Welcome to the Weekly Sceptic episode 88.
This week:
- Nick and Toby talk about Ofcom’s attack on GB News, why it’s unfair and what’s behind it
- We’re all gutted about the death of the President of Iran, obviously, but why did Britain’s Deputy Ambassador to the UN stand to observe a minute’s silence for the ‘Butcher of Tehran’?
- Everyone thought Geert Wilders wouldn’t be able to form a government, but he’s built an unbelievably sensible coalition with a robust, Right-wing programme
- And a brief canter through the stories we would have covered last week if Nick hadn’t been ill, courtesy of Toby
- Plus everyone’s favourite section, Peak Woke, and premium content on www.basedmedia.org, which this week includes:
- Donald Trump threatening to stand for a third term
- The growing support for Trump among African-Americans and Hispanics
- And Trump’s threat to send ‘kill teams’ to take out the leaders of the Mexican drug cartels
- And in the Based Department, Toby nominates J.K. Rowling, Esther McVey and the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature for refusing to rename the ‘Hitler Beatle’.
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Produced by Lambeth Walk Productions.
Filmed at the Westminster Podcast Studio.
Music by Tinderella.
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Following the rules hasn’t done much good, idiot, has it?
tennis player linked to dodgy doping doctor thinks he should be talking about “following the rules”?
Do you have a link or proof for that?
Unsurprisingly the Spanish swept it all under the carpet but I’m sure you can look up all the allegations on Dr Fuentes where “football and tennis players” are mentioned as being clients.
To all the downtickers, you might want to consider that there is nothing wrong in wanting to see the evidence in support of an assertion that slanders someone. I was asking for the proof for that assertion.
He does seem to keep dubious Company.
Piss off sunshine.
Djokovic is a ultra-high-profile thorn in the vaxxterminating “narratives” side… so his resistive stance needs to be extinguished ASAP.
Nadal is just one of the countless sporting stars, Hollywood celebrities and social media influencers PAID to keep the safe and effective lies on track.
If you’re a TikTok influencer with audience share you can earn $1k a month to spout bullshit about how wonderful the clot-shots are.
We’re at war people….and it’s increasingly getting messier as the failures of the vax program globally mount.
Kind of cringey how you always hitch a ride on the first post. You’re not replying to the post. Get in the line like everybody else. Your posts aren’t nearly as special as you think they are. Just saying.
In case it passed you by twiglet… this is a quality forum. So perhaps better to let people here simply think you a moron, rather than proving it by putting trotter to keyboard?
Yes, Jennifer Deon sneered and ridiculed the “vaccine” doubters and also denigrated religion. And then miscarried a baby within three weeks after getting mRNA booster shot.
Also a horrible tragedy for her/her family; the fact that the NZ doctor duo exposed the CDC’s cover up of recent (Pfizer, from memory) trial data showing how they manipulated the result to show a circa 12% miscarriage rate in the cohort of 800+( very similar to long term, non SARS COV2 affected data) when in fact they should have only applied the miscarriages to those occurring up to 20 weeks ( because definitively post 20 week in confinement deaths are not described thus ) – that push the “rate” to over 80% – a massive hike and very bad news.
Hubris – I think not, personal tragedy certainly.
For those that like links : CDC Scientists admit they did manipulate study data to show the Covid-19 Vaccines are safe for Pregnant Women as researchers discover 91% of pregnancies resulted in miscarriage following Covid-19 Vaccination – The Expose
Imagine if Oskar Schindler was ever prosecuted by the Nazis… I imagine Nadal would be there to tell him how he only has himself to blame, as protecting Jews obviously has consequences and is against the law…
Why is the PM’s official spokesperson lying, they know its not completely safe, are they also immune from prosecution for lying.
The point is not whether it is ‘completely safe’ (an impossibility, IMHO) or not , but whether it has been adequately tested. Which it hasn’t.
100% agree
No, it could be within the scope of misconduct in public office, find a decent judge and jury and it could be a life sentence.
And there’s the problem. Finding a decent judge. The Maxwell case is testament to that.
It might be – but if Whitty or Vallance or Van Tam or their ilk repeat this statement with no cited evidence – Whitty has already done that with his toe curling appearance in the NHS propaganda – they should be referred to the GMC or HCPC for gross professional misconduct; in my admittedly singular but harrowing experience, same issue as “Finding a decent Judge” aka some people to go against the narrative.
But then , we are living in the most chronically corrupt, lack of written constitution, monarchical parliamentary democracy…..are we not?
Same reason those like Truedope and Microbe are immune when deliberately inciting hatred.
In completely unrelated news, I note that Nikoloz Basilashvili was forced to retire from his ATP cup tennis match because of a medical problem (something to do with ‘breathing difficulties’).
Another case of climate-change.
Im concerned about the latest ICNARC Covid 19 Report, as used by Whitty, showing that from December, 60% of ICU admissions were non vaxed. Something isnt right here. Why, when potent viruses were doing the rounds, the amount of non vaxed ICU admission go down, but when a mild virus was doing the rounds in December, the non vaxed ICU admission suddenly increases. Moreover, the supposed non vax admission rise times and correlates perfectly with the start of the third dose, which is the same as the second dose – yet we see no stepped rise for that dosing event. Was a covert administrative decision made in late November in relation to the testing? Either test non vaxed but not vaxed, or raise CT value on vaxed and lower it on unvaxed to encourage jab take up?
Pretty sure there are FDA warnings for myocarditis on the label for the mRNA vaccines, and indeed NHS guidance on how to treat post COVID vaccination myocarditis, as well as VITT for the AAV DNA ones.
How do you define “completely safe”?
Completely safe = you have a chance to survive
Imagine if a family member had been disabled or died due to a side effect from the vaccine and then you have to hear these bumbling idiots constantly going on how safe they are?
If one of my family had suffered, then I wouldn’t stay silent. It’s a pity more don’t speak out.
Having said that, many are in denial. I know of several who have been injured, and two who have died – but their families wouldn’t admit that it was due to the quacksine. In fact, there’s every chance that those families don’t even know about others.
Wording on the WHO-issued PR leaflet, presumably.
the WHO accepts the chance of myocarditis and pericarditis reported with COVID-19 mRNA vaccines
Yep. And reportedly, there’s Pacific coast in California, active vulcanos are known to erupt every now and then, a believed-to-be-inactive vulcano called Mount St. Helens exploded in the 1980s and many people think baby seals are cute.
Lots of unrelated stuff all over the world!
It’s like reality itself has been cleft in twain !
Right on cue, the occupying regime makes good on its promise:
Story 1:
‘Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries has said that the Government’s disinformation unit is “working”…’
Story 2:
‘The Prime Minister’s official spokesman said: “We do absolutely want to see everyone get vaccinated.
“We know from a raft of evidence that it is completely safe regardless of your profession and that everyone should come forward, both to benefit themselves and to benefit others.”’
This illegitimate regime is the master of disinformation and propaganda. These odious bastards openly lie on record. They’re lining up to lie to you.
Yes, the disinformation unit is working just fine.
Can’t argue with that.
That quote sums up the utter madness and insanity of what’s going on.
Novak Djokovic is healthy, fit and well and shows no sign of having a vicious contagious disease. But this isn’t enough to convince Australian authorities that he’s no danger to their population.
That’s madness beyond any lunacy which has gone before. The original Nazi’s were not this blatantly shameless in subjugating dissenters.
But, even if Novak Djokovic provides indisputable evidence from the world’s foremost medical scientists that he is not infected with, or carrying a contagious disease, the Australian authorities will still not accept that he poses absolutely no danger to their citizens.
It’s totally Alice in Wonderland carry-on. How can the “vaccine” promoting loons not see the sheer totalitarian bullying and humiliation that is driving all this?
Can you imagine the uproar if we would change the ‘unvaccinated’ to something like being: black, jew, gypsy, gay etc.?
Unvaccinated, straight, white, middle-aged, successful men are the real focus of all the world’s hatred right now.
I almost got a full house there Backlash – but slipped up on “successful”!
Oh, ffs stop this ‘poor me’ syndrome. This is a world-wide problem, with Africa subject to the same pressure to suck up the pointless snake oil.
as long as china ‘owns’ Africa, yes, sadly that is the case. However, South Africans seem to carve their own path by rejecting the vaccines. We’ll know the truth soon.
Jeremy vine today turned the show into a bullying session towards the unvaccinated. Please take my word and don’t listen to the bell end.
Jeremy Vine is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. I heard him try to drown out the brave listener who dared to mention vacc. deaths. What a toadie he is. I honestly hope that AB takes him down when the court case starts.
The Australian Open has lost kudos by this, and that loss will only accumulate with the years as they come out looking like prissy idiots on the wrong side of history. And all here have the vital task of ensuring that history is written, and preserved, for the sake of humankind.
Tell me, did the England team playing The Ashes have to be faxed before arrival?
The loons don’t give a shit until someone teaches them the error of their ways
It’s like watching Planet of the Apes .
He is more at risk from the vaccinated, variant leaking Nadalian conformists…how ironic and I wonder if the Aussie Judge(s) are brave enough to consider that definite fact?
I think Nadal needs to read Kennedy’s book, The Real Fauci (2.99 on Amazon), before he opens his big gob again. How come when real experts say something they are closed down for misinformation yet Nadal and the Government can come out with any crap they like?
Remind me again where Nadal got his medical degree??
Oh, no, he was busy on the tennis courts all day as a teenage prodigy, which then kickstarted his career as a professional tennis player, so he wouldn’t have one then would he.
Nadal: Looks like a rat, acts like a rat. Just saying.
I’m not quite sure why, but for some strange reason I got the distinct impression that most sports stars , celebs and msm journos were immunology experts.
He doesn’t need to do that, he just needs to sod off.
Nadal shows ignorance but a big dose of jealousy too. He should have said it a Personal choice, as Barty artfully said.
Telegraph reports that Djokovic is trapped in a place full of fleas and horrid food.
Or Australia as it is otherwise known.
No, Djokovic must have been led to believe he would be allowed to play in Australia and he didn’t do that to himself.
Yes they most definitely lured him into a trap…to make an example like totalitarian regimes do! … but Novak will he have counted that one as a risk worth taking …. Brave he is… now we need to voice our support of him ..
Great man
I agree he was lured in to a trap but if he gets to court and has a good lawyer an awful lot of truth bombs could be dumped and sod the outcome.
Australia has provided another high profile recruit to our fight.
Yes x recruit …. Strong and I saw him play on television at Wimbledon when he was a youngster, I immediately loved his positive energy, slightly maverick, slightly creatively mischievous but without malice and watched him play beautifully ever since. Never thought we would be on the same side in something like this.
HP, you are correct – oh for a brave Aussie Judge born and raised in the Outback……not corrupted by metroCity life and mores.
No he’s not. He went to Oz under an ‘exemption’ therefore he’s complying with tyranny for his own benefit. It hasn’t worked out as he wanted, but that’s irrelevant. If he were a ‘great man’ he would have refused to play in the AO, right from the start, on a moral principle, full stop. It looks like he’s nothing more than a *poster child for privilege*.
*Phrase from another site.
Hi 8bit I accept that is another phrase that could be possible but I am hoping and praying that it doesn’t fit him, however time will tell. Time we do seem to be getting short of but I appreciate you explaining another perspective.
.. let’s see.
Let’s hope he is on the side against totalitarian control
I’m a bit tired with people criticising others who try to work around and defy the system, effectively accusing them of collaboration. Hiding in your house is not my idea of resistance. My resistance includes:
I appreciate that this is hardly WW2 level resistance, but the best I can do is to show people my open defiance and especially that there are no repercussions or consequences from the so called authorities (other than being stuck in the UK). If this escalates in the way I think it will, then I may use my skills in more of a historical resistance capacity, but that isn’t appropriate for now.
So I am happy with Djokovic’s stance. It has already given me the chance to tear apart some associates who tried to take the fascist line in conversation.
Well said.
Same here, No naps ever, smiley badge on always, speaking out all the time now, upsetting a few along the way – tough, writing to my lackadaisical MP for what it’s worth, no testing ever, no jabs ever, refusal to participate in anything that requires any form of trap and trace or papers please, no MSM, no TV licence, no smart phone, but networking locally, finding like-minded souls to raise awareness, and campaign with. Being as well read as I can possibly be and sharing info and ideas with all the good people on here and on other sites
like TCW. I’ll champion anyone now who speaks out and stands their ground, even if in the past I wasn’t their greatest fan!
Yes I think he is brave
Under that logic you must be refusing to use any shop, rather than using them as I do, maskless, making a point, and claiming an exemption. (Not that I actually have ever claimed an exemption, because I’ve never been challenged.)
I have to eat so your example is a false analogy. I’ve never masked and never will. As for exemptions, I was challenged a few weeks ago in a shop. I didn’t claim an ‘exemption’ I told the ‘marshal’ I didn’t feel like it.
Jokovic is worth $220 million and doesn’t have to work ever again. He could use his fame and influence to take a genuine moral stand (like Muhammed Ali), instead of looking for a loophole to keep playing tennis.
Of course that’s his choice and good luck to him, but it doesn’t make him a hero as the herd assume (because it’s become a net meme.)
I notice nobody lionizes the tens of thousands of hospital staff, pilots, workers etc. who would rather loose their jobs than take the vax. That’s real courage. And they’re vastly more important (and poorer) to society than a millionaire tennis player.
You’ve given me an idea. With bold red paint edit the billboards that greet you at hospital entrances to read:
I disagree. Just by making fun of his name makes your analysis dubious. Djokovic didn’t seek loopholes. On. The contrary, he followed the official line of visa application with proof that was verified and approved by two indépendant medical experts, appointed by the Oz admin! He got the exemption and te visa before he flew. Emirates checked it. The Oz passport control in Dubai checked it. So, don’t blame the victim here.
You would think it was the North Korean Open .
The report from Oz is that the Victoria government / admin pointed its finger at the Federal (ie Morrison) government for issuing the visa, after 2 independent panels of medical experts approved Djokovic’s medical exemption application. Morrison wanted to blame and then rescind the granting of visa by the Victoria Government! So who is lying here? Covid Politics will never end and it won’t be a Happy ending when it does.
And not just Djokovic. I am sure that he has a team of people including various lawyers, etc, who also believed that he would be allowed to play.
Rule of law usually means not capriciously revoking someone’s visa whilst they are on a flight to your country and then detaining them upon arrival. If Australia didn’t want him to come, why grant him the visa that they then revoked in the first place?
Correct but then the entire response to Covid has been rule by whim.
Exactly. The visa was issued. The medical exemption was examined by 2 panels of medical experts and was accepted.
“I believe in what the people who know about medicine say, and if the people say that we need to get vaccinated, we need to get the vaccine. That’s my point of view.”
You mean people like Dr. Robert Malone or Dr. Peter McCullough?
Joseph Mengele had a point as well I suppose.
He’s getting ‘people who know about medicine’ confused with ‘people who are selling medicine’.
“There is increasingly robust evidence of an association between vaccination with mRNA COVID-19 vaccines and myocarditis.” Gov.uk website.
I have heart palpitations after my Pfeizer vaccines, and I reported it to Pfeizer. Noting was done. They said they had noted it.
Coming out of woodwork in droves now aren’t they. The previously closet authoritarians, totalitarians, despots, tyrants, Nazi’s; now feel they have free rein to vent their bile.
We see you, we hear you, you have ‘outed’ yourselves. We will remember you.
Incidentally, if I were Djkovic, I would just leave the penal colony and vow never to return.
I think because of this mass formation psychosis his best tactic might be to return to a ‘safe’ country – dunno … is Serbia safe? – and vent his feelings from there. Best to calmly cite the official safety data which is now abundant all over the web, coming from Pfizer, the UKHSA, the FDA, the CDC … you can hardly escape it unless you rely on the BBC or Guardian.
Just ‘mass psychosis’ will do.
I’m not convinced “psychosis” is the right term. It feels much more like mass hypnosis, brainwashing or Stockholm syndrome. These people are in a complete trance, totally in thrall of their captors. It’s like we’re witnessing a worldwide mind control programme. Fortunately, there’s a sizeable minority who don’t appear to be susceptible to these brainwashing techniques.
Florida. Retire and teach FREE youngsters tennis.
“completely safe”
Do their laptops not have access to the MHRA or VAERS data?
Mine does. That data makes it look anything but safe, and in no realm could the descriptor “completely” be attached to it.
Nadal is like many other people who have been hoodwinked into taking the experimental jab.
He wants the unjabbed to suffer to set an example to other “free thinkers”.
Many of the jabbed are not just sheep they are also lemmings.
The main issue I see with these vaccine enthusiasts is not that they are stupid or that they are sheep. What they are is morally corrupt. They have abandoned their morals to avoid being mistreated by those in charge. And they resent anyone who doesn’t make the same decision as them and instead has the courage to stand up and face the consequences.
That is why Nadal speaks with that completely fake self-righteousness about facing consequences. Deep down, he knows Djokovic has the courage he himself didn’t have. He resents him and fears him and so piles on, like the scummy coward he is.
Excellent analysis, Stew.
A message into the void residing at Downing Street: That your spokespeople use blatant untruths and slanderous, thinly-veiled threats in order to promote politically desired behaviour is extremely unlikely to inspire much confidence, especially with people who already distrust government. As the (communist) experts in your brainwashing division (masked using the cutesy term behavioural science) certainly know this themselves, the obvious conclusion is that your goal isn’t really promoting a necessary, medical procedure to those who didn’t have it, but preaching to the choir of the already vaccinated who are supposed to be reassured in their decision of getting a three monthly Pfizer shot at their own expense for the remainder of their lifes, come what may.
“Boris Johnson has accused anti-vaccine campaigners of speaking “mumbo jumbo” when it comes to coronavirus jabs”
from a man who always lies I would take that as praise
Unfortunately, Bozo is a master when it comes to mumbo jumbo.
When it issues from Boris’ mouth it’s Jumbo mumbo.
The moment Bliar called me an idiot, I knew I’d made the correct decision!
Ha ha! Same!
His own policies have been anti-vaccination, these policies tell people the vaccines are ineffective and he’s spouted innumerate, gibbering balderdash in support of lockdown.
It’s like Stone Cold Steve Austin calling George Foreman a slaphead.
It’s ‘mumbo-jumbo because he doesn’t understand, so seeks the so-called safe haven of his own so-called experts, who are getting us, knowingly or unknowingly, into a right mess. He is living the dictum “Always keep a-hold of Nurse For fear of finding something worse.” Classics, politics and polyphiloprogenitive activities are his speciality. Oh, and Peppa Pig.
Sorry, didn’t intend the bold type. It was cut and paste and I post on another website that automatically standardises it all on posting!
I think the problem is the Nanny State. People have grown accustomed to Government doing everything and knowing the answers. Look at Germany, it used to be one of the most free-thinking societies in the world and they veered to calling their leader “Mutty”. A leader is not your flaming Mother for heavens sakes!
My family are typical of this. They are generally intelligent, most certainly not stupid, but it has not occurred to them to question what they have been told. They shout me down when I am the only one who found out the actual facts. As my brother said “I just want my life back, I don’t want facts”.
There is no hope for these people. They will continue to queue up for the killer jabs. They will continue to pillory the rest of us. Someday it will bite them on the ass and they will wish they had listened. I have no sympathy for them now and I will have absolutely zero sympathy when these things kill them.
Absolutely correct on this point, nanny statism rules the world and is especially virulent in Australia, judging by some of the comments I’ve seen, they blame Djokovic for their being locked down.
We ought to bear in mind that people in this state of mass psychosis are potentially dangerous, the mad jabbers who want 100% injected being a clear example. Did the Belgian psychologist say how we extract them from their state of madness?
One at a time, and using the Socratic method, according to Robert F Kennedy Jr.
That’s going to take just far too long
I’ve been trying the Socratic Method for years. My results aren’t that encouraging.
I think you have to accept that they will never see our side, no matter what we say this is a ‘feelings’ pandemic not a factual one.
Yes he did . It is on Robert Malones Telegram site. He was in discussion with Robert Malone and Peter McCulough. He said that those who are in this psychosis will panick if we try to lead that back to the old normal so we have to create a new normal of OUR making because they will now have a deep fear of the old that led here. Watch/listen if you can ? It is towards the end that he gives this solution. Also no violence advocated, as it will be used against us . Take care
Desmet’s theory of mass formations goes only so far. Society is suffering from diabolical influence. The tension is between good and evil.
The people who were referring to Angela Merkel as Mutti didn’t use the term because they believed it had positive connotations. That was supposed to communicate that she’s unfit to govern sensibly, ie, take decisions instead of always following a feelgood path of least resistance and the fact that Mutti Merkel basically abolished the German constitution because international NGOs were asking for that proofed them right.
I thought der Bundeshosenanzug was a funnier term. Hard to explain why. It’s something about that pompous Federal prefix which always amuses me. You know, like the way the national football team is die Bundesmannschaft.
You’re out of date there. The German national team used to be called Deutsche Nationalmannschaft (same in German) but it was rebranded as Die Mannschaft in 2015, presumably, because using both German and national in there felt just too fascist for the influential elites of Germany.
Mutti is also not meant to be funny. It’s a dated, colloquial and very familiar form. On would usually expect it to be applied to someone giving more-or-less useless motherly advice of the Be careful that you don’t get your feet wet kind, this being the only thing Merkel’s opponents considered her capable of.
‘Mutti’ may be a throwback to an earlier time. Hitler was thought of as the “father” of the German nation, when it was considered to be “the fatherland”.
I am rapidly reaching that point as well. The cognitive dissonance and gullibility of so many of my friends and acquaintances has been astonishing and deeply disappointing. On its own this would be just about tolerable, but the authoritarianism which makes them want to force us to take the same foolish choices as them is the main problem.
It will indeed ‘bite them on the ass’ some day, but they’ll just rationalize their illnesses along the lines that they would have died of Covid otherwise.
More importantly, what will they have succeeded in imposing on us by the time that day arrives?
In that case, will Nadal underwrite me for all future lost earnings if I suffer a vaccine side-effect or death? No….thought not
Hilarious-Nadal who consistently has never followed the rules regarding the length of time between points,esp between 1st and 2nd serves both serving and recieving.
Never liked his tedious game and arrogant nature.Hopefully a qualifier will turf him out early
Good point.
Or better still, he collapses on court.
I would literally piss myself with laughter.
Nadal, if you followed the doctors who say you’re at risk from these ‘vaccines’, would you follow their advice?
The link below is easily one of the best pieces I’ve read skewering colleges for their harmful and non-sensical COVID mandates. It’s not completely off topic as the author is writing about the absence of real risk to healthy young people (like, say, tennis players).
FWIW, the author is a professor at Johns Hopkins Medical Hospital so he is no “non-expert.”
I particularly like his lede, which questions why so many parents and students continue to trust the officials and faculty at these so-called “institutions of higher learning.” I hope this one makes the “Daily Round-up.” Here’s the first few paragraphs:
“Universities are supposed to be bastions of critical thinking, reason and logic. But the Covid policies they have adopted—policies that have derailed two years of students’ education and threaten to upend the upcoming spring semester—have exposed them as nonsensical, anti-scientific and often downright cruel.
Some of America’s most prestigious universities are leading the charge.
At Georgetown University, fully vaccinated students are randomly tested for Covid every week. Using a PCR test, which can detect tiny amounts of dead virus, asymptomatic students who test positive are ordered to a room in a designated building where they spend 10 days in confinement. Food is dropped off once a day at the door.
I spoke to several students who were holed up. One of them told me she would sometimes call a friend to come and wave at her through the window, just to see a human face. Another told me that the experience in quarantine “totally changed” her feelings about the school. “Everyone’s just fed up at this point,” she said. “People walk around the library and yell at you if you drink a sip of water. And it was during finals.” She told me she is thinking about “transferring to an SEC school just to have an in-person experience.” …
Punishing people for the crime of being younger than the people who hand out the punishments is completely atrocious. No one doing that should ever be considered worthy to be a member of a civilized society.
“Completely Safe”
There’s an adjective in above quote which might explain why Rafael Nadal would, against an abundance of oppositional evidence, say:
True story:
Back in the day I had dealings with a particular company that imported a product from continental Europe into the UK.
This product had various components and each product might have been assembled in either one of two locations in Europe. There was an assembly plant in Germany and another in Spain. The end product that reached the British Isles could have been assembled in either one of these locations.
Customer’s bought these products and for some they worked flawlessly, but for others they didn’t work properly at all, parts came loose and they malfunctioned.
A bit of head scratching went on as to why some of these products failed and practically fell-apart, while identical ones worked fine.
The answer to this conundrum was that it was the products which had been assembled in Spain that were giving all the trouble. The identical product assembled in Germany gave no trouble whatsoever.
So, when this became known, customers started turning up to buy the product, but insisted that they would only buy one if it had been assembled in Germany.
So, it might not be such a wonder that the Spanish Nadal Parera obviously believes that the sociopathic-countenanced Anthony Fauci is an infallible heaven-sent prophet.
What’s also laughable about above is that if the woke lot heard about it, they’d be shouting that customers were racist for not wanting the Spanish assembled products that would malfunction after a few weeks.
Does anyone else find it strange that Novak Djokovic is actually called “Novak” (as in “no vac”) given his stance on the issue?
No Vac Docs a Witch.
What is Nadal famous for? His double-backhander.
The Swiss guy I take is neutral on all of this?
Is it just me or do the “authorities” look increasingly desperate to keep the line? To me the wheels are falling off.
I’m not sure. All we can do is keep on making a huge fuss and spreading the facts, e.g. the Canadian Covid Care Alliance’s excellent presentation on the Pfizer trials.
Also in the UK there’s *never* been a mandate since 1853 (childhood smallpox) and I don’t see under the common law how there could ever be one even if the stuff was safe and effective. Yet it kills more than it saves.
That has been my reading for the last week I’d say. And I’m NOT a natural optimist! I think the dam’s about to burst. Rogan helped. Oh and also the abject complete stark raving madness of current Western policy making.
Talking of ‘sceptical celebs.’, what’s Clarkson’s view been?
I heard him say that when he had it he just rested and read a book for a few days … that doesn’t really sound like a deadly disease in a 60 y old man.
Since then I’ve heard nothing one way or the other. He’d help the sceptic cause if he’d make some ‘choice’ comments, basically that the last 2 years have been a disaster and have damaged some peoples’ lives for good.
You can hear it in their voices, it’s slipping away from them. Low numbers getting boosted, masks disappearing fast, football managers having ‘it’ 3 or 4 times. Even the dumbest are starting to wake up, just look at Piers Morgan LOL.
So presumably if someone takes the jab and suffers a serious reaction they would now have basis of a law suit against the Downing Street spokesman, if they could show they took it following official assurance that there was no risk?
Ignorant paella.
What a creep Rafael Nadal is. What kind of scumbag jumps to say the victim deserves it when a fascist regime stomps on a person for having the guts to speak out and resist?
Good on you, Novak Djokovic – your health is much more important than hitting a ball with a fancy stick over a rope. Long may you thrive.
I have had measles. mumps and German measles. My blood was tested and found still to have immunity a number of decades on. Why is it suddenly not available to have blood tests to show whether or not you have the superior immunity that comes from having had Covid19, in which case you do not -similarly-need the vaccine and can save the NHS the unnecessary cost?
I would have thought governments would have welcomed this, had they been playing with a straight bat, because it makes complete sense. This can only lead me to conclude that they are not playing with a straight bat, at all.
Whether he plays or not, Djokavic wins!
Meanwhile after slating Novaxx for not sacrificing his health, play had to be halted at another match when on of the players was struggling to breath.
Wow, who would have thunk it.
I hate to say it, but it’s going to take a vaccinated athlete with world stature dying on national TV to break through the news blackouts and maybe change the entire narrative and get people to question themselves and these authorities. This person will be a martyr to a great cause … That is, if his surviving family members raise hell, which they probably won’t. And I’m sure the mainstream media will ignore the story or come up with some cover story. So we actually need two ingredients: 1) A death of a high profile athlete and 2) A high-profile news outlet that actually confirms he almost certainly died because of his vaccination.
Absolute respect for the man
Have been a long time lover of Djokovic on and off the court and this has merely confirmed his integrity, insight, wit and brilliance as a tactician and survivor. Best of luck with those shots Nadal – you might have noticed the stats on athletes having heart attacks (all post shot) has skyrocketed. You deserve better.
You are his lover?
Please tell more, especially the on court bits
I used to be Nadal’s lover.
It’s astonishing that “Downing Street” can keep coming out with this lying tripe. Then again, it’s a mystery why so many gormless people wolf it down.
Nadal may be a fine racketeer, but a crap propagandist. I hope that neither he nor his jabbed playmates come to grief, but something may concentrate their minds.
Will we be expected to show sympathy if Nadal is unfortunate enough to collapse from a very rare heart condition during the australian open?
Personally, I’m all out of sympathy, empathy whatever for all these pro vax mouthpieces.
Same here.
Any pro sportsman who has gone along with the injections without doing their own research has only themselves to blame.
Nadal should STFU. He made his choice, let Djokovic do the same.
‘Nadal’s comments come as Downing Street uses the incident to encourage everyone to get vaccinated.’
Well, they would say that, wouldn’t they?
As for saying the vaccines are completely safe, well that’s utter bullshit as they themselves, responded in an email to me today about the petition to open an inquiry into the harms caused by vaccines, said the vaccines were “apparently” safe!
Get vaxxed so you can REALLY live the tyranny you know is real!
Turnip head paella.
Funny how they don’t say that it’s the only thing that will keep us all safe against this deadly pandemic, the virus that is ‘ripping through’ the population, laying low countless thousands and leaving bodies pilled up in the streets. Suddenly, it’s about something quite different – being ”allowed” to do something.
Wedge/thin end.
So Gavrilo Princip is no longer the most notorious Serb? The Archduke of Australia has been saved from a germ-warfare assassin hell-bent on bringing ruin to Oz. (draft press release for Morrison, may need some tidying-up).
Novax Jock O’Vitch, the Scots-Irish tennis superstar, is a very naughty boy. He will be unpersonned soon.
Ivermectin help reduce the severity of vaccine adverse reactions. If someone is suffering from a post vaccine syndrome, FLCCC clinicians and a growing network of colleagues have reported significant clinical responses to ivermectin. Because Ivermectin has 5 different mechanisms of action against coronaviruses, the medication is also effective with the different variants of the virus. Get your Ivermectin while you still can! https://ivmpharmacy.com
Nadal: ““The only, for me, clear thing is if you are vaccinated, you can play the Australian Open “
Really? Tell that to Jeremy Chardy you ignorant, conformist bell end
I especially love the “you are completely free, but there are consequences to your bad decision” part of the narrative. It has this sadistic ring of adding insult to injury, it’s essentially the same argument as when a rapist tells his victim that it’s her own fault for chosing to wear skimpy clothes.
Funny enough, it’s also the same argument used by “conservatives” to defend their ideas (about rape victims) and by “progressives” to [rightly] ridicule “conservatives” who resort to it. It’s a great proof of how authoritarian thinking is exactly the same on both sides of the spectrum.
I suppose this is a big pharma selling tactic, trying to recruit various sportsmen to speak for their products (and Lenny Henry). Whether it will counteract all those collapses of sportsmen, or change the fact that “vaccine” discrimination is effectively racist is another matter.
“A number of elite sportsmen have reported serious adverse reactions that have affected their performance and there are worries about a spike in heart attacks among professional footballers.”
For an up-to-date list (“412 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 242 Dead, After COVID Shot“) see the following:
I’m not a fanatic Djokovic fan and do think he has some funny ideas but in this case he is right and I’m pleased he is standing his ground. (Rather sitting around in a flea-bitten pseudo jail.)
I’m eagerly waiting for when Djokovic releases results of tests he took in Australia, showing that he is covid-free, while at the same time, tournament organisers and Australian officials are twisting themselves into pretzel shapes, trying trying to explain why 50% of the competitors that were allowed in (fully vaxxed and boosted, negative tested on entry, and masked up at all times, natch) are being tested positive for the lurgi.
Yes as the number of young athletes collapsing on the pitch continues to rise and 13 year olds are dying of heart attacks and defibrillators are suddenly installed in every school. Folks, wake up. Kids don’t get heart attacks. Nor do healthy athletes in the numbers that are occurring now. There is a 40% rise in deaths ages 24-60, claims the ceo of a very large life insurance company in the USA (Indiana). He made the statement publicly three days ago.
these vaccines appear to be a concern. Do your homework. Read the literature. Do not take this or any government’s word.
The best test… If anyone has symptomatic covid, they will be flat out in bed with fever and exhaustion, and the last thing they will want to do is play top level tennis at 100mph!! Let Novak play!!
Just because Nadal can play a decent game of tennis doesn’t mean he’s the brightest button in the box.
Tell Nadal and Downing Street to bugger off and mind their own business.