To date, GB News, courtesy of Neil Oliver, is the only mainstream outlet to cover the scandalous story of the Israeli Ministry of Health cover-up of serious and long-lasting side-effects of the Pfizer vaccine. A leaked video, reported in the Daily Sceptic last week, showed Ministry of Health officials being informed of the side-effects in June 2022, but the Government has still not informed the public of these or allowed the alarming advice of its experts to alter its policy.
A reader has made a transcript of Neil Oliver’s interview of August 20th with Dr. Yaffa Sharaz, a journalist and specialist health reporter, and Professor Retsev Levi, an expert in health systems from MIT in the U.S., which is provided in full below.
A clip of the interview is available on Twitter here and you can watch the full interview on Rumble here.
Neil Oliver: Breaking news now concerning an internal meeting of the Ministry of Health in Israel discussing the effects of the Pfizer vaccine in that country, one of the most vaccinated in the world.
We have obtained a recording of a video call which seems to suggest that some side-effects caused by that vaccine are not mild, rare or short term but serious and long lasting.
I can speak now to two Israeli experts who have been closely following the story of the vaccine rollout in their country. Dr. Yaffa Sharaz is a journalist and specialist health reporter and Professor Retsev Levi is an expert in health systems from MIT in the U.S. Welcome to you both.
Yaffa, if I can turn to you first of all. Can you give us a bit of background to this story, bearing in mind it’s coming at my audience fresh.
Yaffa Shiraz: What you are about to see is part of a Zoom meeting that took place in early June between Israeli Ministry of Health (MOH) officials, including the MOH senior leader who is responsible for surveillance of vaccine side-effects, and an external group of researchers from which the MOH has commissioned a study on the safety of the Covid vaccines.
The background of this meeting is the study that was commissioned by the MOH based on a new reporting system that the MOH launched by the end of 2021. As is well known, Israel has a very high vaccination rate and was labelled the world’s laboratory but as it turns out this entire critical year in which the vast majority of the population in Israel was vaccinated, the Israeli vaccine monitoring system was in fact completely dysfunctional.
There was, in fact, no reliable system which you could say was even remotely similar to the American VAERS or to the U.K. Yellow Card System. The MOH in December 2021 finally launched a proper system instead of the dysfunctional one, allowing an analysis of the side-effects.
The research team they commissioned, headed by a distinguished professor from one of the hospitals in Israel with an expertise in pharmacology and toxicology, was tasked with analysing reports of side-effects for a period of six months from the beginning of December 2021 to the end of May 2022. The findings presented in this video, in this meeting, as you will see, are very serious. Nevertheless, Ministry of Health withheld them for nearly two months and only very recently published a formal report about this work. However, unfortunately, the gap between the official report and what the researchers say in this internal discussion, in the sentiment of concern in this discussion, couldn’t be greater.
In fact, the report completely contradicts what was said in this discussion.
Neil Oliver: Retsev, if I could come to you now, Retsev Levi. We’re going to play a short clip from the call. For obvious reasons, most of my audience not being able to understand Hebrew, can you talk us through what is being said.
Retsev Levi: Before we start the video can we just say the work was quite impressive, the work the research team did. They found a range of side-effects, with clear and definite causal relationship to the vaccine, actually including some new side-effects that are not even listed by Pfizer. How could they conclude a definite causal relationship to the vaccine? This is based on the concept of re-challenge. This is when the side effect reported is coming back or worsens every time you take another dose of the vaccine. The video we are going to watch now is when the head of the research team is explaining this concept to the people in the Ministry of Health, using and referring to a framework which is very well established to evaluate the relationship between the side-effect and the vaccine.
Essentially, what he is telling them is that when you observe a re-challenge that changes the assessment from a possible relationship to a definite relationship. That is why they were so sure and so apparent about the causal relationship between the side-effects and the vaccine.
Neil Oliver: What are the nature of the side-effects that the researchers identified?
Retsev Levi: This is quite a wide range of side-effects that they are talking about and discussing during the meeting. Let me highlight two of those.
The first one is about menstrual irregularities. As you know, once the vaccine campaign started, many women reported menses irregularities. In many cases during the last year the immediate response was very dismissive and that this was just a temporal coincidence. When these reports persisted the narrative changed a little bit, and people were willing to acknowledge there is a possible relationship to the vaccine but the phenomenon is short term. What the finding of this research team was very very clear, that the side-effects are definitely caused by the vaccine because of the re-challenge phenomena and they also last for weeks, months, over a year and sometimes still ongoing at the time the report was given to the Ministry of Health.
The neurological side-effects are even more interesting. The electronic form the Ministry of Health created to allow patients to report had two parts. One of them was a closed form where you were actively asked about specific side-effects and that form didn’t even include neurological systems. When they analysed the free text part of the form, where patients were allowed to report whatever they wanted, they observed and got many many reports of neurological side-effects, some of which are not currently listed by Pfizer as side-effects of the vaccine. Again, based on the re-challenge phenomena they could see a definite causal relationship with the vaccine and, again, long-term side-effects that lasted weeks, months and sometimes over a year.
Neil Oliver: What is the consequence of those side-effects of repeated vaccination. Obviously people were receiving one, then a second then third or fourth, fifth. What happens as a result of repetition?
Retsev Levi: This is very concerning and in fact, irrespective of this study, I think we already see there are some indications of increased toxicity. The more boosters you take the more side-effects you see, and again side-effects coming back. That caused the research team to be very very concerned about the impact. At some point you can see in the next video the head of the research team is talking about the liability, the legal liability, of the findings. Essentially, what he is saying is the narrative of the Ministry of Health in Israel and many other health authorities around the world was go and get the vaccine because the side-effects are rare and short-term. Now it turns out the situation and the reality is not what the narrative was promoting, the side-effects are long term and serious and basically saying you have to think very, very carefully about how you communicate this to the public because you may open yourselves to legal lawsuits and liability issues because what you promoted isn’t in fact the reality or what we see in the reports.
Neil Oliver: Retsev, we can play that second clip. If you want to just reiterate what you were saying about the researcher. I think what you’re saying is the researcher is wondering, worrying, about the legal implications of not being more honest.
Retsev Levi: I think the narrative was, again, the narrative of the Ministry of Health and other health authorities around the world, was go get vaccinated because even if there are side-effects they are rare and short term. In fact, what he is talking about now is about the legal implications of the findings which are that many of the side-effects are long term and that can open up the issue of legal liability because the vaccine was promoted in a way that was not representing the real risks that people took.
Neil Oliver: Retsev, we’ve lost the connection to Yaffa at the moment so I’ll continue with you if that’s alright? I sense a lot of urgency about it. I can only presume vaccination is ongoing in Israel and researchers and people like yourself are concerned that this new information ought to have a bearing on that ongoing project.
Retsev Levi: I think you are right. What is more concerning is the response of the Ministry of Health to this very concerning report. During the meeting some of the members of the research team are talking about their conscience bothering them and they are very concerned about the findings but the Ministry of Health, knowing about this information in June this year, this was not shared with the committee of experts that advised the Ministry of Health very recently to allow vaccination of 6 month to 4 year-old babies and also allowed the booster program to go forward.
When the Minister of Health reported to the public, as Yaffa mentioned, the narrative was, again, nothing new, everything is safe, we learned nothing from this report. To make things worse, the reported rates of different side-effects were manipulated to be presented as very low, basically by taking the number of reports and dividing them by the total number of doses that were given in Israel since the beginning of the vaccination campaign in early 2021, basically ignoring the fact that most of the vaccine doses were given when the system on which this report is based didn’t even exist. So you are only going to get a very small fraction of the real side-effects and real reports but also it turns out not all the HMO’s in Israel, the system in Israel is based on four large HMO’s, only one of them reported. The fact of the matter is that the finding that this research team is reporting about relate only to 15% of the population in Israel.
Nevertheless, the Ministry of Health held back all of this information and presented to the public in Israel a very misleading picture of the findings. Unfortunately, this is not something that is unique to Israel, it is something we have observed in other countries where transparency and honesty about issues with the vaccine are not communicated appropriately.
I think the consequences are really harmful.
Neil Oliver: It’s a very eye opening bit of information that you have brought to us Retsev Levi, thank you very much for that. I’m sorry that we lost Yaffa Shiraz earlier in our attempt at a three-headed conversation but that’s clearly information that needs to be more fully investigated as the days and weeks go on. I’m obliged to point out that the Pfizer vaccine is one of three Covid vaccines that are licensed for use in the U.K. and are currently available. By all means go to the NHS website if you wish, where you will find the following statement: “The coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines are safe and effective. They give you the best protection against COVID-19.” It says there.
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