn’t it just epic levels of ignorance, greed, opportunism and irresponsibility at work here? I mean only the truly stupid could think it’s safe to roll out a vaccine against something harmless to children. And again it begs the question… what are they trying to hide? Because ask anyone in power since the Dawn of time. When disease comes along and wipes out your serf classes, everyone dies. You can’t innovate your way out of this kind of situation. Knowledge does with those you kill and before you know it you can neither heal nor nourish yourself.
Isn’t it then incumbent on us to at least protect our children because they’ll hopefully grow up to protect us, and become vessels for the knowledge that has sustained our species for so long.
It is a conspiracy!
“wipes out your serf classes, everyone dies” – That was probably before mechanisation, and certainly before artificial intelligence. Klaus Schwab’s “Fourth Industrial Revolution” is the point at which the elite enjoy an even better life, upon the back of a much-diminished proletariat.
My understanding is that the risk of dying from Covid is small – miniscule for young people.
And the risk of getting blood clots from the vaccine is also miniscule – but slightly larger for young people.
In fact, the maths shows that for youngsters, there is more risk of a blood clot than from dying of Covid – though both the risks are so small they can probably be ignored.
However, medically, vaccination for the young is NOT indicated. This must be the first time that a government has intentionally raised risks for its citizens for political reasons….
But they need to be sacrificed to reach herd immunity. For the 95% effectiveness strap line has proved to be nothing of the sort. So they need to baked into the pie.
Herd immunity for COVID is 70% and has already been reached in UK, according to the ONS, so that argument is invalid.
Swedenborg posted the following table a few days ago. It shows the risk of Covid for young people.
It isn’t just clots, there have been the reports of myocarditis amongst young healthy people after vaccination.
It’s not just blood clots, theres lots of other issues being reported including eye problems such as blindness:
Try sticking that needle in my daughter. See what happens.
You have to be careful with vaccines offered through school. Despite no consent being given, NHS nurses tried to persuade my child, age 10, to get the flu nasal spray. Child refused, and was able to report the emotionally loaded language used in their argument.
I have two daughters. I feel the same.
I fear you’re all looking at the detail, the minutiae and not the big picture here. How come all countries are simultaneously risking everything/oblivion?
What could possibly bind countries that historically hate each other? Political parties opposed to each other? Differences in religion? There must be something that surpasses all of these.
What one organisation exits in all countries of the globe and has members in the highest offices, organisations and royal courts everywhere? An organisation so secretive that they all swear an oath punishable by death. Freemasons.
I don’t think there can be any reasonable doubt of a common purpose and hidden agenda. Exactly who is pulling the stings is, I contend, rather less clear.
I acknowledge a vague possibility that authorities, globally, know that we face a threat (whether or not related to SARS-CoV-2), from which they are trying to protect us, but, for some reason, they believe it’s better not to tell us the details.
Yes, I had considered that as a possibility; that we are all in grave danger and that all that is being done is in fact, even as unpalatable as it is, for our benefit; a bio-attack from a state perhaps.
However, I’m more inclined to agree with the Australian ex-rock star, ex-Freemason, Altyan Child’s, that they have a hold on those in power worldwide and that their goal; openly disguised as The Great Reset, is in fact more than that. He suggests that Freemasons (at their highest ranks) are in fact nothing more than Lusiferians and when one compares their imagery, well, it sends shivers down the spine.
I actually watched about 4 hours of that video on Friday after following a link from here… still wondering what to think.
It sure is long but I would recommend finishing it. I’m in no way religious but religions of all types are in essence just a human belief system to justify their actions to themselves; an artificial construct. Stories being, not written but played out. I didn’t sleep well that night for the first time in years.
Rather like the endless gas mask drills in WW2. Even then they didn’t know and still even today they don’t talk about the REAL threat chemical weapons posed. Both sides had stockpiled tons of gas and even aeroplane development followed the premise that gas would be used en masse. This is why most bombers didn’t really have good capabilities for doing heavy bombing until later on. Chemical payloads are comparatively small.
The idea that gas was a failure and subject to weather was a lie. It had been extremely effective in WW1. It was avoided in WW2 because they new it was a weapon of mass destruction on both sides. Perhaps COVID19 is just such a drill?
You’re sweet, the idea that this is all to protect us!
No. There is clearly a conspiracy. A long list of nations all doing the same stupid & dangerous things. All lying to their citizens.
Nothing theoretical about it at all.
Vaccine passports are the route to totalitarian tyranny.
After that….it hardly matters really, does it? Freedom will have been abolished,
We should all become Freemasons
Impossible – TPTB have taken away the ‘Free’!
Not all countries are lining up kids. Norway has stopped short of offering the AZ vaccine to young people because they know clots are more of a risk from that vaccine than actually falling ill from Covid. However, they seem to be an outlier.
Thing is, in reality this can all go away tomorrow. We could go back to the ‘old normal’.
This grand plan is basically held together by the clever mix of truths and lies. Three key lies is all its taken to hold the majority belief:
1. Asymptomatic spreading
2. The PCR test
3. New variant risk
If the population only knew these were all lies it would end. Simply disobey all restrictions.
Solve et Coagula:
literally means dissolve and coagulate or put another way, destroy & rebuild = The Great Reset.
Agreed, I weep when I think our old lives are still at arms length & all we need to do is to reach out & touch them.
But we won’t, we’ll slither down the chute, past the open gates of hell.
Because the alternative is to acknowledge that our governments have been lying to us for over a year.
In Scotland there have been 36290 positive cases and 3 deaths in the 15-24 age group which gives a CFR of 0.014%. My understanding is that IFRs are usually far lower? There have been 0 recorded deaths in the 15 – 19 age group. I just can’t get my head around why anyone at all would allow their child to be vaccinated knowing this.
They will offer it and kids will be offered up. Many parents are brainwashed and their granparents see their grandkids as vectors of disease.
A question of medical ethics:
Given that the conditional/emergency approval for the experimental vaccines is only for persons over 16 years old, that there has been no testing of the vaccines on children, and that the risk of deatrh or serious adverse results from covid infection in children is infinitesimal, and the principle of “first do no harm”, what is the ethical justification for vaccinating children with an experimental vaccine?
There is none. And anybody who has anything to do with this is morally bankrupt.
Jolly profitable for Pfizer though. They’ll be routine, annual, and eventually mandatory. Unless children begin to get sick or die from them. Two dead in the US, I read. Coincidence, obviously.
This is truly frightening I have 3 daughters under the age of 15 the eldest has already said she would take it if offered.
Where is this going to end, what happened to medical ethics. The government planned to vaccinate the vulnerable why has this moved on to everybody even people who stand no chance of even being ill with covid let alone die of it.
It’s truly madness and scares the hell out of me, I’ve never been one for conspiracies but currently I’m left with no option there is something terribly wrong at the moment and it’s destroying my faith in humanity. Either through the evil intent of some or the downright stupidity of others to believe things like vaccinating any body other than the vulnerable let alone children is necessary. We’re fucked!
I think the goal at some point will be to use vaccines to make women infertile.. that is what Bill Gates wants.. and Prince Ch arles.. Boris and Stanley Johnson….
Yes, imagine, Prince Charles is involved in this. Something else that is not as it seems.
It’s far quicker & just as easy to cull the population.
That’s what the top up vaccines are for.
Can we just skip ahead to the public hangings already?
Bring the rotten fruit and veg too
This government is evil and nasty.
Where does this road to evil lead to, a lot of people must know, journalists must know or want to find out, the whole of our Parliament are complicit so they must know something.
I’ve wondered for a while.. can covid vaccines spread through kissing and sex?
Fat man-boy Johnson and his pleb hating father and the likes of Bill Gates and Prince Charles.. want population reduction. Is that the real goal of ‘vaccination’? Be it this vaccine or the next one.. they will become compulsory.. or they will vaccinate you without you even knowing it…
We know kids are barely effected by coronavirus and rarely spread it. Giving them a treatment still under trial to protect adults is unethical, as simple as that.
No M Curzon this is NOT worth reading in full this us something you should be fucking screaming blue murder about. This CANNOT BE ALLOWED TO HAPPEN. There should be a massive kickback from every caring human being to stop this assault on a age group that is at zero risk from an endemic disease that will never hurt them. How the fuck can you post this shit on this site with no comment you utter cunt.
I have run out words to express my disgust. That “health” professionals are, seemingly, going along with this abhorrence beggars belief.
If the vaccines are effective and the vulnerable have been vaccinated then who are we “protecting” by vaccinating children?
If the vaccines are not effective then why are we giving them to children?
That’s before we even consider the risks.
The table below is a calculation of estimated mortality risk. I calculated this based on an overall UK IFR of 0.4% using the 2020 ONS mortality figures for England & Wales and assuming a uniform infection rate across the age ranges. Given that over 80% of deaths, at least, are people with significant co-morbidities then you can reduce that risk by a factor of at least 4 – so a 1 death per 25,000 infections becomes a 1 in 100,000 for a healthy person in that category.
Does anyone think this is about “health” or protecting us from a virus anymore?
A brave attempt – but, of course there’s all the crap data around ‘Covid deaths’.
Then there’s the real world issue of catching an infection in the first place : vanishingly small at present, and never at the ‘bodies in the streets’ level. You have to come across someone with a viable virus load, and then get infected by it.
The risk level currently is minute
Watch X Factor Winner Reveals Worlds Secret Religeon. Altyan Childs.
This is unbelievable, or should be in a sane world. Even if adults, especially those in the final decade or so of expected lifespan, are prepared to run the risk of these poisons, introduced with minimal testing and oblivious to possible consequences, it is completely unethical to inflict them upon young people of any age, let alone 12 years old.
Whilst it is probably fortunate that “only” 2,000 or so young people have been exposed to one of these genetic modification trials, and presumably none have yet been killed as a result, it is ridiculous to consider that any such experiments, conducted in a timespan of weeks and months, can in any way test for long term effects.
Most 12 year olds, of either sex, are unlikely to have sexual relations before about 16 years of age, and many probably later. It is therefore fair to say that any adverse effects on reproduction cannot reveal themselves before about 4 years have elapsed. Of course, that time will, for most, be a lot longer. This, at a time when male fertility is declining, supposedly in part through chemicals in the environment.
Other effects might, I suppose, show themselves sooner rather than later, but diseases such as CJD, and many other neurological disorders seem to lay dormant for many years before becoming apparent.
The whole thing has the makings of a medical catastrophe similar to the Thalidomide Scandal, but with millions more potential victims. The other elements of that lamentable episode are present in this, including the refusal of governments, pharmaceutical companies and the medical profession to admit responsibility or to offer any succour or recompense to those they have harmed. The big difference now is that “pharma” has been exonerated and indemnified by governments before the potential crime has even been committed.
Another example of how the UK Government and its NHS deals with medical “problems” which it inflicts upon people is the outrageous “tainted blood transfusions” and their aftermath.
It is wholly wrong to use the young as the bullet-riddled sandbags behind which their elders, profiteering companies, unethical “professionals”, medical and otherwise, and criminal governments lurk.
The plan is to vaccinate the kids with a nasty virus that will see off their grandparents. I am convinced that this evil globalist cartel want to be sure that everyone over retirement age is wiped out. One way or another. They know the children will not be able to day no and the know their parents are of the generation who will comply.
The taxpayers are having their hard earned money used to kill them and make the WEF and the very few at the top rich beyond comprehension. Until we stop making excuses for not discussing the sinister truth, we will not save humanity from the mad, bad and dangerous.
Absolutely, categorically, no chance in hell of my children being vaccinated against COVID. NO
One word – DISGUSTING!
Any parent consenting to these experimental injections is guilty of gross neglect of their duty to protect their children .. the mere fact that this is proposed reveals the true nature of what is going on and it’s not about a disease ‘so bad you have to be tested to see if you have it and a ‘vaccine’ (not) so safe and effective you have to be coerced to take it’.
This proposal is evil and must not be allowed to happen .. I urge everyone to get active on this .. it must be stopped
Covid 19 vaccines are, of course, beneficial to the vast majority of the adult population – and it’s highly likely that they will turn out to be entirely safe for children
Unless younger children are different in their susceptibility to the thromboembolic serious adverse events caused by these spike protein based ‘vaccines’, we can be sure that of the 10,000,000 children to be vaccinated, over one hundred perfectly healthy sons & daughters are going to be needlessly killed & thousands seriously injured,
I am in greater despair than I’ve ever felt.
CRIMINALS. What we have is a Bunch of Sinister, Bribed, bought & or blackmailed Pharmaceutical salesmen disguised as Politicians., the oNLY conspiracy is AGAINST the People. GET YOUR HAND OFF OUR CHILDREN
There is NO justification for jabbing children with an experimental gene therapy treatment on risk grounds, health grounds, or for ANY reason (other than the pure greed reason which is morally repugnant) as children are between 1000 times and 10000 times LESS at risk of Covid-19 than the elderly.
This is just an attempt to get these black triangle drugs into phase 3 testing in children via the back door.
It’s unnecessary, unethical, and must be stopped immediately.