The WHO now thinks that artificial sweeteners don’t help with weight loss and may be dangerous, contradicting its previous advice. So how do we know it’s got it right this time, asks Christopher Snowdon in the Telegraph, as he calls for “a total and complete shutdown of nutritional epidemiology until someone can figure out what is going on”. Here’s an excerpt.
“I have never seen a thin person drinking Diet Coke,” tweeted Donald Trump in 2012. “This stuff just doesn’t work,” he explained. “It makes you hungry.”
The World Health Organisation now seems to agree. This week it released new guidelines stating that the use of artificial sweeteners “does not confer any long-term benefit in reducing body fat in adults or children”. It also warned that there may be “potential undesirable effects” from long-term use.
This does not mean that sugar is back on the menu. The WHO says it hopes people will simply “reduce the sweetness of the diet altogether”, but if they have a sweet tooth they should stick to fruit. Fat chance. Rather than give up cakes and cookies, the main lesson the public will draw from this latest U-turn is that the WHO doesn’t know what it’s doing and should be ignored. First it said SARS-CoV-2 wasn’t airborne, then it said it was. It said face masks were useless for the general population in a pandemic, then it said they were essential.
It is less than a year since the WHO published a ‘sugar factsheet’ in which it urged the food and beverage industry to “replace sugars with non-sugar sweeteners”. It now says that those sweeteners are useless for weight management and could be dangerous.
Around the world, governments are pressuring food companies into substituting artificial sweeteners for sugar in their products. The U.K.’s sugar tax was specifically designed to encourage soda manufacturers to remove sugar and replace it with sweeteners. Childhood obesity has since reached record highs. Now we know why.
Or do we? The WHO has been wrong so many times that there is no reason to assume it has got it right this time. Almost every health claim in the report that accompanied the announcement is made with “low certainty” or “very low certainty”. Its recommendation to steer clear of sweeteners is “based on evidence of low certainty overall”. In a sense, this isn’t the WHO’s fault. Nutritional epidemiology is mostly junk science which offers a range of contradictory findings that are wide open to interpretation.
Worth reading in full.
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I definitely think replacing aspartame with mRNA in cans of pop will make them less dangerous.

According to the FDA, aspartame is perfectly safe and definitely doesn’t cause cancer!?! Nevertheless I think I will give all aspartame products a miss including fizzy drinks.
One of my sons worked in the village shop. He came home one day & asked why all the people who bought skimmed milk were fat & all the people who bought full fat milk were thin.
…this makes me think about one of my good friends, who has been ‘dieting’ ever since I knew her..40+ years….
I once asked her why she had skimmed milk and her answer was that she was now too scared to drink anything else..because if she was overweight and drank skimmed milk, she’d be even fatter if she had anything else!?
I realised then…..and as the scamdemic proved..there is a lot of propaganda which people believe and which in turn fosters a ‘weird logic’ in people……?
Snowden is a massive cuck.
So he thinks we should not trust because of their advice on mask efficacy and on the airborn nature of the corona flu?
Not then because it is funded by private interests, is run by a corrupt Ethiopian with blood on his hands, is about to run the global response to future pandemics that it will have the power to call, or that has helped to push the world into taking dangerous mRNA shots that didn’t work?
Oh right, got it.
Thanks and go back to your hole.
Christopher Snowdon (not to be confused with Edward Snowden!) if I recall actually openly supported the UK’s third and longest lockdown, because reasons, despite opposing the first two lockdowns. Try as he may, he cannot successfully memory hole that. Oh, and he also shilled for the jabs at least somewhat as well. Thus, as much as I still like some of his writing, I will never fully trust him again.
Since I switched to using butter, sticking to gluten free food, and (as much as I can) to wholefoods, I’ve lost loads of weight and feel healthier. Our bodies have evolved to process meat, fat and even a lot of sugars. Most sweeteners are poisons that our body urgently tries to excrete, which is why they cause stomach upsets and worse in so many people.
I felt reassured when I came across RFK Jr’s work on the great poisoning. This sense that since 1989 a great toxicity has descended upon us. He postulates several evils that started to come into being at this point, all essentially emanating from the same force or system. I was at school at the time and it was at that point that I started to feel the unease. I remember an ill wind that came into England in 1987 and it did a lot of damage to trees and there was a sense that a deadness and stasis had set in and a malevolent force would intrude and occupy the vacuum. The ascent of unipolarity and neocon full spectrum dominance. The horrors of the first Iraq invasion and the descent into Sadism culminating in images from Abu Ghraib and the like. We hollowed ourselves out, antagonised and tortured much of the world and sadly now the chickens are coming home to roost.
I’m staggered.
Who’d have thought that something artificial – and that the human body has never encountered before in the aeons of time in which it has developed – could, just maybe, be actually not very good for it.
Simple, being fat causes diabetes, so try and get thin. Lol.
Just maybe the things which cause diabetes make you fat to begin with.
Obesity is an autoimmune disease quite possibly caused by traditional vaccines. They attack the insulin producing glands.
God alone knows what the Covid 19 genetic therapy priducts will do to us though.
…remember when they tried to get us to eat ‘healthy’ margarine?….
I remember saying at the time..’how do they get vegetables to look like that?’…LOL!
Then came the trans-fat debate etc etc…luckily, I’ve always loved a bit of butter….
Look up good old Donald Rumslveldt and how he rammed ‘Nutrasweet'(Apsartame) through. I sounds lovely, Nutrasweet, like it’s good for you and tastes amazing. This is the essence of the whole schtick you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to see it. You can clearly discern a scientifically-crafted propaganda model that started in 1914 and has grown in sophistiation and funding and reach ever since. For those who feel despondent about the lack of reistance I would say that it is a wonder that we have any resistance left at all under the circumstances and we shouldn’t take it for granted,. We may be close to a huge victory but you can’t let your guard down these people will sooner find a way to infiltrate than they will disappear.
The old timers would suck a boiled sweet for a couple of hours to assuage this craving. In Ayurveda it is the same – ther eis an understanding that a meal isn’t complete without the sweet and so you make it as healthy as possible. We don’t have any excuses anymore in terms of availability of information/ Yes of course hold Fauci to account but the real issue lies with the willingness to learn.
I remember years ago being way too fond of Diet Coke. It was my fave cold drink and always my mixer of choice when I had vodka. But I started to read up on what’s in it and aspartame in general then just went cold turkey for all diet drinks, sugar-free gum etc. A few weeks later I had a sip of a friend’s diet coke, just to see, and it was bloody vile. I’ve tried various diet pop since and it’s all disgusting. All I could taste is an overly sweet chemical taste. Really off-putting. It shows how you can reset your taste buds if you do without something for long enough that you’re accustomed to consuming regularly. Now I just have sparkling water if I want something thirst-quenching and it does the trick.
I detest anything that is ‘sugar free’ or ‘no added sugar’ and have ALWAYS believed such concoctions were poisonous.
Seems we share a taste for sparkling water Mogs. I love it. Vichy Catalan is a favourite because it is quite salty.
There is something dodgy afoot when the WHO lowers itself to tell the truth. What next, an announcement that tomorrow is Sunday?
Lol. If they did announce tomorrow is Sunday I would wonder what their ulterior motive was.
That sums it up tof.
Just go cold turkey with sweet stuff and needless carbs.
Two weeks of self imposed asceticism and a Granny Smith Apple will taste like Ambrosia!
The whole fat versus carbs thing was possibly the first demonstration of how to use “The Science” to your benefit by co-opting research, demonizing opposition and controlling the media narrative.
Ancel Keys was a revolutionary in this respect and paved the way for the statin and Covid hoaxes.
It says much to his methods that we are still only slowly unraveling the false premises that underpin much of dietetics over the last 70 years.
There is no doubt that in the supermarket people with giant bottles of pop are always the fattest ones…I have never liked it so it’s not something I ever drink..
Like most people commenting, I try to avoid ‘fake’ food..I always look at ingredient lists..and that’s why I try to cook from scratch most of the time…
I noticed many years ago that the same companies who make all the stuff that makes you fat and unhealthy are the same companies that then make more millions selling you diet and calorie controlled food!!?