- “Dr. Fauci Could Have Said a Lot More” – Uncharacteristically pro-lab leak and anti-Fauci op-ed in the New York Times by Megan Stack: “If officials don’t trust the public, the public won’t trust them.”
- “Turns Out, Ebola Likely Leaked From a Lab as Well” – Dr. Joseph Mercola delves deeper into the 2014 Ebola outbreak and finds a natural origins story that doesn’t add up, a nearby lab working on the virus, and a lot of the same people involved as suppressed the Covid lab leak theory…
- “Sweden Did Exceptionally Well During the COVID-19 Pandemic” – Dr. Peter Gøtzsche in Brownstone on the embarrassing success of the no-lockdown country.
- “Excess Deaths, Vaccine Deaths and IgG4-Induced Suppression of the Immune System” – The Naked Emperor with an update on recent studies.
- “Overcoming the Limitations of Language” – Thorsteinn Siglaugsson looks at why so many people still believe that the madness that took hold of most of the world was justified, and how can we prevent such madness from taking hold again.
- “China’s fake science industry: how ‘paper mills’ threaten progress” – The country has become a prolific producer of academic research but fraudulent studies risk serious real-world consequences, says the FT.
- “Gone with the wind” – Renewable energy is cripplingly expensive, writes James McSweeney in the Critic.
- “EU War on Agriculture Pushback Protests Spread” – Emboldened by the recent BBB electoral victory in the Netherlands, farmers in Slovenia, Germany and Flanders are staging large protests against the EU’s war on agriculture, reports WUWT.
- “EU abandons ban of combustion engine cars – Britain needs to follow suit” – Net Zero Watch is calling on Rishi Sunak to follow suit and abandon its 2030 ban of the sale of internal combustion engine cars, reports WUWT.
- “Germany facing largest strikes in decades” – Economic hardship and opposition to green policies have created a perfect storm, writes Ralph Schoellhammer in UnHerd.
- “Landlords to get five years to hit Net Zero targets” – The Telegraph reports that buy-to-let investors face spending thousands of pounds on retro-fitting properties.
- “The foolishness of the energy windfall tax has now been proven” – Cuts in North Sea production mean that the U.K.’s potential oil and gas resources have been downgraded by 500 million barrels, says the Telegraph in a leading article.
- “Eco-barristers’ sinister attack on the sacred cab-rank rule” – Eco-activist barristers are deciding which laws are right, warns Philip Walling in TCW.
- “The BBC’s crusade for online censorship” – Marianna Spring’s relentlessly negative reporting on Elon Musk’s Twitter is straying into propaganda, says Laurie Wastell in Spiked.
- “JK Rowling: Humza Yousaf will ‘disappear through the ice’ like Nicola Sturgeon” – The Telegraph reports that the Harry Potter author made the remarks in relation to Mr. Yousaf’s support for controversial self-ID gender legislation.
- “Disney will begin to fire 7,000 of its global staff this week, CEO Bob Iger announces, after share price plunged 31% in a year following series of woke controversies” – The Walt Disney Company on Monday began 7,000 layoffs announced earlier this year, as CEO Bob Iger works to save the company some $5.5 billion, reports the Mail.
- “Jaw-droppingly disrespectful, the new Great Expectations is wilfully ignorant of the truth” – What does Steven Knight think he’s playing at in the latest BBC adaptation of a Dickens classic, asks Allison Pearson in the Telegraph.
- “The Guardian cancels itself, at last” – It is some irony that the owner of the world’s wokest paper has had to issue an apology for the role that the Guardian’s founders had in transatlantic slavery, says the Spectator‘s Steerpike.
- “South Western Railway launches U.K.’s first ‘intersex-inclusive Pride train’ operated exclusively by LGBTQIA+ staff members on first journey” – The multi-coloured intersex Class 444 train will run on the South West main line between London Waterloo and Weymouth and had its first journey on Monday, the Mail reports.
- “Britain’s police need a lesson on free speech” – Officers are given extensive training on ‘diversity’, but are taught next to nothing about free expression, writes Carrie Clark for Spiked.
- “J.K. Rowling Addresses Her Critics” – As more people burned her books over the weekend, the author confronts the idea that she is “dangerous” and “transphobic” – listen to the latest Witch Trials podcast from the Free Press.
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”This just in!” The Expose News team doing a great job at providing evidence that the jabs are to blame for many excess deaths due to VAIDS;
”Recent reports from the Governments of the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the UK and most of Europe have raised alarm bells as they confirm that 2 million excess deaths have been recorded since the mass roll-out of the Covid-19 injections.
Your Government and Mainstream Media are insisting the cause of this shocking rise in deaths is merely a coincidence and have thrown out excuses such as “climate change”, a crisis in healthcare, and even hypochondria which they renamed ‘Long Covid’.
But the evidence clearly suggests that whilst the Covid-19 injections may not be to blame for all of the excess deaths suffered since the roll-out, they are by far and large the biggest contributing factor. And one of the reasons why is the huge effect they have on the immune system.
Rather than improving the state of your immune system, Covid-19 vaccination has the opposite effect. With official Government reports suggesting the damage caused can be so severe that it can lead to what can only be described as COVID Vaccine-Induced Autoimmune Deficiency Syndrome.”
Similar to this: https://nakedemperor.substack.com/p/excess-deaths-vaccine-deaths-and mentioned above, and within it they refer to another one that emerged yesterday. It describes a potential mechanism through which the drug on offer is so bad.
Covid Aids then?
VIAIDS – Vaccine Induced Auto immune Deficiency Syndrome – was predicted very early in this murderous period by quite a number of real Scientists.
Yes. An excellent article, long and informative.
Although I am now almost completely ‘graph blind’ this was still surprisingly clear and walks you through the maze with great clarity. (Are statisticians so graph blind by the time they get to the dizzying peaks like Spiegelhalter that they can no longer discern human beings and their suffering in the vertical bars and pie slices – that incremental sociopathy is hard-baked into this spectrum led profession?)
My biggest takeaway (not including 2020) was the conclusion that the jab was in no way, shape or form a vaccine but a TREATMENT of somewhat short duration. (I know there was a lengthy tug of love between those who wished to call it a gene(tic) therapy and those pushing it as a vaccine). It’s clear that the originators at DOD Moderna and DOD Pfizer always knew it was a treatment, not unlike yearly deworming of the dog (the vets got there first). So given that it was a treatment with none of the ‘saving graces’ of vaccines when and by whom did the heavy lifting start to get it re-christened (God forgive me). This would be an interesting investigation and a good read as it would be relatively graph lite.
I think adopting TREATMENT and decisively moving away from the word vaccine would be a great service to humanity. The science seems to me to have rejected each and every claim the jollop has to be considered a vaccine.
As for vaccines in the round, that’s perhaps best left for another day…
I know there’s a film clip of one of the pharmafia CEOs making a speech (2017?) saying it wouldn’t be taken up if it had been called a gene therapy. I’d love to know the grandmother’s footsteps provenance by which this was rebranded. For instance, at what point Merriam-Websters dictionary was coerced and how into changing the dictionary definition. (I see that pharmafia is yet to be included but you never know!)
VAIDS seems somewhat slow in getting its dictionary entry too, but I’m sure it won’t be that long.
edit: vets got their first !
Straying? The BBC has been little more than a left wing propaganda unit for a long time now.
The beloved beeb is no more than the propaganda wing of the ruling government and we HAVE to finance it by law!
The propaganda wing of the supranational government, imo.
I think that’s only partially true in so far as the current is fairly left wing but the BBC hates Tories and any support for the current government only holds as long as it’s not really conservative.
Grief! It’s a crazy mixed up world these days! What happened to the normal hatreds in life? You know, how it used to be! You knew where you stood, now, everything is fair game
Poetic Justice.
BBC on screen & radio vaccine promoter dies “unexpectedly but peacefully” –
Paul O’Grady dies with vax aged 67.
Still on the theme of excess deaths, this time down under. With Australia being such a highly vaxxed country that must surely result in a LOT of impaired immune systems;
”Australia is experiencing worse excess mortality than at any point in 80 years, while neighboring New Zealand is experiencing the worst mortality since the Spanish flu. Officials won’t openly acknowledge the likely cause, but their policy changes regarding boosters clearly demonstrate a quiet walk-back of the needle idol. The latest booster advice from the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) only recommends new doses for those over 65 and those “at risk,” while recommending against the shots for children.
Obviously, the media is trying to cover up the pandemic of deaths in Australia by suggesting it has nothing to do with the shots. Of course, the Associated Press’ fact-check team, in their infinite wisdom, have concluded that the surge in deaths must be because of COVID itself. But that is a self-indictment of the vaccine. How could Australians experience almost all of their COVID deaths AFTER the vaccine and boosters?”
In a similar vein, this is interesting as Western Australia literally closed its borders, and became its only little world in relation to Covid and the jab…
How the ‘hermit kingdom’ became the world’s control group for the largest vaccination trial ever.Isolated from the rest of the world, the Australian state of Western Australia (WA) managed to keep Covid out for most of 2021. During that time, almost four million doses of Covid vaccine were administered to the population. WA’s vaccine safety surveillance report for 2021 has just been released and the results are grim: an ‘exponential increase’ in adverse events, with hospitals struggling to cope.
But thank god all those people didn’t die of covid!!!
And so in some small way the mid-wit prison guard functionaries of public service Australia have done the world a great favour through their initial stupidity.
Imagine if they’d gone the Swedish route. That does take a lot of imagination I know, but they would have denied the world the chance to observe the simpleton’s bell jar.
Was this an unintended consequence by DOD Pfizer / DOD Moderna or do they simply not care at this stage?
JJ Couey’s presentation to MD4CE is now available to view on rumble. Challenges & destroys the various narratives in the MSM, some in the alt media & the no virus team too.
“Landlords to get five years to hit Net Zero targets”
Oooh, let’s f off the landlords a little bit more! Dirty ba@#/ard landlords!
80% of rental property in ireland is supplied by the private sector using its own investments!
That’s a hell of a lot of council houses that Leo f-ing Varadkar is going to have to build!
“Landlords to get five years to hit Net Zero targets”
The intention behind this is to eliminate the smaller landlords, the ones with perhaps a handful of properties. If there is a glut of ex rental properties coming on to the market the Blackrock subsidiaries will buy them up in order to take over the market. Once they have control of the market the net zero BS will simply be ignored.
Small traders are a nuisance not required under Agenda 2030.
Almamlouk et al performed a systematic review of 50 autopsy studies and 548 hearts of patients who died of or with COVID-19. Usual post-mortem findings of tissue edema and necrosis were reported commonly. About two thirds of hearts had SARS-CoV-2 found in the tissue. However, none of the hearts had extensive myocarditis as the cause of death.
What you getting at? Sorry but I need a simple explanation
It’s saying that even though COVID-19 was on the death certificate, myocarditis wasn’t mentioned. ie COVID-19 isn’t the driver for the myocarditis deaths that are being increasingly reported. It must be something else causing the myo & pericarditis deaths.
Thank you both, I’m a bit slow you know!

You’re a KISS man!
What BB said…! Sorry will try harder…LOL!
This was posted in a private Telegram group regarding the shooting by the trans individual, some very pertinent observations about how the MSM, the activist groups, pharma agitate for & control the frenzy & destruction.
Penned by Mrs T
“I want to know whether that woman was on testosterone, steroids, anti-depressants or cannabis (non-medical).
In these mass shootings, those are common drugs to look for in the medical records.
These people are hyped up and have no inhibitions.
Added in to that toxic mix, Big Media goads them on every day.
We need those medical records.
We need to know the drug history.
We know what the cultural ‘tonic water’ is already:
MattWalsh: ‘I have been telling you for a long time that left wing trans extremists are violent, dangerous people who have made been to feel absolutely entitled to say and do whatever they want.
‘The deranged claims of “genocide” are an open invitation to violence.
‘It will get worse from here.’
These people are angry. Their anger is made worse by drugs.
And now Big Media is tipping them over the edge by telling them their rage at society is justified.
This is cultural hothousing on top of drug hothousing.
It has got to stop.
We need to arm all of America.
And reinstate real free speech.
That’s how we stop Big Media.
Let that be this Jumped Up Madam’s legacy.
Look at the medical records in mass shootings.
What is going on at the molecular level?
Columbine shootings:
‘Dr. Ann Blake Tracy, executive director of the International Coalition for Drug Awareness and author of Prozac: Panacea or Pandora? – Our Serotonin Nightmare is an expert consultant in cases like Columbine in which anti-depressant medications are involved.
‘Dr Tracy says the Columbine killers’ brains were awash in serotonin, the chemical which causes violence and aggression and triggers a sleep-walking disorder in which a person literally acts out their worst nightmare.’
‘Shortly before the Columbine shooting, Eric Harris had been rejected by Marine Corps recruiters because he was under a doctor’s care and had been prescribed an anti-depressant medication.
‘Harris was taking Luvox, an anti-depressant commonly used to treat patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder.
‘Luvox is in a class of drugs called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI). Other SSRIs include Prozac, Paxil and Zoloft. An estimated 10 million Americans take anti-depressant medications.’
Mass killings and medical records:
Timothy McVeigh, the 1995 Oklahoma bomber, used cannabis and methamphetamine.
Anders Breivik took the steroid Stanozolol and the quasi-amphetamine ephedrine.
Omar Mateen, culprit of the Orlando massacre, also took steroids, as did Raoul Moat, who a few years ago terrorised the North East of England.
So did the remorseless David Bieber, who killed a policeman and nearly murdered two others on a rampage in Leeds in 2003.
Eric Harris, one of the culprits of the Columbine school shooting, took the SSRI antidepressant Luvox.
His accomplice Dylan Klebold’s medical records remain sealed, as do those of several other school killers.
But we know for sure that Patrick Purdy, culprit of the 1989 Cleveland school shooting, and Jeff Weise, culprit of the 2005 Red Lake Senior High School shootings, had been taking ‘antidepressants’.
So had Michael McDermott, culprit of the 2000 Wakefield massacre in Massachusetts.
So had Kip Kinkel, responsible for a 1998 murder spree in Oregon.
So had John Hinckley, who tried to murder US President Ronald Reagan in 1981.
So had Andreas Lubitz, the Germanwings pilot who murdered all his passengers in 2015.
The San Bernardino killers had been taking the benzodiazepine Xanax and the amphetamine Adderall.
The killer of Canadian soldier Nathan Cirillo in 2014 in Ottawa (and the separate killer of another Canadian soldier elsewhere in the same year) was a cannabis user.
So was Jared Loughner, culprit of a 2011 mass shooting in Tucson, Arizona.
So is Satoshi Uematsu, filmed grinning at Japanese TV cameras after being accused of a horrible knife rampage in a home for the disabled in Sagamihara.
Big Pharma needs to be in the dock.
People’s brains are being fried.
They become hyped up, obsessed and spurred into action by Big Pharma filth.
Can you imagine testosterone crossed with steroids?
It may have happened here.
She was carrying heavy weaponry.
You need body strength to do that.
We need to see the medical records as soon as possible.”
Not appearing in the OED, Merriam Webster, Collins or Chambers anytime soon, the noun pharmassacre.
See Hungerford ? See the Soham conjecture in relation to US servicemen jabbed for overseas service?
British courts and coroners: how bought are they? Or is it just ignorance?
Bought ignorance??
Ha! Hybrid immunity!
Tucker’s monologue on the shooting ….very interesting..
Out today…Ed Dowd’s much awaited report on deaths, injuries and disabilities in the US due to the jab…
..this take is from Zero Hedge..but there will be more…
Dowd also has a good thread if you are on Twitter….
Estimated Human Cost:
26.6 million Injuries
1.36 million Disabilities
300k excess deaths
Estimated Economic Cost:
Total: $147.8 Billion
injuries: $89.9 billion
disabilities: $52.2 billion
excess Deaths: $5.6 Billion
So was the PPI / Diesel car claims of a few years back merely a practice run for the feeding frenzy about to bloom over the jabathon that will keep lawyers, insurance companies, claims agents in non-productive luxury while the world burns around them?
See the prescient work of Reiner Fuellmich. Pole position?
Was the impending feeding frenzy baked in from the start?
Consider the pig trough designed as a Lazy Susan. Every gets their snout in in due course: you just have to wait your turn.
I guess the vets must be getting a little impatient…
“EU War on Agriculture Pushback Protests Spread”
And not a word in our deeply investigative main stream media!
If just one of them grew some balls and did a front page spread on this Europe wide disaster, they would sell a billion copies and have the total respect of the vast majority!
The MSM will never, ever qualify for my respect.
BBC on screen & radio vaccine promoter dies “unexpectedly but peacefully” –
Paul O’Grady dies with vax aged 67.
Careful you will upset Kathy Burke
I wonder if the rest of these celebrities might be getting a teeny, weeny bit worried?
“Global agribusiness corporations never tire of telling policy makers that what they do is essential for feeding the world and ensuring food security. But the opposite is true.
They create or contribute to hunger, illness and malnutrition, displace rural communities, destroy smallholder agriculture, place farmers on seed and chemical treadmills and wreck and pollute ecosystems.”
Starving people for profit. So alongside the murderous pharmaceutical companies we have the multinational agri businesses doing their best to destroy the people and the planet.
I’m a bit late to the party today but the Nashville tranny shooter ffs ! Was a Gunman to start with then info changed to the full name of culprit then called an attacker !
Well if this train can run on time and keep to its timetable it will definitely be breaking new ground.
The chances of the UK not following the EU are way beyond remote. A policy that is so infantile and stupid and so guaranteed to fail but UK PLC will hang on to it and go it alone – yeah right.
Pigs and flying.
Nobody will convince me that this halfwit is not a full-blown traitor.
The Genetic Technology Precision Breeding Act 2023 was given Royal assent 23 March 2023.
The WHO have updated their COVID injection recommendations.
Good grief what a load of effing waffle.