The Government was not prepared for a man-made virus and should have been quicker and firmer in its response, Michael Gove told the Covid Inquiry today.
The Minister for the Cabinet Office during the pandemic added that his view on the need for lockdowns changed at the end of February 2020 due to information supplied by “friends outside Government”.
His comments provide new support for the theory that Western Governments imposed lockdowns during March 2020 because its key decisionmakers were convinced that the virus was man-made and possibly an escaped bioweapon.
Mr. Gove said he initially shared Boris Johnson’s concerns about “overreacting” and the economic consequences.
At the very end of February I was inclined to give substantial weight to the Prime Minister’s concerns. It was only in the succeeding days that I became more and more convinced actually that action was required.
He said the introduction of lockdowns in parts of Italy had influenced him, but that it was “also material that had been sent to me by friends outside Government that led me to believe action was needed”.
Hugo Keith KC, Lead Counsel to the Inquiry, failed to ask Mr. Gove what this key “material from friends outside Government” was or who sent it to him.
The inquiry was also shown WhatsApp messages between Mr. Gove and Dominic Cummings, the Prime Minister’s then-most senior adviser, where Mr. Gove wrote on March 4th 2020 that “the whole situation is even worse than you think”:
You know me, I don’t often kick off. But we are f—ing up as a Government and missing golden opportunities. I will carry on doing what I can but the whole situation is even worse than you think and action needs to be taken or we’ll regret it for a long time.
Mr. Gove told the Covid Inquiry that while “Covid was on my mind” the “principal thing that I was messaging about” was “the Cabinet Office overall, including its ability to deal with Covid”. However, the words used – “the whole situation is even worse than you think and action needs to be taken or we’ll regret it for a long time” – and the timing, shortly after being sent “material from friends outside Government” that persuaded him the virus threat warranted extreme restrictions, suggests that Covid may in fact have been the primary concern.
Mr. Gove added that the problem was the Government had not been prepared for a specifically man-made virus:
We were not well prepared as we should have been ideally. I think that is true. Again, it’s in the nature of the fact that the virus was novel and, indeed, I think this probably goes beyond the remit of the inquiry this, a significant body of judgement that believes that the virus itself was man-made and that presents sort of challenges as well.
While public statements from scientists from February 2020 onwards have attempted to play down the idea that the virus came from a lab, it has since emerged that behind the scenes scientists were very concerned about the possibility.
The Brownstone Institute’s Jeffrey Tucker has recorded how in early March 2020 – around the same time that Michael Gove was being passed the persuasive “material” – Tucker Carlson went with information from U.S. intelligence sources to tell then-U.S. President Donald Trump that he needed to take the threat from the virus much more seriously because it could be a bioweapon from China. (Carlson has since said that he very much regrets his role.)
It has long been a mystery why exactly Western Governments began in spring 2020 copying China in imposing extreme countermeasures against the novel coronavirus. While the emerging situation in northern Italy and pandemic-preparedness groupthink have provided plausible motives, they have not by themselves seemed adequate to account for the extraordinary way that Western Governments went all-in for unprecedented lockdowns during those critical three weeks. The idea that behind the scenes intelligence sources were pushing warnings that the virus was a deadly man-made biological agent warranting an extreme response has much to commend it as an explanation, the more so as time has passed. Michael Gove’s comments to the inquiry today have added to this.
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At every opportunity.
Or ‘avoided asking the question’ in lieu of “failed to ask”, a cynic might say. Or in other words, the KC steered the questioning back on line.
The quote was selected to be a general observation of this supposedly astute and intelligent individual.
And with intent; I cannot conceive that he is unaware of all aspects relating to SARS COV2 – his truculence when he brushed Gove’s statement aside said it all for me .
It is quite obvious to me, and I presume every other sentient being, that he and the Chair are conspiring together to come to an agreed report at the end. The result should be that both of them are sent to an Electric chair at the end, the procedure used is undoubtedly not legal, or honest, or even remotely transparent. If this reporesents the way our LAW is practiced in the Courts, we are all finished. Whilst Keith and the others may think they are being clever, who would ever employ a shady barrister except a serious criminal? The Government machine are therefore all shady criminals, and should suffer the same fate.
The only place that Covid exists is in the collective mind.
Gove and many others fell for a far deadlier illness called Mass psychosis but hell will freeze over before they ever admit that they just slaughtered hundreds of thousands of their citizens over an imaginary virus.
This is the best we’re ever going to get, I’m afraid.
“Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, one by one.”
– Charles MacKay, Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds
Gove didn’t “fall for it.” He knew full well what was going on, and why. He couldn’t possibly have survived at the top of the Not-a-Conservative-Party for a decade and NOT know what was being planned.
So should we not be demanding that all biolab research facilities be burnt to the ground (some may say complete with those resposible inside?).
Oh. I forget. The MSM are under orders and the sheep don’t give a F+++.
If you don’t see it on TV it never happened.
So that explains why we are where we are.
I could possibly give Gove a bit of leeway on the first Lockdown because there was evidence that this Covid Beastie was man Made . However , the evidence which became available from the quarantining of the Diamond Princess and the fact made public in April 2020 that mortality was confined to the soon to die , should have resulted in the abandoning of Lockdown . After that , the whole episode went seriously tits up .
No one died of Covid on The Diamond princess.
They were ventilated in ICU by Doctors who believed they had Covid.
Ventilated to death?
From what I can find online, the 7 who died seemed to have been flown to ICU departments in Japan, Australia and China and, almost certainly, ventilated.
It should be clear by now that it was ventilation that killed people in early 2020, not Covid.
Plus the killer drugs Remdesivir in the US. Midazolam here in the UK…
My hypothesis.
1. We followed the pandemic plan
2. Gov informed of a mutant lab leak
3. Imperial college asked to analyse
4. We locked down and scared people
5. It turned out it wasn’t that bad
6. Too late, we’d scared everyone!
7. Couldn’t back track now
8. Now, denying, back tracking or excusing
Trouble is that by summer 2020 it was all over. So, why push for masks, vaccines and Christmas lockdowns?
They went straight from the early days of screaming about Covid deaths (which mostly turned out to be with, not from) to screaming about cases and the goddam R number, to justify further lockdowns. Not many seemed to smell a rat and that was the point where my partner and I realised that the world truly had been hypnotised.
Have you not destroyed your own hypothesis with the last paragraph?
How do you explain that almost every other country on the planet did the same things, often at the same time, used the same language?
How do you explain that almost every other country on the planet did the same things, often at the same time, used the same language?
Three letters: WHO.
People fell for it, so they could get away with even more, put in some practice for the upcoming climate ones and help make their sponsors a ton of money whilst being at it.
Spot on, and what I’ve believed since the summer of 2020, and still believe.
The push for masks, vaccines and lockdowns happened and continued because government is corrupt and had been hijacked by all the vested interests who would make millions from the episode.
The reason this happened in many other countries is for the same reason it happened in Britain. Governments sent the memo about an engineered virus with an IFR of up to 4%, panic, lockdown, corporate take over, co ordination by the corrupt WHO.
Gove is an utter fool with a total god complex and zero morality. Doesn’t seem like he ever considered the moral case for lock down or even the financial case, then when COVID was evidently a nothing burger he doubled down.
He admitted in an interview that he was a bed wetter. In a sense it is beside the point. Even if we had airborne rabies going around that would be no excuse for not going down the pub. You lick you spit you breathe each other’s breath and eat their vomit and faeces whether you know it or not. If someone farts then you will breathe excrement particles even if you can’t smell them. This idea that diease spreads in this way was always suspect and way more so now.. Just look at a remote base in Antarctica and how an outbreak of the Coof appeared despite prolonged isolation. You would think that an inquiring mind might want to look at this.
If they were worried it was a deadly man-made bioweapon, why did they inject the world with a synthetic, computer-code generated version of it, uploaded by the Chinese in January 2020?
Because vaccines are the obvious tool to combat disease. The fact that you can’t vaccinate your way out of a pandemic was ignored, and when the drug pushers threw the world governments a rope to get them out of the corner they had painted themselves into, it was gratefully taken.
Neither big pharma nor government would have missed such an opportunity. Pharma lied about their product’s efficacy and safety, but such a minor detail such as the jabs don’t work was easily ignored, and having been ignored, and 2/3 of the western world jabbed, the only way forward is to double down, keep repeating the ‘safe and effective’ mantra, ignore the increasing evidence of harms, and censor and cancel those who try to point it out,
Just listen to that speech that Fauci and his colleagues gave a few years before where they said that there will be a new pathogen and that mRNA technology would in a moment sweep aside the erstwhile paradigm. This technology is essentially an attack and an affront to the realm of the spirit to its very core. These scientists, if you listen to them talking about anything else sound like babies. They are being used by a much greater force. We are rediscovering that which was lost which is the trichotomy. A council in Constntinople in the ninth century decreed that human beings should only concern themselves with body and soul and the realm of the spitit was obscured and required an intercessor. We are in the process of overturning that decree.
Covid was deliberately initiated in order to commence the “Great Reset.” It had been planned for years prior to 2020 and its purpose was to deliberately scare the hell out of populations but most particularly in Western democracies. World War rhetoric was spouted in order to convince everyone everywhere that they were going to die unless they did exactly as told by their governments on an hour by hour basis. Once the populations had been deemed sufficiently cowed hope was extended in the form of a miraculous “vaccine” which had in fact been brewed up months before its launch to the gullible.
The C1984 was only ever the mechanism by which injections could be shoved in to the arms of everybody on the planet. The reality of course was that the “vaccines” were not vaccines as normally understood but poisons and one of three types : a relatively harmless placebo, a slow release poison and finally a super quick poison designed to kill within twelve months or so of receipt. Conveniently placed to run alongside the injection program was the partially exercised “vaccine passports” schedule designed to accustomise populations to the notion that movements outside the home would be forbidden without the appropriate digital pharmacological pass.
For whatever reasons this initial program was halted in 2022 although the threats concerning ‘the next pandemic’ are now absolutely mainstream.
In fact, what looks almost inevitable is that the Davos Deviants have decided that rather than a willy-nilly approach to depopulation – which is what this is all about – they have decided to give their responses to their next pandemic a thin, very thin, veneer of legal backing and have decided to pass via the WHO a ‘Pandemic Preparedness Treaty’ which ALL governments in the world must sign up to, Slovakia, God bless them, have told the WHO to get stuffed.
Running alongside this fake Treaty will be some revised International Health Regulations which will devolve all national powers, allegedly concerning health matters only, to the WHO. Once these little issues are in place next year, 2024, we and the rest of the world need to prepare for their next Scamdemic when battle will really commence.
The Great Rest > Agenda 2030 > Sustainable Development.
Translation: The Great Reset = Depopulation and Control for the survivors aka enslavement.
HP, that is the clearest and most succinct explanation I have read. Although I was aware of all that you say, you have expressed it in such a way that pulls all the distinct strings together. Thank you!
Spycatcher, many thanks for your kind words.
My brother-in-law, in mid-2021: “So, Hoppy, lab leak or natural virus?”
Hoppy (airily): “Oh, lab leak.”
Brother in law: “Oh, why?” Folds arms, sits back with smirk. What will the crazy conspiracy theorist entertain us with us now?
Hoppy: “Body language of the world’s governments. They’ve never acted like this before. Locking everything down, saying it won’t mutate to become less virulent like a normal virus. They clearly thought it was an escaped bioweapon.”
…Long silence
It is worth remembering that the depopulation seems to have been active for a long time given the decline in sperm count over decades. Whether it is the plastic lining of sweetcorn cans or something else. In rat populations, they grow almost expontentially and then they all suddenly die off if the population gets too large. I wonder if we have a similar mechanism which we try to examine through the intellect. But of course that is aside from the general elitist impulse to keep relative proportions in balance and control since the time of Plato. You can argue about Huxley or Orwell but on one level we do seem to be willing ourselves to the worst of all possible worlds. I do have faith and I think that this time is just a challenge which asks who actually holds to the flame. Just look at how successful our side has been despite the Behemoth. Vaccine injury is becoming mainstream. The sense that the Mandarins in charge don’t know their arse from their elbow. It is way more widespread than it was.
What a load of bull. If this virus had been a deadly man-made agent, say, at least of the order of anthrax¹, all this silly keep 2m distance, wear a face covering and cough into you elbow if you must wouldn’t have saved us. M easures supposed to keep people save from biological weapons are way different from the COVID pandemic panto.
¹ ²
² Operation Vegetarian was a British biowarfaremilitary plan in 1942 to disseminate linseed cakes infected with anthrax spores onto the fields of Germany. These cakes would have been eaten by the cattle, which would then be consumed by the civilian population, causing the deaths of millions of German civilians
Wasn’t ready until 1944 and hence abandoned to avoid endangering allied soldiers in continental Europe. Killing millions of non-combatants by infecting them with a deadly disease, with some more millions to die in the subsequent famine, obviously didn’t even raise an eyebrow with the British military and political leadership of the day.
There is no return to the natural or an unpolluted biosphere. Just like there will be no way of rectifying the weather. Natural processes take time. There are certain boundaries that you don’t cross. We have seen it before 12500 years ago and look what happened to them.Wiped out in a single day and night. They had to start again like children with no recollection of went before. Don’t let it happen again. Last time by water but this time by fire but we can avoid it with understanding.
“Just like there will be no way of rectifying the weather.”
What’s wrong with the weather?
Bloody cold and miserable
Couldn’t agree more. This yearly climate change from summer to winter is most annoying.
So why the Government, on the advice of its Scientists, downgraded Covid to a Low Consequence Infectious Disease FIVE DAYS BEFORE the first lockdown?
The reason given ….. because they had more information/data and it had low mortality rates.
Of course, Gove wasn’t asked that question. Or any others which don’t support the Inquiry’s pre-determined conclusion that lockdowns were justified.
I believe that the C1984 was downgraded to a Low Consequence Infectious Disease in order to legitimately remove from use all prophylactics that may have been effective in its treatment and this of course included Ivermectin and Hydroxichloroquine.
Possibly but only a few days previously Whitty was saying that the mortality rate was 1% (in fact it was far, far lower) and that doesn’t quite add up with the subsequent claim that “we were all at risk” which was used to drive the scamdemic.
They would have known that those “paying attention” would have a record the statement.
Correct: Ferguson had sufficiently scared the pants off all involved BUT…. the fact remains that the WHO had selected the Cormen Drosten fraud to be the gold standard test regime – from an outline that was written by someone who was embedded with the MHRA at the time. Then Raine and her stormtroopers – post the downgrading – deliberately prevented IVM being used by medics. As in the US EUA was granted illegally in the UK – early treatment protocols had been devised and developed by medics, who were then professionally attacked from all quarters, and they worked – the world over. Did Whitty Vallance van Tam et al know all this? Liars liars pants on fire yes
We can’t change the precession of the equinoxes or our place in the divine clockwork but we could at least acknowledge it. Imagine if humanity as a whole understood the precariousness of our time. It could bring people together. That would be a move into the direction of the next stage of human development – Philadelphia, the realm of brotherly love. The perfection of the spirit of love is the meaning of our incarnation in the earthly realm.
You cannot fight this system unless you are aware of cosmic cycles and you can’t learn about cosmic cycles by the normal methods. You have to look to gnosis, the knowledge of the heart. And knowledge of the spiritual realm is the opposite of science. In essence you have to be shown bits of it and then you start to understand. It cannot conform to everyday epistemology. You really do have to take a leap of faith. I would just say that if you do discover it then it renews everything and life begins anew. And I can say with certainty that it is the only future. We are in the very early stages.
Have you smoked some DMT?
And I don’t ask flippantly
No its just the way I think after several years of reflection. I wouldn’t mind smoking some DMT but I am not particularly bothered either way.
Your post struck me and I found them unusually interesting.
I think you should consider trying a little DMT
A peace deal was on the table, only for Boris Johnson to scupper it..
Brand with some insights and talking sense as ever re Ukraine et al ..
Who will rid me of these turbulent politicians…
Hands up who believes Gove is telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help him God?
Upvote for lying, downvote for truth.
Just enough of the truth to give him credibility, but not enough to make him culpable.
What did he say that you think might be true?
His Name and shoe size.
The whole purpose of the ‘inquiry’ is to get to the far end without having to remove the carpet they all thought they’d swept this mess under. The Barristers will ask questions to establish a lot of what we know, but wont go further to get proper answers on what really happened and why. The witnesses, will give their version of events that match where they touch on things that are already acknowledged, but wont go further, It is a mark of how bland and unchallenging the whole process is that Gove suggesting that the virus might be man-made, is being received with incredulity in certain quarters. Surely it was worth a few follow-up questions, but they wont happen in these proceedings.
They have gotten us bickering over crap. This issue and that issue. There is a serious thing to consider. If you talk to people who were born in the 1930s there is still a certain beauty in their voice. Not so much later on. As the British we have been experimented on royally in terms of their bordelerless future. Just learn about a hundred years of a scientifically-crafted propaganda model and look at your place within it. You could even say that it is a wonder that there is any dissent left at all.
Meanwhile, the latest bogus claim about the jabs.
A crock of shite, count on it.
The so-called “vaccines” are actually causing premature births and there are plenty of reports of such in our media. Our media being Alt Media of course.
There’s a good cheap supplement called nattokinase which is said to dissolve the spike ptotein. I started taking it a month ago and I was starting to develop a varicose vein in my leg and that disappeared and nothing I have taken before achieved that. I would recomment that people look into it. The Coof is only one cause of blood clots, EMF obviously doesn’t help. They found tumours on the side of people’s heads that they listen to their mobile phones. These are multi trillion dollar industries. You really have to look into them yourselves.
Very interesting. I’ve being looking for something to heal VVs. Thanks for the tip.
Just take some and read the reviews in terms of blood clots and their amelioration. I have no financial interest in this I am just saying that much of the damage can be undone by nature. If you look at America, the confedration of American doctors fighting against vaccine damage recommend nattokinase as the most important remedy. You can buy 90 days supply for about a tenner.
What a dangerous, dangerous man Gove is. The fool appears to have limited common sense and ability to critically assess information and compare risks and rewards. Typical ego powered poltician. Hope he loses his seat at the GE
Rubbish bioweapon, wasn’t it?
Same cannot be said about the jabs…
I complained to the Covid inquiry about the obvious bias as displayed during the proceedings of the 19th of October.
Received a reply that all was done fair and unbiased.
I asked them to escalate the complaint which they did.
Yesterday I received a letter from one of the Inquiry’s solicitors.
He stated again all was done fair and balanced and unbiased. After all they had given time to lockdowns sceptics Mark Woolhouse and Carl Heneghan and were going to adduce (had to look up the meaning) evidence from more scientists in writing.
i sincerely apologise that I have added to the costs of this inquiry by escalating this complaint…
Chances are that was the only bit of this cost which was at least worth something.
This “Group of friends outside the Government” are presumably the same ones accurately described by Nadine Dorres in her book “The Plot:…”. They are an unelected group with Gove as a member, who “steer” policy via nefarious methods. In my opinion they are actually treasonous barstewards who should be locked up in a dungeon forever, but the so is Gove. He is a political manipulator of the worst kind, but for whose benefit is not clear, presumably in exchange for wads of cash. I can think of no other reason unless he is sufficiently mentally ill to imagine he is PM.
The really interesting question is why the UK is now the only country in the world wose elite is determined to not just defend Lockdowns but officially rubber stamp them as being necessary, hard and early?
Literally every other country, elite and people in the world has moved on and decided to at least stay quiet about that criminal folly or accept or name it as such.
Even Fauci, Drosten&co want nothing to do with them anymore and now tour the country saying ‘it wasn’t me’.
What is wrong with this country, its elite and most of its people?
“also material that had been sent to me by friends outside Government that led me to believe action was needed”.
Would those friends have any ties to Gates, Fauci, the pharmaceutical industry, the WHO and the WEF by any chance..?
Friends outside Government: Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, George Soros, CEOs of pharmaceutical companies?
Those friends? Or am I being a conspiracy theorist?
“… because its key decisionmakers were convinced that the virus was man-made and possibly an escaped bioweapon.”
Tosh : they KNEW it was harmless compared to other respiratory viruses – whatever its origin.
It had been loose in the environment for at least 6 months by the time lockdown decision was made.
More of a damp squib than bioweapon.
The real bioweapon is the mRNA juice.
The logic here is completely senile. You can’t both argue that, on the one hand, the virus was man-made, unnatural and hence completely avoidable in the first place, and on the other, that next time you have to lock down harder and faster to suppress a virus that has implicitly been unavoidable.
Why on earth is the priority to restrict people even more to protect them from an outbreak, that could be prevented simply by making it a criminal offense to conduct gain-of-function lab research or “accelerated evolution” or for that matter… anything that might have the potential trigger a pandemic?