A new report exposes just how badly the public are being misled by the BBC regarding climate change and the Net Zero agenda. My latest report for Net Zero Watch, ‘Tall Climate Tales From The BBC’, is the third annual review, and goes into detail on just some examples in the last 12 months.
Once again, it shows just how biased the BBC’s reporting has become, and how misinformation and propaganda are now the norm. So much of their reporting on climate and energy policy is full of misinformation and at times factual errors, along with the omission of alternative views and inconvenient facts.
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Yes BBC and SKY are climate change misinformation junkies, but I am extremely disappointed with GB News for having a climate change activist that thinks “climate deniers” should be jailed as their go to weather and climate person on their channel. JIM DALE. ——This activist is like a hammer that sees every single thing as a nail. There is no weather event in the world that ever occurs that is not caused by humans according to this useful idiot. He appears on GB News nearly everyday claiming certainty where there is NONE, and very few of the presenters have the knowledge to question his activism based on very little evidence. (Only Nana Akua, Andrew Doyle, Bev Turner and a few others question his absurdity)
—–It is Ofcourse more serious when the BBC indulge in this blatant activism simply because from what I hear, 70% of people get their News from them. This makes them the perfect vehicle for filling heads full of junk science in support of the Political Agenda called Sustainable Development that is all about One World Government and control the world’s wealth, resources and YOU.
Julia Hartley-Brewer eviscerates the Chuckle Brother lookalike..Dale in several ten minute YouTube offerings. Despite wallowing in a pool of his own absurdity, he keeps coming back for more!
Yes she is one of the few who actually has investigated this climate change scam and rips the likes of Dale to shreds. The guy is simply a climate change whore.
I never listen to Dale, though I do watch some GBN output. My own speculation is that they might be hiring him to keep Ofcom at bay, even if they don’t believe in his output.
Exactly. The more JD is allowed to speak the crazier he becomes and all but the most avid Beeboid will see through him.
I listened to a Beeboid telling me it was not raining because the BBC had forecast dry weather as the raindrops were cascading down the window pane. You cannot have a discussion with that level of stupidity.
Totally agree, GBN do try to have opposite views but the guy they had on a few weeks ago with his paper-based graphs was correct but uninspiring and unconvincing. What is really lacking is a top-notch spokesperson who genuinely has the qualifications and knowledge, plus the charisma to deliver the message. We all know it is all a lie, we have brains, the amoebas simply listen to the BBC.
I agree that the guy that Nana Akua brings on to her program is factual but unconvincing. What is required is a “Ross McKitrick” or a “Judith Curry” or better still a “Steve McIntyre”, the destroyer of the Hockey Stick graph
My feelings to JohnK.
Yes I can see why the likes of Dale is on GB News, but the problem is that he is their go to person on everything to do with weather and climate. Most of the presenters don’t know enough to challenge his blatant activism so there has to be knowledgeable people like Ross Clark or Andrew Montford on there at the same time as him. But there seldom is.
The BBC is required by its charter to be impartial – stop laughing at the back – so is different to Sky. The best option is to join those ‘leaving’ the BBC and stop paying the TV licence. With virtually everything now streamed you can avoid live broadcasts. You can even watch the BBC iPlayer by using the same tactic as the BBC does – lying – when asked if you have a licence.
It is different to SKY in that it has a charter to be impartial. But it is no different when it comes to the misinformation and activism that it spouts. Because it is part of the Consolidated Media all singing from the same hymn sheet. The goal is to destroy human freedom and free market economics and replacing that with one world government socialism. The Progressive Left don’t even try to hide that. ———-In their own words we hear about their intentions, “let’s make Climate Change the Central Organising Principle of Civilisation”–John Kerry.
It might help if one MP, any MP, questioned why the Met keeps falsifying their figures. It would definitely help if Ofcom did its actual job instead of playing politics persecuting GBNews, the only channel that genuinely tries to show both sides.
Sadly most people in this country merely do and believe what they are told. The Postmasters thought the Post Office could be trusted because it is an institution. Unfortunately the majority have not yet twigged those institutions institutionally lie to suit their own ends.
How many times have you heard people say “The BBC said it so it must be true”, “It’s the Post Office, you can’t go wrong with them”, “The Government said, so we can rely on it”?
Or if they don’t actually lie, they “do something” to preserve their reputation when something happens.
The common response should be ‘is that true or did you hear it on the BBC?’
In future we should include the cost of the license fee in the energy costs we pay.
I fear that at some point as more people cancel their TV licence, a Far Left government will fund the BBC from taxation over which we will have no choice.
I can’t see the establishment ever letting go of the BBC so yes they will find a way.
It is not just Climate change they are bias about. Their news coverage in general is more opinion than facts! Ever since the Scamdemic they have been nothing more than the propaganda arm of the liberal elite and the government. Their advert claiming its ‘Our BBC’ is complete nonsense, it only represents those who have its views. The sooner it is defunded and becomes a subscription channel like Netflix the better.