Alexander Larman has written an interesting piece for the U.S. version of the Spectator about the vaccine scepticism of actors such as Evangeline Lilly. Here’s an excerpt:
Lilly has enjoyed a successful career in films such as The Hobbit and in shows including Lost, and her appearances in the Ant-Man pictures were, until the advent of Covid, entirely uncontroversial. Yet the spread of the illness became a major preoccupation for her. On March 16th, 2020, she posted on Instagram that she refused to self-isolate and described her life as “business as usual”. Clearly under pressure, she subsequently retracted her statement, saying, “Despite my intense trepidation over the socioeconomic and political repercussions of this course of action, PLEASE KNOW I AM DOING MY PART TO FLATTEN THE CURVE, PRACTICING SOCIAL DISTANCING AND STAYING HOME WITH MY FAMILY.” She added that “the world is rallying to find a way to stop this very real threat, and my ensuing silence has sent a dismissive, arrogant and cryptic message”.
If that had been the end of it, the matter would have been forgotten by now. But Lilly affirmed her anti-vaxxer credentials last year when she attended a march in Washington in support of “bodily sovereignty” and once again made her views clear on social media. She stated, “I believe nobody should ever be forced to inject their body with anything, against their will, under threat of violent attack, arrest or detention without trial, loss of employment, homelessness, starvation, loss of education, alienation from loved ones, excommunication from society… under any threat whatsoever.” She concluded, “I understand the world is in fear, but I don’t believe that answering fear with force will fix our problems. I was pro-choice before Covid and I am still pro-choice today.”
If Lilly was an isolated example, Marvel might be able to ignore the situation. But unfortunately they and other studios have similar sceptics in their ranks. Letitia Wright, star of the most recent Black Panther film, shared an anti-vaxxing video on Twitter in 2021, declaring that “if you don’t conform to popular opinions, but ask questions and think for yourself… you get cancelled”.
Not to be outdone, DC Studios have their own problem with Zachary Levi, star of Shazam, who has stated that he is in “hardcore agreement” with those who have suggested that the Pfizer Corporation is “a real danger to the world”.
Larman goes on to point out that with cancel culture losing some of its power, it may be harder for corporate bosses to keep Hollywood actors in line.
Worth reading in full.
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Good to hear and in reality, the term anti-vaxxer is an obnoxious pile of horse shit.
The Fake News and Faker Science claimed that 90% of the pop were/are ardent poison-lovers, happily eating whatever the criminal industry and its corruptocrats foist on the hoi polloi.
That is not my experience. More than half the people I know expressed varying degrees of ‘anti vaxx realism’, from myself who hates all things pharma, to the chap who stabbed once to keep his job, to the friend who runs an old age home and was mandated to stab it up, both deciding once and never again.
So here we have a corrupt criminal menshe-group telling the vast herds who don’t comply, that they have a ‘phobia’ called ‘anti-vaxxism’. Two finger salute and a few foul words in reply.
The term antivaxxer itself is a straw man, used as a pejorative blunt instrument to beat people with very real concerns about being injected with a novel gene based thereby with no long term safety data. Concerns that appear to be well founded. I’m not (or at least I wasn’t) against vaccinations in principle. However the very nearly mandatory state injectable is not a vaccine. And you can be against it without being against vaccination.
My spidey senses are telling me that we’ll be finding more and more people who are becoming literal ”anti-vax”, especially when they get wind of the fact more jabs are to be converted to the mRNA platform. People have legit concerns about Big Pharma generally so it’d be a bit idiotic to focus exclusively on the Covid jabs wouldn’t it?
You’re dead right about that. You can count me as one for starters.
And still I depise the lazy (or malicious) anti-vaxx moniker because most people who don’t want covid jabs aren’t against vaccines in general.
For me, it’s tied in 1st place with Covidiot. Literal idiots calling independent thought idiotic.
They made the attacks personal, so I say no to any amnesty
It’s made me sceptical of the need for most if not all vaccines, and of their safety. It also made me, for the first time, take a look at the M M R controversy – never a clearer case of a malicious ad hominem attack against Dr W with absolutely no rational or scientific case made. All he said was, based on some initial research he did, that it would be worth taking a deeper look. His colleague, wealthier than he, got the GMC suspension overturned on appeal, I think.
The only good thing to come out of this is that it may make joe public question the use of vaccines generally.
Maybe the downside for the genetically engineered/mRNA jabs being deemed “vaccines”.
A bit of an own goal wasn’t it…
That said, sadly ALL “diseases will be eradicated, lol, by mRNA soon.
It’s a multi billion dollar industry and part of digital control..
What could go wrong,
Oops, therapy, of course.
Bravo to these high profile figures. They have a platform therefore they have a lot of attention on them. Thank the gods not all celebs and movie stars have traded success for their principles. More of this please.
And for balance, we have the likes of George Clooney and Sean Penn, the latter also seeing fit to donate some award of his to his friend Zelenskyy.
Mr. Penn has some interesting views as to what should be done to us refuseniks as well.
The correlation between people being militant pro-vax, pro Ukraine and pro net zero never ceases to amaze.
Maybe if you’re pro one of the above it’s compulsory to be pro the rest.
Or maybe the likes of Clooney and Penn are totally incapable of even a scintilla of rational thought.
To the ranks of Evangeline Lilley and Letitia Wright I’d like to add Woody Harrelson. God bless them. Anyone aware of other brave actors?
Lucas Black (Fast & Furious), Kirstie Alley (though I think she was largely retired)
Unfortunately Kirsty is now fully retired
Yes very sad to see that
She stood up for what she believed in despite taking a lot of flak
Gina Carano got booted off Disney’s Mandalorian for a range of issues one of which was her ‘do not comply’ tweet (the others were for being a Republican (!) and not using proper identifying pronouns on Twitter, ffs).
Rob Schneider too.
It seems there must be enough true individuals in the acting profession to make a rival film industry to Hollywood. The same applies to Universities where the number of cancelled professors could make more than one very useful and viable university in the old sense. They would be very attractive with degrees worth something.
On the way into my office block there is a screen displaying news stories. This morning there is a story about UK trials of Biontech “cancer vaccines” that will start soon. This seems to be mRNA based individualised treatments for cancer patients but how long before a universal “cancer vaccine” is foist upon us?.
I feel the use of the word “vaccine” to describe these sort of treatments is a bit odd and I wonder what is their motivation in using that word, I suspect it is because they have an eye on the huge market potential of a supposedly preventive “vaccine” against cancer.
It allows the ‘vaccine’ developers to dodge what used to be the rigorous regulator enforced safety requirements of new pharmaceuticals for the rather less rigorous requirements of a vaccine. For which the head of our very own UK regulatory body, the MHRA considers her organisation to be an “enabler” and not a regulator, which is what we thought it was.
‘…I suspect it is because they have an eye on the huge market potential of a supposedly preventive “vaccine” against cancer’ – they certainly do; in the recent Project Veritas videos I think Jordan Walker gave this away. They will not give up with this mRNA poison — but the people have clearly had enough…
“I believe nobody should ever be forced to inject their body with anything, against their will, under threat of violent attack, arrest or detention without trial, loss of employment, homelessness, starvation, loss of education, alienation from loved ones, excommunication from society… under any threat whatsoever.”
That’s a pretty high bar. I am not sure if it is legally required but you are expected to get vaccinated for a wide variety of things for a number of jobs – care and healthcare particularly. This predates Covid. And of course there are lots of countries where you can’t enter without various vaccines. I guess it depends on what you call a threat.
She doesn’t mention entry requirements for foreign countries.
Given what we’ve just lived through, the bar being set very high is just fine with me.
Did you MISS all the threats?
Where have you been?
There were overt, repeated threats to livelihood; to careers; to the ability to practice medicine; for scientists to obtain research funding; to be allowed to participate in society…
Even if UK didn’t (quite) go full-psycho, much of the world went all-in.
Yes Hep-B jabs are obligatory for all healthcare staff because you’re coming into contact with body fluids and needlestick injuries are an occupational hazard. I’m quite ignorant about if it’s even feasible to turn every single current traditional vaccine into an mRNA one though. Perhaps this isn’t possible for all of them. Somebody with more knowledge in this area may be able to add more, but at least when I was nursing, the Hep-B was the only mandatory vaccination. Others, like for flu, were offered but entirely optional.
And most of them are conventional “vaccines” aimed at preventing infection, rather than just mitigating it. However, the product under discussion has only had Emergency Use Authorisation, has it not? The jury is still out as to whether the injuries it causes are justifiable at all.
Hi there Mr Elwood !!…
What is with this stupid term “anti-vax”?
Even if vaccination were good for everybody, just because something is good but I don’t want it, doesn’t make me anti-whatever-it-is. I don’t have a particular stance on whether the next person decides do take one, I will neither persuade for or against – I will give their minimum of two brain cells the credit they deserve and let them decide for themselves.
I don’t like brussel sprouts. However I know they are good for you. Nevertheless I choose to refrain from eating brussel sprouts.
Am I now an anti-brussel-sproutser?
Yes, only idiots hate sprouts
Hollywood has form with this sort of thing.
They cooperated with McCarthy to weed out the “commies” in the industry in the 1950s.
Now it’s people with “far right” views. Basically people with integrity.
I suppose Hollywood is never short of actors. So no biggie if they have throw some of the ones rhey have to the wolves.
I was hoping that the events of the last few years would rid us of all this celebrity nonsense.
Tony Blair, at the WEF’s recent Davos meeting, explained the plan: there will be a ‘slew of new vaccines’ (all mRNA of course) and a digital ID system to track who has and who hasn’t had them. Blair, Schwab and their pals seemed even more deranged, unhinged and psychotic than usual this year. Bring it on, Tony; in truth tens of millions of us in the UK never ‘got vaccinated’ and very few will fall for the Marburg / avian flu bullsh!t that you’ve got planned, so these new ‘vaccines’ will be going nowhere. Then what are you going to do? The banking and currency collapse will happen anyway but you won’t have us in the boxes you need us to be in by then. Oh dear!
The day that Chunt Bliar was born was a dark day indeed !!…
Hopefully he will regret ever being born when he meets his maker.
Ice Cube
Laurence Fox (of course).
Ovè 20 years ago, I personally considered the views of celebs about “Global Warming” as about equally as interesting and persuasive as the thoughts of parking meter attendants. Even at the 2009 COP in Copenhagen, I remember being amused by Robert Redford crying that “It is time to Act!”.
I’m not about to revise my opinions about the genuinely disastrous Covid-Power Control Grab one iota, because a tiny number of celebs have atypically had the intelligence and bravery to state the obvious about the Fasicsts and their jabs and lockdowns.
But, in a way, it emphasises the desperate state we are in, that their views (and mine) are still thought unusual.
How desperately we need a reckoning, holding the perpetrators of both Covid and Climate fear scams to account.
People can be for or against Covid vaccinations but they should not try to impose their values on others.