Russia appears to have faked trial results of its flagship Covid vaccine, according to an analysis by a team of researchers in Australia and Singapore. MailOnline has more.
Russian scientists claimed the jab produced nearly identical results across five different age groups when the trial was published last year.
It sparked claims among some experts the results were “too good to be true”, given the tiny numbers of infections that occurred in each cohort.
Now researchers have run the trial through a simulation model 50,000 times to test the likelihood of the results being genuine.
They found the chance of replicating the same efficacy across all five age groups again was just 0.02%.
The Sputnik V jab has been mired in controversy since Russia announced its approval in 2020, before the trial had even wrapped up.
Dr. Kyle Sheldrick, from the University of New South Wales, who led the new analysis, told MailOnline: “If you think about it, this trial didn’t really have the option of failing.
“There are signs, and lots of reasons to think, that someone might have manipulated this data after the study finished.”
Hundreds of millions of people are thought to have been vaccinated with Sputnik worldwide. Around 70 countries had placed orders worth up to £7 billion before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Worth reading in full.
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As opposed to all of the completely honest and trustworthy vaccine trials held by the rest of the pharmaceutical companies.
Civilisations in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. I would guess that Russia’s efforts to develop a vaccine were just as unnecessary, fraudulent, dangerous and underhanded as those in the West because none of this, even in Russia, has been about public health.
Let’s focus on the ones that were pushed on us though.
Absolutely CG. This was not used in the UK.
Where is the report regarding the misleading and missing information from the Pfizer study?
The Daily Clout is doing its best to get this out but they could do with some assistance.
Oliver Wright is working on it for the Times muppets.
Who keeps down marking every post? What a rather sad thing to do.
I agree… is just silly, but maybe they are too stupid to have a grown-up debate?
But it makes me feel better Rob, to know now that at least they’re having to pay to be plonkers!? Ignore them…and wear it like a little badge of righteousness….it makes me feel warm and fuzzy to know my humble opinion has hit the spot!?
I’ve downvoted you to give you a warm & fuzzy feeling
Ohh..I’m feeling it already……! Warm, warm, glow! LOL
Mumble, grumble…
Feeling unloved & left out? Do you want a downtick too?
Happy to oblige
I don’t think you have to pay to down mark?
I’m failing to see much difference between faked Russian trial results and Pfizer/Moderna/AZ etc faked trial results.
I guess it’s a case of “Russians bad” “Americans good” “Brits best.”
The most important question…who paid them to do this ‘research’?
No one has the time/money to do these things without backing..we know this…..
If he was genuine where is his analysis of the rest of the quacksines?
So I had a little look into the ‘lead author’, Kyle Sheldrick….in ten minutes I found …
He’s done a similar ‘hit piece’ on Ivermectin…(surprise!)
This Twitter from Jikky, a source I generally trust, questions another study he tried to dismiss…on vitamin Dr Paul Marik …(surprise?) a doctor that the establishment are constantly trying to discredit.
The problem is that Kyle publicly accused a highly respected international doctor of research fraud because he didn’t understand the research.
I would imagine getting discredited by Sheldrick, is like being fact-checked by Full-Fact…you know you are over the target…
Don’t forget that there was a Chinese equivalent. So there are Chinese, Russian, Astrazeneca, Pfizer products – at least they lead to a useful acronym (CRAP). If you slot Moderna into it, it could be even worse, if it happens.
Sadly, the vaxxes never worked anywhere. Still don’t. But plenty of cash was made in the process of this scamdemic.
Sounds a lot like some other ‘vaccines’ we know.