In the latest episode of London Calling, James and I discuss Justin Trudeau’s political future, argue about how influential Klaus Schwab is – James thinks he’s essentially Dr. Evil sitting in a bunker somewhere in the Alps and issuing instructions to world leaders – and disagree about whether to cling on to nurse – Boris – for fear of something worse. I’m a clinger, James is a binner.
You can listen to the episode here and subscribe to the podcast on iTunes here.
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Trudeau is an evil scumbag.
Fancy threatening to euthanise protesters’ pets and remove their children. There would have been serious trouble if they’d done that during the poll tax riots.
I agree. Sociopath is not too strong a word.
So some restrictions to end. But no acknowledgement of what this cabal might have got wrong.
No mention of Sweden, Belarus and South Dakota among other places, which clearly demonstrate that the lockdowns killed (and will continue to kill for many years) far more people than they purportedly saved.
No mention of the rigged vitamin D trials which were nothing like the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service recommended.
No detailed mortality figures giving people’s vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc, selenium, magnesium levels.
No mention that poor people and coloured people (we’re not supposed to say “BAME” now) are more likely to be unhealthy and less likely to have these “vaccines” (hence the figures from those London hospitals).
And of course no hint that the leading spirits in this foolery might have any sort of conflict of interest with the pharmaceutical industry. No mention of figures from Romania, Israel (which yesterday recorded its highest deaths with “covid” according to Worldometer) or Gibraltar (or Kenya) and what we might learn from them.
We must go on asking questions and pushing for them to be held properly to account.
“No detailed mortality figures giving people’s vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc, selenium, magnesium levels.”
Or their body-mass index or waist-to-height ratio – and some kind of exercise index would be good too.
Seriously how can anyone talk about public health and just completely ignore these things?
I know it’s been said before but –
This is just the (relative) calm before the next storm created by these so-called “elite” parasites. What trick they’ll pull next is anybody’s guess.
I can’t wait…
Even if they cease the emergency covid 1984 powers. They could soon bring them back. I was going to say that we are not safe until we get new representation in parliament, but if 2016 is anything to go by, I wonder how possible it would actually be to get meaningful change.
Could be war, war with various systems that depend on software in their daily operation getting put out of action – which nowadays means everything from food distribution to the electricity grid, from traffic lights to “retail” banking and the internet.
Macron seems to be getting stitched up…
That’s a point, aren’t Putin’s “peacekeepers” supposed to come with cyber attacks against the UK?
And once you’ve listened to the EXCELLENT London Calling, you can check out our slightly more rude podcast, kindly promoted by Lockdown Sceptics in the Round up each week:
‘Vlad the Procrastinator’
This week we talk about what IS going on in Ukraine? Jimmy Carr’s jokes. Mark Drakeford getting Covid, Prince Andrew and MUCH MORE!
Now, if only one of you had bothered to take along a noose…
No noose is good noose – if you’re Turdeau.
I’d rather have a moose butt beer. (Not a chance anyone will get the reference, even if I give a clue that it’s in a novel about the coming New World Order (probably arrived by now) ).
Societies all across the West have gone into the sewers. It’s going to take a major shock to the system to wake people up. And when the fiat currency system collapses in the next few years, we’ll get that shock.
And I’d hate to be a woke, progressive or transgender cretin when that happens, because a lot of normal people are going to be very and greatly upset.
How about this for a society that has lost its way:
Thug drags a young female paramedic into park near Buckingham Palace and subjects her to a horrific sexual assault.
A couple of days after sexually assaulting the paramedic the thug attacked a teenager on a train. He pulled his trousers down on the train and set-about and sexually assaulted another young woman.
The deranged thug was captured. A 15-year prison sentence, all normal people would think.
They’d be wrong. The deranged thug only got sentenced to 3-years and 8-months in prison. And he’ll very probably have to serve only half of that.
This was reported in the Daily Fail. What did the DF’s commenters think of this? Well, they were upset because the DF reporter got the designation for the bicycle the thug used in one of the attacks incorrect.
Neither the Daily Fail or its readers can grasp what is important. As for the sexually assaulting thug, three years and eight months means he’ll be back on the street in 1.83 years.
It’s as if the authorities actually want to encourage the rape of young women in the UK.
A couple of years? The very least this warrants is to be separated from his crown jewels, preferably by means of a rusty garden shears.
Social unrest, as a smokescreen.
I think the time I started to suspect that society was going badly wrong was when these arson attacks and murder attempts by jilted lovers aimed at murdering his children and their mother started to become common place a couple of decades back. I’m sure this didn’t used to be so common bu these days I think would be unlikely to make the front pages. Children killing other children is a worrying development as well. Half a century of “liberal” politics has a lot to answer for, and much of it not supported by the working class.
Incidentally, Toby Young is on the Dan Wooton show (GB News) later, 10.40 allegedly.
They need to get James on there, his hair gives him powers of resistance, Toby needs a tinfoil topup.
One thing’s for sure, Dan Wooton’s inquiry will be a lot better than any official one.
James was on Mark Dolan’s show over the weekend!
I see no reason not to take Schwab at face value – and all the information which is denied by politicians and the legacy media is available from his WEF website. Toby ought to acknowledge the immense distance he’s had to travel in the last two years in his understanding of events. What has happened in Canada will happen here if not worse if we are not awake and politically resistant.
I’m with James.
…on ALL counts.
Don’t mention Dr Evil!!
Johnson is no good. But compared to Macron….!
We are dealing with clever people, they have made tremendous strides over the last two years in their aims. Now they are using the ‘Russian’ threat to allow a little time before the Central Bank digital currency is introduced. Slowly slowly catchee monkey has been their game for decades.
We are the frogs gradually being boiled, will we notice in sufficient numbers?
I’m on a city break, and had no problem paying for overnight parking with cash last year. However, this year it is card only. A minor inconvenience to some, but a big issue to me who prefers cash. I overheard another bloke kicking off who claimed not to have a bank account and/or card. The staff couldn’t care less unfortunately.
You only need watch and listen to Trudeau or Schwab to realise they are not good people. The body language, the way they speak, the language they use – everything is screaming insincerity. See also the woman/man who is PM of NZ and some of those thugs now running Australia. Every one of them bought IMO.
The corruption runs much deeper than would ever have been believed and reaches down to much lower levels. Common Purpose have spent the last couple of decades ensuring that every position of authority is occupied by a useful idiot, who doesn’t necessarily realise that they are part of an evil cult, but is invariably totally out of their depth, paid multiples of their worth, and is trained in advanced doublethink so that they can implement sheer evil and horrors while simultaneously thinking they are doing good virtuous left-wing things (their evil isn’t really left-wing, but they are just too dumb to understand).
They are everywhere. In the government, police, judiciary, military, civil service, charity, corporates, third-sector and many more. I’ve come across them in two sectors that I have worked in. They occupy a range of positions, but usually shoot up into senior management and above, after being promoted by other Common Purpose “graduates”. Most of the time, they are easily identified by being blindingly stupid and utterly impervious to reason and logic, due to their adeptness with doublethink and ability to not see the mind-numbingly obvious.
Although Common Purpose were primarily UK based, I think they have been spreading. I am sure that similar organisations are prolific in most western countries. They have been playing the long game.
…’ensuring that every position of authority is occupied by a useful idiot, who doesn’t necessarily realise that they are part of an evil cult, but is invariably totally out of their depth’…
GK Chesterton predicted this (although he didn’t call it Common Purpose) in The Man Who Was Thursday.
Thanks, that may be next on my reading list.
Most of what I wrote above is from personal experience with these morons. There was a website I found about 15 years ago that leaked the names of CP “graduates”, and sure enough, every moron with the same traits in the small third-sector I worked at was on the list. It was a revelation, but everyone I discussed it with thought I had lost the plot. Once you have argued with a few of them face-to-face, it is really easy to spot others from their traits.
Ah but where is the resistance, especially effective resistance?
The Mandibles – A Family 2029-2047 by Lionel Shrivers is another book I would like to read about a fictional economic collapse. Lionel was talking about it on GB News, and it could well come true this decade.
Meanwhile, in breaking news, good old Boris Johnson is going to hold an emergency meeting on Putin’s dispatching of peacekeeping troops to “independent” states Luhansk and Donetsk. No doubt Peking Piffle’s measures will be the terrors of the Earth and Putin will be quaking in his boots.
I had similar experiences during my career, I looked up many of the useful idiots on the CP list. As you say they became very obvious, they seemed, like the civil service to have a great deal of arrogance and ignorance.
UK civil service is full of people described above. Stacked to the rafters with useful idiots promoted way beyond their shelf-stacking capabilities.
Profanity and abuse are the only just modes in which to discuss M. Trudeau.
And really finally, after all the bluster … the theatrics begin:
Just like the UK, at the request of the majority of the citizens in Northern Ireland, ordered British troops there to keep the peace.
Awful, some of the stuff done in Northern Ireland. A precursor of the current human rights abuses. No easy way out of it now though.
“Awful, some of the stuff done in Northern Ireland”
Indeed… a friend of mine was over there in ‘intelligence’. His first job when he arrived was to record an incident in which a girl had been suspended from a beam by her feet and beaten with iron bars until, well, she fell apart.
For speaking to a British soldier, apparently. Stuff like that colours your perception of your enemy.
Oh there were atrocities on both sides. I was thinking though of the alleged bugging of confessionals by British intelligence, which was a precursor of the closure of the churches (which led to mass rocks being used for the first time in many years). Both these acts are beyond the pale for me (itself an Irish idiom, I think).
Trouble is, anyone can preach about human rights abuses, but mostly when a country finds itself in a war situation, they will find themselves committing similar abuses, just look at Tyrant Trudeau, and compare it to what he (or she) has said in the past. Even in the war against aggression (1939-1945), there were accusations of war crimes perpetrated by the British (eg the bombing of Dresden. I am aware of the justification that there were a lot of enemy troops in the city at the time and that the Germans were doing worse in concentration camps, but the point stands that all too often people will commit atrocities when they feel threatened).
I should add with reference to Northern Ireland that perhaps the biggest victims of the IRA (and those who ensure the future of the union at this time) were pro-unionist Catholics, who were treated as traitors. People think of the troubles as Catholics versus Protestants, but it was never as simple as that.
Absolutely. I don’t think anyone really comes out of a war situation morally cleansed, whichever ‘side’ they might be on…
I’ve always believed the idiom to reflect, literally, something that is outside one’s boundaries? The word pale, in this instance comes from palus, the Latin for stick or post, so a fence made of sticks is made of paling and the pale is the area within it… the area in Ireland you allude to, may have had the same origin as being a ‘defined area’, perhaps?
When it was announced that United States Vice President, Kamala Harris, was coming to Europe to hold talks on Ukraine, the general consensus among normal people was that if she didn’t speak while here, there would be at least some hope she would not make an idiot out of herself.
Harris, though, didn’t keep her mouth shut. Here’s a verbatim quote from her:
These idiots are in control of a nuclear arsenal. Who’d have ever thought that the United States would have come to this?
Take a look at the picture of this new top US nuclear boss. At least a radiation leak will hardly be able to mutate it into something more heinous.
Ah, but she was quoted out of context…
I used to think that nobody would be stupid enough to start a nuclear war with MAD, but one has to wonder sometimes.
Stupid people may not, insane people on the other hand…
Yes. Those people who think that increased mental health issues are a price worth paying to try and manipulate a Winter virus may get a nasty shock one day…
People who are into kink are better at communication and have a better mental health than “ordinary” people. Studies have proven this.
I’d be careful sitting so close to that chap in the middle. Untrustworthy. Looks smug.
Ah, when he’s got a white face…
So, stick to nurse for fear of worse, eh Toby? Such a defeatist attitude shames you!
If Bozo gets away unpunished, it means that his behaviour has been tolerated and that we will put up with anything. Actually, quite apart from what the fat frog deserves, he must be punished – pour encourager les autres.
BHP Mining to sack non-injected workers.
Interesting. A few months ago a news report from an Australian MSM station made the rounds which reported on a town which was mainly pure bloods (shock, horror). It was a mining town.
If that was done to BLM there would be a tizzy fir on steroids!
It would be foolish not to look harder at the WEF toby. When it walks like a duck etc.