A top British dance school has dropped ballet from its auditions after branding it an “elitist art form” built around “white European ideas and body shapes” and “gender-divided roles”. MailOnline has more.
The Northern School of Contemporary Dance (NSCD) reviewed the dance as part of a wider plan to “decolonise the curriculum”, and consider the impact of race and gender on dance.
The Leeds-based school will no longer require ballet as part of its auditions, due to the cost of learning the dance style, its idealisation of particular body shapes and gender-divided roles, staff have said.
Head of undergraduate studies at the conservatoire, Francesca McCarthy, called ballet an “elitist art form”.
Ballet’s traditional terminology uses ‘ballerina’ for women and ‘danseur’ for men, with female dancers focusing on pointe work and lifts and leaps for men.
Ms. McCarthy said the ballet’s terminology has “strongly gendered roots” and was, “problematic in relation to inclusion of non-binary and trans dancers”.
Ballet will still be taught at the school, which charges £9,250 per year for British students, and £17,500 per year for international dancers. However the classes and teaching methods have been altered to be more “inclusive”…
Staff are also encouraged to use ‘they’ instead of he and she, to “not make assumptions” about students’ identities…
In 2019, staff at the conservatoire began learning more about “unconscious bias” in dance, in a bid to “decolonise the curriculum”.
It’s not a culture war, though, guys. It’s just being polite…
Worth reading in full.
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Art – at least insofar that’s more than Au Wehwehweh’s marmor dildos – is in inherently elitist. As is sport, BTW. But why not have ugly, fat people whose sex one can only guess at rolling clumsily around on stage. There’s surely a market for that.
Elitist? Ah yes, children are not supposed to play musical chairs now because losing is traumatic. Or something. (True story btw, in case anyone doesn’t know).
Anyone who thinks this shit is just an irrelevant distraction and will go away if we ignore it is going to wake up one day and find Western Christian civilisation (yes I know christianity is dying out but our civilisation descends from it) destroyed and replaced by idiotic crap.
Loads of brown skinned people settling in European and we being forced to integrate into their culture isn’t really decolonization. It’s colonization. We’re at home here and not in the colonies.
Like I say (and Mark Steyn has been warning about this for a long time), we’ve got to stop killing our own and take family values, real family values, seriously or our culture will die out anyway. I understand that Japan is trying tocombine a low birth rate with low immigration, and it will be interesting to see how that turns out, but so far as Europe is concerned, things look terminal.
That day was yesterday in fact.
The Fermi Paradox is explained by this sort of stuff.
I wonder if they ever watched the film Independence Day?
Jasmine: “I’m a dancer”.
‘First Lady’ Whitmore: “Ah, ballet!”
Jasmine: “No, exotic”.
Whitmore: “Oh, I’m sorry”.
Now she’d be sorry if it was ballet? I wonder what you don’t have to be sorry for these days? (Come to think of it, would it be “cultural appropriation” if Jasmine was a ballet dancer?).
From a ‘top dance school’ to also ran, toute suite.
Destroying our culture from within.
“Ms. McCarthy said the ballet’s terminology has “strongly gendered roots” and was, “problematic in relation to inclusion of non-binary and trans dancers”. ”
I sometimes wonder what these people will do about the French language (“words ending ‘ence’ are feminine – apart from ‘Le silence’ as you could never expect a woman to be silent” etc. …).
I know this because I know what they’re doing to the German language: Their idea is basically to eliminate all the naturally developed plural forms and replace them with constructions like Arbeiter*innen, this being a fairly new artifical plural form exclusively referring to female workers. The star (or colon) is supposed to be pronounced as pause in order to hint at the fact that not all workers are female. Alternatively, they’re incorrectly using participles whose meaning is analogous to the English continuous tenses, eg, die Arbeitenden instead of die Arbeiter. But this is just the most-recent fashion. The important issue of how to overcome the fundamentally politically incorrect German language has been discussed for as long as I can remember.
They’re not doing that in France. The government outlawed it on the grounds that it would just lead to an incomprehensible mess. But that’s obvsiously not something one can expect from the kind of German who have thoroughly internalized that German equals Nazis and thus, must be eliminated by any means necessary, ie, essentially all of the socially and politically ruling pseudo-elite.
There’s also an equivalent to that in English, namely, to use sequences of nouns and adjectives instead of proper sentences, ie (as seen on TV yesterday) black maternal health
instead of health of black women in maternity units. One could call human erasure.
Ballet is an elitist art form. That’s what makes it amazing to watch. Duh. And that’s why we have dance schools (unless we’re talking about NCSD, obviously).
And yes, anyone who can do ballet even half well is probably also going to have an appealing body. And the men are going to be more masculine in appearance and the women more feminine. There’s no shame in accepting that some people’s bodies look nicer than others, and that some people look after themselves better.
And there’s also no shame in asserting that there are TWO BIOLOGICAL GENDERS. It’s called using your eyes.
The Northern School of Contemporary Dance. Another ” Get Woke, Go Broke ” enterprise that will be expecting a bailout from the UK taxpayer
Northern School of Contemporary Dunce.
I corrected the typo.
Where does it all stop??? Foxtrot? White elitist. Clog dancers? Definitely white not so elitist. Classical music – white elitist and so on. I mean are they just going to go through the entire cultural back catalogue and erase anything that smacks of OUR culture because it MIGHT offend? This is nonsense of course and the people driving this agenda need to be cancelled because they are interfering little busybodies pandering to a minority of interests. It is the destruction of our society from within, sowing seeds of doubt and confusion.
As far as I am concerned this sort of nonsense confirms my position. We as a nation, one of the greatest people ever to inhabit this planet are being systematically undermined with the sole intention of destroying Britain, its culture and its inhabitants. These acts should not be viewed independently but as part of the war against the citizens of this country.
Yes, we are at war and we must never forget this.
That’s like dropping curry from a menu because it’s too Asian, spicy and nationalist.
There is a great deal of mental illness about.
Words fail.