The major German political parties will never investigate the pandemic response, because they are all complicit in it. Across the entire political landscape of the Federal Republic, the Right-populist Alternative für Deutschland stands alone in its critical stance towards lockdowns and mass vaccination, and only in the state parliament of Brandenburg does it have sufficient seats to gather an investigatory committee on the transgressions of the Corona era. On Friday September 1st, the AfD-convened Brandenburg Corona Committee summoned Robert Koch-Institut (RKI) Chief Lothar Wieler (the German counterpart to Anthony Fauci) and Brigitte Keller-Stanislawski, Head of the Department of Pharmaceutical Safety and Diagnostics at the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut (PEI). They were questioned for six hours on the Covid vaccines.
Journalists who eagerly reported Wieler’s every utterance during the Covid pandemic almost totally ignored his committee testimony. Among the few exceptions is Larissa Fußer, who has provided extensive reporting at Apollo News. The picture she paints is incredible: neither the RKI, Germany’s public health authority, nor the PEI, our pharmaceuticals regulator, have taken even the most basic steps to evaluate the frequency or nature of vaccine injuries, or even the effectiveness of the vaccines in general. Technical problems, staff shortages and the sheer extent of the data have prevented them from fulfilling their most basic duties.
Keller-Stanislawski… reported her institute was massively overwhelmed, causing substantial delays in the evaluation of vaccine side-effects that persist until this day. For example, she said, data from the ‘SafeVac’ app released by PEI in December 2020 have yet to be analysed. The app was developed by PEI to allow easy reporting of adverse events. … They have received so many reports that they overwhelmed the technical infrastructure supporting the app. Data from 700,000 participants remain unprocessed …
Additionally, PEI staff were dramatically overworked. “There were people who only dealt with deaths and people who only dealt with myocarditis,” Keller-Stanislawski said. “We had much more work than before, all because of this vaccine. We had to get help from other departments because we didn’t have enough people to handle the adverse events.” (emphasis added)
The PEI didn’t start evaluating adverse vaccination events yesterday. It’s been doing this for many years, and yet somehow the world’s most safe and effective vaccine yielded so many adverse event reports that the volume literally broke its computers and made its routine safety evaluations impossible.
According to Keller-Stanislawski, data from the Association of Statutory Health Insurance and from insurance companies also remain to be evaluated. Although the RKI has developed a program that can process the insurance data, it requires further adjustments, which have yet to be carried out. The insurance data include, for example, doctors’ diagnoses in connection with Covid vaccination that could shed light on vaccine side-effects. In other words… the PEI, whose task it is to investigate the safety of Covid vaccines, has published all its reviews on adverse events so far on only on the basis of self-initiated reports from physicians and affected patients. (emphasis added)
These reports are extremely laborious to prepare and physicians receive no remuneration for time spent writing them. The prevailing ethos among many doctors well through 2021 that the vaccines were ‘side-effect free’ will also have disinclined many physicians even to think of associating health problems with the vaccines in the first place.
In addition, the RKI has never bothered to complete its own study of vaccine effectiveness:
The questioning of… Lothar Wieler… revealed, among other things, that the RKI has not proven on the basis of its own studies the effectiveness of the Covid vaccine. According to Wieler, such a study has been conducted, but it is still being evaluated. … Only shortly before, Wieler had told the committee that monitoring the effectiveness of vaccination was among the central tasks of the RKI.
So, it’s just the core role of the RKI, no big deal that they’ve never gotten around to it.
And then there is this insane tidbit:
The circumstances under which the Committee’s questioning took place were striking. For example, Lothar Wieler was accompanied by an employee of the Federal Ministry of Health, a certain Heiko Rottmann-Großner… He testified that his task was to ensure that Wieler was complying with his leave to testify. As a civil servant, Wieler requires authorisation to provide information on matters that are subject to official secrecy. The authorisation regulates in detail the topics on which a witness in the civil service may not provide information.
According to media reports, Wieler’s authorisation was multiple pages long, while that of PEI bureaucrat [Keller-Stanislawski] was only one page. … [Rottmann-Großner] repeatedly gave hand signals to Wieler during the questioning, and occasionally he also passed notes to him. Committee members complained of this practice, and ultimately compelled [Rottmann-Großner] to sit two chairs further away from Wieler.
So Wieler came to testify before the Committee not only with extensive gag orders from the Karl Lauterbach’s Health Ministry, but with a special babysitter. Rottmann-Großner is not just anybody. He’s the former head of the ‘Health Security’ subdivision of the Health Ministry; from Katja Gloger and Georg Mascolo’s 2021 book Ausbruch, we know that he was an eager and early advocate for lockdowns and other heavy restrictions, demanding a nationwide “shut-down” as early as February 24th, the very day the WHO endorsed Chinese mass containment.
It is hard for me to put into words what a scandal this is. The Federal Republic forced literally millions of Germans to receive not just one, not just two, but at least three novel Covid jabs against a virus that posed genuine risk to very few of them. In many cases the state threatened unemployment for noncompliance, shut the unvaccinated out of public life for months, and even tried to mandate vaccination via the Bundestag. Despite these grave violations of personal autonomy and bodily integrity, the bureaucrats who supported these crimes and justified them with relentless lies about virological doom now plead that their offices simply don’t have the time to establish how safe or how effective the jabs they continue to promote actually were. It’s a lot of work bro, they’re understaffed you know, there’s so much data.
This piece originally appeared on Eugyppius’s Substack newsletter. You can subscribe here.
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“It is hard for me to put into words what a scandal this is.”
No need- we feel your pain and anger.
Thanks for this excellent report.
I think no matter the country, all of these ‘Covid inquiries’ that do actually proceed are just farcical pantomimes, a tick-box exercise that the authorities must go through in order to say they completed the process. We all know nobody will be held to account and that there’ll be no justice for the victims who lost their lives or livelihoods and the many other harms which resulted. The Covid response wasn’t just an inconvenience but the downright devastation caused by this unnecessary and laughably labelled ‘public health policy’ is irrefutable. Literally everything about the various governments’ decisions, which equate to crimes against humanity, have been proven to have caused harms at an individual, societal and economic level.
The date for the Dutch inquiry hasn’t even been set yet. And can you imagine the Australian version? The amount of footage we saw coming out of that country, the way in which the police went full-on Nazi and the barbaric treatment meted out to the citizens was just off the charts. Then there’s the rounding up and forcibly vaccinating the indigenous people and holding them prisoner in quarantine camps, as recently highlighted in Igor Chudov’s substack. Can you see any of the Premiers’ or the PM’s heads rolling for the blatant crimes they committed? I can’t. At worst they just go off and get a position some place else, Van-Tam or Walensky-style. I think this is the most bitter pill of all to swallow for me. The fact they get to commit crimes with impunity and eff up people’s lives but instead of getting punished or even shamed into obscurity they get rewarded, which just rubs salt in the wounds in my opinion.
The article states that there’s no national COVID inquiry planned in Germany because the established parties feel established enough that they aren’t even interested in staging an official whitewash. There’s one in the German state of Brandenburg because the second largest party – the AfD – was the one German party which opposed all pandemic measures and it had enough votes in the Brandenburg Landtag (state parliament) to force an inquiry to be held despite none of the other parties were willing to have one.
Apart from the Swedish one …. already conducted and reported.
But then their Political Class and Public Health Bureaucrats have far less to cover up.
The one consolation is that it will be very very hard to do a rerun.
Too many people have been hurt and so too many people will stand up and resist if they tried it again.
I would agree
We just need more of those people to make the “well they lied about covid so what else are they lying about” leap
Well one thing’s for sure. They won’t be able to get away with saying ”follow the science” if they try that sh*t again! lol
50% of the people are of average, or below, intelligence – a lot of the maskholes will comply.
That said, I reckon that 25% refusal to comply will be enough.
I agree with your last statement.
Regarding the intelligence of the population, the covid experience shone a huge light on the limitations of intelligence for making good choices, for which wisdom is a far better attribite
Intelligence as it is widely understood, is no guarantee of wisdom and some might say even a detriment. At best the two seem uncorrelated.
If you replace “intelligence” with “wisdom” I would agree with your entire comment.
Not just the concept of intelligence as a measurement, but the low quality of modern education, unfortunately. Ignorance isn’t good for you, even if you are of high intelligence!
Level of educational attainment isn’t the same as intelligence (and nor is IQ the same as intelligence), or wisdom, but nevertheless, interestingly, researchers from Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh published a paper in 2021 – after analysing ‘more than 5 million survey responses by a range of different demographic details, and classed those people who would “probably” or “definitely” not choose to get vaccinated as “vaccine hesitant”’ – and found that the two educational group most likely to be ‘vaccine hesitant’ were those with the highest level of educational attainment and those with the lowest level.
PhDs were the most ‘vaccine hesitant’ followed by those who never got beyond high school.
Whereas the least ‘vaccine hesitant’ were those with a bachelor’s or master’s degree.
A very big difference between those with a PhD and those with a master’s degree, I’m not sure why that would be. Maybe to attain a PhD you have to think for yourself more.
My guess would be that getting a PhD requires following the science thoroughly enough to understand what this really means.
Which is why the next ‘thing’ will use the ‘communications’ network, the LED street lighting, the ULEZ cameras (they’re not cameras but part of the kill grid) & the payloads which are already loaded into people via the covid injections & the PCR tests.
Mark Steele spoke about this yesterday evening. You can read a recent report he wrote on this subject here:
Yet they still continue to use this mRNA and LNP technology….
Scandal does not even come close to describing the wilful, outright criminal actions of political leaders, castrated parliaments and prostituted public health authorities and regulators.
It came out over a year ago that Israel, the country that was supposed to be pfisser’s real-life laboratory, whose top-class scientists were going to track every step of the vaxx programme, hadn’t bothered to even put together anything to keep track of AEs until 1 year after they started poisoning the Israeli population. At which point they lied through their teeth about the results and medical bodies refused to cooperate with the investigation. The MSM response to this utter disgrace – bubkis. Top German insurance official fired after pointing out AE underreporting in Germany. CDC just disappeared unfortunate info like the fact that the mrna did not disappear from the body after 48 hours and that the toxic spike protein stayed in the blood somewhat longer (6 months longer) than originally thought. FDA trashed a treatment with an excellent safety record to promote an untried, useless but profitable vaxx. I believe that to this day the safety info on the FDA website states that it is based on ‘safety’ data going up to March 2021. The same FDA that in the early 1960s had the foresight to keep thalidomide off the US market. Today’s sell-out scum would have probably been putting that stuff in the water supply.
The straight-out lies as the vaxx clearly failed – people getting infected, people still ending up in hospital, people still dying. Fraudci in May 2021 saying that vaxxed need not test, regardless of symptoms. Et voila, the only people testing positive for the lurgy are the unvaxxed – amazing.
Germany used to be a byword for stringent regulation of just about everything you could conceive, giving one a stronge sense of safety and trust. Hopefully its utterly shameless failure to make sure its citizens were properly protected from a novel medicinal product will cast a cloud over the country that supercedes that cast by WWII – the pfisser mrna was a German product, it was pushed on all of Europe by a German head of the EU commission, undoubtedly under the guidance of a German head of the WEF who wants to have total control through digital id, the primary reason for forcing everyone to keep taking this garbage. La plus ca change …
Thalidomide is still on the market – it is now called something else, and is used in the treatment of certain cancers.
Yes, I know. It is also used for leprosy I think and some other uses, it does apparently have some good therapeutic value. Except now there are stringent requirements in relation to giving it to pregnant women. At the time, the FDA did not allow it as there was no safety data – just as there is no proper safety data for this mrna garbage, even 3 years in. I was reading up on thalidomide a few months back and one of the points made (the item was from 2018) was that the thalidomide debacle had led to significant increases in testing and gathering safety data before giving a medicinal product to the population at large. Until 2020, when the whole episode was forgotten in favour of political authoritarianism and big pharma profits.
You forgot to mention the German master plan to combat the deadly pandemic by developing a vaccine based on mRNA technology at warp speed. IIRC, it was even codenamed Operation Warp Speed. Rumors have that it was really the plan of a US president and that it caused a major cash injection into an ailing US competitor of the US pharma multi which provided the money for the Biontech mRNA vaccine but that’s certainly just one of those conspiracy theories. Here’s another, by the way: Rumours also have it that Uğur Şahin isn’t really a German name and that the guy was born in Turkey. Even more rumours assert that the other person behind Biontech, his wife Özlem Türeci, is also a ethnically Turkish. But, as I already wrote, all just rumours and conspiracy theories!
Back in the UK, excess deaths in England and Wales continue on an upward trend. Here’s David Dickson’s latest. He does do a mean graph.
Amazing isn’t it? We survived the super deadly and novel viral pandemic entirely due to the much lauded ( and *very* safe and effective ) magic bullet vaccines, of which many people have had repeated shots due to the subsequent strains of deadly virus that have mutated and continue to circulate in the world, and yet we’re seeing more excess deaths this year than previous years. Shouldn’t we be seeing *less* deaths now? I just can’t fathom it…
”Reported deaths should be BELOW pre-pandemic numbers. However, by 25th August 2023, England and Wales had reported 44,061 MORE DEATHS than the same time in 2019. And deaths are continuing to climb. There are 15,155 MORE DEATHS in 2023 than the same period in 2022.
2023 Week 34: 390,125
2022 Week 34: 374,970
2019 Week 34: 346,064
2023 is on track to be the worst year for excess deaths in almost every country worldwide. The cause is obvious. Why are there not any discussions, let alone criminal investigations?”
Great data. All the proof needed that the stabs kill and the quackcines are useless – as are most drugs with their side effects, hidden injuries and diseases.
With every day that passes, I become more convinced that my decision to not take the clot shots was the correct one.
It’s not easy to talk to people about the vaccines, but every time I do, I hear more stories of people who have been vaccine injured, including my sister and her husband. The latest I heard from a friend yesterday, whom I hadn’t spoken to for two years, was a person she knows in his 30s, perfectly healthy, got the vaccine, and then got a clot in his eye which has left him blind in that eye. His doctor told him that the clot could have developed due to a foot injury he’d had years previously. Another doctor said that was nonsense, as a blood clot would not travel from his foot to his eye, via his heart!
It appears I’m not the only one frequently hearing of vaccine injured when I talk to friends and acquaintances. It may be unscientific but it can’t count for nothing. Yet the official story is that vaccine injuries are very rare. That’s their story and they’re sticking to it. But many people aren’t that stupid and their own personal experiences will greatly influence their decision as to whether to have another clot shot or not.
In the Close where I live (20 houses) where most, but not all are over retirement age, in the past 2 years, 5 people have had strokes. 3 are dead, one is about to move into a Care Home, another (previously a very fit man) has aged 10 years in the past 3 months. Another person has serious eyesight and balance problems which suddenly developed with no explanation about 18 months ago.
I also know two men (previously very fit) who have had serious heart attacks; 4 people who have got aggressive cancers – two dead, one terminal, one receiving treatment and may survive.
Obviously, since I’m in my mid-60s, I’m of an age where people I know are more likely to get serious health issues, but the increase in these conditions in the past 2 years is obvious.
Unstabbed, Undiapered, Unbowed, and pure of blood. We who stood against the madness, were 100% correct.
Same here. Yesterday my GP surgery telephoned to offer me a ‘flu jab (I’ve never had one). I told them “under no circumstances and don’t bother phoning to offer me any other jabs either.”
“The major German political parties will never investigate the pandemic response, because they are all complicit in it”
And don’t forget the rest of the world because they are complicit too!
Big Pharma peg boys the lot of them
The “safe & effective” slogan repeated ad nauseum was absolutely honest & true.
Safe for the pharma $$$$ & effective for depopulation.
Thanks to a dear friend in the US for this explanation.
Firstly, how does any health authority not understand that you cannot vaccinate your way out of a pandemic, especially with untested, unapproved ones?
Secondly, how does any health authority, when faced with an unprecedented volume of injury reports from a new so-called vaccine, not immediately call a halt to the program?
This article is excellent. The point we now need to tackle is what to do about the obviously useless and highly dangerous vaccine. There is loads of data that it is killing people now, and yet there is silence. If I became a serial killer, say 5 people, there would be a huge investigation until I was found and convicted. If I was killing 5,000 a week, would there be silence? This is exactly what is happening in the UK. Why is nothing happening, I am aware that the police are totally politicised and pretty useless, but they are ignoring such a huge number of deaths? Clearly the politicians are stopping it by edict, and this edict is Treason on a vast scale. The whole thing is an endless list of slightly less important crimes, malfeasance in public office (lying to the public), fraud by misrepresentation (safe and effective, and thanks for the brown envelope), Indemnifying a manufacturer against claims for damages for a faulty product, insisting by law that some people were vaccinated against their will (using threats and intimidation) etc. Realistically this is the biggest organised crime wave in history, and something is required. I suggest a group of first class lawyers with crowd funding (should be no problem there, I will provide £1,000) take the main perpetraitors to court in a Private prosecution. There are plenty of very serious charges to bring and it is extremely likely given the evidence, of success.
The proper place for this should be the ICC, but the Old Bailey will do for the first few. Then the ICC for Genocide will do very nicely.
Not much hope of any of this!