From adorning their uniforms with Pride flags to taking the knee at BLM marches, police officers regularly display their woke credentials. The latest trend is for the police to stand idly by as environmentalist protesters bring major cities to a standstill.
In the Critic, Charlie Peters examines the progressive networks behind woke policing.
One photo that elegantly encapsulates the appalling decline of British institutions is surely the Greater Manchester Police Gay Bee. The rainbow-coloured bumblebee outfit, worn by a police officer on a Pride march in Bolton in 2018, attracted ire from the public amidst the force’s many failures to deal with rocketing crime rates. Sadly, GMP’s Gay Bee did not buzz about in isolation. He has been joined by countless officers taking part in Pride marches, adorning their uniforms in rainbow designs. Even response cars were getting an LGBT-friendly lick of paint.
It’s not just sexual politics that the police have been slammed for adopting. In 2020, few incidents disturbed me more than the sight of police officers kneeling in front of protestors in central London as they defaced Churchill’s statue on BLM marches. More recently, the police have idly stood by as far-Left environmentalists have grafted to grind our economy to a halt. When they have been more active, they have often used their powers to clamp down on the “wrong” ideas, such as arresting people for silently praying or for tweeting about transgenderism.
The embarrassing spectacle of political campaigns being co-opted by the police was recently (and briefly) covered by a Minister when Home Secretary Suella Braverman set out her plans for “Common Sense Policing”. Speaking at the launch of an interesting new think tank call the Public Safety Foundation, Braverman took a swipe at politically-motivated constables, detailing her opposition to officers handing out cups of tea to eco-maniacs who had glued themselves to motorways or police chiefs spending precious resources on divisive critical race theory training. …
These nefarious interventions are downstream of a broader infrastructural deference to progressive causes. There are well over 200 ‘Staff Networks’ in the police, created by people who select according to personal characteristics such as ethnicity or religion. Leading examples include the National Black Police Association (NBPA) and the National Association of Muslim Police (NAMP). These groups are expanding, with Policy Exchange finding an 83% growth of national staff networks since the start of the last decade. The think tank claimed that the sectarian lobbying by some networks was “contrary to enabling forces to achieve their core mission”.
Worth reading in full.
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Sums it up really. A national embarrassment;
Woke policing national embarrassment
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That’s the same GMP that won’t police our Church Whitsunday Walk anymore (due to ‘cuts’) and neither will they close the road for Remembrance Sunday we have to pay for that ourselves via the civil works contractors.
Western world phenomenon.
In Oz, police routinely harass and arrest those of an anti-Woke persuasion (anti- Lockdown, anti-“vaccine” mandate, women’s rights protestors) while acting as ushers or private body guards for those protesting for radical Left causes.
Part of the fascist enmeshment of government, media, police, big business and judiciary.
All we can really do is wait for the implosion.
Yes, while our schools are telling little boys that they’re really little girls and vice versa, while teaching them that their country is evev and encouraging them to grow up to take Gender Studies at university, China is teaching its children maths and engineering, Russia teaches its children about both their country’s glorious history and also the works of Solzhenitsyn, Japan teaches respectful behaviour. They say the 21st century will be the Asian century. It doesn’t have to be: the West has collapsed into navel-gazing and is committing suicide. Look at those brave men who took part in the space programme in the 1960s: dedicated men like that few and far between now.
When I was a kid ( 80s and 90s ) people actually wanted to join the police force because they were still respected, by and large, and they still went around catching baddies. Nowadays I have no idea what a police recruitment drive would look like ( in the UK anyway ) but I’m pretty sure there’d be rainbow symbolism involved somewhere in the ads. Who would want to be a police officer now? Their role is less and less about catching criminals and crime prevention and more about guarding eco loons ( ironically being complicit in the various laws these nutters holding up traffic are guilty of ) or arresting somebody for saying something truthful because a cry baby snowflake somewhere got offended. I mean, saying a man that identifies as a woman cannot be a lesbian or a mother is deemed a hate crime! Stating biological fact is now basically illegal, only fiction and fantasy must be defended and promoted.
They really should don a funny wig and red noses because ‘Clown World’ is what they perfectly epitomize. Shameful.
This might explain *how* the police got woke but not why. There is a need to go back and re-examine why we have police at all. Then decide what powers they should have.
The solution to the police force having been captured by woke activist groups must certainly be what said woke activist groups would really prefer over that: Defund the police!
Why don’t they just do their f-ing jobs and stop poncing around?!
Probably because that is now part of their job description. Farcical.
Crickey, it makes you despair doesn’t it?
The UK Police has evolved into the Keystone Cops and are a risible collection of virtue signalling nobody’s. Anybody matching their low success rates in any other profession would be dismissed
Everything now gets policed————————-Except Crime.— Enter the country illegally and you are given a cheeseburger and coke and whisked off to your 4 star hotel. Lay down in the street and bring traffic to a halt and the police will busy themselves telling people not too happy about that to leave them alone. Own a golliwog and you get a visit from a task force. ——My brother filmed people breaking into his property and also got the number plate of their car on film but the police said. “It was probably cloned” and did nothing. They were too busy looking for more golliwogs.