Dozens of patients and families whose lives have been damaged by serious reactions to the Oxford/AstraZeneca Covid vaccine have launched legal action against the pharmaceutical company. The i has the story.
While the vaccine is widely credited with protecting many millions of people from the virus, 81 patients died and 364 suffered severe reactions, some of them resulting in catastrophic injuries as a result of blood clots caused by the jab. Legal action is now being taken against AstraZeneca by the families of 19 people who died after being vaccinated and 54 patients who suffered severe reactions but survived.
Strokes, paralysis and repeated blood clots are among the symptoms of those who suffered very rare [sic] but severe reactions to the vaccine. Many have gone from being fit and healthy to being left struggling to walk and talk, with little hope of getting better…
The 54 members of the class action group who survived the reaction have been diagnosed as having vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT), a rare condition that has been identified after COVID-19 vaccination.
Lawyers representing the group, who are pursuing personal injury compensation in addition to a Vaccine Damage Payments Scheme claim, argue that the AstraZeneca vaccine was “not as safe as the public were entitled to expect” and that the case is not about finding fault “but about the reasonable expectation of safety”. They claim people were provided with a false picture of safety and efficacy and expect the number joining the lawsuit to increase.
Vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia affects approximately one in 50,000 AstraZeneca vaccine recipients under 50 years-old, and one in 100,000 for those aged 50 and older in England, according to the NHS, which says the effect of the blood clots can be devastating.
AstraZeneca vaccinations were first administered on January 4th 2021 as part of a rapid rollout of jabs by the NHS. Just a few weeks earlier, Margaret Keenan, 90, had become the first person in the world to receive the Pfizer jab following its clinical approval. By September 2022, almost 25 million first doses of the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine and 27.2 million of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine had been administered in the U.K. Around 50 million AstraZeneca doses have been given in total.
As part of the drive to get vaccines developed and on the market quickly, the U.K. Government had early in the pandemic granted the pharmaceutical giants a legal indemnity protecting them from being sued by patients in the event of any complications. This means that if AstraZeneca has to pay compensation it will be covered by the taxpayer.
The Vaccine Damage Payments Scheme (VDPS) has received 4,017 applications for compensation of which 1,013 have, as of March 6th, been resolved. Of those, 622 related to the AstraZeneca vaccine, 348 for the Pfizer vaccine and 43 for the Moderna vaccine, according to a Freedom of Information request published by the NHS Business Authority this week. All of the claims relate to disability.
Health Minister Maria Caulfield told Parliament last month that 48 VDPS claims had been successful. All of them are understood to relate to the AstraZeneca vaccine. “Medical reasons” were cited for the majority of cases being rejected. The number of administration staff working for the scheme has increased from four to 80 in recent months as the Government aims to speed up the process.
The scheme provides a one-off tax free payment, currently £120,000, to successful applicants where a vaccine has caused severe disablement. It does not prejudice the right of the disabled person to pursue a claim for damages through the courts. To qualify for a payment, an applicant needs to establish that they meet two main criteria: on the balance of probabilities, the vaccine caused disability, and that the resulting disablement is severe, classified as 60% or more.
The lawyers are calling upon the Government to “appropriately support” the vaccine injured and bereaved. Pre-action protocol letters have been sent to the Cambridge-based Anglo-Swedish company, which has yet to formally respond to the claims. Lawyers representing the AstraZeneca claimants expect more people to join the lawsuit given that more than 400 people have been recorded as suffering from blood clots.
Peter Todd, consultant solicitor with Scott-Moncrieff & Associates Ltd, is representing 33 of the claimants and told i: “According to the MHRA, in the U.K. up to November 23rd 2022 there had been 445 reports of major blood clots (thrombosis) with concurrent low platelets (thrombocytopenia) reported after AstraZeneca Covid vaccine, including, tragically, 81 deaths.
“These include strokes, heart attacks, amputations and other major life-changing injuries. This is an unusually large number of very serious injuries to have been caused by a vaccine. We expect to be able to establish in court that these clots were likely caused by the vaccine.”
Worth reading in full.
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The i’s article reads like it a press release from Big Pharma. You get the feeling the article was run past AstraZeneca and Pfizer’s lawyers first. The implication is: ‘We’re reporting this, but we’re still on your side! Honest!’
Does this mean Dame Sarah Gilbert won’t be getting a standing ovation from the crowd at Wimbledon this year?
Or a Barbie doll from Mattel. (Klaus?)
Or make millions of pounds from sales of shares in Vaccitech?
People won’t want to strain their hearts getting out of the seats!!
Of course the police should be launching a major criminal investigation.
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They only investigate social media posts nowadays
Peter Todd has an impressive record and his interview on UK column by Debbie Evans is available on their Website.I am confident the claims will succeed but it is likely that there will be a settlement so unfortunately a full public hearing is unlikely. Nevertheless good news.
The latest from New Zealand;
”DATA from the New Zealand Ministry of Health has revealed a massive 103 per cent increase in hospitalisations among 12 disease categories measured in 2021 following the mRNA rollout. This calls into serious question the safety of medical interventions such as mRNA vaccines which penetrate the cell wall and re-program activity in the cell cytoplasm.
NZ had very few cases of Covid in 2021 due to draconian restrictions. Therefore the only reasonable cause of the disease increase is mRNA vaccination.
There were 38,178 extra hospitalisations in 2021 across the 12 categories compared with 2019 figures. The Ministry of Health tracks 37 disease categories, and figures for the remaining 25, including cancer, have not yet been released. These figures alone mean that New Zealanders had greater than a 1 in 90 chance of hospitalisation within one year of Covid vaccination. You can read a longer discussion of the figures here.”
Glad I said no to all the pharma firms products on offer. I can’t help but contrast it from normal claims for damages caused by other physical injuries. As an experienced litigant in that situation, I know it takes a long time, and the outcome is very variable financially. It seems to be related to the potential loss of income into the future, as a major factor.
I did successfully win a case in the County Court she years back, following a road injury, and ended up with a cheque paid for by the defendants insurer, about 4 years later. If the Treasury is, in effect, the insurer for Astra Zeneca, or the other culprits, no doubt it will be a rough ride for the claimants. All the best!
It is indeed a lengthy process. I was involved as a treating clinician in a case for a gentleman who sustained a severe brain injury following a hit & run accident. He was awarded £6million which sounds huge until you factored in his life expectancy (~30 years) & that he needed full time highly specialist care for life. With the way care costs have shot up since then (2012), it may not last his lifetime.
The mainstream media are now starting to at least talk about vaccine damage: the Daily Express and the i, and this BBC Radio 4 programme this morning which was not the usual type of BBC propaganda but a genuine attempt to be fair to all sides, in which Spiked’s Brendan O’Neill talked a lot of sense about free speech, and Andrew Bridgen was praised with faint damns and at least receiving some publicity now.
The whole series of the BBC’s AntiSocial programmes are very good, on various controversial issues, definitely a cut above the rest of the BBC’s output on these issues:
60% disablement? It’s enough to make you weep.
In June 2021, Gilbert received a standing ovation at the 2021 Wimbledon Championships.
How do you even calculate how disabled you are?
“I don’t care that you can’t walk. It’s just left-side paralysis which means you’re only half disabled and therefore below the (entirely arbitrary) threshold. So sling your hook you chancer and enjoy your life…”
A part of Dr Mike Yeadon’s comment on a substack ( Metatron ) today, referring in particular to the mRNA gene therapies;
”When I looked at these so called vaccines, I saw several unquestionably toxic motifs. Here are some of them. Do note we cannot predict the magnitude of adverse events because no one has previously calibrated dose (or concentration) vs adverse effects. Time (duration of exposure) is another variable. There will be other variables we’re not smart enough to discern. So what we can say with confidence is that “we can see rational expectation of harms A, B, C & D, because…”. Whether that will not occur or occur in almost everyone awaits clinical dosing.
A. The mRNA technology is inherently very dangerous and this cannot be circumvented. It prompts your body to synthesise whatever protein is encoded in the mRNA sequence. When that happens, your body having made NON-SELF proteins, your immune system will recognise it’s foreign and so it’s level best to destroy the affected cells. Depending on where the injected material goes and how well it’s taken up and translated into protein and for how long, we’ll see autoimmune mediated injury, which could include deaths.
B. They’ve chosen to have the product encode virus spike protein. This protein is known to be directly toxic, for example, it indirectly causes blood coagulation. This is in addition to autoimmune issues as in A above.
C. They’ve wrapped the mRNA in a complex lipid mixture. Some of those lipids are known to be toxic. Additionally, the lipid nanoparticles are known to accumulate in various tissues, including ovaries. The manufacturers knew fhis. The regulators knew this. It is in the peer reviewed scientific literature from at least a decade ago.
D. Spike is very strange and contains sequences which are just similar enough to some of our own gene sequences to make me concerned for autoimmune reactions interfering with processes which depend on things just similar to spike. One of these is syncytin, an essential protein of pregnancy. Immune responses to syncytin after vaccination have been reported.
The “vaccines” could never have worked as advertised. They’re injected & mostly result in blood antibody responses. But blood antibodies are too large to exit the blood vessels and get into the air side of the lungs.
I conclude that these injections have been designed with the deliberate intention of causing injury, maiming some & killing others.”
Throughout this whole enormous crime I have never had any reason to doubt Dr Mike Yeadon.
And yet MPs left the chamber when Andrew Bridgen spoke on this topic. It sickens me that it was so empty in the first place, but the deliberate walkout made my blood boil.
Yes it was intended to relay a message and it did so loud and clear. And then we have our Toby, presumably playing ‘Devil’s Advocate’, suggesting that those who figuratively gave Andrew the ‘V’ sign, by their hugely disrespectful walk-out, only did so because they might have had another engagement elsewhere. Gawd, if you believe that then you really are beyond help! They treat Andrew B like he was one of those manic street preachers you get in town on a Saturday afternoon that everyone walks on by and ignores.
When I challenged my MP on this last week he replied uncharacteristically promptly; ignored my question about vaccine harms and the government’s failure to investigate, and instead explained why AB had had the whip removed. (I hadn’t mentioned this; perhaps MPs have an algorithm that springs into action with a cut-and-paste response at the mention of the name) Oh, and MPs apparently were not shoo-ed out by Mitchell: they can choose which speeches to listen to …
He awaits more evidence of harm, at which he will support an investigation (clearly, the government’s own data isn’t enough) meanwhile misinformation about vaccines is a problem; they have been lifesaving and helped us move beyond the pandemic.
Jeez – what a prat.
“Safe and effective”
Boris Johnson
Rishi Sunak
“…who suffered very rare [sic] but severe reactions to the vaccine.”
They never say that ‘very rare’ thing about CoV 2 do they?
“Many have gone from being fit and healthy to being left struggling to walk and talk, with little hope of getting better…”
And they can’t say that about CoV 2 either can they?
Sue the doctors who administered them without the “informed” bit of informed consent.
We are seeing an expose of the dangers of Ahrimanic consciousnrss. The reduction of everything to ones and zeroes in order to cntrol. I see this in a positive light: that when mass aweness grows of the horror of the situation then there could be an ascendance to a higher plane within a short time. But the hour is getting late. I would wager that within five years we will see a religious revival in this country and I have faith that it will contain a renewed understanding of the Christ energy.
“While the vaccine is widely credited with protecting many millions of people from the virus”
Only by absurdist lying shills for the pharmaceutical industry like i journalists. The rest of us know this is one of the most demonstrably false claims in the history of medicine.
If you look at your friends and family you will have to admit that most of them are easy to scare and so you tread carefully. The fact is that people are like that; The question that is asked is given that we live in the realm of predators, how do we respond to them. There is no ppint pretending that there is an easy response because there isn’t.But a predatory system doesn’t exist for long because it destroys itself. With a few small changes we could make this a good place to live even in difficult circumstances.
What do you think it is going to be like in April and May when they reset their books. Honestly just get with the right people and care for those you need to.We can sort out the small print afterwards once we affirm ourselves.
You poison yur own people and now you want to use depleted uranium on Europe. Believe me the British establishment is about to crash and most of ud will go with it. Talk to me when you’re human again and I might help you.
Due to ethics committees approving covid-19 vaccine trials including people not seriously at risk of the virus, billions of people around the world not at serious risk of covid-19 have been set up to have covid injections potentially for life, with their own effective natural immune response being disrupted by these covid injections.
This is seriously unethical!
How on earth could an ethics committee approve vaccine trials that could lead to this outcome, did they not think this through?
See my email on this matter to Andrew Pollard, chief investigator on the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine trials, and also the chair of the UK Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation, a huge conflict of interest…
Who initiated the plan to vaccinate the entire global population against SARS- CoV-2? 30 June 2021.
My email to Andrew Pollard includes reference to my correspondence raised initially with the Berkshire Research Ethics Committee.
It was known from the beginning the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine didn’t prevent infection nor transmission, this was evident from the monkey trial.
Knowing this, why did they proceed to human trials?
Why were these defective ‘leaky vaccines’ spread around the world?
See my email on this matter to Graham Brady, chair of the 1922 Committee: Were ‘leaky vaccines’ deliberately spread around the world? 10 January 2022.
PS: I didn’t receive responses from Pollard or Brady…
Is this gross negligence, failing to engage with these important questions relevant to millions/billions of people being injected with ‘leaky’ Covid jabs, against a disease it was known from the beginning wasn’t a serious threat to most people?
I admire you so much for your efforts to get answers Elizabeth.
Thanks RTSC.
It goes to show how rotten the system is, that we have to struggle so much for accountability.