Citing microbiologist Kevin McKernan, the Epoch Times reports that green monkey DNA has been found in mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines. This has led D.D. Denslow to note in a viral tweet that green monkeys were the source of the infamous 1967 Marburg virus outbreak.
Well, as so happens, the production facility of BioNTech, the legal manufacturer of the so-called ‘Pfizer’ vaccine and supplier of most of the mRNA for European output is not only located in Marburg, it is the very facility where the Marburg virus outbreak occurred!
The facility is known as the Behringwerke or ‘Behring Works’, after the German immunologist Emil von Behring. The Marburg virus outbreak began after laboratory workers at the Behringwerke were exposed to infected monkey tissues. (See here, for instance, on ScienceDirect or here, from Vice, for a popular account, including an interview with a Behringwerke employee who survived the disease.)
BioNTech purchased the Behringwerke facility from Novartis in late 2020 in anticipation of regulatory approval of the COVID-19 vaccine that it would go on to market in collaboration with Pfizer. The company’s September 17th purchase announcement is here.
The acquisition was undoubtedly facilitated by a €375 million ($445m; £320m) grant from the German Government, which BioNTech received just two days earlier. (See grant announcement here.)
The unredacted Advanced Purchased Agreement (APA) between the European Commission on the one hand, and Pfizer and BioNTech on the other, notes that “vaccine supply in Europe will primarily come from Pfizer’s manufacturing site in Puurs, Belgium and shall incorporate RNA produced at BioNTech controlled manufacturing sites”. (See p. 12 of the unredacted APA here.)
The passage also mentions BioNTech subcontractors who are known to be involved in various stages of preparation of the mRNA, such as purification (Rentschler) and formulation in lipid nanoparticles (Polymun). But BioNTech manufactures the ‘raw’ mRNA at the Behringwerke facility in Marburg.
The Epoch Times report connects the green monkey DNA to so-called SV40 – simian virus 40 – promoters. Whereas McKernan has found DNA contamination in both the Moderna and the Pfizer-BioNTech shots, he specifically raises the alarm about SV40 promoters in what he calls the ‘Pfizer’ shot.
“At least on the Pfizer side of things,” he says, “it has what’s known as an SV40 promoter. This is an oncogenic virus piece. It’s not the entire virus. However, the small piece is known to drive very aggressive gene expression.”
The Behringwerke facility also has another claim to fame – or rather infamy – incidentally. Under the Third Reich, as a subsidiary of the notorious IG Farben chemical trust, the Behringwerke manufactured experimental vaccines that were tested on inmates at the Buchenwald concentration camp. (See here, for instance, from the Buchenwald Memorial museum, although the total number of inmates who died is far higher than the number cited for just January 1942.)
The experiments were at the centre of the Nuremberg ‘Doctors’ Trial’ which gave rise to the Nuremberg Code.
Robert Kogon is a pen name for a widely-published financial journalist, translator and researcher working in Europe. Subscribe to his Substack and follow him on Twitter.
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We can see from 1990 onwards as a period of utter shamessness in terms of stealing the wealth of our countries and now they have correctly concluded that they might as well experiment on us like lab rats. This is a lack of due diligence as much as anything else and if you don’t acknowledge this then there is no hope of improvement. The experiments have been going on for over a century is it any wonder that they become more brazen in proportion to our acquiescence. It is all very rational and very easily understood. Any perplexity is just wilful ignorance or cowardice which are probably the same thing.
Not having the COVID vaccine is the best decision ever made… EVER!
Yep, thank f**k for critical thinking.
I honestly believe that the Covid scam is a case of the devil working for good as Goethe showed. People really are waking up to the global warming scam and I don’t mean those who we might assume would be receptive to such things but those who might’ve been considered spiritually dead before. There is a movement of spirit I think the lateness of the hour will call many people to arms. When it reaches a certain intensity everyone can feel it and they know deep down to trust that feeling.
This is very insightful and very well articulated. You are absolutely correct.
This is not a new field, in terms of harmful yet profitable medical interventions. I say this because it was all there before, the dynamics of these structures. Maybe you were taken by surprise but if you were then you were essentialliy inviting catastrophe.It doesn’t matter just be prepared to sacrifice something if you have to.
It isn’t difficult to understand in the age of mass manipulation. Lets say you have a toxic pill to sell. You will just use black magic mind control. So who do you go to when things go awry? It is a serious question.
Evidence of intentional harm and that they want us dead/infertile/disabled number 897. Well, if Big Pharma and their bedfellows, the ‘regulators’ ( in name only ), know about all of the damage their ”safe and effective” products are causing but do nothing and they remain on the market, being pushed on the gullible masses, that sure as hell yells ”We don’t give a damn about your safety because we want to hurt you!” to me. Read it and weep.
”Over 10,000 categories of nearly 1.6 million adverse events – many of them serious and debilitating – brought to you by Pfizer!
You might not have heard it in the news, but in recent months, Pfizer’s pharmacovigilance documents requested by the European Union’s drug regulator, the European Medicines Agency, have been released. They show that Pfizer knew about a sickening level of injury early on. An August 2022 document shows that the company already had observed the following scope of vaccine injury:
Highest number of cases occurred in the 31-50 year age group, and 92% did not have any comorbidities, which makes it very likely it was the vaccine causing such widespread, sudden injury.”
Well, it’s panning out just as we forecast Mogs.
Edit: The reality is much worse, as reported here. The figure is 5 million not 1.6 million.
I would avoid areas like intentionality. Because the force that motivates them is far darker and not so easily accessed. I accept and approve of all the findings but there is a bigger issue. We are becomng mor callous to the suffering of others and we need to stop this. Our counrtry will not survive much longer if we don’t speak to the truth.
I don’t care my concern is everyone the door to the truth is never blocked. I am the real deal if you aren’t the real deal then you night as well piss offl. We have nothing to say to anyone but we keep the flame alive.
Actually the door to the truth is always blocked if your name’s Walensky and you constantly lie through your teeth like it’s your job ( it is ) because you don’t want to face justice for the crimes against humanity that you’re guilty of. I cannot abide this vile excuse for a woman but the blonde lady in this 2min clip really cannot hide her contempt for the evil scumbag so it makes it worth a watch in my book, but Walensky is a delusional, pathalogical liar, no mistake.
i lost my best friend and a close colleague to ‘turbo-cancer’ early last year.
Both died within five weeks of initial contact with GP.
Both were told they had terminal stage four bowel cancer which had metastasised to lymphs and to liver and to stomach.
I shared all my misgivings about the vaccines but my warning went unheeded and were traduced by another mate as ‘far right’.
I am so pleased that my daughter and I refused but I worry for my wife and son who glibly went along with the nonsense.
Me too. A good friend of mine was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer on the day she gave birth to her daughter prematurely. At the time, doctors gave her 3 weeks to live. She completely ignored them, refused chemo and really leaned hard into “alternative” medicines which in reality were just vitamins, foods and treatments to bolster her immune system to fight it off. Her cancer was almost completely gone, and the experts were completely baffled. Unfortunately she still had a very weak, premature baby to look after which meant frequent doctor and hospital visits in the People’s Republic of Australia which was enforcing their no jab no healthcare policy. She was such a selfless person that she didn’t think twice about getting vaccinated in order to look after her daughter. Needless to say her miraculous recovery soon completely reversed and she died riddled with cancer after exhausting every experimental treatment money could buy, even travelling to Mexico to participate in a trial (ironically enough, of a experimental immune therapy).
IG Farben, that nice company that gave the Nazis Xyklon B
In all that is Gaia, What are we doing to ourselves!?
And, only today, news is released about the “breakthrough” of the worlds firsts artificially created human embryos!
I’m not against progress and I’m not a Luddite but when Ned Ludd and his gang smashed the looms to save their jobs, the looms didn’t fight back! We are messing with things that will!