- “Britain’s unethical Covid messaging must never be repeated” – A civilised society should not strategically frighten, shame and scapegoat its citizens as a way to increase compliance – a deliberate creation of distress that resembles the tactics used by regimes to eliminate beliefs and behaviours that the state thinks is deviant, writes Dr. Gary Sidley in the Spectator.
- “Republicans attack GoFundMe over block on funds to Canada’s Covid protesters” – Florida Governor Ron De Santis accused the website of fraud and said he would investigate it, while Canadian Psychologist Jordan Peterson called it the “worst act of corruption” in Canada, reports the Telegraph.
- “Man drives SUV through Canadian Freedom Truckers protest, injures four” – A man has been charged after he drove through a Freedom Truckers protest of Covid regulations Friday, reports the Mail.
- “This medical data from the U.S. Department of Defense DMED database is explosive. Mainstream media has been ordered to ignore it” – The DMED data exposed by attorney Tom Renz and Senator Johnson is a smoking gun – General Austin should order all military docs to speak the truth, but he isn’t. Why not, asks Steve Kirsch on his Substack page.
- “Sen. Johnson Seeks Answers from DoD Secretary Lloyd Austin III about Whistleblower Allegations of COVID-19 Vaccine-Related Data” – The Wisconsin Senator is seeking answers, but the authorities say the data from earlier years is in error and they are presently correcting it, reports TrialSite News.
- “Top British scientist Sir Jeremy Farrar faces US Congress probe” – One of Britain’s top scientists is to be interviewed under oath by the U.S. Congress over concerns that he was at the centre of a cover-up about the origins of Covid, reports the Mail.
- “Canadian Judge Blocks Unvaccinated Dad From Visiting Children, Dismisses Personal Research on Vaccine” – A Canadian man has been blocked by a judge from visiting his three children in person after refusing to get the COVID-19 vaccine, reports the Epoch Times.
- “Boosters have failed” – A review of global data does not show benefit – is it time to abort this mission, asks El Gato Malo on his Substack page.
- “In defence of Jordan Peterson on Climate Change” – Defending Jordan Peterson’s recent comments that climate modelling is not predictable because the prediction errors “grew like compound interest”, chaotic systems expert Dr. Andrew Edmonds writes on Medium that “not only is it true that climate is chaotic, but the Lyapunov time, the time to a doubling of error is so short that it undermines all climate modelling”, doubling each year into an enormous error after only five years.
- “Censorship row as Spotify pulls more than 100 Joe Rogan episodes” – Critics accuse media platform of Soviet Union style censorship with missing episodes include those featuring “far-right pundits”, as Rogan apologises for using the n-word on shows in the past, the Telegraph reports.
- “The BBC has lost the ear of Middle England” – Despite claims that the Beeb ‘belongs to us all’, its pursuit of diversity creates the impression that it is on a permanent box-ticking mission, and its documentaries seem all to follow the same template, are dull and often about people wronged or oppressed in some way, writes Simon Heffer in the Telegraph.
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“Avi Yemini
Are you paying attention?
Less than two weeks ago, they CANCELLED the Australia Day parade citing dangers of Covid.
Yesterday, Dan Andrews and other senior members of his government, as well as the police, marched the same streets for “gay pride”.
Suddenly it’s all safe.”
Anyone got a recent example of an event loved by conservatives and traditionalists being allowed to go ahead whilst a transparent pretext is used to shut down a leftist virtue signaling and dissent intimidation parade? Anywhere in the US sphere? Poland or Hungary, perhaps, where the leftist globalists keep claiming “right wing bigots” are in charge?
Because people here keep insisting it’s not true that our modern elites are basically leftists. That’s the kind of thing we’d be seeing, perhaps, if it were so.
And here’s where the dominant leftists are taking us:
“An SNP councillor has said that not only should people be prosecuted for telling offensive jokes, but people who found the joke funny should also be prosecuted.
Prosecuted. For laughing at a joke.
The SNP keep saying the quiet part out loud and the mask slips more day by day.”
“Jimmy Carr and his Netflix hate speech, and his applauding audience, should be prosecuted“
Jimmy Carr rounded on unvaxxed members of his live audience recently (dunno whether as a one off or a permanent new part of his show) and encouraged others to join in showering them with hate.
I suspect there are no real unvaccinated audience members or at least none that would admit it in such an environment. I reckon it is just part of his act but his slur on the vaccine-free is definitely real and no less vindictive. I can’t stand the bloke and don’t watch any TV show he’s on let alone considering paying to go and see him in a live show.
I used to think he was an above average comedian and subscribed to his YouTube channel until he posted this (attached).
JC, “those who haven’t taken the vaccine, or think it might be dangerous, raise your hands . . .”
As you suggest, they don’t actually show anybody raise their hands.
Not of course because there weren’t any, but because you’d be a fool to raise your hand in that setting. Sheer intimidation. I would have walked out then or soon after, but then I wouldn’t have been there anyway as I don’t find foul-mouthed virtue-signalling morons desperately flailing around trying to go with whatever the zeitgeist is at all funny or entertaining.
Trying to think of a worse response to this kind of post than an unqualified: “oh the target of the desired speechcrime repression is a particularly nasty individual, for this reason:”
You could have openly said “I agree that nasty people should be censored”, I suppose.
Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely understand the schadenfreude that can be felt when people who have said particularly nasty things, especially pro-authority, pro-bullying things, in the past are targeted themselves. None better – I love it when the vicious pc censors and smearers (feminists,anti-racists, homosexual activity promoters, etc) of previous years fall foul themselves of what they used to dish out so freely.
But you really should qualify such comments with at least a summary explanation of your views and opinions on the law, or suggested law, if you don’t want to be assumed to be an apologist for it.
I have read that Jason Manford has done this, too.
Soon they’ll need to creep into a Scotistan speakeasy – good name! – in order to have a surreptitious laugh.
Sadly, as Toby Young in his capacity as head of the FSU has pointed out, the current proposals are to make our law even worse than Scotland’s laws.
Will France Wake Up and Defend Her Freedom – or Not?
by Giulio Meotti
Tuesday 8th February 2pm to 3pm
Yellow Boards By the Road
A329 junction London Road & Oak Avenue
Near Oakingham Belle pub
Wokingham RG40 1LH
Stand in the Park Sundays 10am make friends, ignore the madness & keep sane
Wokingham Howard Palmer Gardens Cockpit Path car park Sturges Rd RG40 2HD
Henley Mills Meadows (at the bandstand) Henley-on-Thames RG9 1DS
Telegram Group
Gay pride, eh?
Well, it’s true that they have nothing else to be proud of.
Is the collective term ‘a pride of gays’ ?
Imagine the endless hysterical wailing and gnashing of teeth that would ensue if it had been a Freedom protester driving over a bunch of “counter-protesters”! It would be endless, and global.
Meanwhile the best they can produce is this piece of performance art:
This is not directly related to the articles above, but it’s important to me. Direct impact of COVID policy on my livelihood!
6TH February 2022.
Dear Sxxxx,
You mentioned in your previous email that you wanted to see a copy of my vaccination certificate. I have not had the covid 19 vaccinations so am unable to provide this.
During 2020 I was employed in a variety of roles deemed essential work. As there was no vaccine the only thing to do was to take best precautions. I am sure I was exposed to covid but suffered no ill effects.
As covid has progressed to the Omnicron variant it has become less dangerous and it is my personal belief that it is not in my best interest to take a vaccine now. Both the UKHSA, the CDC in America, and health agencies around the world say that the vaccines are not useful in stopping the spread of this virus. For that reason I feel it is a personal choice for each individual to make.
Obviously as a private company you can make any choices you like, but I would note that the NHS has now dropped the requirement for its staff – including ones working directly with very sick people – to be vaccinated.
This was the reply in full:
Thank you for your letter
Our Company policy is all are to be vaccinated so will be unable to offer you any further hours
Ultimately, the only option for those still resisting the “vaccine” bullying, if employers are so shameless and if there is no employment protection in place, is to find work elsewhere.
And remember.
Which company is this? So that we can boycott them.
Keep that letter. It will be evidence when you apply for your compensation, which will be very substantial.
perhaps also make a FOI request for the evidence that was used to justify their mandate. I suspect he real reason why the nhs vaccine mandate was dropped was because legally the government didn’t have a leg to stand on and they could see they stood to be sued by a great many people.
Send them a link to the DMED vax coverup so that they can’t say they “didn’t know” about the very high rates of vaccine adverse events.
Perhaps you could DM me the name of the company Sxxxx works for. I should hate to feel I may have inadvertantly supported these intolerant and ignorant bigots.
Name the company so they get nothing in future from anyone who finds this.
Meanwhile “state of emergency” declared in Ottawa and state enforcers reportedly moving in on some of the protesters and their supporters:
BREAKING: Police begin ARRESTING convoy protesters outside Parliament
Ezra Levant
David is an Ottawa-area lawyer who has worked on lockdown cases.
If he says he’s getting calls from people in custody, it’s clear the massive sweep against Trudeau’s opposition has begun.
Quote Tweet
David Anber, Criminal Lawyer
· 13m
Replying to @lincolnmjay and @ezralevant
I have started to receive calls from people in custody.
If it weren’t for Rebel News, all we would know about here would be reports on our TV news and in all our newspapers of a few illegal violent white supremacist rioters being arrested by Ottawa police, protecting helpless victimised minorities.
Did you see that video where protesters led by Piers Corbyn tried to beak into an empty building that was previously a BBC studio?
A bit of a gathering, the Police told them to piss off, and away they slunk.
I expect they are still telling stories to this day in the pub of how they ‘Stormed the Bastille’. By the way, where have the Alpha Men Assemble vanished to??!!
How about the public start arresting the Police?
Do feel free to explain how you see that policy developing, its practical application, and its consequences short and long term.
Don’t get me wrong, I share the underlying anger and frustration. I just prefer to let reasoned analysis guide me, strategically. So, explain how your suggested strategy will work to make things better.
And PS, in your analysis, don’t make the error of assuming a compliant or stupid opponent in this. That’s the way of bullshido.
Our opponents will use their media power to blow up, misrepresent and demonise any and all actions taken in resistance to their policies. They will use images of any robust resistance dishonestly and in grossly exaggerated form to whip up outrage. Consider the left elites’ gross abuse of the January 6th protest in the US. They will use any such events as justification to bring in new laws, new powers for suppression of dissent, for intrusive snooping and for punitive actions.
They’d need to have some relation to Peel’s Principles to be called Police.
They’re merely establishment strongmen running a shakedown racket.
Pseudo-vaccines have at best completely failed. That is the story that needs to be repeated again and again.
Our current situation has nothing to do with a largely irrelevant virus. It has nothing to do with fake “vaccines,” but everything to do with coercion, control, depopulation and enslavement of the population that remains.
When a piece of sewing- whether in surgery or on material has gone wrong (ad say is ten stitches long) it usually has to be unpicked from the last stitch (no.10) back to the first. What is not needed is everyone standing over the stitches disputing which to unpick first. I think that the vaccines is probably the best place to start (though not to finish). As soon as a person takes another vaccine they become less willing to question the entire narrative.
And we also need to provide some hope and solutions for those who have taken 1, 2, or 3 vaccines, or they will be loathe to listen.
They’ve succeeded in installing a global health pass system for international travel, which almost certainly was at least one of the goals.
So not a failure at all.
An unvaccinated friend is flying to Mauritius. You have to have covid insurance to get in ($1,000) and three PCR tests during the 14 day quarantine at a cost of $500. It’s such a racket to make money.
And to exclude/”ground” most unvaxxed because most unvaxxed couldn’t possibly afford those kind of extra costs.
As I expected the Rogan-Neil Young is snow balling.
They are really going for him and Rogan is in for the fight of his life.
It’s not looking good though, when he’s out apologising it’s because he’s in real trouble. He is discovering he isn’t really independent and Spotify own him. But if he continues bending to his attackers he is going to put his popularity, which is largely based on his independence, at risk.
Really tricky time for the guy.
Glen Greenwald tweeted – “It was only a question of time before the all-out war on Rogan began. He’s way too big and off-key to permit him to keep going. The concept of free speech in the US is a mirage: you have it right up to the line where it matters or can threaten power centers, then you don’t. Rogan represents a threat to corporate media – because he questions, disputes and dissents from their herd propaganda.”
I can’t quite make my mind up whether they orchestrate for some dumb stooge like Neil Young to take a shot at him and get things going or whether they just wait until something happens by itself and then pile on the moment they smell blood.
I suppose it doesn’t make much difference, but can’t help wondering.
You have freedom of speech if it’s in favour of the government agenda, not if it’s against it….
Not to worry about the DMED data by three military doctors exposing massive vaccine side effects, the Ministry of Truth, oops I mean PolitiFact says it’s bogus. The “figures are wrong. They resulted from a glitch in the database.” The post was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation. It gave the “appearance of significant increased occurrence.” So the US government took system offline to “identify and correct the root-cause of the data corruption.” And that’s how you suppress bombshell evidence!
Yes, they just change the other data ( for the previous/pre-vax *5* years! ). But Steve Kirsch points out that the data that the govt is now claiming was “in error/glitched” just happens to be the figures for vax-injury related diseases only …. the data for *non-vax-injury-related* disease figures was apparently not glitched. …
It’s never been the same since they dropped Mrs Dales’ Diary. I still miss poor old Jim.
Seems that somebody’s got hold of “reliable” intel from within the Canadian law enforcement that they’re planning on a swoop of the truckers with mass arrests planned. Not sure what the truckers’ plan is for this though.
Mass arrests of those who deliver the food and other essentials? I hear the farmers are joining in also. Mass arrests seem like a good way to start a revolution.
Where are we in the scale of things? Tianamen Square? Bucharest 1989? Paris 1793?
I noticed Instagram have taken that vid down. But the person should’ve shared on other platforms…I’ll keep my eyes peeled. Apparently hundreds of police are gonna descend on the truckers and arrest them then bus them off somewhere. They’ve already confiscated the propane and fuel supplies at part of the truckers’ park, ensuring the truckers have no way to keep themselves warm in sub 20+deg temps overnight. Love the way peaceful protesting truckers who are law-abiding are getting targeted by police ( “law enforcement” LOL! ) who are breaking their own laws. “Rules for thee but not for me”. Guess things are escalating as predicted but the truckers are getting legal advice and told to only state their name if arrested and ask for the reason why they’re getting arrested. Things developing all the time over there…..
Here is the video warning of imminent mass arrests, because using underhand tactics, like stealing fuel, is all the police have got; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67Fz4oA886M
Europe’s Self-Inflicted Energy Catastrophe Driven By Hopelessly Unreliable Wind & Solar
by stopthesethings
Tuesday 8th February 2pm to 3pm
Yellow Boards By the Road
A329 junction London Road & Oak Avenue
Near Oakingham Belle pub
Wokingham RG40 1LH
Stand in the Park Sundays 10am make friends, ignore the madness & keep sane
Wokingham Howard Palmer Gardens Cockpit Path car park Sturges Rd RG40 2HD
Henley Mills Meadows (at the bandstand) Henley-on-Thames RG9 1DS
Telegram Group
“Our BBC” indeed. It’s certainly not mine, nor do I want it. If it is anything, it is the State Broadcaster, doing the government’s will.
Programme last night: Call the Midwife. Set in the east end of London in the 1950’s ( at the start), now up to the 60’s. Can be a bit preachy, and gets caught up with “ishoos” from time to time, but everyone is always terribly understanding. At least some of the characters are Christian Nuns, a rarity on British TV these days.
Last night, one of the main story storylines was about promoting the measles vaccine. Lots of lines about how important it was to keep your child safe by having them vaccinated, how parents who didn’t were stupid, how awful to let a child die for want of a simple injection, etc. It was touched on that there was a payment for each injection given, but the heroic doctor cast that aside as irrelevant, as this was a “health emergency”! In my view, a clear and clumsy nudge to modern day parents over the covivax.
Followed by Trigger Point, supposedly about a bomb disposal team. It now seems that the bad guys are “white supremacist” followers of a group called “British Flag” or similar, who are mimicking Islamist terrorist activity. Well, we could guess from the start who it wouldn’t be, couldn’t we, children?
So, not my BBC at all. It’s more like Moscow TV from the 70’s, or maybe German films from the late 1930’s and 40’s. Not entertainment any more, but state propaganda and woke messaging in the guise of entertainment. My own fault for trying to watch in the first place!
Trigger Point is on ITV not the BBC, but I agree with your review of the two programs.
Apologies, you are right. But ITV is much in the same mould.
It’s becoming harder and harder to find something reasonable to watch these days.
Ironic really. As now all 4 members have pulled their catalogue from Spotify.
I remember Graham Nash, when he was a member of The Hollies, having a go at Peter Noone of Herman’s Hermits, in a TV documentary of their tour in the US, for not being ‘political’. Peter Noone said he was happy just enjoying life as a singer in a band, while it was clear that Nash thought of himself as anti-establishment, profound and opposed to the military-industrial complex. How times have changed. The pharma-industrial complex is his thing now.
Didn’t Graham take a trip in the Great Yellow Taxi for a short ride?
3 good ones on the Joe Rogan saga , motives and significance:
“Joe Rogan and Spotify aren’t in trouble for spreading false information. They’re in trouble for embarrassing the media and government officials who themselves pushed false information.”
“Third, what is happening to Rogan right now is not about his use of the n-word.
How do I know?
Because those clips have been around for years – more than a decade, in some cases. They long predate his Spotify deal. They are being used against him right now because they can be, because in having me and a handful of other vaccine and Covid skeptics on Rogan has driven the public health and media establishment mad.”
“To put it more bluntly, the people who believe men can give birth are now in charge of what is true. The only authority they have is political power. Such power isn’t necessarily authoritative, but it gives them the strength to set definitions and enforce the rules, to declare guilt and issue punishment….
In their eyes, this public lynching is justified because these are revolutionary times and removing Rogan is a revolutionary act. There is no forgiveness because they seek destruction, not restoration…
One could say that Rogan is under attack for speaking truth to power. But that’s not quite true. As Christopher Hitchens observed, that cliché is looking in the wrong direction because power already knows the truth. More importantly, Rogan – and his guests – speak truth to the powerless. That’s what they’re scared of. And that’s why we see these campaigns against Tucker and Rogan and anyone else who dare tell dangerous truths.
To put it another way, President Biden and his corporate allies, and their mob of supporters, seek to obliterate the relationship between the writer and the reader, the speaker and the listener.
Thus, this is about more than Joe Rogan. It is about you and it is about me. It is about gatekeeping and limiting what we can watch and read and hear. And they achieve that end through the destruction of Rogan the individual.”
Jordan Peterson waking up a little bit on the Canadian situation.