- “Scandal of ‘concerning’ 999 calls that aren’t answered for nine minutes” – One in every 100 callers in Yorkshire was made to wait nine minutes 28 seconds to speak to somebody in April, according to the latest NHS England data, the Mail reports.
- “GP made end-of-life care recommendation after incorrect video diagnosis” – A former NHS worker was mistakenly told she had organ failure when a doctor noticed her “skin was yellow” during a video consultation, the Telegraph reports.
- “Why the last Covid isolators are staying home” – Although restrictions have lifted, some people have no intention of resuming their pre-pandemic lives anytime soon, according to the Telegraph.
- “Is there a new Covid wave – and do we need to worry?” – Read Michael Simmons’s take in the Spectator.
- “New Zealand indigenous family under house arrest for 11 months for not taking Covid jab” – LifeSite News reports that the father of the family believes the punishment reveals contempt by the New Zealand Government towards the indigenous population.
- “A Tale of Two Failed Tory Leaders” – There are some important lessons to be learned for each of the U.K. and Australia from the other, as conservative politicians and voters in both countries ponder rocky times and much contentious ideological debate ahead, writes Paul Collits on his Substack page.
- “Mattias Desmet on the Totalitarianism of Mass Panic” –Desmet conceives “mass formation” as being associated with – almost requiring – a blurring of the line between fact and fiction, writes Joakim Book at Brownstone.
- “Greenland’s Summers Surprisingly Cooling Over Past Decade, Driven by Natural Oceanic Cycles” – Natural cycles have cooled Greenland in recent years, writes Pierre Gosselin on Watts Up With That?
- “Cornell, Due Process, and Liberal Education” – To provide an education worthy of free men and women, university administrators and faculty must cease to furnish students a highbrow spectacle of censorship, witch hunts, and kangaroo courts, and instead transform their campuses into bastions of free speech and due process, writes Peter Berkowitz in RealClear Politics.
- “The NHS’s disturbing trans guidance for children” – The Health Secretary needs to get a grip on an NHS website that seems in thrall to magical thinking on sex and gender, says Debbie Hayton in the Spectator.
- “NHS trust ‘gives competing companies higher marks for adopting Stonewall ideology’” – Leaked documents from Lewisham and Greenwich Trust reveal that companies vying to win contracts faced questions related to the Charity’s policies, reports the Telegraph.
- “Don’t fret about the lower-class sugar habit. All we need to do is grow more Dimblebys” – Rod Liddle writes in the Times that the middle classes look at the “sweating, lardbucket oiks, chavs and proles grunting and wheezing their way from the Spicy Deep Fried Chicken Sludge and Botuloburger Grill to the cider aisle in Asda, fag in the mouth, and are overcome with an acute aesthetic nausea”.
- “Ad boycott is undermining GB News and free speech, says boss” – Angelos Frangopoulos says the advertising snub is “dangerous for public debate”, according to the Telegraph.
- “Will the Government stand up to mob rule?” – Far too often at the moment the woke Left are getting away with overturning the rule of law, says Patrick O’Flynn in the Spectator.
- “Mansplaining womanhood” – Victoria Smith in the Critic is wary of Matt Walsh’s anti-feminist views, despite thinking his new documentary opposing gender theory may do some good.
- “Joe Biden’s woke imperialism” – Developing nations have had enough of the West’s lectures, says Frank Furedi in Spiked.
- “On the latest episode of Free Speech Nation: The Podcast, Andrew Doyle is joined by General Secretary of the Free Speech Union, Toby Young” – Watch the video on Twitter.
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Blimey, no wonder all cause mortality is above average!
that’s me
I had noticed that my next door neighbour Ambulance Driver, (or Paramedic if you prefer), has been mostly “working from home” for the past several months, with very occaisional driving shifts.
Although this has aroused some curiosity, I tend to avoid him as throughout the nonsense he has attempted to engage the entire street in Covid based discussions; encouraging folks to mask up, going on about LFT’S ,”vaccines” and suchlike….in short, a tool, revelling in his newly found importance (FFS).
Long boring story short: I couldn’t avoid him least week so found out that him and several of his more experienced driver colleagues had been pulled into a new team to “triage” the increased amount of calls to the Ambulance Service. Almost unbelievably, and with a straight face he said in some cases the calls he took were so urgent he had to advise the caller to phone 999 for an Ambulance!!!
Clown world strikes again.
TLDR: A not very interesting anecdote about the Ambulance Service…..but at least it’s a post!
LOL! What they call a ‘human interest’ story in the press! But really it does help to talk on a personal scale, because so many of the ‘facts and figures’ are impersonal…it’s interesting to know how things impact people in reality I think…..
Cheers! Thing is pretty much everyone on here will have similar personal anecdotes about illogical, maddening, counter-productive ways in which the problems brought about by the “pandemic” response are making the world a much harder place to live in…..I’m talking about the little, seemingly inconsequential things as well as the more obvious policy decisions…..chaos, followed by chaos, and only a tiny percentage of the population seem to be noticing or to care.
Too wedded to their supposedly “smart” phones to notice what is going on in the real world…. Or if they do notice, it’s too disturbing so gets ignored after a general “Isn’t this dreadful?” platitude…
I wonder if at some point they’ll do ‘Alien Invasion’ as the next crisis? It seemss to me that the majority of the population are easily gullible enough. They would just need to hear about it on their phone.
Just set up am Alien Invasion Preparation Planning Round Table with timeline & you’re away!
Would be funny if rather mean to carry out.
I couldn’t agree more ebygum.
“A not very interesting anecdote about the Ambulance Service…..but at least it’s a post!”
On the contrary, there is mileage in that post. This is the sort of story which will be passed around.
Thanks for posting.
Our local doctors surgery is virtually in the middle of a field, and because the local population in this and surrounding villages isnt that high and relatively stable, they are probably not as busy as an inner city practice. However, it being so placed means that I regularly walk past with my dogs and can see into the large windowed waiting room. You won’t be surprised to hear that it is nearly always empty! Pre covid it was busy all day, sometimes standing room only. I have to go in a couple of times a month for prescription reasons (we are remote so they dispense as well) and, similarly, it’s always empty. Everyone is up in arms about the dreadful service we are receiving, but the managers just say they are so much busier than they were before covid. Why? If anything they have fewer patients because many have abandoned them for a practice in the nearest town. Not one of the doctors there works full time.
I enjoyed it very much. Some day someone needs to make a sitcom about the plandemic. If it wasn’t, you know, a genocide and the greatest crime ever committed, it would be extremely funny.
So “Saint” Jacinda is at it too, as well as that Northern Territory nutter who put Aborigines in an internment can for their own good.
Plenty of talk from politicians about equality, whilst all the while, terrible things are being done to indigenous people in New Zealand and Australia, and Kenya. But no matter, they are “enlightened”, they remember not to say “Keen-yah”. I believe it used to be called being pi. These politicians need to start actually doing good rather than just talking about it, or at least stop committing crimes against humanity.
And why has no one asked Prince Charles what is so bad about living in Africa, as n Rwanda?
One can imagine what Toby must be up against to maintain this site – and one can see why sites such as this that do real journalism (as opposed to Times muppets who refuse to investigate big pharma corruption into an experimental medication).
Donate? Indeed. And while we’re at it, consider supporting GB News and their sponsors (or perhaps boycott some of the boycotters).
No such word as feminist, though admittedly my preferred dictionary does date from 1933…
Toby states that “psychological harm has been weaponised as a concept by the woke left”.
This idea is something us pro-lifers are all too aware of. Thanks to a change to the law in 1967, children can be destroyed on the basis that continuing with their life will cause physical or psychological harm to the mother (or should I say “parent”?). The two doctors safe guard has proved ineffective, and the reality has been that a lot of mothers have been pressured by men. Hence the vast majority of these cases involve a claim that continuing with the child’s life will cause psychological harm. Little real effort is made to determine whether they will really suffer more psychological harm from keeping their child than having her destroyed.
I suspect the definition of “extreme psychological harm” in any “online harms bill” may prove to be similarly malleable, and not least because of the state of our courts (thank you very much, Mr. Blair). This is something we need to be very wary of.
“The police are just ignoring the law” (Andrew Doyle re. “non-crime hate incidents).
“Cancel culture – mostly the powerful persecuting the powerless” (Toby).
An excellent summary of the situation really. What strange, intolerant times we live in…
Pro-lifer? But not pro- all life, just the life that suits your narrow personal views and mores.
You don’t care about the life of the mother, other family members or even the fœtus once at term and born.
Pro human life. We don’t believe in killing people, unlike Billy boy Gates.
We have pro-life charities to help mothers in crisis pregnancies, or who have been victims of these facilities. the siblings of children who have been killed often suffer psychological damage from this (see Post Abortion Survivor Syndrome). It should also be remembered that the Republic of Ireland, before their current extreme policy, had low maternal mortality.
In the UK, it is reported that nearly a quarter of 14 year old girls have self-harmed recently; that some 45% of adolescent girls and young women have some sort of mental health problem – more than army veterans who have served in combat zones. And as I say, women are often coerced into a destructive “choice” by unscrupulous men.
Is killing family members on an industrial scale working? Judge for yourself. All I see is poisonous fruit.
In any case, my main point stands, that the idea of “psychological harm” can easily be manipulated, and if we are not careful, we will end up losing free speech under the guise of protecting people from harm (and by the way, killing children has created a more fearful society, hence the shambles of the last two years).
The issue of whether to abort or not is a difficult one.
I’m the middle one of 5 siblings, 3 of whom live.
One was stillborn & the other died at 4 days old having being born with spina bifida at the C6 level, hydrocephalous & liver & kidney malformation.
When I was pregnant with my daughter, my Dad phoned to have a chat with me about the results of the 17 week screening test for spina bifida. He is pro-life. We had a good chat about the pros, the cons & the living with the loss of a child. His parting words were that what ever decision I made, he would back me to the hilt. The loss of those two children is still profound.
It struck me at that time that an abortion is as painful as losing a child shortly after birth. I am forever grateful that I didn’t have to make the decision.
Whatever a woman decides, is never an easy choice. There isn’t a right or a wrong choice. Either will remove one stress & replace it with another. These women deserve emotional, practical & impartial support to enable them to make the best choice for them, or in some cases, the least worst.
“Leaked documents from Lewisham and Greenwich Trust reveal that companies vying to win contracts faced questions related to the Charity’s policies, reports the Telegraph.”
This is precisely what happens when you turn that thing that everyone should do as part of their job into a separate job. Just with Health and Safety, once you have a Director of Diversity and Inclusion, and a team to support them, they will spend all day trying to find work by extending their reach.
I run a micro-business. I recently got a letter from a quango we did a job for three years ago. They were demanding a copy of our Modern Slavery policy and a signed declaration, lest we should be struck from their supplier list. When I told them no, I had the ‘Surely, everyone should be against Modern Slavery.’ email. Well, I am. I don’t need an 8 page document on how we approach it. How much spare time do they think I have..?
…well done for saying no. The world we live in, where it’s more important to be seen to wave the flag for the latest thing, than actually do anything good and charitable…
“once you have a Director of Diversity and Inclusion, and a team to support them, they will spend all day trying to find work by extending their reach.”
That is the very essence of the civil service in this country. Every public job generates an excuse for an assistant and before you know it every assistant needs an “assistant.”
A prime example is the Diversity Champion. Having realised what an amazingly cushy non-job the employee has landed said employee will spend their time looking for examples of where Diversity is absent; they will have free reign to poke their nose in to any department and will generally make life difficult for fellow employees.
Of course having identified numerous examples of a lack of diversity and consequently becoming overworked said champion will require an assistant and slowly a whole department is built.
I am not kidding. ‘Woke’is a virus way more dangerous and infective than C1984.
Worth looking out for ‘Parkinsons Law’ by Cyril Northcote Parkinson, who tackles this very matter, albeit during the 1950’s. Little has changed…
The Prime Minister is a coward. However far too many people were happy to follow his cowardly lockdowns. Too few people are standing up to Woke, Net Zero and the continuing covid policies.
Why are Most People Cowards? | Obedience and the Rise of Authoritarianism
Academy of Ideas
Stand for freedom & make friends with our Yellow Boards By The Road h
Tuesday 14th June 2022 11am to 12pm
Yellow Boards
Junction A321 Sandhurst Rd
& B3016 Finchampstead Rd
Wokingham RG40 3JS
Stand in the Park Sundays 10.30 -11.30am
make friends & keep sane
from the globalist covid & climate propaganda
Howard Palmer Gardens Sturges Rd RG40 2HD
Telegram astandintheparkbracknell
Have you thought about changing parks, like the one a few hundred meters from Sajid Javid the “Health” Secretary’s home in Parsons Green (Tube station also close by SW6 4UL?
Re the earlier article What’s Behind the 5,000 Non-Covid Excess Deaths in the Last Five Weeks?
The ability to upload images on Daily Sceptic has been restored, thanks Will, so it’s possible to comment sensibly with charts
If we look at the all cause death occurrence data from Tuesday’s weekly publication (that takes out the affect of bank holidays on when deaths are reported), and compare it with the 2015-2019 all cause average (which is the period ONS use for occurrence data) we can see there has been a spike in all cause deaths in England and Wales coinciding with the Spring booster campaign. This now appears to be subsiding.
And essentially the same chart but this time showing the percentage by which all cause mortality exceeds the 2015-2019 average, i.e the % by which the green line runs above the blue line in the previous chart.
(note the last week is subject to significant revision as estimates of deaths that have occurred but not been reported become less important as figures are adjusted in later weeks)
I think the England and Wales mortality is a good example of what eugyppius talks about in his excellent geographically wider post that DS linked to before, Against Coronadoom
We do see the ‘excess’ mortality that coincides with the recent booster program (association isn’t causation of course but it makes you think). But prior to this all cause mortality was returning to normal in England and Wales and is perhaps again returning to some sort of normal after this recent spike coinciding with the booster program.
In Autumn 2021 things were looking really bad in working age groups (although that affect was hidden if we looked at all age group deaths, as that only really reflects what is happening in the oldest age groups) but this working age position has improved during 2022. That’s not to under-estimate the harms the experimental vaccines have caused.
And to illustrate what has been happening in (older) working ages, then looking at the age 45-64 age group we see how all cause mortality for 2022 (the blue line) has been relatively ‘normal’, but in Autumn 2021 (the purple line) it was running very high. Further analysis (not included here) shows that the high mortality wasn’t related to covid.
“The NHS’s disturbing trans guidance for children” – This does not surprise me at all although as Debbie points out it’s far more disturbing than the NHS ovarian cancer webpage.
Remember this from Spectator’s Steerpike back in June 2021: https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/read-the-nhs-bonkers-diversity-a-to-z
How can this not be deliberate?
In particular the NHS A-Z stated under T that Transphobia = The fear or dislike of someone based on the fact they are trans, including denying their gender identity or refusing to accept it.
Ba.5 is a “Variant for Boosted People”South Africa vs. Portugal: Same Variant, Opposite Outcomes…
Summary: The BA4/5 sister variants currently dominate two countries: South Africa and Portugal. South Africa is barely vaccinated (only 35% had a vaccine, 5% had a booster), whereas Portugal is 95% vaccinated and 70% boosted. The situations in these countries could not be any more different: while Ba.4 and Ba.5 were mere blips on the radar in South Africa, these same variants are driving a deadly wave of Covid in highly-vaccinated Portugal, with deaths among the Portuguese nearing January peak and showing few signs of abating.
Dr Peter McCullogh….
Why is the vaccine nor being reviewed…?
The Bradford Hill Criteria for Causality Confirm
Is there a large signal? Yes, an astronomical number of deaths.
Is there a temporal association? Yes. It turns out that 80% of these deaths occur within a week. 50% will occur within a couple of days.
Is it internally consistent? Are there near-misses? Yes. Blood clots, heart attacks, myocarditis, and so on.
Is it externally consistent? Yes. Record life insurance deaths and a record number of athletes dying on the field.
Do randomized trials affirm? Yes. More deaths in Pfizer’s vaccine group than in the placebo.
Good interview with Edward Dowd….”vaccine fraud and economic collapse”…with Greg Hunter…
love Dowd‘s final statement….”I refuse to live in a world where I have to accept this nonsense…..I’m either going to the Gulag..or I’m winning”
…catching up with red voice media today..LOL!
Another good interview from Greg Hunter..this time talking to Dr Ryan Cole..and the global vaxx insanity..
“Long, Stringy, Rubbery Blood Clots: “We’re Seeing This a Lot….There are studies by Dr. [Resia] Pretorius out of South Africa that show that you can take the spike protein alone, without platelets in the plasma, and that spike protein alone causes the proteins in our blood to clump. That spike protein is thrombogenic; it causes clots, and it causes a lot of clots.”
MEP Croatia….
The EU’s war against fossil fuels will take Europe and the Western world back 30 years. Thirty years ago, the Chinese rode bicycles because they couldn’t do better, and for the next 30 years, Europeans will ride bicycles because they won’t be able to buy cars.
Thirty years? More like 130 years.
There won’t be a great amount of bike riding in the Saddleworth hills.
Push the bike uphill & freewheel down?
Steep hills can be a bit of a deterrent to cycling amongst the general public.
Yep…where I live, near the North York’s Moors, we have a lot of hills…and with my advanced age I’ve succumbed to an electric bike…marvellous!
Is The Queen Vax injured?
Was her husband’s death a “vaccine” death?
I’ve wondered about both the above points, but we are never going to know in our lifetimes are we?
I don’t think it would have looked good if Brenda popped it before the Greek. Protocols you know.
Well, Charlie nut job eco warrior Windsor, is I am sure, eager to get a crown on given he has had his three score year and ten. Times winged warrior hurrying near and all that. Quite possibly he has had a word with his mate Billy to see if an abdication could be arranged or failing that…
Time being of the essence for Charlie, he’ll be about 80 or so in 2030 when the initial Reset program is due to reach its successful conclusion, and given the enormous job he has to save the planet – and it’s for the benefit of everybody; well those that are left after this ‘small window of opportunity closes.’
I doubt it ! Charles needs all of his though !!