Who are the climate activists bringing down Britain’s literary festivals by waging war against their impure corporate sponsors? The Telegraph has done some digging into four of Fossil Free Books’ leading lights and found a group of young people who seem to just love jetting off here, there and everywhere.
For instance, there’s Greta’s pal Mikaela Loach, who has “already flown twice to the Caribbean this year, a 9,000-mile round trip. First in January to see relatives in Jamaica, where she was born before moving to the U.K. as a toddler, and then in March to join 120 activists for a ‘climate justice camp’ on the exotic island of Saint Martin”. Apparently in 2019 she declared she would go “flight-free”. However:
Addressing the ‘Elephant in the Room’ on Instagram following her recent trips abroad, Loach told her followers she felt she didn’t have “to justify my whole life to everyone”, claiming criticism of her apparent U-Turn was simply a “distraction tactic” used by major corporations.
Or there’s ‘non-binary’ writer Guy Gunaratne, who, according to the Telegraph, has “regularly posted pictures on social media over the past decade travelling across the world on long-haul flights to Sri Lanka, Malaysia, and Tanzania”.
Gunaratne has seemingly taken at least half a dozen trips to North America. To promote In Our Mad And Furious City, the writer – who was then based in Sweden – travelled to and from the U.K. almost monthly for literary events, as well as a book reading 7,500 miles away in Bali, Indonesia.
Or meet Yara Rodrigues Fowler – said to be a key driver behind the movement’s anti-Israel agenda – who in recent years “has holidayed in Spain, Bangladesh and three times in Brazil. As the FFB campaign gathered pace this spring, she also flew to New York to give a lecture at Princeton University entitled the ‘feminist soapboax'”.
Charity might be said to start at home, but clearly climate activism does not. Which leads me uncharitably to ask the obvious question: if they don’t want people to invest in fossil fuels, why do they keep on using so much of them?
Reading the Telegraph‘s full investigation here.
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Hypocritical little Tw-ts , the worlds on its arse & then there’s these sponsored idiots !!
Starts with C ends with unts.
Do as I say, not as I do. why do these pathetic people get air time.
These people are the western governments “useful idiots”. They are the easily manipulated brainwashed dreamers that have taken it upon themselves to shout louder and louder about the manufactured climate crisis and Net Zero governments must find them truly very useful idiots because they are batting for the same team as the pretend to save the planet politicians and bureaucrats. It is the same with the superglue, paint and soup people who never feel the full force of the law for their vandalism and eco terrorism because governments are happy they are spreading the climate emergency message.
As Mark Steyn puts it….They are in agreement with the establishment, they just want Agenda 2030 now rather that five years.
wonder how much money they each have in bank accounts and investments, just like Greta with her 8 million. Such real unslefish concern for our planet brings a tear to my eye
Probably Trust Fund kids, working people have real worries and bills to pay. But they should be careful what they wish for. After Starmer, will anyone have anything to pass on!
Grifting non-entities.
With every “Good Cause” follow the money the “Oh So White Hats” get. I don’t know who sponsors them but I’d put a £100 on it that it is the usual bunch of vested interests.
Bizarrely they do not seem to understand that books actually cannot be produced, in any numbers, without fossil fuels; machines of any description need metal parts and oils.
I doubt they would like the idea of having to mash wood pulp into paper by hand. They definitely wouldn’t like having to do the manual copies one by one, page by page.
Also, have they considered how to deliver the books anywhere or how to bind them? Can’t use a horse and cart: metal parts and the horse produces CO2 and methane. They can walk but they would have to remove all of their factory produced clothing, beads, necklaces and shoes to do it.
In short they know nothing about energy or indeed climate. This girl looks about 14. We cannot have children with no experience of anything in life who are not even aware they are being manipulated to dictate energy policy
Got me thinking about Steptoe & Son again. Timeless British classic.
Having family musicians keeps my eye on the industry , it would suit TPTB to kill off music festivals, this is another way of implementing that aim . Looking at the big Festival line ups all the Bands had their moment years ago , I mean Coldplay ( good band ) at Glasto again !! but who else is there coming through , also rumour has it that in 2026 Glastonbury is off , why is the question??
Metallica played there in 2013 and that was somehow “controversial”….I’m not a Football fan but TPTB might have trouble stamping out that, it seems hardwired! (Hardwired to self destruct Metallica). Though the ticked prices I can never get my head around, the fans should boycott at those prices. And in old days local teams were actually ‘Local’.
The BBC this morning were having an orgasm over this new car battery technology that can charge an EV in 5-10 minutes, so as to stop ‘range anxiety’.
No need for any anxiety. Just plug the car into a solar panel when you get home and let it charge overnight.
On a serious note, there may well be a time when electric cars make the sensible choice vs ICE, but that will be determined by the market, not by committees of bureaucrats trying to force things on us. Anyone remember the last big technology call the Government got right.? Nope, me neither…