The CDC’s information page on COVID-19 vaccines contains the following bullet points on “How mRNA COVID-19 vaccines work”:
- First, mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are given in the upper arm muscle or upper thigh, depending on the age of who is getting vaccinated.
- After vaccination, the mRNA will enter the muscle cells. Once inside, they use the cells’ machinery to produce a harmless piece of what is called the spike protein… After the protein piece is made, our cells break down the mRNA and remove it, leaving the body as waste.
Or, in other words, as we have long been told, the mRNA “stays in the arm”. And then, after having instructed the muscle cells to produce the spike, is disposed of.
But look at the below picture from a recent presentation on mRNA vaccination at the European Parliament. The picture was posted on Twitter by Virginie Joron, a French member of the Parliament. The speaker is no less an authority than Özlem Türeci, the Chief Medical Officer of BioNTech, the German biotech company that developed what has come to be known to most of the world as the ‘Pfizer’ COVID-19 vaccine.
Have a closer look at Türeci’s slide, which tells a very different story than that which the CDC has been telling Americans for the last two years.

Far from ‘staying in the arm’ and entering the muscle cells at the injection site, the injection site is only the point of departure for a journey that is supposed to take the mRNA rather to the lymph nodes. The subtitle of the slide is “Bringing mRNA to the right cells at the right places”. The deltoid is not the right place; the lymph nodes are.
Once in the lymph nodes, a specific sort of cell, the dendritic cells, are supposed to manufacture the spike protein – here colourfully described as the “wanted poster” that will help the immune system to identify the SARS-CoV-2 virus in case of subsequent exposure.
A passage from The Vaccine, the book that Türeci and her husband, BioNTech CEO Ugur Sahin, wrote with journalist Joe Miller, explains why BioNTech’s platform specifically targets the lymph nodes (p. 98):
What Ugur learnt was that the location to which a vaccine delivers its ‘wanted poster’ really mattered. The reason for this, the couple’s team in Mainz later realised, was that not all dendritic cells… were created equal. The ones that resided in lymph nodes – of which the spleen is the largest – were particularly adept at capturing mRNA and making sure the instructions it carried were acted upon. These kidney-bean shaped organs, found under our armpits, in our groins and at several other outposts in the body, are the information hubs of the immune system.
Indeed, Sahin and Türeci were so determined to get their mRNA into the lymph nodes that they had an earlier mRNA construct injected directly into the patient’s lymph nodes in the groin (p. 104).
Needless to say, such an approach was not likely to obtain wide acceptance as a vaccine! This is why the couple, as explained in their book, needed to package the mRNA in lipid nanoparticles, in order to ensure that mRNA administered by way of an intramuscular injection would, nonetheless, be widely distributed around the body and thus reach the lymph nodes.
This is to say that the wide biodistribution of the mRNA that came to light after rollout was never a bug. It is a feature of BioNTech’s mRNA technology. Having elicited an immune response by way of injection into the groin, Sahin is even said to have wondered, “How substantial could the immune response be if a vaccine got into all lymphatic tissues around the body, and recruited all the resident DCs [dendritic cells] into action?” (p. 105).
So, why has the CDC been lying about this for the last two years and insisting that the mRNA “stays in the arm”? Well, the obvious answer is that the idea of the mRNA staying at the injection site is reassuring, since otherwise we could fear systemic adverse effects of precisely the sort that have emerged since rollout.
It is worth noting, moreover, that in developing its vaccine, as discussed in my earlier article here, BioNTech simply skipped the so-called safety pharmacology studies whose purpose is precisely to test a candidate vaccine for potential systemic adverse effects – and regulators, including the FDA, let the company do it.
Robert Kogon is a pen name for a widely-published financial journalist, translator and researcher working in Europe. Follow him on Twitter here and read his Substack here. This article was first published by the Brownstone Institute.
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BioNTech developed Phizers Tonic – in of all places “GERMANY” Who’d have thought it !
xThey can join the club with other historic german companies that developed various drugs. Some good, some bad for various reasons.
Another product from the wonderful country that gave us Xyklon B.
No end to the lies. They stab your arm, it enters the bloodstream which is why there are so many injuries and deaths. It does not stay ‘local’ to the deltoid, that was never the point, and if it did it would be useless. The terrifying Rona is a respiratory attack centred around your lungs. How would a stab in the arm help with that? It was obviously employed to pour some poisons into your blood stream.
I just think that anybody willingly taking further clot shots has zero respect for their body and health. Ignorance is not an excuse after more than 2 years of this military-grade offensive. Let the junkies jab themselves to an early grave for all I care. Life is about informing yourself and taking responsibility for your decisions anyway. What others choose to do with their bodies is no concern of mine.
I suspect that the only people receiving these shots now are helpless residents of old people’s homes who can’t defend themselves or speak up for themselves.
And maybe very sick people on long term treatment who have surrendered themselves to the medical establishment.
No, my brainwashed elder sister and her husband are still willingly taking the jabs. They get their “news” from the BBC, Sky and The Times.
He has a genetic condition and has been on statins most of his adult life. If he has a heart attack it will be put down to the family genetics and everyone will say “well he’s been living on borrowed time for years.”
Doesn’t he fall into the second category, then?
In Australia it’s likely millions of people were subjected to mandates to have the jabs…mandated medical interventions in a supposed liberal democracy. This is so shocking, I can’t believe it’s happened!
But it has happened…millions of people have been coerced to submit to the jabs to keep their livelihoods – No Jab, No Job – and to participate in civil society.
People in Australia don’t seem to realise how serious this is, it’s like a state of denial, but it is so serious politically – the theft of personal autonomy and bodily integrity, this has massive ramifications for freedom.
In the UK, when the Boris Johnson Government tried to mandate the jabs for the NHS, it backfired, it didn’t work there.
But it did in Australia – why? Why did the medical folk here go along with mandates?
Many medical workers are still mandated to submit to the jabs here.
It’s a mystery – why did the medical profession in Australia trash voluntary informed consent, and capitulate to Covid jab mandates?
If people knew how the fax works they would be more hesitant taking it
They haven’t a clue
it was a master stroke confusing it with a regular accepted fluffy vaccine
Yeah but if they don’t know by now then that’s called ‘willful ignorance’ and that’s on them. If people wish to be more discerning about buying a new kitchen appliance than putting repeated mRNA junk in their own bodies then I can’t help them. Lost causes, but if ”they haven’t a clue” it’s because they actively *choose* it that way.
Were people properly informed about what was being injected into their bodies? Did they give legally valid informed consent before this medical intervention?
Can people give ‘informed consent’ if they’re being pressured, coerced and manipulated to submit to a medical intervention, e.g. via a Covid jab mandate, as was widespread across Australia?
For example:
So all the discussion about needle insertion (depth) is in invalid ? Sceptics and refusers will not be surprised to hear further evidence of CDC lies and treachery. For the public, informed consent moves up a notch (but will it ??) – thanks to the author for this illuminating analysis.
Right, so mistakenly hitting a vein was never an issue since this revelation, what remains in causing the rather random, but severe in some cases, adverse reactions? Not much else but faulty batches, poor product consistency (or purposeful), or poor (or lucky) storage leading up to administration? Or simply our individual bodies are so complex and unique who’s to know how you’ll react – despite their claiming in this new era of $cience, they don’t know it all. Unless it’s a matter of time and they’ll all be dropping like flies in months / years to come. Heaven forbid.
Apparently It’s just been added to the matrix of childhood vaccines in America ! How could this happen
with the spotlight of truth upon it ??
In the unlikely (on the basis there is more than enough evidence available today) event that some regulator types say we “made a mistake and the pharmaceutical companies didn’t tell the truth”, does this focus on BioNTech mean it would keep any fall out separate from Pfizer?
Given that life on Earth began approximately 3,500,000,000 years ago and humans began evolving from apes about 6,000,000 years ago, whilst the mRNA/DNA stabs may have been developed circa 20 years ago, I’ll give them a swerve if you don’t mind.
We were also assured that the mRNA would be broken down within minutes. Lol.
Try this short read/explanation as to how mRNA actually works and the unintended consequences thereof (or maybe that should be the intended consequences) ;-
and for a more comprehensive explanation :-
We were also assured that the mRNA would be removed by the immune system within minutes. Lol.
For an explanation as to the unintended consequences flowing therefrom, this is a paper by Robert W. Malone MD, MS :-
In short, your immune system gets trashed.
Correct and the really grotesque way in which the immune system is targeted is it can trigger a variety of diseases in the body depending on your genetic makeup. The plot was a fiendishly diabolical one and yet no one has yet been put on trial for Crimes Against Humanity.
Once a cancer gets into your lymphatic system, that’s basically it: terminal.
Coincidence that these dangerous jabs were designed to use a system which affects the entire body? I don’t think so.
My wife died of breast cancer, it followed a path, once it was in the lymph nodes it was terminal. What on earth are we messing with here? This is not nessasary! The human race has become a cackling mad scientist of the first order and it will lead to our undoing! To much could we? And not enough should we?
With the amount of warmongering going on over a country known for its corruption its clear to me Ukraine is just a diversion from the shocking news our governments wanted to cull us. Don’t be fooled folks this is what Ukraine is really about!
Not actually news, I suspect. Cell publication of Röltgen et al, Mar 17, 2022, demonstrated that the pseudouridine-containing mRNA product persists in lymph nodes for at least 60 days after injection.
“a harmless piece of what is called the spike protein” – and that is toxic. Why doesn’t the article say that, which is surely the key point?