IgG4 refers to a special rare subclass of antibodies instructing our immune system to ignore a pathogen rather than fight it. We learned that repeat Covid vaccinations cause immune tolerance in boosted people, which makes them less able to fend off repeat infections.
While IgG4 antibodies may naturally appear in allergies due to repeat immune stimulations with allergens, they are inappropriate for replicating pathogens such as SARS-CoV-2.
What causes such dysfunctional antibodies to appear in Covid-boosted people? Was the IgG4 class switch mechanistically caused by repeat injections or by the nature of mRNA technology? In August of 2023, I suggested that the culprit may be continued production of spike protein encoded by the mRNA Covid vaccines.
An interesting new preprint study confirms that suggestion. It compared the immune outcomes of three injections with mRNA vaccines against the effects of three injections of a protein-based vaccine called Novavax.

Scientists discovered that, despite all groups of patients receiving three injections, the IgG4 class switch happened only in the mRNA group.
Compared with recipients of prior mRNA vaccine, anti-S IgG3 levels were markedly higher (>10-fold) after three or four homologous doses of NVXCoV2373. By contrast, much higher anti-S IgG4 levels (>75-fold) were observed following repeated mRNA vaccination, but not after three or four homologous doses of NVX-CoV2373 (Fig. 1A).
The study compared three groups of patients:
- Those who received three doses of the Pfizer mRNA vaccine
- Those who received three doses of the Moderna mRNA vaccine
- Those who received three doses of Novavax Covid vaccine (no mRNA)
The Novavax vaccine has no mRNA and is an injection of “spike protein”, adjuvanted with a certain substance called Matrix-M. The job of the adjuvant is to make the vaccinated person feel sick and trigger an immune reaction to the protein contained in the vaccine shot. Many other vaccines given to people in the past were of this type.
You can see that, compared to Novavax, mRNA vaccines result in IgG4 levels that are thousands of times greater (the scales below are logarithmic):

What can we conclude from this?
The Novavax group, as well as the mRNA groups, were thrice-vaccinated.
And yet, only the mRNA groups had sky-high levels of IgG4 antibodies.
Study authors explain:
Increased concentrations of IgG4 have been associated with immunosuppression and poor clinical outcomes of COVID-19, and while generally regarded as anti-inflammatory, may contribute to some auto-immune disorders and inflammatory IgG4-related diseases. Following repeated mRNA vaccination, IgG4 was observed to increase from 0.04% of total SARS-CoV-2 spike–specific IgG after two doses to 19.27% after three doses.
Thus, the authors showed that mRNA technology is the culprit.
This explanation from a year ago shows why “immune tolerance” is harmful when an organism responds to a virus:

Mistakes Were Made (with mRNA)
mRNA technology has been around in scientific labs and startup companies for decades. Not one of its applications became an approved product before the Covid pandemic.
Somehow, science funders and health authorities rushed to adopt this failed technology to protect us from a disease that they coincidentally developed and funded.
We were told this technology was “safe and effective” based on rushed three-month trials. Later, we were told that “billions were vaccinated and no one died” – and we were forbidden to question the outcomes.
Then, surprises started.
Approximately a year after billions were vaccinated, mRNA-vaccinated people started getting infected and reinfected a lot more than the unvaccinated people! A study done on 50,000 health workers in Cleveland shows this:

The study discussed today proves that the IgG4 class switch (causing this increased rate of reinfections) did not occur merely due to the number of jabs received.
What mattered was what was injected: three mRNA injections caused a thousand times higher IgG4 levels than three Novavax injections.
Conflicts of Interest
The study, which we looked at today, was funded by Novavax. Hence, a standard dose of scepticism is warranted.
However, its findings confirm what we have discussed many times: the mRNA vaccines create a broken immune response, which fuelled the pandemic and made it worse rather than better.
I am not a shill for Novavax, and I would never take a Covid vaccine of any kind, including Novavax. The objective of my post, instead, is to highlight the insanity and irreversibility of recklessly priming billions of people with an unproven novel tolerance-inducing genetic treatment.
I wish they studied this effect before forcing billions of unwilling people to become subjects of a poorly considered planetary-scale science project.
This article was first published on Igor’s Substack page. Subscribe here.
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What a guy. DeSantis shows that this was not a perfect coup, that you can’t buy everybody, and that the biggest barrier to this authoritarian takeover is the US constitution.
The biggest barrier is the spirit of liberty, which resides inside us. The Americans have their constitution to remind them, which I believe is one of the most important aspects of a written constitution. It is also why our own various documents here in the UK are routinely”superseded”, to deny us that focus.
Good on Florida though
I think we’d move there in a flash, except the airports are federal. Finding it hard to comprehend that I will never be allowed to set foot in America again..
Perhaps. Until someone sets up Freedom Airlines and we just go. If the colonies have taught us anything it is that money talks

Correct me if I am wrong but did Professor Dolores Cahil not do just that?
Didn’t she say something about never filling in a passenger locator form
Agreed Vaxtastic. I have often been in support of the US’s written constitution. Everyone knows what their rights are – both the citizen and the state. What we have in the UK is lauded for its “flexibility” but when the chips are down and you need it it seems too amorphous, and ordinary people do not know concretely what their rights are and the state can thus take advantage.
This has not been a coup, there has been no buying, what there has been was the putting into practice the green ideology, the German philosophy that has been taught as fact for more than a century.
Having taught doomsday cultism in schools and universities for decades, it must be put into practice or fought against.
Which is why the Democrats are doing their utmost to undermine the U.S. Constitution. Biden recently said that it was “evolving.”
I notice the DS article hasn’t referenced DeSantis saying ‘Wokeism’ is a version of cultural Marxism. Did the Telegraph also censor that accurate, and very important, observation?
If so, why?
You’ll find this an interesting read:
Read that this morning. He has a point. I’ve seen the memes. They ain’t buying it. Surely a healthy sign
They’re not buying it,but that’s not stopping the Wokerati from trying to sell it.
I’m increasingly of the opinion that it’s less about trying to get the rest of the population to buy into wokeness so much as destroying cultural symbols and norms.
Hollywood and other filmmakers (including the BBC) have destroyed well-loved films and shows that have been around for decades, e.g. Star Wars, Doctor Who, and now they’re going to do it to LOTR with their forced “diversity and inclusion.”
There’s a much simpler explanation for that: Outside of the domain of inventing new and exciting concepts of victimhood, these people are thoroughly uncreative. All they can do is hijack existing concepts (they doubtlessly refer to as brand names) and then, do a wokely correct remake of them, usually with lots of CGI tricks.
Case in point: Discussions of future, politically corrected James Bond actors. Why not come up with something original these actors could excel in and thus, win an audience on their own merit, instead of repurposing Fleming’s never very original and thoroughly dated dime novel stories?
Answer: They can’t because they have none. Just quotas.
Haven’t heard back from the Bond producers on my suggestion yet.
“Clearly, the narrative is being adjusted so that Amazon can rationalize its diversity agenda within a story that was always meant to be set in a historically white country. Imagine if I went to Marvel and told them I want to reboot Black Panther but I think Wakanda needs less Africans and more whites and Asians? How well would that idea be received?”
The explosion of lefty heads across Hollywood at such a suggestion might be enough to jolt San Andreas into life.
We all know it only works in one direction.
Cultural Marxism is not really about installing communism. Thats the cover story.
It was developed and is now promoted as a means to eradicate White cultures, societies and peoples.
Cabal owned Amazon and Netflix are two of the biggest offenders.
9 New Woke Characters From Amazon’s ‘Rings of Power’
Is one of them “Dildo Daggins”, perhaps?
Wow, I can just see it now. Bilbo Baggins becomes Dildo Daggins, lol.
Even the BBC carries a report of Florida’s “Don’t say Gay” Bill, which DeSantis is alleged to support.
Mind you, the BBC reports it as “bad” thing, as opposed to the attempt to dismantle wokeism which it is, as it is designed to prevent children being brainwashed about gender in the classroom.
If De Santis doesn’t run for President in 2024, he’d be more than welcome to take a hand over here.
Ron DeSantis should run for President, unlike his two most recent predecessors, he’d be literate and have his own hair.
Unless there is some unknown scandal in his background, I think he’ll win in a landslide … if he runs, which I assume he will (as too many people are encouraging him to run).
Yes, the Democrats have picked a series of awful candidates and the Republicans picked the only candidate who could lose to them.
I disagree. He should be Trump’s running mate, and serve as VP for four years, learn where the bodies are buried, then run for President. If he then got two terms, that would be 12 years of a Republican president to reverse the damage caused by the Democrats.
Trump is Captain Underpants, illiterate and doesn’t have his own hair.
Ron Desantis is superb, literate, articulate and does have his own hair.
“Anti-vaccine.” The mainstream media just can not help themselves can they? They appear institutionally unable to tell the truth. Compulsive liars, and they wonder why nobody trusts them anymore. Do they really think we are that stupid?
Remember their identities are partly dependent on their inclusion within the ingroup. The ingroup believe this stuff. They have to dig deep to think independently because that matters to them. The obvious lies they peddle are to help us reach the goal, which plebs like us cannot quite grasp.
When you identify with the pro-vax group in this way you have no choice but to push away disturbing thoughts like no safety record, premature deaths in young men and all the rest.
I’m unjabbed and I would also be labelled as an anti-vaxxer – even though I’ve had numerous vaccines before covid came along – I just choose not to have this one which I’ve declined basically because it’s a new experimental vaccine that as far as I’m aware has never really been fully tested before – I play sports, I’m fit and healthy with no underlying health issues (touch wood) I’m very low risk … so why on earth should I risk potential heart issues over vaccine that is next to useless. In five-seven years time when the results are in and its been proven to be ‘safe and effective’ like the old vaccines are then I could be persuaded to change my mind but until that day I’m not going anywhere near that damn mRNA vaccine.
“What about granny? You’re just selfish”.
So goes the response……..
haha she said I cant see her if I remain vaccine free so I have no worries about infecting her
Of course by being jabbed you double/treble your risk of testing positive for coof, so how that helps granny I’m not sure
I wasn’t anti-vaccine until I read the Fauci book. Now I am “anti” every vaccine unless it has a very clear net benefit – and when you dig through the routine clinical trial fraud (that Fauci enables), that rules out pretty much every major vaccine.
So I’m happy to be called “anti-vaccine” and will defend that position publicly.
In 5-7 years, it won’t be proven safe, but the opposite. Then you’ll be very glad you weren’t suckered in.
I think it could be proven to be terribly unsafe within five to seven months.
Indeed, the pro-jab position will NOT age well at all!
That’s the current, poltically correct wording: Whoever is against mandatory vaccination is an anti-vaxxer, regardless of his person position on getting vaccinated.
De Santis for President 2024!!
He’d walk it.
Yes, he would, which is why Captain Underpants should not run again for the Republicans.
Powdered ToastMan!
There’s a sneaky little article today on the Beeb website (I won’t insult you by linking it) headed something like De Santis approves ‘Don’t Say Gay’ legislature being passed.
Today’s homeshool topic:
So Student – when you read this headline, what do you first think?
Now let’s look at the sources – the article says “some critics are CALLING it the “Don’t say Gay bill”
What does it actually say? Well, the article doesn’t tell us much does it, but the one thing it DOES say is that teachers will be prohibited by law from giving age-inappropriate information regarding sex education at a primary school level. Because De Santis says that parents have to ‘have a seat at the table’.
Now Student – do we really know anything about this bill? Does the article tell us anything? What message do we think the article is trying to give us?
Now what do we know about De Santis and who he will be running against for the Republican nomination in a very short period of time? And if he wins that nomination, who will he be running against for the presidency?
So student – what do we think this article is really about…….
Now. Back to the Cyrus Cylinder. Let’s talk about sources….
De Santis is certainly worthy of a very senior role in national domestic politics, that is without question.
He still has to prove to the world that he will not submit to the genocidal psychopaths that control US foreign policy because his legacy then would be that of a murderer, not a visionary. The world is sick and tired of that and hold the USA IN ABSOLUTE CONTEMPT over its foreign policy since 1948.
He also has to decide at what point in his children’s upbringing that he considers it appropriate to dedicate the amounts of time that would be necessary to both campaign to become- and fulfil the duties of the POTUS….
I like this guy – I think he could be the real deal but I’ve been let down so many times by politicians who talk the talk but don’t walk the walk – Boris Johnson for example, a total fraud who has turned out to be complete and utter dissapointment.
It may be Jo that you’re a conservative. I’m not but I like Ron. Boris? A privileged racist buffoon but not as bad as Sturgeon.
Ron DeSantis has walked the walk though, he’s not a great fat communist fraud, unlike Kim Jong Johnson.
The PEOPLE’S CONVOY Heads Out from CA to DC!!!
Dr. Steve Turley
Tuesday 1st March 2pm to 3pm
Yellow Boards
Junction of A329 London Road & Fernbank Rd,
Winkfield Row,
Ascot SL5 8ED
Stand in the Park Sundays from 10am
Wokingham Howard Palmer Gardens Cockpit Path car park Sturges Rd RG40 2HD
This CAPTCHA tool is getting on my nerves. I’ve just ticked the three bottom photos and it let me in, so how it now knows I’m not a robot when my choices were random, I don’t know.
DeSantis’s widespread popularity (he is obviously the front-runner for the Republican nomination for president) shows that leaders who actually “lead” – and happen to be right – will be rewarded. He is also able to articulate the reasons he went against the advice and counsel of the public health experts. He doesn’t “mind going it alone” and sticks to his convictions. For example, if he is challenged by the press and asked to defend his contrarian Covid policies, he will be able to do this persuasively and easily.
All of this said, the Establishment almost certainly doesn’t like a candidate such as this so they will be coming for him with everything they can find or contrive.
Personally, I don’t think any politician is going to bring about the fundamental changes the world needs, but as politicians go, DeSantis is probably the best America could hope for right now.
One thing we could be sure of: In a Desantis administration, Fauci is going to be no where to found … or any public health bureaucrat who thinks like him. Which is probably why the Powers that Be will bring out all the heavy artillery to defeat him.
The wild predictions of covid numbers and deaths seems to have paid off, now that they can congratulate themselves on how many have been saved with their ‘vaccine’. Take away the modelling and we have nothing.
De Santis is easily the best candidate for 2024 President, which of course is why he won’t get the nomination. Sorry, but its true.
Turning to Ukraine, there is a very dangerous move to escalate proceedings. Yes the ultimate sanction on Russia. They are being threatened with removal from the European Song Contest. Can this get more serious?!
“anti-vaccine [sic]”.
sic? nice? I don’t get either.
Man of the Year.
Trump was the best president the US has had at least since Reagan. But he has some significant weaknesses. Surprisingly given his CEO background, his appointments were highly random. Gary Cohn, really? Bolton, really?
DeSantis seems like the kind of guy that has the patience and fortitude to work through the institutions, firing all the bad apples and so on. This is exactly what is required.
Trump is also naive about the vaccines.
Appointing John Bolton then apparently being surprised John Bolton is who he is was moronic of Trump.
DARPA admits HCQ and Ivermectin are effective treatments aganist Covid. However doctors in US had their medical license revoked for “spreading Covid misinformation” and treating patients with Ivermectin. Doctors who go aganist the narrative are under investigation for daring to speak out against the Biden Regime and for daring to question Big Pharma. They want to block every way possible to reach people for cheap and alternative treatments. You can get your ivm by visiting https://ivmpharmacy.com
“Florida Saved U.S. From “Looking Like Canada or Australia”, Says Governor Ron DeSantis”
Sure did..but not in a good way…
Population in Florida= 21 million
Deaths from Covid in Florida = 69,554
Population of Australia 25 million
Deaths from Covid in Australia = 5097
Australia is an island with ferociously stern border controls. It’s not a valid comparison.
Behind those border controls, enormous harm has been done and is still being done.
It’s the age and co-morbidity profile of the excess-deceased you need to show. A covid death is a meaningless term.
Lockdown has saved no lives whatsoever, Communist troll.
Amen to that! And let’s not forget Kristi Noem of South Dakota as well.
Governors Ron DeSantis (Florida) and Kristi Noem (South Dakota) are basically America’s Godparents now. And they certainly ain’t no fairies!
Hopefully, the next president of the USA.