- “Free speech: a lockdown on disagreeing” – Toby’s essay in the People’s Lockdown Inquiry, a new collaboration between Claire Fox, Buckingham University and Laurence Fox on the impact of lockdown
- “Boris Johnson urged to go the extra mile to cut cancer backlog” – Leading oncologists, the heads of medical colleges and MPs have written to the Prime Minister urging him to do more to tackle a cancer backlog caused by the pandemic, the Times says. Read their letter in the Lancet here
- “Covid jabs can be tweaked within weeks to combat future variants thanks to UK ‘vaccine library’” – According to scientists at the Centre for Process Innovation in Darlington, the U.K. will be able to tweak the current jabs within weeks to combat any further variants, the i reports
- “How many times will it be ‘one last heave’ until we’re free?” – “If we don’t open up now,” writes Ross Clark in the Telegraph, “will we ever?”
- “Boris is right: we need to learn to live with Covid. So why not now? ” – “For the life of me I cannot understand the logic of this,” says the Telegraph‘s Janet Daley. “If we must learn to live with the ineradicable risk of the virus, why not start now?”
- “This isn’t a delay, but a disastrous trap for the PM and the country” – “Boris Johnson’s lockdown concession leaves the door open to semi-permanent restrictions on liberties,” writes Sherelle Jacobs in the Telegraph
- “Boris Johnson has snatched defeat from the jaws of victory” – “The Government hasn’t so much moved the goalposts as demolished the entire stadium and decamped to another postcode,” writes the Daily Mail‘s Richard Littlejohn
- “‘One final push?’ Yeah, right – this madness is here for good!” – “We are told that this is the final push,” says Luke Perry in Bournbrook. “What folly. The precedent has been set. This is here for good”
- “Boris faces a choice – and it’s not between clubbing and no clubbing” – Henry Hill had long feared that “as the range of activities restricted continued to narrow, so would support for lifting the restrictions”, he says in CAPX. Now he reckons his pessimism was justified
- “The G7 and the arrogance of Covid theatre” – “We know that so many of the Covid rituals are pointless,” writes Fraser Myers in Spiked. “And now, thanks to the pictures from the G7, we know that our leaders know these gestures are largely pointless, too”
- “Delaying Liberation Day sets a dangerous precedent” – “As we contemplate sliding in to yet another extension of serious legal curtailments to our lives, our livelihoods and our freedom,” says Tory MP Miriam Cates, “It’s time to ask if we have travelled too far down this road”
- “As a GP in the NHS I witnessed first-hand the catastrophic way Matt Hancock failed the old and vulnerable in care homes” – “If there was one population that needed to be protected it was elderly, vulnerable care home residents,” Dr. Malcolm Kendrick writes in RT. “Matt Hancock presided over policy decisions that threw care home residents under a bus”
- “COVID-19 vaccines: In the rush for regulatory approval, do we need more data?” – Manufacturers of COVID-19 vaccines are now seeking full regulatory approval for their products. But what’s the rush, asks Peter Doshi in the BMJ, and is just six months of data from now unblinded trials acceptable?
- “The Innova scandal Part 3: The U.S. says ‘Throw the tests in the trash‘” – In a third instalment of her Conservative Woman series investigating the Innova lateral flow test, Sonia Elijah covers the announcement from the FDA last week warning that the performance of the test has not been adequately established and directing the public to throw them them in the bin
- “Using weapons of mass deception: Why Covid is Johnson’s Iraq” – “Politicians are a vain lot who yearn for a simple, binary, Manichean issue where they can play a starring Churchillian role,” says Andrew Cadman in the Conservative Woman. “For Johnson and Hancock, it is Covid”
- “Coming to a TV near you, the Covid Comedy of Errors (it’s a gaffe-a-minute)” – In a satirical piece for the Conservative Woman, Suzie Halewood pictures the year gone by as a pitch for a new series to a U.S. television network
- “Susan Michie: Don’t rule out more delays” – UnHerd’s Freddie Sayers interviews Susan Michie, the infamous Government scientist who believes lockdown might not end in July and that face masks could be here forever
- “Delta variant having ‘huge impact on vaccine effectiveness’” – Speaking to Euronews, Dr Michael Head, a Senior Research Fellow in Global Health at the University of Southampton, explains that the Indian Delta variant is having a huge impact on vaccine effectiveness in the U.K.
- “Italy’s AIFA approves using different vaccine for second dose after AstraZeneca jab” – Italian authorities have said that people under the age of 60 who received a first dose of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine can be given a different vaccine for their second dose, Reuters reports
- “No more AstraZeneca shots for under-60s” – Greece’s National Vaccination Committee has recommended that the AstraZeneca vaccine should not be administered to people under the age of 60, according to ekathimerini
- “Get Covid vaccine and chance to win a car as Moscow’s death toll grows” – The Mayor of Moscow is offering anyone who accepts the jab the opportunity to win a car, the Times reports, as the city recorded 69 COVID-19 deaths on Sunday and suspicion of vaccines remains widespread
- “Beijing Protests a Lab Leak Too Much” – “The linguistic evidence is overwhelming that Chinese leaders believe the Wuhan Institute of Virology was the source,” says Perry Link, a Professor of Chinese at the University of California, in the Wall Street Journal
- “Cashier slaughtered in supermarket for telling man to wear a mask” – A cashier was shot and killed after telling a man to put on a mask at a store in the state of Georgia, the New York Post reports
- “Workers push back against hospitals requiring Covid vaccines” – Despite having lost their case, Jennifer Bridges and other workers at Houston Methodist Hospital in Texas remain steadfast in their belief that their employer’s ‘No Jab, No Job’ policy is wrong, AP news reports
- “Wuhan Lab Controversy Illustrates How Government Funding Throttles Scientific Integrity” – “This fear of the loss of grants – and, therefore, livelihoods – undercuts the willingness of scientists ‘to stick their necks out’ with unpopular – but potentially true – viewpoints on the origins of the Covid virus,” writes Raymond C. Niles at the AIER
- “India gingerly eases coronavirus rules as new cases dip to two-month low” – Many Indian states eased restrictions on Monday, Reuters says, including the capital Delhi, where all shops and malls have now been allowed to open
- “Chile faces setback to reopening as coronavirus cases soar” – As cases in the country continue to soar Chilean health authorities have said they would extend a COVID-19 emergency until September to allow the Government to continue to impose restrictions, Reuters reports
- “The looming medical apartheid” – Bill Muehlenberg sounds a warning in Spectator Australia about the “two-tiered society” that will inevitably result from “the growing demands being made by state and business elites to have mandatory corona vaccinations”
- “Press conference of the U.S. Senators” – A recent press conference of U.S. Senators covering mainstream media bias and big tech censorship in reporting on COVID-19 stories and the need for accountability
- “Dr. Roger Hodkinson talks to Anna Brees” – Dr. Roger Hodkinson joins Anna on Brees Media to discuss vaccine side effects
- “Novel coronavirus has a signature never seen in this virus class before” – Sky News Australia’s Sharri Markson speaks to Atossa Therapeutics CEO Dr. Steven Quay who says that SARS-CoV-2 bears a “signature” that’s never been seen in this virus class before and came “completely pre-adapted to humans”
- “We should always have remained open and it’s just a tragedy that we are in this position” – “I’m starting to despair,” says Great Barrington Declaration founding signatory Professor Sunetra Gupta, regretting the continued denial of the principle of focused protection
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It is a disgrace that world famous professors from Oxford, Stanford, Harvard like Senetra Gupta, Carl Heneghan, Martin Kulldorf and Jay Bhattacharya have been censored and smeared ——- Our Prime Minister, his cabinet the majority of MP’s and MSM – are to blame for amounts to Crimes Against Humanity —
And Dr Mike Yeadon.
Great interview, and one of the best rallying cries I’ve ever seen at the end. Many thanks, of course, to Dr Yeadon for sticking his neck out on this.
The link has been censored.
Try searching on Duckduckgo
Well, the link I gave is reading “502 bad gateway”. Same with the link Mke Yeadon gave. Same when I do a search for brandnewtube. Either my computer is playing up or someone is sabotaging brandnewtube (and I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. Strange though, I was watching it less than an hour ago). I suppose it could just be “technical problems”…
(And it is a darn good interview)
It worked just now and then I tried it again and it didn’t. Gremlins?
Possibly. I’d say about 77 of them.
Watch it here
I second your thanks and praise.
Dr. Peter McCullough (another admirable man) in a recent interview advised Mike Yeadon, and others in the Doctors4CovidEthics group, to keep their message short and to the point. These lengthier interviews or presentations are much more elucidating. Mike Yeadon’s explanations and analysis are invaluable to our understanding.
Credit too, to Del Bigtree.
McCullough is excellent. I’ve been watching him for some time and he always impresses me.
That wasn’t McCullough’s point though. You need to get through to the normies, and they aren’t going to sit through an hour and a half long interview, on an “anti-vaxx” show, about a subject they believe is insane.
These interviews are amazing – I agree – but it’s preaching to the choir at this point. A two minute clip you can send to friends and family is far more effective than sending a very long interview that people will not watch.
Sunetra Gupta despairing makes me so sad. Not just for what’s been done but she’s been maligned.
Mind you, she is rather slow to catch on!
“Hancock threw carehome residents under a bus”.
Hear, hear. And shame on him. And all those who think they can help the elderly by making their final months a misery.
Lockdown protesters march on Downing Street 14 . 6. 21
Look carefully you’ll see the back for our heads at about 0:23 secs.
Monday 14th June 2021 UK’s official Covid 19 figures –
7,742 positive PCR tests –
3 (THREE) deaths from any cause within 28 days of a positive PCR test
UK population 68 million
– for that we destroy the economy for another 4 weeks
The COVID 19 and CLIMATE CHANGE rules DON’T apply to the G7 leaders, the EU leaders, or the Royal Family as we all saw in Cornwall. Just the plebs like us.
Do you really think these people care about YOU?
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, the lawyer who brought down Volksawagen and Deutsche Bank, is preparing Nuremburg trials as we speak.
Anti Lockdown Newspaper: https://thelightpaper.co.uk/
Stand in South Hill Park Bracknell every Sunday 10am meet fellow lockdown sceptics
Moreover, they say it is to allow time to jab people. The current rate of death in the UK is 1 in 31,000, which is 6 deaths per day.
That’s not true and Fuellmich keeps stating as such.
He is using class-action lawsuits working with a few hundred lawyers globally and collecting the evidence to help them.
Dr. Simone Gold seems like she’s doing more of the Nuremberg stuff but that will probably take years, and America’s Frontline Doctors are suing local states to stop specific actions.
There is no magic bullet for this. And how do you enforce Nuremberg anyway? It’s quite clear that Tony Blair should probably have been executed for crimes against humanity and he’s free to push yet more crimes against humanity on national TV!
Times is both covid hysteric and adherent to c19 vaccine church. Along with many formally prestige newspapers it should have already lost its credibility, especially how it tries so hard to attribute huge excess deaths caused by lockdowns in non-western/poorer countries to covid19. The arrogance, hubris, it’s just unbelievable.
The Times lost all credibility many years ago.
Two passengers on first ‘fully-vaccinated’ post-Covid cruise from US test positive for coronavirus during voyage in the Caribbean.
So the vaccines don’t work then.
And if vaccines don’t work then what is the point of vaccine passports?
Sceptics have been rightly arguing all year that tests yield false positives. But that’s all forgotten when it’s a vaccinated person “testing positive” -suddenly the tests are assumed absolutely reliable.
There is no medical point for them, never was or will be. But plenty of other, sinister ones.
This statement is too general. We always knew vaccines wouldn’t work for everyone. But, there is another problem in that they may not stop transmission so to answer your question.
None whatsoever. In fact a vaccinated person may present more of a risk since they are less likely to have symptoms.
As Sunetra Gupta points out in her recent interview (from the point of view of someone sympathetic to vaccines) , the information about what they do is totally epidemiologically illiterate.
Need some help: Anyone know where to find data on vaccine adverse effects?
Last time I looked UK Column had a really usefull table of adverse effects you could filter by vaccine and type of effect.
Thank you all.
This may be what you want:
UK Column is best for UK Yellow Card system. VAERS is US database if iirc.
I don’t know if he has been featured on LS before, but this is Rantastik!
Wow. My MP has finally begun to realise that this Covid Cult she helped create might just be a little bit out of control !!!
Let’s hope there’s a few more !
Looking forward to 26th. Do wonder if our betters are going try and start a riot. Taking my swimming goggles.
best description of SAGE i have heard yet
Scientific Activists Generating Emergencies
The most interesting and potentially significant development is that the Torygraph opens with a picture from one of the demos that did not happen.
“the Indian Delta variant is having a huge impact on vaccine effectiveness in the U.K.”
Well – that firmly establishes the Game Plan Part II – “How to negate promises about Snake Oil and generate continuing revenue”
Who is responsible for the quote.
I have suspected for a while this might be the concern. The mutations in the variants are consistent with those observed in ‘in vitro’ experiments.
Again – listen to Gupta on the role of Scary Fairy variants.
I just listened to Gupta. Lots of good stuff. Notice that she says that vaccines work and are an asset because they separate infection from disease – although she believes that we will also need natural immunity to get equilibrium.
I goggled the quote:
the Indian Delta variant is having a huge impact on vaccine effectiveness in the U.K.”
I guess it comes from here. The expert being quoted, Dr. Michael Head, is not saying the vaccines don’t work on the Delta variant – only that you need two doses to get good protection. I think this is already well known.
Paul Bieniasz:
Ph.D. Professor Laboratory of Retrovirology Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Bieniasz led a study which tracked the mutations which led to antibody resistance. Several mutations were common to viruses which escaped immunity, i.e. E484, N501 & N417 mutations. These are now being observed in variants.
The vaccine is limited to recognition of the spike protein. Frequent boosters may be required – with increased risk of harm with each jab.
Thank you for linking to that presentation. It is not often that a top scientist also presents so clearly.
What conclusion do you think I should draw from it? The detail and the methodology is fascinating but it is already well known that some mutations potentially make vaccines less effective and we have seen that in practice in the case of the Delta variant where it means you really need two shots to get the same level of protection. Eventually we may move to annual booster shots for the vulnerable – like we do for flu – or maybe the natural immunity from circulating virus will be sufficient to keep it under control as Gupta suggests.
He didn’t cover antibodies in response to areas outside the spike protein. Are they effective? I get the impression the spike is the vulnerable part of the virus. In any case I am sure there are mutations outside the spike protein which presumably are capable of providing antibody resistance to any antibody that is targeting non-spike areas.
“Speaking to Euronews, Dr Michael Head, a Senior Research Fellow in Global Health at the University of Southampton, explains that the Indian Delta variant is having a huge impact on vaccine effectiveness in the U.K.”
Trans. : The snake oil is pretty useless. Better and cheaper to use Ivermectin.
Yes, they should be dolling out Ivermectin for everyone. Unlike the “vaccines”, it is actually safe, effective and extremely cheap.
But trying to find logic here is a fool’s errand. This was likely never about a virus, the virus is just the excuse for the greater agenda.
The evidence that this is the case is overwhelming at this point. They want every single person on Earth stabbed with one of these damned death shots.
The only question that really matters at this point, is why?
Except he didn’t say the vaccines were pretty useless.
“It [the vaccine] still protects very well against severe disease, against hospitalisation and deaths but one dose of a vaccine only gives you about 30 per cent protection, two doses are between 60 to 80 per cent. So it makes sense to keep cases as low as we can until that vaccination programme is much more advanced,”
His point was that you need two doses to be effective whereas one dose gave a lot of protection for previous variants.
(I was almost convinced of the value of Ivermectin then I read several articles from Health Feedback such as this one: https://healthfeedback.org/claimreview/no-data-available-to-suggest-a-link-between-indias-reduction-of-covid-19-cases-and-the-use-of-ivermectin-jim-hoft-gateway-pundit/)
As an alumni from Southampton I continue to get requests for donations to their cancer research (and have occasionally donated). Maybe this is another reason why I discarded the latest appeal letter in the WPB. Or maybe that is being unkind.
Gay and bisexual men to be allowed to donate blood.
Absolutely brilliant news.
Medical science has enabled this to happen defeating the risk of Aids and HIV contamination.
Along with many, many others I watched Mike Graham’s talk with Peter Hitchens on TR.
I don’t think that it’s exaggerating to say that PH was visibly shocked when MG told him about the old lady on the train who asked for help from a Covidister family with her Zimmer frame and to help her to get off the train at the next station only to be asked: “when was the last time your Zimmer frame was sanitized”?
This obnoxious family should be publicly shamed for all to see.