- “Jacinda Ardern under pressure as approval rating slumps to record low” – Support for the Government led by the New Zealand Prime Minister falls, as the economy battles to recover from her strict lockdowns, the Telegraph reports.
- “Denmark ends Covid vaccinations for anyone 18 or younger” – Alex Berenson says the announcement is both a statement of the reality that healthy kids are at essentially zero risk from Covid and a vote of no confidence in the long-term risk-benefit profile of the mRNA jabs.
- “Why it’s Time to Investigate Excess Deaths in England and Wales” – Carl Heneghan and Tom Jefferson call for causal investigations of the sustained rise in deaths based on signals in the data.
- “Warning as brand new virus is detected in 35 people in China” – A new and potentially nasty virus that may have been passed on from a shrew has been spotted in 35 people in China, reports the Mail.
- “413 German Physicians, Healthcare Workers, Call For Immediate Vaccine Suspension… ‘Serious Side Effects…Consequential Damage’” – Pierre Gosselin on the No Tricks Zone reports that Germany’s Hauke publishing house has published an open letter from 413 physicians, addressed to the Prime Minister of the German state of Thuringia, harshly criticising the Government’s Covid policy and calling for the immediate suspension of Covid vaccinations due to “serious side effects and consequential damage”.
- “Confessions of an Epidemiologist” – Dr. Roger Watson in the European Conservative reviews Mark Woolhouse’s book and says that we witnessed a prolonged curtailment of freedom of movement, freedom of association and freedom of speech, yet Woolhouse does not address this; in fact, while he clearly comes out as lockdown sceptical, it is not entirely clear why.
- “Baileys’ Quoque” – Dr. Roger Watson in Country Squire on the errors of the virus deniers.
- “The not so transparent story of see-through masks” – Paul Stevens on Time for Recovery reports on research carried out by Smile Free which suggests the Scottish Government spent around £5m of taxpayer money on transparent masks that were not only ineffective but not recommended for use in most situations.
- “Masks in the Working Environment: What does the law say?”” – A free webinar from Smile Free and Together on your rights if an employer asks or ‘requires’ you to wear a ‘Covid mask’ at work.
- “Widerspruch macht frei!” – Thorsteinn Siglaugsson notes the inconsistent ideas emanating from German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach as regards vaccination and restrictions and wryly observes that “contradiction makes us free”.
- “The Cult That Took My Michael” – A mother on Brownstone relays the terrible impact of lockdown on her teenage son: “Classes were conducted on Zoom, then later, two days per week in person, masked, and the other days on the computer. When school resumed in person, five days per week, students were masked and prohibited from sitting together at lunch and socialising normally. Fear infused every aspect of school.”
- “Physician Scared for Much of the Pandemic to Speak up About Vaccines: Now a Full-Blown Activist” – Trial Site News reports on Australian doctor William Bay who despite keeping his head down for much of the pandemic, recently emerged as an outspoken critic of the risks of the COVID-19 vaccines.
- “The Tories must abandon this vanity contest and act now on energy prices” – Allison Pearson in the Telegraph says it’s time to take a serious look at what is making energy so expensive and change it.
- “How China Dominates the World’s Solar PV Supply” – Paul Homewood in WUWT on a new report from the IEA that shows just how much China dominates the solar power industry.
- “Will Europe Force a Facebook Blackout?” – Wired reports that regulators are close to stopping Meta from sending EU data to the U.S., bringing a years-long privacy battle to a head.
- “Entertainment Companies Start Dumping Woke Content As Viewership Tumbles” – The examples of purged woke programming go on and on as audiences make it clear with their money and their viewership that they don’t want to watch Leftist garbage, writes Tyler Durden on ZeroHedge.
- “‘Women’ and ‘girls’ left out of NHS-backed periods guidance website” – Bloody Brilliant, created on behalf of NHS Wales, has been criticised for giving advice using gender-neutral terms such as “people who bleed”, the Telegraph reports.
- “A conspiracy of silence about the impact of mass migration has cost Britain dear” – Philip Johnston in the Telegraph marks the 20th anniversary of Migration Watch and says failure to plan for the extra millions of people coming to Britain is behind many of our current woes.
- “The crisis at the heart of the Conservative party” – John Oxley in the Spectator says the Tories don’t know what they stand for: “A Government which claimed to be hard-line on immigration did nothing to reduce it. A Government that seeks to be tough on crime has seen petty crime become almost legal. A Government that complains about ‘woke-culture’ has done nothing at a legislative level to prevent it.”
- “Wickes and the perils of corporate virtue-signalling” – Kate Harris in Spiked says the brief window when sponsoring Pride was a no-brainer for socially responsible organisations has now closed as the movement has been hijacked by gender ideologues.
- “The bloody truth about the Benin bronzes” – Robert Tombs in Spiked asks why Britain is making reparations to the heirs of slave owners.
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Save water, turn off Useless Eustice
Laurence Hodge
Yellow Boards By The Road BUILD BACK FREEDOM …
Friday 12th August 12pm to 1pm
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B3408 London Road,
Junction Russell Chase & John Nike Way Binfield
Bracknell RG42 6AE
Stand in the Park Sundays 10.30am to 11.30am – make friends & keep sane
Howard Palmer Gardens Sturges Rd RG40 2HD
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The article by the mother about her teenage son is desperately sad. And that’s just one of the millions.

I’ve been keeping track of registered deaths per million of population at mid-year in England and Wales for many months now. My chart ties in with the Carl Heneghan chart in the link above. Here it is. You can see cumulative deaths (per million) heading up also. Will be interesting to see where this ends up at the end of the year.
Total deaths as shown in the previous chart tend to effectively represent deaths in the oldest age groups
If you look at all cause registered deaths in England and Wales in the age band 45-64 (adjusted for mid-year population over time in this age group) you also see deaths running at a high level currently at least relative to most recent years. So this isn’t just an oldest age phenomenon
And if we look at all cause deaths by date of occurrence in England and Wales (not adjusted for population size in this case) we see how deaths have been around 10% above the 2015-2019 average for some time now.
Ignore the last 2 weeks on that chart (the final blip up and blip down) as that represents poor ONS estimates of deaths that have occurred but not been reported. That has been a feature we’ve seen for many weeks now and it should correct itself in future weeks when most occurred deaths have by then been reported and so the estimation element becomes relatively trivial.
And the same chart again but this time showing the actual numbers of deaths vs the 2015-2019 numbers of deaths.
The percentage by which the green line number is above the blue line number is the percentage in the previous chart.
“How China Dominates the World’s Solar PV Supply”
Well it’s hardly a surprise that China dominates the world’s Solar PV supply, is it. They manufacture just about every second item anyway, probably including Gucci handbags, M&S socks, and almost every useless landfill-headed plastic toy or gizmo. Let’s face it, those greedy corporations saw an opportunity to make something for nothing and charge you through the nose for it, only for it to break or fall apart as they all inevitably do. Governments meanwhile cheered on this transfer of jobs and money from the sidelines, no doubt sending delegations and ministers to schmooze with their Chinese counterparts, drooling over the trade opportunities, and betraying the British working people because they couldn’t face up to the Unions or come to an understanding. This is what Global Capitalism is all about – betrayal.
This trade has been going on for decades though. It started, in my lifetime anyway, with the wonky scissors and bamboo tea strainers that just about every student had in their possession and then grew from there. I sometimes imagine hundreds and thousands of plastic ducks for the bath rolling off the production lines 24/7/365. Meanwhile, a lot of jobs in the UK are mainly meaningless – marketing, sales, advertising, services…all, sorry, rubbish jobs that don’t actually make or produce anything. What happened to our manufacturing skills? Apprenticeships? Precision engineering workshops? Foundries? Ship building? Don’t get me started on the car and motorcycle industries. We used to make things. We had skills. People didn’t use foodbanks. There was a large workforce and people could afford rents and buy homes, envisage some sort of future.
I know I’m simplifying things but sometimes it’s easier to look at things simply. Anyway, that headline just made me want to vent because it is so f’ing obvious. And finally…the Chinese don’t just make garbage products, they also manufacture viruses or at least are part of it…look at this latest ‘Shrew’ virus…honestly those corrupt little *add in your own expletive here*’s!
The mechanism is that money talks, with loads of companies transferring manufacture over there – such as the kit on my desk now – designed in California, made in China, the solar panels on my roof – made in China, part of the camera I was using an hour ago – the rest being made in Japan (Japanese firms do have items made in China).
Yes, I am aware of that, John, thank you. My point was really to have a rant because people post stuff like this as if it’s news. It isn’t. Hasn’t been for decades. We have politicians who don’t have any vision. It’s all short-term, an eye on the polls and the next election. They don’t care about fostering a highly creative, productive, and engaged workforce because there’s F all money to be made. We need politicians who have guts and we need an impartial, free and independent press so propaganda and lies aren’t shoved down the willing gullets of the sleeping, gullible, lazy-thinking populace…oh here I go again…
A major controversy in marine biology took a new twist last week when the University of Delaware (UD) found one of its star scientists guilty of research misconduct. The university has confirmed to Science that it has accepted an investigative panel’s conclusion that marine ecologist Danielle Dixson committed fabrication and falsification in work on fish behavior and coral reefs. The university is seeking the retraction of three of Dixson’s papers and “has notified the appropriate federal agencies,” a spokesperson says.
The investigative panel’s draft report, which Science’s News team has seen in heavily redacted form, paints a damning picture of Dixson’s scientific work, which included many studies that appeared to show Earth’s rising carbon dioxide (CO2) levels can have dramatic effects on fish behavior and ecology. “The Committee was repeatedly struck by a serial pattern of sloppiness, poor recordkeeping, copying and pasting within spreadsheets, errors within many papers under investigation, and deviation from established animal ethics protocols,” wrote the panel, made up of three UD researchers.
Bjorn Lomborg
·Aug 2
Impact of new climate legislation
Unnoticeable: 0.0009°F to 0.028°F in 2100
Why is no media describing just 𝗵𝗼𝘄 𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗹𝗲 your $369 billion will achieve?
Instead, we’re being told:
“the most significant legislation in history to tackle the climate crisis” (Biden)
good thread…
Informative article on monkeybollox over at the Swiss Doctor site which has been updated just two days ago. As long as this disease doesn’t show signs of spreading via aerosolized particle transmission then I couldn’t be less concerned. I’ve read in several places now that the current small pox vaccine being offered to those classed as vulnerable shows no significant effectiveness but the authorities are determined to keep up the fear porn and milk this outbreak for all that its worth. One can’t have too many crises in one’s life at any given time it would seem.
More on the 14 dead Canadian doctors inc a very interesting 30min video with Dr Richard Urso ( Oncologist ) which was filmed when there were only 5 doctors known to have died.
If the pandemic response was mirrored in the financial world…
The whole world would have all their money in current accounts and not be allowed to spend any of it, but only for 2 weeks.
Any talk of investment with no guaranteed return would be the equivalent of a “let it rip” strategy, even if you wanted to “focus” just a small proportion of your wealth on low risk funds.
The world would go to sh*t but at least nobody lost any money.
So stand by for shrewitus now then ! Good of the Daily Fail to put everyone’s minds at rest
Lol everything’s made in China these days it seems. And they’re taking the piss big time. There’d have been a time, not too long ago, when these things would appear but wouldn’t be deemed worth reporting on. 35 cases out of what…1.5bn people? Will it be the new monkeybollocks and the WHO declare it a global emergency of armageddon proportions? You ever had the feeling you’re living in a Monty Python episode and can’t wake up? “Lucy in the sky with diamonds…..”

Groundhog days !. The Piss being taken that you mentioned is off the scale

Comment on the Media Bias / Fact Check website seems a bit harsh.
Overall, we rate the Daily Sceptic a far-right biased quackery level pseudoscience website.
LOL…I had a look at these people before, in relation to an article I had read some months ago. It appears to me that Mr Dave M Van Zandt, the founder, basically gives his own opinion, without any thorough scientific explanation, which is then backed by several volunteer fact checkers with no expertise in any of the things they are fact checking…and that’s about it! I don’t think DS has anything to worry about!
(If you want a laugh, read what they said about WiKi Leaks…It says it all as far as I’m concerned….…and DS would seem to be in good company!)
With today’s gloomy forecasts about energy prices: it’s the government’s spin machine in operation. They’ve instructed the beeb to give the worst figures they can, so that when the gov do their meaningless drop in the ocean to address it, they can claim later “we saved everyone from fuel poverty”. Nudge theory also, conditioning the public to see the price hikes as inevitable.