For destructiveness, no one comes close to Blair in damage done to Britain and specifically England. Every one of our political problems, especially the collapse in democratic trust and the disasters of uncontrolled immigration, are his to own. It’s true that all our PMs since have been appalling but Blair’s legacy is now ineradicable. The idea of an heir is truly terrifying – though acolytes like Cameron were keen to claim the title.
The mystery to me is why many still wonder what was behind his fanatical drive for the Iraq war; he’s now a ‘globalist’ with considerable behind-the-scenes power and accountable to no one. Iraq allowed him to build a world platform for himself, at a time when British politics was both boring him and showing signs that his Messianic self-belief was losing popularity. He’s arguably not a political figure at all but used politics to join the amorphous and shadowy international elite, now advising governments of any type and morality on ‘global change’. In essence, he’s cashed out his political experience in the U.K. on the world stage. That’s now the norm for Left-liberals in our polity, but the scale in his case is quite unprecedented.
A technocratic managerialist with no obvious values or roots – but now also wealthy beyond belief, for someone who’s never made, discovered or invented anything. His so-called political ideas – the centrist ‘third-way’ and ‘triangulation’ – are specious waffle, barely capable of being analysed. A good fit for the centrist managerial dads and our Left-liberal middle classes in how he uses Left-liberal pieties to hide his eagerness for enrichment and his essential nihilism. It should be remembered that he happily admits to having had no keen interest in politics or political ideas – especially the latter.
His political legacy is that anything is allowed, if you express the ‘right views’ and are against ‘the forces of conservatism’. And that values are performative, as are ideas. They are all just a means to power – operating on the largest scale. The role of politicians is to make the Overton window into a front-door spyhole, so that anyone and anything outside can be dismissed as ‘fruit-cake’, ‘far-Right’ and ‘racist’.
More recently, anything which poses alternatives is based on ‘misinformation’ and needs ‘fact-checking’ then censoring. The public, as simpletons, are in constant need of protection against demagogues and populists. By definition, the technocratic approach of Blair, Cameron, Starmer, Clegg, Davey et al. is so eminently reasonable that any challenge to it is always idiotic and often dangerous. They are the adults, the experts, and only a fool would question their position. Notice how Blair revelled in the Covid period, providing his expertise on virology, epidemiology and acute medicine without anyone questioning who he was to do so and – crucially – why. Similarly, why is a figure like Bill Gates involved in the drive to international control of all medical policy? Only the most gullible and credulous would answer: ‘pure philanthropy’.
And the answer of these technocratic elites to any growing public unease is to massively restrict freedom of speech, hiding their personal interests and prejudice behind legalism and worries for ‘public safety’. The figures espousing ‘kindness and reasonable evidence-based discussion’ are unelected, unaccountable and unchecked in their decisions, which always equate their own technocracy with those highly subjective ideals.
Some object to ‘centrist dads’, but it’s a meme that seems to work; I rather wish the word ‘sensible’ had been added. Above all, it’s the assumed faith – or rather its display: retail, boutique hotels, craft-ale pubs, rampant credentialism, the EU, artisan coffee or bread, ubiquitous selfish Lycra cyclists, Net-Zero bullshit, a fake expertise and localism that is both global and ruthless. Just see how quickly it manipulated the ‘global pandemic’ into the relentless drive for globalist solutions. Witness its draconian authoritarianism, which is now itching for the next big-thing public safety panic to add to imminent climate catastrophe, raging war and God-knows-what new pathogens.
Thank goodness the ‘grown-ups’ will soon be back in charge.
Paul Sutton can be found on Substack. His new book on woke issues The Poetry of Gin and Tea is out now.
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Tony Bliar, the most evil man ever to hold a British passport. And yes, he will be pulling the strings behind Kneel.
God help us.
It didn’t surprise me in the slightest when he became a Catholic. It’s a religion where you confess you sent my sons friends to die in an illegal war and you are guaranteed to go to Heaven.
Bliar being admitted to the Catholic Church must be the biggest anti-Catholic advertisement ever foisted on the church. Bliar is so anti-human he is the absolute antithesis of Christian teaching. Talk about leaving the back door open and inviting Satan in.
Tony Bliar – evil made flesh.
Wasn’t it Cameron that opened the door to Gay marriage, I didn’t give a toss at the time but realise that is one of the reasons that got Woke foot in the door, maybe it should be reversed. Doesn’t mean Gays should all start hanging around toilets again, though some good comedies with that sort of thing. Steptoe & Son etc.
It didn’t surprise me in the slightest when Andrew Tate ( and joined at the hip bro ) became Muslim. I think no elaboration is necessary.
Now, let’s see how much that banal but factual statement triggers the resident Misogynist Society…
3, 2, 1 GO!
I think restrictions for people from Arab countries may be necessary to save Western Civilisation. It might be too late, Douglas Murray said we still have a chance but that was in 2006.
Exactly. Just imagine how much better things would’ve been had women been banned from entering politics though. Erm…..
Blair was ‘feminized’ by Cherie, surely? She was the brains behind the whole operation. There’s no other explanation for it.
Actually she does bare a passing resemblance to Rose West. Blair looks like how I’d imagine one of David Ickes lizard people to look.
Good call on rose west. On Cherie all I’d say is judge a man by who he married. Cherie is grot inside and outside a total munter, so tony is a low quality individual indeed settling for that. Socialist men are inadequate men, how many have attractive wives. Think Mrs Clinton, Michelle Obama,Mrs macron and Cherie Blair, all total howlers. On the other side we have Melania trump, Mrs Howard and Mrs Sarkosy. No doubt conservative men generally get better quality tail. Indeed any sane man seeks to marry the most attractive women they can who has a reasonable temperament.
Well I tend to judge people on their actions, not on their looks, however, i think we’ve all passed comment on certain individuals’ appearance, specifically if we’ve established they’re “baddies”, e.g, Arden, Fauci, Diane Abbott, so we feel it’s justified and we get a free pass.
Away from politics now but case in point: Harvey Weinstein. I mean, ‘fugly’ doesn’t even cut it. The guy looks like his face was molded out of a lump of clay. In fact, if a misshapen blob of putty and a knobbly potato had a love child, that monstrosity would be the outcome. But as I recall he had a very attractive wife. I’d normally feel like a right biatch speaking like this but given Weinstein’s character and crimes, I feel perfectly justified in piling on the hate.
My neighbour fancied Mrs Clinton, that was the late nineties though.
You are funny!
You’re in a safe space here, Ron, so no need to be coy. You’re referring to yourself now aren’t you??
Don’t worry, your secret’s safe with us.
I do remember agreeing with him.
He was feminised why before that old hag got into him ! Bit of a shirt lifter back in the day !
Way not why
Mass murderer, he’s personally responsible for the murder of 600,000 Iraqis over non existent WMD. I would personally like to see the man hang.
There was a comedy back in 2002 before all the PC & Woke intensified with Blair & Bush praying to Madonna’s Like a Prayer. That was just after the Paxman interview where is asked…Do you pray together.
I made a comment in reply to yours about 6 hours ago, suggesting an alternative to hanging, that was depicted in the film The Green Mile, when the sponge was not wetted. It has been removed.
So a politician can actually inflict burning to death on real innocent human beings, but we can’t suggest they die in a similar manner. Hmmmm.
It amazes me that he hasn’t been bumped off by someone seeking vengeance.
I wish he hadn’t survived infancy.
God helps those who help themselves! The Left have been helping themselves for years but many on the Right are in cloud cuckoo land thinking like Micawber that ‘something will turn up’. Those too idle or scared to get out in public view and engage in political activism for Reform UK have only themselves to blame for the dystopia to come.
“Honestly Kiernocchio, I told the Sheep ‘It’s just crossing the I’s and dotting the T’s’ and they fell for it! You’ll love getting away with telling them nothing!”
I was considering voting Labour under John Smith. I had major misgivings about Blair and Brown; they were obvious liars. On the day Blair was made leader I swore I would never vote for Labour again because any party that elects someone like him is not worth anyones vote.
Now we have Starmer who wouldn’t recognise truth if it hit him in his flat face and knocked his dead eyes out. How anyone can even consider voting Labour is beyond me. Only the other day he and his laughably inept Chancer Liar couldn’t agree on what a working person is!
If it was found that Blair had a hand in Smith’s death would it surprise anyone?
When Blair became leader an American colleague said to me, look at his face, his eyes, his smile. And remember a rattle snake always smiles before it bites
You could also say that about Hunt who also has a wife deep into the Chinese politburo.
Or Dr David Kelley. What happened to that post mortem!
How can anyone contemplate voting for any establishment party?
Thought for a while TB might be angling to take over from Uncle Klaus, but that might make him too visible/accountable. He prefers to prowl as a creature of the shadows, working through his familiars. Remember his comment at start of so-called pandemic: “our people are embedded in governments across the world.” Our?
No interest in anything apart from his own self advancement. Malignant, sociopathic, evil moral vacuum. In 1930s Germany, Blair would have brownnosed his way up to high command, delivering toadying reports to the Führer daily with a keen eye on his advancement to eventual leader.
Funnily enough that is exactly what he is doing now.
Paul Homewood giving a big shout out to another climate shill Professor Paul Williams of Reading University, clearly an acolyte of Professor Pantsdown. Air travel is suffering from increased turbulence. Except it isn’t. Damned inconvenient.
And in the same bumper article Paul takes a forensic look at Labour’s energy manifesto and finds – surprise, surprise, it’s all complete boll ox.
Look at Blair’s face in that photo. Satan personified.
‘accountable to no one’.
Almighty God gets the last word.
Lurking behind the election is the WEF.
Sunak, like the other “leaders” during the Scamdemic, is being retired.
Their replacement is Starmer ….. who openly admitted he’d rather be in Davos than Westminster because that’s where the “real work” takes place.
The fix is in. It was in a very long time ago.